Seminar 7

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Exercise 32. a) Deduce the meanings of the paronyms in bold type.

b) Translate
the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. a) “And now perhaps you had better leave me. The doctor made a point of quiet
and repose" (P.G. Wodehouse).
b) The drawings were pleasing enough, with quite a sense of atmosphere (J.
2. a) Then the moon rose like a wonderful silver shield (O. Wilde).
b) At a less anxious moment he might have been amused by the conflict his words
aroused (J. Galsworthy).
c) "Forgive me, old man, for asking you not to raise your voice" (P.G.
d) “Not dangerous?" "Yes, sir, when roused" (Id.).
3. a) "I remember before the war when Charles inspected the Corps on a white
horse (J. Ie Carre).
b) There were noises, and directions from Cramer, about removing the corpse, and
in a couple of minutes heavy feet as they carried it out (R. Stout).
4. a) "Nuclear physics," said Erik reflectively. "Maybe that's for me... Did fox ever
ask you why you wanted to be a physicist when you first came here?" (M.
b) "Hello, doc. You got a job here as house physician?" (R. Stout).
Quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ - not making much noise, or making no noise at all
quite /kwaɪt/ - very, but not extremely
rose /rəʊz $ roʊz/ - to appear in the sky
aroused - /əˈraʊz/ - to make you become interested, expect something etc
raise /reɪz/ - to move or lift something to a higher position, place, or level
roused /raʊzd/ - angry
Corps - /kɔːz $ kɔːrz/) - a group in an army with special duties and responsibilities
Corpse - /kɔːps $ kɔːrps/ the dead body of a person
Physics - /ˈfɪzɪks/ the science concerned with the study of physical objects and
substances, and of natural forces such as light, heat, and movement
physicist /ˈfɪzɪsɪst/ a scientist who has special knowledge and training in physics
physician - /fəˈzɪʃən/ - especially American English formal a doctor
Lexical units may be classified according to the concepts underlying their
meaning. Sectors of vocabulary which comprise words characterised by a common
concept as the common denominator of their meaning are called semantic
(conceptual) fields. For example, the words enjoyment, gaiety, happiness, joy,
passion, sorrow, etc. belong to the semantic field of emotions. This field includes
not only nouns, but also verbs (to love, to hate, to enjoy, etc.), such adjectives as
merry, sorrowful, passionate, etc.
Another semantic classification of words is based on paradigmatic hypo- nymic
relations. Hyponymy is a semantic relationship of inclusion: the meanings of the
names of species (hyponyms), e.g. bluebell, daisy, forget-me-not, rose, tulip,
etc. are included in the meaning of flower which functions as the generic term (the
Лексичні одиниці можна класифікувати відповідно до понять, що лежать в
основі їх значення. Сектори лексики, до складу яких входять слова, що
характеризуються загальним поняттям як спільним знаменником їх значення,
називаються семантичними (концептуальними) полями. Наприклад, слова
насолода, веселість, щастя, радість, пристрасть, смуток тощо належать до
семантичного поля емоцій. Це поле включає не лише іменники, але й
дієслова (любити, ненавидіти, насолоджуватись тощо), такі прикметники, як
веселий, сумний, пристрасний тощо.
Інша семантична класифікація слів базується на парадигматичних
гіпонімічних відносинах. Гіпонімія - це семантичний зв’язок включення:
значення назв видів (гіпонімів), напр. дзвіночок, маргаритка, незабудка,
троянда, тюльпан тощо входять до значення квітка, що функціонує як
загальний термін (гіперонім).
Exercise 34. Classify the following words into groups, comprising the generic
term (hyperonym) and the names of the species (hyponyms).
