Worksheet - 2 Tenses

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Question 16.
From his perch behind the clock, Hugo could (0) see (see) everything. He rubbed his
fingers nervously against the small notebook in his pocket and (i) …………. (tell)
himself to be patient. The old man in the toy booth (ii) …………. (argue) with the girl.
She (iii) …………. (be) about Hugo’s age and he often saw her go into the booth and (iv)
…………. (disappear) behind the counter. The old man (v) …………. (look) agitated today.
Had he figured out some of his toys were (vi) …………. (moss)? Well, there was nothing
to be (vii) …………. (d0) a bout that now. The old man and the girl argued some more
and finally she closed her book and (viii) …………. (run) off.

Question 17.
A woman (0) was waiting (wait) at an airport one night, with several long hours
before her flight. She (i) …………. (hunt) for a book in the airport shops, (ii) …………. (buy)
a bag of cookies and found a place to sit. She (iii) …………. (engross) in her book, but
happened to see that the man sitting beside her, bold as could be, grabbed a cookie
or two from the bag in between, which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene. So, she
(iv) …………. (munch) on the cookies and watched the clock, as the gutsy thief
diminished her stock. She (v) …………. (get) more irritated as the minutes ticked by,
thinking, “If I wasn’t so nice, I (vi) …………. (blacked) his eye”. With each cookie she
took, he took one too. When only one was left, she wondered what he would do. With
a smile on his face, a nervous laugh, he (vii) …………. (take) the last cookie and broke it
in half. He offered her half, as he ate the other. She had never known she could be so
angry and turned to gather her belongings. As she reached for her baggage, she
gasped with surprise, there was her bag of cookies, in front of her eyes. If mine are
here, she moaned in despair, the other were his, he (viii) …………. (try) to share.

Question 18.
My guide (0) told (tell) me if I wanted to meet these people, I would have to walk two
miles. We finally (i) …………. (reach) a village where I (ii) …………. (meet) a lady whose
age I (iii) …………. (can) not immediately make out. My translator (iv) …………. (find) it
difficult to interpret the lady’s words because her dialect was quite different. She (v)
…………. (be) a dark-skinned and dark-haired lady. She must have been aiuUuu 70
years old, but there was no grey in her hair. She obviously could not afford to dye her
hair. So what-was her secret? Nobody (vi) …………. (know). It must have been a ‘secret’
common to all for not one person in that whole village (vii) …………. (has) a trace of
grey hair ! I (viii) …………. (think) about it for a long time.

Question 19.
We were not (0) allowed (allow) to talk during the lecture. The children (i) …………. (sit)
in a neat circle and (ii) …………. (begin) (iii) …………. (copy) their multiplication tables.

Most (iv) …………. (scratch) in the dirt with sticks they had (v) …………. (bring) for that
purpose. The more fortunate (vi) …………. (has) slate boards that they (vii) ………….
(write) on with sticks (viii) …………. (dip) in a mixture of mud and water.

Question 20.
But just when I had almost (0) given (give) up hope. I was (i) …………. (strike) with a
brilliant idea: my birthday was due fairly soon and if I (ii) …………. (deal) with the family
skilfully, I (iii) …………. (feel) sure, I could not only get a boat but a lot of other
equipments as well. I (iv) …………. (suggest) to the family that, instead of (v) ………….
(let) them choose my presents, I (vi) …………. (may) tell them the things that I (vii)
…………. (want) most. In this way, they could be sure of not (viii) …………. (disappoint)

Question 21.
As she (0) spoke (speak), I (i) …………. (rise) and (ii) …………. (go) to the centre
blackboard. I (iii) …………. (find) the chalk (iv) …………. (write) in block letters the title of
the book. Then I (v) …………. (put) the chalk down and went to (vi) …………. (sit) beside
her, to (vii) …………. (hold) her hand. The day had barely (viii) …………. (begin).

Question 22.
I (0) am convinced (convince) that my father (i) …………. (remember) by all those who
value integrity. He (ii) …………. (be) a man of learning and also saw to it that he (iii)
…………. (teach) his pupils with passion and patience. He, at times (iv) …………. (use) to
lose his temper but that was because he always (v) …………. (want) his pupils to learn
and learn well. As a person, he was honest and simple. His greatness (vi) …………. (lie)
in the fact that he (vii) …………. (have) a pure heart, devoid of malice. Such a man is
always valued and (viii) …………. (be) very rare to find.

Question 23.
There (0) was (be) some confusion in the doorway. A man (i) …………. (get) into the
compartment (ii) …………. (stammer) an apology. Then the door (iii) …………. (rang) and
the world was (iv) …………. (shut) out again. I (v) …………. (return) to my berth. The guard
(vi) …………. (blow) his whistle and we (vii) …………. (move) off. Once again I (viii) ………….
(has) a game to play.

Question 24.
Mid-afternoon while (0) giving (give) my report to Mrs Biggs, I (i) …………. (hear) a loud
thumping (ii) …………. (come) from the direction of her store room. “What (iii) ………….
(be) all that noise downstairs ?” I asked. “Probably a rat. I don’t hear anything,” she

replied. I ran downstairs and (iv) …………. (open) the store room door. There was Mr
Biggs (v) …………. (look) very dusty and very disgruntled; he wanted to know why Mrs
Biggs (vi) …………. (shut) him up for hours. He had gone into the store room in search
of a walking stick and Mrs Biggs, (vii) …………. (see) the door open, had promptly (viii)
…………. (bolt) it.

Question 25.
After Christopher Columbus (0) returned (return) from his famous voyage across the
Atlantic, the king of Spain (i) …………. (wish) to celebrate the great event and do
honour to the man who (ii) …………. (make) himself a national hero. He (iii) …………. (do)
so by holding a banquet in honour of the explorer. To this banquet he (iv) ………….
(invite) many of the nobles of the king’s court. Some of them (v) …………. (be) jealous
of the success Columbus (vi) …………. (achieve). One of them sat next to Columbus.
He turned towards Columbus and said, “Of course you (vii) …………. (be) a brave man
but anyone can take ship and sail on and on till he (viii) …………. (reach) land.”

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