Seminar 3

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In reduplication compounds are made by doubling a stem (often a pseudo-

morpheme). Reduplicative compounds fall into three main subgroups:
1) Reduplicative compounds proper whose ICs are identical in their form,
e.g.: murmur, bye-bye, blah-blah, pooh-pooh, goody-goody, etc., власні
мікросхеми яких однакові за своєю формою
2) Ablaut (gradational) compounds whose ICs have different root-vowels,
e.g.: riff-raff, dilly-dally, ping-pong, chit-chat, singsong, etc., мікросхеми
мають різні кореневі голосні
3) Rhyme compounds whose ICs are joined to rhyme, e.g.: willy-nilly, helter-
skelter, hoity-toity, namby-pamby, walkie-talkie, etc., ICs яких приєднані до
Exercise 23. a) Pick out reduplicative compounds; comment on their ICs. b) Translate
the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. Mr. Sloane 1) murmured something close to her ear (F.S.Fitzgerald).
Містер Слоун пробурмотів (прошепотів) близько до вуха.
2. Burke launched into British social 2) chitchat (E. Queen). Берк розпочав
британське соціальне читання.
3. "Let's have coffee outside. We'll finish our 3) powwow in the lounge" (A.J.
Cronin). «Давай вип’ємо кави на вулиці. Ми закінчимо свою справу у
4. 1 was sick and tired of all this 2) flimflam. Why didn't he talk straight? (H.
Robbins). Я був хворий і втомився від усієї цієї брехні. Чому він не
говорив прямо?
5. He didn't like me calling him 'sir'- we were supposed to be 1) buddy-buddies
(E. Lacy). Йому не сподобалось, що я називаю його «сер» - ми мали бути
6. Through the barred but open window, he had heard...the lazy rise and fall of
Sheriff Fred Stratton's 2) sing- song voice calling out a greeting to the man
inside (J. Craig). Через зачинене, але відчинене вікно він почув… ледачий
підйом і падіння співочого голосу шерифа Фреда Страттона, що
викликував привітання людині всередині.
7. The house, once furnished, stayed as it was with Emily quite capable of
replenishing 2) knick-knacks, repapering the walls...(M. Bragg). Будинок,
будучи мебльованим, залишився таким, який був У Емілі, цілком здатним
поповнити маленькі деталі (дрібниці), перепланувати стіни.
8. Sometimes when her son was in a particularly amiable humour he would
boisterously help her to small 3) titbits from his plate (A.J. Cronin). Іноді,
коли її син був у особливо привітному гуморі, він наполегливо забирав її
маленькі ласі шматочки зі своєї тарілки.
9. Bordering the meadows of the river Leven, were the galleries, coco-nut shies,
lab-in-the-tub and 3) molly-dolly stalls the fruit, lemonade, 3)hokey-pokey and
nougat vendors, and a multitude of small booths which engaged and fascinated
the eye (Id.). Межуючи з луками річки Левен: галереї, кокосові горіхи,
лабораторії у ванні та льодяник з фруктами, лимонадом, дешеве морозиво
та нуга, а також безліч маленьких кабінок, які залучили та зачарували око.
10. It was a reconnaisance photo, the kind taken from an airplane camera ... It
depicted an airport by its 2) criss-crossed runway lines. (M. Maloney). Це
було розвідуальне фото, подібне до того, яке було знято з камери літака…
На ньому був зображений аеропорт через перехрещені лінії злітно-
посадкової смуги.
Conversion is a special type of affixless derivation where a newly-formed word
acquires a paradigm and syntactic functions different from those of the original
As a matter of fact, all parts of speech can be drawn into the wordbuilding
process of conversion to a certain extent. Its derivational patterns are varied, the
most widespread among them being N- V, V- N, A-> V.
Exercise 27. Comment on the examples of converted words in the sentences below.
State to what part of speech they belong and the derivational pattern of conversion.
1. Miss Watkins was a nobody. She was a drifter. No family, no close friends
(P. Benchley).
• drift-drifter V-N
• Міс Уоткінс була нікому не відома людина. Вона була дрифтером. Ні
родини, ні близьких друзів drift-drifter
2. He turned his head wearily /ˈwɪərili/ on the pillow /ˈpɪləʊ/. The nurse shooed
us from the room then (H. Robbins).