Acacia 2 (is a large genus of shrubs and trees in the subfamily Mimosoideae of the
pea family Fabaceae), акація, ash 2 (Fraxinus /ˈfræksɪnəs/, English name ash, is a
genus of flowering plants in the olive and lilac family, Oleaceae.), ясен, aspen 2
(Aspen trees are all native to cold regions with cool summers, in the north of the
northern hemisphere, extending south at high-altitude areas such as mountains or
high plains.), осика, baobab 2, a short tree with a very thick trunk and large edible
fruit, living to a great age, баобаб; bed 2, the bottom of something, or something
that serves as a base, дно; birch 2, a tree with smooth, often white bark (= outer
covering) and thin branches, береза; bookcase 2, a piece of furniture with shelves
to put books on, книжкова шафа; buffet, a meal consisting of several dishes from
which guests serve themselves, буфет; buggy 2, a small motor vehicle, typically
with an open top, візок для дитини; bureau 2, a writing desk with drawers and
typically an angled top opening downwards to form a writing surface, птсьмовий
стіл; bus 2, a large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically one
serving the public on a fixed route and for a fare, автобус; cabinet 2, a piece of
furniture with shelves or drawers that is used for storing useful things or showing
decorative things, кабінет; car 2, a four-wheeled road vehicle that is powered by
an engine and is able to carry a small number of people, машина; carriage 2, a
vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled by horses and was used mainly in
the past, карета; cart 2, a strong open vehicle with two or four wheels, typically
used for carrying loads and pulled by a horse, віз; cedar 2, any of a number of
conifers that typically yield fragrant, durable timber, кедр; chair 2, a separate seat
for one person, typically with a back and four legs, стілець; chest 2, the front
surface of a person's or animal's body between the neck and the stomach, груди;
chestnut 2, a glossy hard brown edible nut which develops within a bristly case and
which may be roasted and eaten, каштан; chicken 2, a domestic fowl kept for its
eggs or meat, especially a young one, курка; cock 2, a male bird, especially of a
domestic fowl, півень; couch 2, a long upholstered piece of furniture for several
people to sit on, диван; cupboard 2, a recess or piece of furniture with a door and
typically shelves, used for storage, буфет; cypress 2, an evergreen coniferous tree
with small rounded woody cones and flattened shoots bearing small scale-like
leaves, a cypress tree, or branches from it, as a symbol of mourning, кипарис; desk
2, a piece of furniture with a flat or sloping surface and typically with drawers, at
which one can read, write, or do other work, парта; dresser 2, a sideboard with
shelves above for storing and displaying plates and kitchen utensils, туалетний
столик; duck 2, a waterbird with a broad blunt bill, short legs, webbed feet, and a
waddling gait, качка; Earth 2, the planet on which we live; the world, Земля; elm
2, a large tree that loses its leaves in winter, or the wood from this tree, в’яз;
eucalyptus 2, Eucalyptus is a genus of over seven hundred species of flowering
trees, shrubs or mallees in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae, евкаліпт; fir 2, an
evergreen coniferous tree with upright cones and flat needle-shaped leaves,
typically arranged in two rows. Firs are an important source of timber and resins,
ялина; fowl 2, a bird of the order Galliformes that is kept for its eggs and flesh; a
domestic cock or hen, півень; furniture 1, the movable articles that are used to
make a room or building suitable for living or working in, such as tables, chairs, or
desks, меблі; goose 2, a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs, webbed feet,
and a short broad bill. Generally geese are larger than ducks and have longer necks
and shorter bills, гусь; hen 2, an adult female chicken, often kept for its eggs,
квочка; hickory 2, a chiefly North American tree of the walnut family, which
yields tough, heavy timber and typically bears edible nuts (pecans), гікорі,пекан;
highboy 2, a tall chest of drawers with a legged base, комод на високих ніжках;
jeep 2, a small, sturdy motor vehicle with four-wheel drive, especially one used by
the military, джип; Jupiter 2, the largest of the planets and fifth in order from the
sun, Юпітер; maple 2, a tree or shrub with lobed leaves, winged fruits, and
colourful autumn foliage, grown as an ornamental or for its timber or syrupy sap,
клен; Mars 2, is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in
the Solar System, being larger than only Mercury, Марс; Mercury 2, the planet
nearest the sun, Меркурій; mirror 2, a surface, typically of glass coated with a
metal amalgam, which reflects a clear image, дзеркало; motorcycle 2, a two-
wheeled vehicle that is powered by a motor and has no pedals, мотоцикл; Neptune
2, the planet eighth in order from the sun, Нептун; oak 2, a large tree which bears
acorns and typically has lobed deciduous leaves. Oaks are dominant in many north
