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The effect of insoluble fiber and intermittent feeding on gizzard development,

gut motility, and performance of broiler chickens

A. Sacranie,*† B. Svihus,‡1 V. Denstadli,‡ B. Moen,§ P. A. Iji,*† and M. Choct†

*School of Environmental and Rural Sciences, The University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia;
†Poultry Cooperative Research Centre, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia; ‡Department of Animal and Aquacultural
Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, PO Box 5003, N-1432 Aas, Norway;
and §Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, Oslovn. 1, N-1430 Aas, Norway

ABSTRACT Two experiments were conducted to test with wood shaving-lined floors were exposed to 1 of 4
the following hypothesis: exposing broiler chickens to treatment groups with 3 pens/treatment: intermittent
coarse insoluble fiber in the diet will result in enhanced or ad libitum feeding of a basal diet and intermittent
gizzard function and performance, improved adaptabil- or ad libitum feeding of a coarse hull diet, as described
ity to an intermittent feeding program, and an increase above. At 31 and 32 d of age, birds in experiment 1
in the occurrence of reverse peristalsis. In experiment 1, were inoculated with chromium EDTA via the cloaca.
102 Ross 308 broiler chickens were either intermittently There was no interaction between diet and feeding regi-
or ad libitum fed a basal diet, the basal diet diluted men. The addition of hulls increased gizzard weight and
with 15% coarse hulls (consisting of equal weights of content and lowered (P < 0.001) gizzard pH, but it
hulls from oats and barley), or the basal diet diluted had no effect on the ability of the birds to handle inter-
with 15% of the same hulls finely ground in a 2 × 3 mittent feeding. Despite the dilution with coarse hulls,
factorial arrangement with 17 individually caged birds weight gain and the gain:feed ratio were not affected,
per treatment. Birds fed ad libitum had access to feed which could partly be explained by an increased (P <
continuously for 18 h/d, whereas those on intermit- 0.001) starch digestibility. Dietary reflux was confirmed
tent feeding had restricted access to feed from 7 d of by the presence of chromium in all intestinal tract sec-
age. From 18 d of age, the restrictive-feeding program tions. Broilers exhibited reverse peristaltic contractions
consisted of four 1-h meals and one 2-h meal per day. of sufficient magnitude to propel the marker from the
In experiment 2, 156 broiler chickens in 12 pen cages cloaca to the gizzard.
Key words: intermittent feeding, reverse peristalsis, insoluble fiber, oat hulls, broiler
2012 Poultry Science 91:693–700

INTRODUCTION and duodenum is increased by access to insoluble fiber.

This appears to be a logical reaction by the bird to
Many feed ingredients, such as barley, oats, and soy- the presence of structural components, prolonging the
bean meal contain a considerable amount of insoluble exposure of food to both the mechanical and chemical
fiber (Bach Knudsen, 1997). The inclusion of 10% oat components of digestion.
hulls in broiler diets has been found to increase wheat Broiler production relies on fast growth rates and ef-
starch digestibility and stimulate gizzard activity (Ro- ficient feed conversion. In view of this, feed is available
gel et al., 1987; Hetland and Svihus, 2001). In addition, to birds ad libitum often under nearly continuous or
Hetland et al. (2003) observed a higher total amount of continuous lighting programs. This approach to hus-
bile acids in the gizzards of birds with access to wood bandry is associated with potential overconsumption
shavings, indicating gastro-duodenal reflux proportion- (Svihus, 2001; Svihus et al., 2010) and physiological
al to the amount of material in the gizzard, supporting growth-related problems, such as leg weakness and asci-
their hypothesis that digesta reflux between the gizzard tes. Restrictive feeding, by the use of intermittent light-
ing programs, has been shown to reduce such problems
and improve feed efficiency (Julian, 1993; Decuypere et
al., 1994; Buyse et al., 1996). The majority of studies
©2012 Poultry Science Association Inc.
Received August 8, 2011.
in this area have employed light/dark programs rather
Accepted October 14, 2011. than meal feeding to manipulate feed intake. Provid-
1 Corresponding author:
ing birds with access to feed 4 times in a day did not