• Weary /ˈwɪəri /– wearily. Дуже втомлений (adj-adv)
• Він стомлено схилив голову на подушку. Затим, медсестра вигнала нас
із палати.
3. It stood up as they neared my table.
• Він підвівся, коли вони наблизилися до мого столу.
near – to near, adverb- v, adj
4. It called Jane in and told her to get all the department heads up into my
office... What was the good of being boss if nobody showed up for you to
boss? (Id.).
• Good (adj/ of a high standard or quality)– the good (n/ behaviour, attitudes,
forces etc that are morally right)
• Boss(noun/ someone with an important position in a company or other
- Boss (adj/ very good, attractive, or fashionable)
- To boss ( verb/ to tell people to do things, give them orders etc, especially
when you have no authority to do it)
• Зателефонув Джейн і сказав їй зібрати всіх начальників відділу до мого
кабінету... ???...........................................................................................
5. George signalled /ˈsɪɡnələd/ for the check. The waiter brought it and he paid
him (Id.).
• Signal (noun/ a sound or an action that you make in order to give
information to someone or tell them to do something)
- signal (adj. important)
- signal (verb, to make a sound or an action in order to give information or tell
someone to do something)
Джордж дав знак, щоб принесли рахунок. Офіціант приніс, і він
заплатив йому (Id.).
6. Mr. Murchison had one little eccentricity /ˌeksenˈtrɪsəti/, which he kept
extremely private. It was a mere /mɪə/ nothing, a thought, a whim; it seems
unfair to mention it (J. Collier).
• Mention (noun/ piece of writing etc)
• Mention (verb/ to talk or write about something or someone, usually quickly
and without saying very much or giving details)
• Містер Мерчісон мав дивну поведінку, яку він приховував. Це було
просто ніщо як думка, примха; здається неправильним згадувати про це.
7. The talk reverted /rɪˈvɜːtid/ to the subject which had been tabooed before (A.
• Talk (noun/ a conversation) розмова
-to talk (verb/ to say things to someone as part of a conversation) розмовляти
• Taboo (noun) табу
Taboo (adj. not accepted as socially correct) заборонений, незаконний,
• Розмова повернулася до теми, яка раніше була заборонена
8. Seizing /siːzin/ the knocker, she executed a deafening /ˈdefənɪŋ/ rat-a-tat-tat
and, in addition, thumped /θʌmp/ upon the panels /ˈpænls/ of the door (Id.).
• Thump (noun/ an action in which you hit someone or something)
-thump (verb/ to hit against something loudly)
• Схопивши молотка, вона виконала оглушливе рататата, крім того,
вдарившись об дверну панель
9. I heard a miaow /miˈaʊ/ behind me, and, turning, saw a lean /liːn/ white cat
(H. Wells).
• Lean (verb/ to move or bend your body in a particular direction)
-lean (adj/ thin in a healthy and attractive way)
• Я почув за собою мнявчання, і, обернувшись, побачив худого білого
10. He was sweating /swetin/ a little from being down around the
engines /ˈendʒɪns/, and he straightened /ˈstreɪtnd/ up and wiped his face with a
piece of waste (E. Hemingway).
• Sweat (noun/ perspiration /ˌpɜːspəˈreɪʃən / hard work, especially when it is
boring or unpleasant )піт, тяжка робота
-sweat (verb/ perspire /pəˈspaɪə) пітніти
• Він трохи cпітнів будучи внизу серед двигунів, і він випрямився і витер
обличчя шмАтою
11. Caroline put the palms /pɑːms/ of her hands out to the sun to get them
browned (M. Spark).
• Palm (verb/ to hide something in the palm of your hand especially when you
are performing a magic trick or stealing something)
-palm (noun/ part of hand (the inside surface of your hand, in which you hold
things)) долоня
• Brown (noun/ colour of coffe)
-brown (adj/ having the colour of earth, wood, or coffee)
-brown (verb/ to become brown because of the sun’s heat, or to make
something brown in this way)
• Каролінв простягнула долоні до сонця, щоб вони загоріли
12. She pursed /pɜːst/ her lips. "Well, you certainly are in a vile humor,"
she observed.