temperate forests and are an important source of durable timber used in building,
furniture, and (formerly) ships, дуб; palm 2, an unbranched evergreen tree of
tropical and warm regions, with a crown of very long feathered or fan-shaped
leaves, and typically having old leaf scars forming a regular pattern on the trunk,
пальма; pheasant 2, a large long-tailed game bird native to Asia, the male of which
typically has very showy plumage, фазан; pine 2, an evergreen coniferous tree
which has clusters of long needle-shaped leaves. Many kinds are grown for the soft
timber, which is widely used for furniture and pulp, or for tar and turpentine,
сосна; plane 2, a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it
would wholly lie, літак; planet 1, is a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the
Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so
that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared
the neighbourhood around its orbit, планета; Pluto 2, a dwarf planet occupying an
orbit that crosses the orbit of Neptune, Плутон; poplar 2, any of a genus (Populus)
of slender catkin-bearing quick-growing deciduous trees (such as an aspen or
cottonwood) of the willow family, тополя; rover, Saturn 2, is the sixth planet from
the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter, Сатурн; sequoia
2, a redwood tree, especially the California redwood, секвоя; sideboard 2, a piece
of furniture with a flat top and cupboards at the bottom, usually used for holding
glasses, plates, etc, буфет,сервант; sleigh 2, a sledge drawn by horses or reindeer,
especially one used for passengers, сани; sofa 2, a long upholstered seat with a
back and arms, for two or more people, диван; stool 2, a seat without a back or
arms, typically resting on three or four legs or on a single pedestal, стільчик;
sycamore 2, a large Eurasian maple with winged fruits, native to central and
southern Europe. It is planted as a fast-growing ornamental but tends to displace
native trees, явір; swan 2, a large waterbird with a long flexible neck, short legs,
webbed feet, a broad bill, and typically all-white plumage, лебідь; table 2, a piece
of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for
eating, writing, or working at, стіл; taxi 2, a motor vehicle licensed to transport
passengers in return for payment of a fare and typically fitted with a taximeter,
таксі; tree 1, a woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk
growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance
from the ground, дерево; truck 2, a large, heavy road vehicle used for carrying
goods, materials, or troops; a lorry, вантажівка; turkey 2, a large mainly
domesticated game bird native to North America, having a bald head and (in the
male) red wattles. It is a popular food on festive occasions such as Christmas and
(in the US) Thanksgiving, індичка; Uranus 2, the planet seventh in order from the
sun, Уран; van 2, a medium-sized motor vehicle, typically without side windows
in the rear part, for transporting goods. "delivery vans can't pull in and are holding
up the traffic behind them", фургон; vehicle 1, a thing used for transporting people
or goods, especially on land, such as a car, lorry, or cart, транспорт; Venus 2, the
planet second in order from the sun, Венера; wagon 2, a vehicle used for
transporting goods or another specified purpose; walnut 2, a tall tree on which
walnuts grow, фургон; willow 2, a tree or shrub of temperate climates which
typically has narrow leaves, bears catkins, and grows near water. Its pliant
branches yield osiers for basketry, and the timber is traditionally used to make
cricket bats, ііва.
Phraseological units are stable word-groups characterized by a completely or
partially transferred meaning.
There exist several different classifications of phraseological units based on
different principles.
According to the classification based on the semantic principle English
phraseological units fall into the following classes:
1. Fusions - completely non-motivated idiomatic word-groups, e.g. to show the
white feather ("to betray one's cowardice"), to pull smb.'s leg ("to deceive
smb."), to bell the cat ("to take a risk for the good of others"), red tape
("bureaucratic delays"), a white elephant ("a present one can't get rid of), half
seas over ("drunk"), once in a blue moon ("hardly at all" or "hardly ever"), etc.
2. Half-fusions - stable word-groups in which the leading component is literal,
while the rest of the group is idiomaticaly fused, e.g. to rain cats and dogs ("to
rain heavily"), to talk through one's hat ("to talk foolishly"), to work double
tides ("to work very hard"), to buy smth. for a song ("to buy smth. very
cheaply"), to pay through the nose ("to pay unreasonably much"), etc.
3. Unities - metaphorically motivated idioms, e.g. to make a mountain out of a
molehill ("to become excited about trifles"), to play second fiddle ("to have a
lower or less important position"), to wash one's dirty linen in public ("to tell
people about one's hidden sins and faults"), a snake in the grass ("a person with
harmful intentions"; "a hidden enemy"), etc.
4. Half-unities binary word-groups in which one of the components is literal,
while the other is phraseologically bound (the so-termed phrasemes), e.g. black
frost (“frost without ice or snow"), small talk (“polite talk about unimportant
things"), a tall story ("a lie"), Dutch courage ("courage of a drunk"), husband's
tea (“very weak tea"), to talk turkey ("to talk plainly and honestly about practical
matters"), etc.
5. Phraseological collocations (standardized phrases) - word-groups with the
components whose combinative power (valency) is strictly limited, e.g. to make
friends (but not * to do friends or * to make comrades), to bear a grudge, to
break silence, to make sure, to take into account, unconditional surrender,
ways and means, now and then, etc.
6. Phraseological expressions - proverbs, sayings and aphoristic familiar
quotations, e.g. Birds of a feather flock together (-Рибак рибака пізнає
здалека); Still water runs deep (= Тиха вода греблю рве); No pains no gains
( Без труда нема плода); Something is rotten in the state of Denmark (= Не все
гаразд у Датському королівстві, тобто «щось не гаразд, справи йдуть не так,
як треба»); Brevity is the soul of wit (Стислість - основа дотепності) (W.
Shakespeare); Fools rush in where angels fear to tread (= дурням закон не
писаний) (A. Pope), etc.
Фразеологічні одиниці - це стійкі групи слів, що характеризуються повністю
або частково переданим значенням. Існує кілька різних класифікацій
фразеологічних одиниць, заснованих на різних принципах. Відповідно до
класифікації, заснованої на семантичному принципі, англійські фразеологічні
одиниці поділяються на такі класи:
1. Злиття - повністю немотивовані ідіоматичні групи слів, напр. показати
біле перо ("зрадити своєму боягузтву"), потягнути за ногу хуторянина
("обдурити малечу"), подзвонити коту ("ризикнути на благо інших"),
тяганину ("бюрократичні затримки"), білий слон ("теперішній не може
позбутися), напівморі (" п'яний "), один раз у синьому місяці (" навряд чи
взагалі "або" навряд чи коли-небудь "), та ін.
2. Напівзлиття - стабільні групи слів, у яких провідний компонент є
буквальним, тоді як решта групи ідіоматично злита, наприклад, дощовим
котам і собакам ("сильний дощ"), щоб говорити через капелюх ( "дурно
говорити"), працювати подвійно ("дуже працювати"), купувати щось за пісню
("купувати щось дуже дешево"), платити через ніс ("платити безпідставно" )
і т. д.
3. Єдності - метафорично мотивовані ідіоми, наприклад, зробити гору з
кротовини («захоплюватися дрібницями»), грати в другу скрипку («мати
нижчу або менш важливу позицію»), мити брудна білизна на публіці
("розповідати людям про свої приховані гріхи та провини"), змія в траві
(«людина зі шкідливими намірами»; "прихований ворог") і т. д.
4. Напівз'єднання двійкових груп слів, в яких один із компонентів є
буквальним, а інший фразеологічно пов'язаний (так звані фрази), напр.
чорний мороз (“мороз без льоду чи снігу”), бесіда (“чемна розмова про
незначні речі”), висока історія (“брехня”), голландська мужність (“мужність
п’яного”), чай чоловіка (“дуже слабкий чай”), розмовляти індичкою
(“говорити чітко і чесно про практичні питання”) тощо.
5. Фразеологічні колокації (стандартизовані фрази) - групи слів із
компонентами, поєднальна сила яких (валентність) суворо обмежений,
наприклад, дружити (але не * дружити або * товаришувати), нести образу,
порушувати мовчання, переконуватись, беручи до уваги беззастережну
капітуляцію, способи та засоби, час від часу, та ін.
6. Фразеологічні вислови - прислів’я, приказки та афористичні звичні цитати,
наприклад, пташині пір’я злітаються (-Рибак рибака пізнає здалека); Тиха
вода тече глибоко плода); Щось гниле у штаті Данія (= Не все гаразд у
Дацькому королівстві, тобто «щось не гаразд, справи йдуть не так, як
треба»); Стислість - душа дотепу (Стилість - основа дотепності) (W
Шекспір); Дурні кидаються туди, де ангели бояться ступати (= дурням закон
не писаний) (А. Папа ) тощо.