• Humor (verb/ to do what someone wants or to pretend to agree with them so
that they do not become upset)
Humor (noun/ the ability to think that things are funny)
• Вона стиснула губи. "Ну в тебе й жорсткий гумор", - зауважила вона
13. They had reached the bus stop. There was no bus in sight (Id.).
• Reach (noun/ the distance that you can stretch out your arm to touch
something) охоплення
-Reach (verb/ to arrive at a place)
-bus (verb/ to take a person or a group of people somewhere in a bus)
підвозити, відвозити
-bus (noun/ a large vehicle that people pay to travel on) автобус
• Вони дійшли до зупинки. Автобуса не було видно.
14. His face paled. Hatred /ˈheɪtrɪd/ choked /tʃəʊkt/ him (Id.).
Pale (verb/ if your face pales, it becomes whiter than usual because you have
had a shock) збліднути
Зфду (adj/ having a skin colour that is very white, or whiter than it usually is)
Його обличчя зблідло. Його душила ненависть.
15. The fan-fair was blaring as we shied at everything and walked along
the front avoiding fire-crackers
Walk (noun/ a journey that you make by walking, especially for exercise or
Walk (verb/ to walk somewhere with someone)
Фанат-ярмарок репетував, коли ми всього боялись усього і йшли вздовж
фронту, уникаючи петард.
Substantivation is the process in which adjectives (or participles) acquire the
paradigm and syntactic functions of nouns. One should distinguish two main
types of substantivation: complete and partial.
Completely substantivized adjectives have the full paradigm of a noun, i.e.
singular and plural case forms. They may be associated with various
determiners (definite, indefinite and zero articles, demonstrative and possessive
pronouns, etc.), e.g. an official, the official, officials, the officials, official's,
officials', this official, our officials, etc. Complete substantivation is often
regarded as a pattern of conversion (A- N), though it may be argued, since, as a
rule, it is the result of ellipsis in an attributive phrase: a conservative politician-
a conservative, a convertible car-> a convertible.
In the case of partial substantivation adjectives do not acquire the full paradigm
of a noun. They fall into several structural-semantic groups:
a) partially substantivized adjectives (PSA) or participles which are singular in
form though plural in meaning. They are used with the definite article and
denote a group or a class of people, e.g. the rich, the accused, the English,
the blind, the living, etc.;
b) PSA used mostly in the pluraf and denoting a group or a class of people, e.g.
reds, greens, buffs, blues, etc.;
c) PSA used mostly in the plural and denoting inanimate things, e.g. sweets,
ancients, eatables, etc.;
d) PSA presenting properties as substantive abstract notions, e.g. the good, the
evil, the beautiful, the singular, etc.;
e) PSA denoting languages, e.g. English, German, Ukrainian, Italian, etc.
Exercise 34. a) Pick out all the substantivized adjectives from the following sentences.
Comment on their structural-semantic features and the degree of substantivation. b)
Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. Her father, a native of that island, practised as a a) veterinary surgeon
(W.S. Maugham). Її батько, корінний житель цього острова, працював
ветеринарним хірургом.
2. And they do say to the pure all things are b) pure (Id.). І вони кажуть
чистому, що все є чистим.
3. a) The real criminals of our present time are not those who can be detected,
or if so detected, seized (Th. Dreiser). Справжні злочинці нашого часу – це
не ті, кого можна виявити обо, якщо вони виявлені, схопити.
4. I turned towards the office and the five letters in b) Spanish and the three in
b) Turkish which lay on my desk (G. Greene). Я звернувся до кабінетута 5
листів іспанською та трьох турецьких, які лежали на моєму столі.
5. Doctor Fischer and the a) Divisionnaire were the only Swiss nationals in the
group (Id.). Доктор Фішер та дивізіонер були єдиними громадянами
Швейцарії у цій групі.
6. "He'd play parts in amateur b) theatricals" (Id.). Він грав партії в
аматорських театрах.
7. I had found my employment to augment my pension and b) the little which I
had inherited from my parents (Id.). Я знайшов своє працевлаштування, щоб
збільшити пенсію та те маленьке, що успадкував від батьків.