Exercise 1. a) Group the phraseolosical units in bold type according to their
classification based on the semantic principle. b) Translate the sentences into
1. He went to the bed and sat on the edge but did not lie down. It was not in the
cards for him to sleep that night. The phone rang (S. Bellow).
2. "You're a very self-sufficient person, with a life plan of his own." There she was
right on the nail (ld.).
3. "Would you like her yourself, Reggie?" "My God, would I not! She's terrific. A
trifle long in the tooth, mark you, but she has style, real style" (J. Braine).
4. "Aren't you clever?" said Tuppence. "Especially at drawing red herring across
the track. Let's go back to what we were talking about before" (A. Christie).
5. "Come, let us not beat about the bush" (Id.).
6. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." That's been the Hemmingway
motto for over a hundred years (A.J. Cronin).
7. He said: "Jimmy, for God's sake don't bring a hornet's nest about your ears"
8. He took good care of his heart by eating the boiled meats (J.P. Donleavy).
9. "You're talking through your hat," he said aimlessly and largely in order to
get time (Th. Dreiser).
10. Junior was the apple of her eye, and she had big marital plans for him when
that time came (D. Dunne).
Exercise 2. a) State the source of the following idioms. b) Give their Ukrainian
Achilles' heel, An Achilles heel is a weakness in spite of overall strength, which
can lead to downfall. While the mythological origin refers to a physical
vulnerability, idiomatic references to other attributes or qualities that can lead to
downfall are common, Ахілесова п’ята; smb. 's cat's paw, A dupe, a sucker who
does another person’s dirty work. The term comes from an ancient tale about a
monkey who wanted to get some roasted chestnuts out of the fire and, not wanting
to burn his own fingers, got his friend the cat to use his paws for this purpose,
зробити кого-л. своїм знаряддям; to cross the Rubicon, To make an irrevocable
decision; it comes from the name of the river Julius Caesar crossed with his army,
thereby starting a civil war in Rome, зробити крок, після якого не можна нічого
змінити "перейти Рубікон"; to cut the Gordian knot, solve or remove a problem
in a direct or forceful way, rejecting gentler or more indirect methods, розрубати
Гордіїв вузол; Damocle's sword, If you say that someone has the Sword of
Damocles hanging over their head, you mean that they are in a situation in which
something very bad could happen to them at any time, The king, weary of
Damocles' obsequious flattery, invited him to a banquet and seated him under a
sword hung by a single hair, so as to point out to him the precariousness of his
position. Дамоклів меч; forbidden fruit, a thing that is desired all the more
because it is not allowed, Forbidden fruit originates from the Garden of Eden bible
story. The biblical 'forbidden fruit' was of course the apple. In the story the type of
fruit isn't actually mentioned - God forbade Adam and Eve to touch the fruit of the
tree of knowledge, заборонений фрукт, Judas' kiss, an act of betrayal, especially
one disguised as a gesture of friendship, The phrase alludes to the Biblical account
of the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, who kissed Jesus to identify him to the
authorities arresting him. Don't try to be my friend now, it's just a Judas kiss!,
поцілунок Іуди; a labour of Hercules, A job, task, or activity that requires a huge
amount of effort, energy, or physical strength. Sometimes used ironically or
hyperbolically. But getting enough votes to pass the controversial legislation may
prove to be a labor of Hercules, The Twelve Labours of Heracles are a series of
episodes concerning a penance carried out by Heracles, the greatest of the Greek
heroes, whose name was later romanised as Hercules, подвиги Геракла; the lion's
share, The lion's share is an idiomatic expression which now refers to the major
share of something. ... The phrase derives from the plot of a number of fables
ascribed to Aesop and is used here as their generic title, левова частка; the
massacre of the innocents, the slaughter of all the young male children of
Bethlehem at Herod's command in an attempt to destroy Jesus, The Gospel of St.
Matthew tells the story of the Massacre of the Innocents. King Herod ordered the
killing of all boys under the age of two born in the Bethlehem area, for the Magi
had told him that a child destined to become the king of the Jews had been born in
the city, Побиття немовлят; to meet one's Waterloo, to be defeated, This term
alludes to Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo, Belgium, in 1815, marking the end of his
military domination of Europe. It was being transferred to other kinds of defeat by
the mid-1800s., зустріти Ватерло; Procrustes' bed, a scheme or pattern into
which someone or something is arbitrarily forced, n the Greek myth, Procrustes
was a son of Poseidon with a stronghold on Mount Korydallos at Erineus, on the
sacred way between Athens and Eleusis. There he had a bed, in which he invited
every passer-by to spend the night, and where he set to work on them with his
smith's hammer, to stretch them to fit, ліжко Прокруста; Pyrric victory, a victory
that is not worth winning because the winner has lost so much in winning it, A
pyrrhic victory is a victory that comes at a great cost, perhaps making the ordeal to
win not worth it. It relates to Pyrrhus, a king of Epirus who defeated the Romans in
279 BCE but lost many of his troops, піррова перемога; the serpent in the tree,
Sisyphean labour, difficult and futile task, endless work (from a Greek myth in
which king Sisyphus was doomed to eternally push a boulder up a hill for
offending Zeus), Сізіфова праця; Solomon judgement, a judgement which is
very hard to make ORIGIN: From the story in the Bible in which a wise judgement
is given by King Solomon to two women who both claimed to be the mother of a
baby, суд Соломона; sour grapes, If you describe someone's attitude as sour
grapes, you mean that they say something is worthless or undesirable because they
want it themselves but cannot have it, The phrase originated in Aesop's Fables, in a
story called “The Fox and the Grapes.” A fox sees a juicy bunch of grapes hanging
from a trellised vine and yearns to have them. ... In an attempt to save his
reputation and cure his smarting ego, the fox says the grapes were sour anyway, so
he never really wanted them, кислий виноград; thirty pieces of silver, The
money Judas Iscariot received for betraying Jesus to the authorities. He later threw
the money into the Temple of Jerusalem (see also Jerusalem), and the chief priests
bought the “potter's field” with it, to be used as a cemetery for foreigners,
тридцять срібняків.
Exercise 4. Give the proverbs from which the following phraseological units have
A bee in one's bonnet; beer and skittles; a bird in the bush; birds of a feather; a
black sheep; to cast pearls before swine; to catch smb. with chaff; to clutch at a
straw; to cry over spilt milk; the early bird; to eat one's cake and have it; the last
Phraseological units belonging to Classes 1-5 may be classified in accordance with
their structure and their ability to perform the same syntactical functions as parts of
speech. The classification based on the structural principles distinguishes
phraseological units into the following classes:
1. Verbal, e.g. to ride the high horse, to lose one's head, to drop a brick, to take the
bull by the horns, to take a fancy, etc.
2. Substantive, e.g. a grass widow, a drop in the bucket, a bull in a china shop, the
apple of discord, a maiden speech, etc.
3. Adjectival, e.g. high and mighty, high and dry, fair and square, as dead as a
door nail, as busy as a bee, etc.
4. Adverbial, e.g. from head to foot, by hook or by crook, by a long chalk, as the
crow flies, like a shot, in a trice, etc.
5. Interjectional, e.g. good heavens!, sakes alive!, by George!, my eye!, holy
smoke!, goodness gracious!
Фразеологічні одиниці, що належать до 1-5 класів, можуть бути
класифіковані відповідно до їх структури та здатності виконувати ті самі
синтаксичні функції, що й частини мови. Класифікація, заснована на
структурних принципах, виділяє фразеологічні одиниці на такі класи:
1. Дієслівні, напр. їхати на високому коні, загубити голову, кинути цеглу,
взяти бика за роги, пофантазувати і т. д.
2. Суттєвий, напр. вдова трави, крапля у відрі, бик у китайському магазині,
яблуко розбрату, дівоча мова тощо
3. Ад'єктивність, напр. високий і могутній, високий і сухий, справедливий і
квадратний, мертвий, як цвях у двері, зайнятий, як бджола тощо
4. Прислівниковий, напр. від голови до ноги, гачком або жуликом, довгим
крейдою, як ворона летить, як постріл, у трис і т. д.
5. Інтер'єкційний, напр. добрі небеса !, рятує живий!, Георгієм!