8. I left him walking across the yard a) in the dark (R.P. Warren). Я залишив
його в темряві через двір.

Phrasal nouns are built from phrasal verbs as a result of a combined effect of
compounding, conversion, and change of stress. They consist of ICs identical
to those of the corresponding phrasal verbs, but obtain, as a rule, the single-
stress pattern and either solid or hyphenated spelling, e.g.: to break down > a
breakdown (a break-down).
Exercise 37. Translate the sentences given below: discuss the words in bold type.
1.Neither Tom nor his family has even admitted that he has had a breakdown -
it is called a holiday, a rest cure (J. Cary). Ні Том, ні його родина навіть не
зізналися що у нього стався збій – це називають канікулами, лікуванням
для відпочинку.
2. This was the weekend he was going to make the get-away (B. Deal). Це
були вихідні, коли він збирався втекти.
3. We could buy lunch nearby at a takeaway and eat in the garden (D.
Francis). Ми могли купити обід поблизу на виніс і поїсти в саду.
4. "And get ready a further handout. The press will see the matter is pursued"
(J. Lindsay). «Підготуйся до подальшого роздаткового матеріалу. Преса
побачить, що справу продовжують».
5. "I'm afraid we must count Kit a wash-out" (Id.). «Я боюсь , що ми повинні
порахувати комплект вимивання».
6. The interior of the helicopter was one long bank of computers, dials,
twitches, lights, read-outs, computer keyboards and video screens (M.
Maloney). Внутрішня частина вертольота була одним довгим банком
комп’ютерів, циферблатів, смикань, ліхтарів… цифрових зчитувань,
комп’ютерних клавіатур та відеоекранів.
7. Hunter watched at a hundred players each from the Gold and Silver teams
went through their pre-game warm-ups on the Field (Id.). Хантер спостерігав
за сотнею гравців із олотої та срібної команд, які проходили попередню
розминку на полі.
Breakdown- a mechanical failure.
get-away- escape.
takeaway- a restaurant or shop selling cooked food to be eaten elsewhere.
handout- a quantity of financial or other material aid given to a person or
wash-out- clean the inside of a container or vessel with water.
read-outs- a visual record or display of the output from a computer or
scientific instrument.
warm-ups- a period or act of preparation for a match, performance, or
exercise session, involving gentle exercise or practice.
There exist two main ways of shortening: contraction (clipping) and
abbreviation (initial shortening).
Contraction. One should distinguish between four types of contraction:
1) Final clipping (apocope), i.e. omission of the final part of the word, e.g.:
doc (< doctor), lab (< laboratory), mag (< magazine), prefab (< prefabricated),
vegs (< vegetables), Al (< Albert), Nick (< Nickolas), Phil (< Philip), etc.
2) Initial clipping (apheresis), i.e. omission of the fore part of the word, e.g.:
phone (<telephone), plane (<aeroplane), story (<history), van (<caravan),
drome (< airdrome), Dora (< Theodora), Fred (< Alfred), etc.
3) Medial clipping (syncope), i.e. omission of the middle part of the word,
e.g.: maths (< mathematics), fancy (< fantasy), specs (< spectacles), binocs (<
binoculars), through (< thorough), etc.
4) Mixed clipping, where the fore and the final parts of the word are clipped,
e.g.: tec (< detective), flu (< influenza), fridge (<refrigerator), stach
(<moustache), Liz (< Elisabeth), etc. Contraction may be combined with
affixation, i.e. by adding the suffixes y, -ie -o to clippings, e.g.: hanky
(<handkerchief), comfy (< comfortable), unkie (< uncle), ammo
(<ammunition), etc.
Exercise 38. a) Arrange the following words in four columns according to the type of
clipping. b) Translate the words into Ukrainian.