Exercise 8. a) Complete the following stable idiomatic similes. b) Translate them
into Ukrainian. (Choose the words from the lists in brackets).
1. as black as..., as brown as..., as busy as..., as clean as..., as clever as..., as
cold as..., as dull as..., as green as..., as light as..., as obstinate as..., as old
as..., as pleased as..., as proud as..., as red as..., as regular as..., as safe as...,
as stubborn as..., as thin as..., as warm as..., as white as...
(a beetroot, the Bank of England, a donkey, a feather, ditch-water, a boo, a
gooseberry, a mule, hills, punch, a toast, a monkey, soot, clockwork, a sheet, a
berry, a new pin, a peacock, a rail, charity).
Many phraseological units are polysemantic. Their polysemantic structure
develops mostly due to further metaphoric transference of their meaning.
Багато фразеологічних одиниць є полісемантичними. Їх полісемантична
структура розвивається здебільшого завдяки подальшому метафоричному
перенесенню їх значення.
Exercise 11. a) Define the meanings of the following polysemantic units in bold
type. Comment on the ways of developing their polysemy. b) Translate the
sentence into Ukrainian.
1. a) "That's all up in the air. That's the trouble with you. You're too
impractical for words (A.J. Cronin). "Це все в повітрі. Ось у чому біда з
тобою. Ти занадто непрактичний для слів.
Up in the air - If a matter is up in the air, it is uncertain, often because other
matters have to be decided first
Not settled, uncertain, as in The proposal to build a golf course next to the airport
is still up in the air. This metaphoric expression likens something floating in the air
to an unsettled matter. Put as in the air from the mid-1700s, it acquired up in the
first half of the 1900s.
b) Some were excited because there was scandal in the air (Ch.P. Snow). Деякі
були схвильовані, тому що відбувався скандал.
in the air - felt by a number of people to be happening or about to happen.
2. a) "Oh, I wouldn't let you pay me, Professor Alsto!" "I'll try to get the
department to foot the bill" (U. Sinclair). "О, я б не дозволив вам платити
мені, професоре Альсто!" "Я спробую змусити відділ сплатити
to foot the bill - pay the bill for something, typically when the amount is
considered large or unreasonable.
b) "Never mix your emotions with your duties. It always ends us with your having
to foot the bill" (S. Heym). "Ніколи не змішуйте свої емоції зі своїми
обов'язками . Це завжди закінчує нас тим, що ви повинні сплатити рахунок "
foot the bill –
The idiom foot the bill is derived from an earlier idiom first used in the 1500s: foot
up. This phrase meant to add up the figures on a document and come to a total at
the foot of the bill. By the early 1800s, the phrase had morphed into today's form,
foot the bill, meaning to pay the total at the foot of the bill.
3. a) "You don't seem yourself. You've been overdoing it." "It's nothing." She
forced a smile. "No, you're a bit off colour" (A.J. Cronin). " Ви не схожі на
себе. Ви перестаралися. "" Це нічого. "Вона змусила посміхнутися."
Ні, ти трохи не в собі"
off colour - If you say that someone's performance is off-colour, you mean that
they are not performing as well as they usually do.
b)"/.../ If I crack anything that's just the least bit off colour I get the razz for fair!"
(S. Lewis). " /.../ Якщо я зломлю що-небудь, що найменше відкусив колір, я
отримую роззу за справедливу! "
off colour - indecent or indelicate; risqué
1858, "defective or inferior because not of a natural or proper color," from off
(prep.) + color (n.); originally used of gems; figurative extension to "not of the
proper character, of questionable taste, risqué" is American English, 1867.
4. a) "Some poor sod's come a cropper," he said, bending to look at the
prostrate body (A. Sillitoe). " Якась бідна дерновина прийшла врожаєм ",
- сказав він, нахиляючись, щоб подивитися на тіло, що лежало внизу
come a cropper - a plant that furnishes a crop.
b) He had been involved in a duel between two rival groups of company
promoters, and came a cropper (K.S. Prichard).Він брав участь у поєдинку між
двома конкуруючими групами промоутерів компаній, і зазнав невдачі.
come a cropper - If you say that someone has come a cropper, you mean that they
have had an unexpected and embarrassing failure.
The phrase come from a British origin which is said to have been amongst the
imaginations of the Victorian inventors who brought the phrase about from Henry
Smith Cropper, the Sheriff of Nottingham. The phrase is speculated to have begun
from the accidents that took place in the printing press that H.S.
In the 18th century, anyone who took a headlong fall from a horse was said to have
fallen 'neck and crop'; for example, this extract from the English poet Edward
Nairne's Poems, 1791: ... 'Come a cropper' is just a colloquial way of describing a
'neck and crop' fall. The phrase is first cited in Robert S
5 a) He let fly at the cows with a handful of small stones (Longman'). Він обкидав
корів жменькою дрібних каменів.
let fly - to shoot or throw something

b) "You're up against me. Sorry, but there it is! You can let fly”(J. Galsworthy).
«Ви проти мене. Вибачте, але воно! Ти можеш критикувати»
let fly - to criticize someone angrily
A.S. fléogan, pa.t. fleáh; Ger. fliegen.
5. a) When Ma heard about it, she came right out and put her foot down hard.
She told my old man she wasn't going to let Handsome and me break our
backs picking berries for him to sell (B. Caldwell). Коли Ма почула про
це, вона прямо вийшла і авторитетно зупинила дію. Вона сказала
моєму старому, що не збирається дозволити нам і Красуню зламати
спину, збираючи ягоди, щоб він його продав.
put her foot down - If someone puts their foot down, they use their authority in
order to stop something happening.
b) I don't like driving fast, so I get really afraid when he puts his foot down
(Longman). Я не люблю швидко їздити, тому я дуже боюся, коли він
put her foot down - If someone puts their foot down when they are driving, they
drive as fast as they can.
This expression is thought to have originated in 16th century but it actually became
popular and common in 18th century. It is observable that when you clump or
tramp your foot on ground, it means to demand someone’s attention.
Phraseological antonyms are of two main types: they may either differ in single
component (to do one's best - to do one's worst; up to date - out of date3; to look
black - to look bright, etc.) or have different sets of components (to draw the
first breath - to breathe one's last; to take a circuit - to make a bee- line; to
talk nineteen to the dozen - to keep mum, etc.).
Фразеологічні антоніми бувають двох основних типів: вони можуть або
відрізнятися окремими компонентами (робити все можливе - робити
найгірше; сучасний - застарілий; виглядати чорним - виглядати яскраво
тощо) або мати різні набори компоненти (зробити перший вдих - вдихнути
останнім; взяти ланцюг - зробити бджолину лінію; поговорити дев’ятнадцять
до десятка - тримати маму тощо).
Exercise 14. a) Choose antonyms to the following phraseological units (Use the
list in brackets below). b) Translate these antonymous pairs into Ukrainian.
Milk for babes; Tom Thumb; to know smth. from A to Z; to keep one's chin up;
under a bushel; a green hand at smth.; within one's reach; big wigs; as slow as a
snail; to keep one's tongue between one's teeth; cold as a fish; not to care a rap for
smth.; to be worse than one's word; not to have a penny; to bless oneself with; to
be in one's good books; as rich as Croesus; to open a door to smth.
(as quick as a Hash; to be in one's bad books; to close the door to smth.; not to
know A from B; as poor as a church mouse; to keep one's word; a hard nut to
crack; hot as pepper; to wag one's tongue; above board; to hang down one's head;
an old hand at smth.; to make much of smth.; above one's reach; small potatoes; to
roll in money; long drink of water.)
Молоко для немовлят; Том Палець; знати щось. від А до Я; тримати
підборіддя вгору; під бушелем; зелена рука на межі .; в межах досяжності;
великі перуки; повільний, як равлик; тримати язик за зубами; холодний як
риба; не дбати про реп за щось; бути гіршим за своє слово; не мати ні
копійки; благословити себе; бути в своїх добрих книгах; такий багатий, як
Крез; відкрити двері для чогось. (швидко, як хеш; опинитися в поганих
книгах; зачинити двері перед тим; не знати А з В; такий же бідний, як
церковна миша; дотримуватись свого слова; твердий горіх, який тріснув; ;
помахати язиком; над дошкою; повісити голову; стара рука на штуці; зробити
велику частину речі; над досяжністю; маленька картопля; кататися в грошах;
довго пити воду.)

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