1)ad (advertisement), реклама, 1) amp (ampere), підсилювач, 2) bus
(autobus), автобус, 2) cab (taxi cab), таксі, 2) chute (parachute), парашут, 1)
combi (combination), комбінація, 1) deli (delicatessen), гастроном, 1) disco
(discotheque), дискотека, divi?, 3) dub (double), подвійний, 1) exam
(examination), екзамен, 1) fan (fanatic), фанат, 3) fancy (fantasy), фантазія,
3) fence (fencing), паркан, fladge?, 4) flu (influenza), виступ, 4) fridge
(refrigerator), холодильник, 1) gas (gasoline), бензин, 3) hols (holidays),
канікули, 1) lab (laboratory), лабораторія, 1) limo (limousine), лімузин, 4)
mike (microphone), мікрофон, 3) math (mathematics), математика, 1) mayo
(mayonnaise), майонез, 1) mob (mobilizatoin), мобілізація, 4) nuke (a nuclear
weapon), автономна зброя, 3) para (prefix), префікс, 1) perm (permament),
Abbreviations (initial shortenings) are words produced by shortening the ICs of
phrasal terms up to their initial letters. Abbreviations are subdivided into 5
1) Acronyms which are read in accordance with the rules of orthoepy as
though they were ordinary words, e.g.: UNO l'ju:nou/ (< United Nations
Organization), UNESCO /'ju:'neskou/ (<United Nations Educational Scientific
and Cultural Organization/, NATO /'neitou/ (< North Atlantic Treaty
Organization), SALT /so:lt/ (< Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), STEM /stem/
(< scanning transmission electrone microscope), radar /reida/ (< radio detecting
and ranging), etc.
2) Alphabetic abbreviations in which letters get their full alphabetic
pronunciation and a full stress, e.g.: USA /ju:es'ei/ (< the United States of
America), B.B.C. /'bi:'bi:'si:/(< the British Broadcasting Corporation), M.P. /
'em'pi:/ (< Member of Parliament), G.I. /'dzi: 'ai/(<Government Issue), FBI/
'ef'bi: 'ai/ (< Federal Bureau of Investigation), etc. Alphabetic abbreviations are
sometimes used for famous persons' names, e.g.: F.D.R. (< Franklin Delano
Roosevelt), G.B.S. (< George Bernard Shaw), B.B. (< Brigitte Bardot), etc.
3) Compound abbreviations in which the first IC is a letter (letters) and the
second a complete word, e.g. A-bomb (< atomic bomb), V-day (< Victory
day), Z-hour (< zero hour), L-driver (learner-driver), ACD solution (< acid
citrate dextrose solution), etc. One or both ICs of compound abbreviations may
be clipped, e.g.: mid-August, Interpol (< International police), hi-fi (<high
fidelity), sci-fic (<science fiction), etc.
4) Graphic abbreviations which are used in texts for economy of space. They
are pronounced as the corresponding unabbreviated words, e.g.: Mr. (<
Mister), m. (< mile), ft. (< foot/feet), v. (< verb), Itd. (< limited), govt. (<
government), usu. (< usually), pp. (<pages), Co (<Company), Capt.
(<Captain), X-mas (< Christmas), etc.
5) Latin abbreviations which sometimes are not read as Latin words but as
separate letters or are substituted by their English equivalents, e.g.: i.e. /ai 'i:/ -
that is; a.m. /ei 'em/ - before midday, in the morning, e.g. for example. Id. in
the same place, cf. compare, etc.
Exercise 40. a) Pick out all the abbreviations from the sentences given below. Comment
on their formation. b) Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1."Mind you, you have to remember that 2) T.B. (tuberculosis) is a most
unpredictable disease, most unpredictable" (D. Cusack). «Майте на увазі, ви
повинні пам’ятати, що туберкульоз – це найбільш непередбачувана
хвороба, найбільш непередбачувана».
2. "Well, he said the ray shows that the lesion is definitely smaller, the 2) A.P.
(arterial pressure) is working beautifully, and my pulse is getting slower" (Id.).
«Ну, він сказав, що промінь показує, що ураження, безумовно, менше,
артеріальний тиск працює прекрасно, а мій пульс стає все повільнішим».
3. Her candid eyes stared at them from a photograph other in her 1) A.W.A.S.
(Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services) uniform (Id.). Її відверті очі дивились
на них із фотографії, що міститься в формі.
4. "I'm going to be a candidate," said Mor. "Whether I'll be an 2) M.P.
(Member of Parliament) depends on the electorate" (I. Murdoch). «Я буду
кандидатом», - сказав Мор. «Чи буду я кандидатом у депутати залежить
від електорату».
5. He had fought the North African campaign as an infantry officer and gained
the 2) MC (Master of Ceremonies) (J. Fowles). Він боровся з північно-
африканською компанією в якості піхотного офіцера і здобув звання
майстра церемоній.
6. He said, "Where were you?" "Leeds. For my 3) Dip AD (Diploma in Art and
Design). Then two terms at the 1) RCA (Royal College of Art)" (Id.). Він
сказав: «Де ти був?» «Лідс. Для мого диплому з мистецтва та дизайну.
Тоді два терміни в Королівському коледжі мистецтва».
7. "Fetch me an 2) A.B.C. (Alphabet), will you?" (A. Christie). «Принеси мені
абетку, правда?»
Blending is the formation of new lexical units by means of merging fragments
of words into one new word, or combining the elements of one word with a
notional word, e.g.: smog (smoke + fog), radiotrician (radio + electrician),
drunch (drinks + lunch), cinemagnate (cinema + magnate), etc.
Exercise 45. a) Pick out the blends from the following sentences; trace their etymology.
b) Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. "Give me twenty minutes, Harry, and we'll have brunch (E. Queen). «Дай
мені двадцять хвилин, Гаррі, і ми пообідаємо.
2. Hunter was squeezed into the cockpit of the big chopper as it approached
the helipad atop the skyscraper (M. Maloney). Хантера вдавили в кабіну
великого чоппера, коли він наближався до вертолітної майданчика на
вершині хмарочоса.
3. The crowd cheered with each maneuver. Hunter added his applause,
although he could have performed the team's aerobatics in his sleep (Id.).
Натовп підбадьорював кожного маневру. Хантер додавав свої оплески,
хоча міг виконувати пілотаж команди уві сні.
4. He chortled in his joy (L. Carroll). Він бурчав у своїй радості.
5. He left it dead, and with its head he went galumphing back (Id.). Він
залишив його мертвим і з його головою повернувся назад.
6. My head twirls; I did unwisely to come out (G. Meredith). Моя голова
крутиться, я зробив нерозумно, що вийшов.
7. He would have turned... for the noisy and quite vacuous applause accorded
him as Genius Jester to the American booboisie (Th. Dreiser). Він би
обернувся.. бо галасливі і цілком пусті оплески надавали йому, як
геніального шутця.
8. Too many bad loans to Third World countries ruled by what that same paper
called kleptocrats - i.e., military or bureaucratic officials who transferred
these borrowed billions to private accounts, in Switzerland (S. Bellow).
Занадто багато поганих позик країнам Третього Світу, яким керує те, що
той самий випуск називав клептократами – тобто військовими чи
бюрократичними чиновниками, які перерахували ці запозичені мільярди
на приватні рахунки у Швейцарії.
Brunch- late 19th century: blend of breakfast and lunch.
Cockpit- cock fighting.
helipad- heli- + pad.
maneuver- mid 18th century (as a noun in the sense ‘tactical movement’):
from French manœuvre (noun), manœuvrer (verb), from medieval Latin
manuoperare from Latin manus ‘hand’ + operari ‘to work’.
aerobatics- First World War: from aero- + a shortened form of acrobatics.
chortled- 1871: coined by Lewis Carroll in Through the Looking Glass ;
probably a blend of chuckle and snort.
galumph- 1871 (in the sense ‘prance in triumph’): coined by Lewis Carroll in
Through the Looking Glass ; perhaps a blend of gallop and triumph.
twirls- 1590s, "move round rapidly" (intransitive), of uncertain origin, possibly
connected with Old English þwirl "a stirrer, handle of a churn," and Old Norse
þvara "pot-sticker, stirrer." Or on another guess a blend of twist and whirl.
Transitive sense, "cause to revolve rapidly," is from 1620s.
vacuous- mid 17th century (in the sense ‘empty of matter’): from Latin vacuus
‘empty’ + -ous.
booboisie- 1920s: from boob1, humorous formation on the pattern of
kleptocrats- (from Greek κλέπτης kléptēs, "thief", κλέπτω kléptō, "I steal",
and -κρατία -kratía from κράτος krátos, "power, rule"
bureaucratic- early 19th century: from French bureaucratie, from bureau (see

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