694 Sacranie et al.

affect feed efficiency but depressed weight gain com- In experiment 2, 156 broiler chicks from the same
pared with birds with ad libitum access to feed (Petek flock as in experiment 1 were divided among 12 pens
et al., 2005). Fewer meals also reduced weight gain but with wood shaving-lined floors at 11 d of age. Three
improved feed efficiency compared with ad libitum-fed cages per treatment were assigned to each of 4 treat-
birds (Su et al., 1999). Svihus et al. (2010) found that ments consisting of a control diet or a coarse hulls-
feed efficiency improved for birds on intermittent feed- diluted diet fed either ad libitum or intermittently in
ing. a 2 × 2 experimental design. The diets and feeding
Intermittent feeding requires the bird to retain in- regimens were identical to those in experiment 1. At 25
gested feed for greater lengths of time than ad libitum d of age, the number of birds in each cage was reduced
feeding by storing ingesta in the crop and proventricu- from 13 to 8.
lus or gizzard (Buyse et al., 1993). By stimulating giz-
zard development with the dietary inclusion of barley Data and Sample Collection
and oat hulls, it is possible that the resulting increase in
holding capacity and heightened gizzard function will In experiment 1, feed intake and weights for indi-
enable the broiler to thrive under intermittent feeding. vidual birds were recorded twice a week from 18 d of
The purpose of this study was to investigate the ef- age until the end of the study. At 26 d of age, feed was
fect of a dietary dilution of broiler diets with insoluble removed from all chickens at 0700 h and weighed. At
fiber in the form of hulls on performance, reverse peri- 1300 h, all birds were weighed, feed replaced (AL birds
stalsis in the digestive tract, and a broiler chick’s ability only), and a clean tray placed under each individual
to adapt to an intermittent feeding regimen. cage for excreta collection. Quantitative excreta collec-
tion was carried out at 27 and 28 d of age. At 29 d of
age, feed was again removed and weighed at 0700 h. At
1300 h the birds were returned to their normal feeding
Feed, Birds, and Experimental Design regimen and excreta trays were removed for the collec-
tion of excreta.
In experiment 1, one-day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) The termination of experiment 1 was carried out over
were raised on a commercial pelleted starter diet in a 2 d, 9 birds from each of the 6 groups were sampled
multilevel brooder. At 11 d of age, the birds were moved on d 32 and the remaining 8 from each group on d 33.
to 12 group cages with plastic mat-covered floors, and 2 The sampling days were carefully planned to maintain
cages were assigned to each of 6 treatments in a 2-feed- the feeding regimens right up until the birds were eu-
ing regimen × 3-diet experimental design. At 18 d of thanized and to ensure consistency in exposure to the
age, 17 birds were randomly selected from each of the marker chromium EDTA. The first 5 birds to be ad-
6 groups (102 in total) and transferred to individual ministered the marker at 0800 h on d 32 were treated
cages (22 cm wide × 38 cm deep × 38 cm high) where in the following way: on d 31 the IF birds out of the 5
they remained until the termination of the study. The total birds were given access to feed from 2200 to 2400
temperature was gradually reduced from 31 to 28°C at h. The feed was then removed from all 5 birds, returned
7 d of age and to 25°C at 16 d of age. at 0600 h on d 32, and then removed from all 5 birds
The experimental diets were steam-pelleted through at 0700 h. After 1 h off the feed (at 0800 h), 2 mL of
a 3-mm die and consisted of a basal control diet, a basal chromium EDTA (5.32 mg of chromium) marker was
diet diluted with 15% unground coarse hulls (consisting administered via a syringe fitted with a blunt-tipped
of equal weights of hulls from oats and barley), and a crop needle, inserted 6 cm into the cloaca of the bird.
basal diet diluted with 15% finely ground hulls of the Care was taken to ensure that the crop needle was in-
aforementioned material (Table 1). The fine hulls were serted beyond the colonic sphincter, and cages were
produced by grinding the coarse hulls through a ham- checked regularly during the next 2 h to remove excreta
mer-mill fitted with a 1-mm sieve. Dry sieving through adhering to the wire floor so that oral consumption of
a series of sieves while vortexing (amplitude 1.5 mm) on the marker was avoided. If the bird expelled the marker
a Retsch AS 200 (F. Kurt Retsch GmbH & Co., Haan, immediately after or during administration, another 2
Germany) showed that the amount of particles larger mL was given. The birds were then returned to their
than 1 mm in size was reduced from 77 to 2% as a con- cages and birds were given access to feed as determined
sequence of grinding. Irrespective of feeding regimen, by their normal feeding program. The next 5 birds fol-
ad libitum (AL) or intermittent feeding (IF), birds ex- lowed the same protocol, starting the night before at
perienced complete darkness between the hours of 0200 2220 h and receiving the marker at 0820 h on d 32. In
and 0800. From 11 to 18 d of age, the IF groups had this way, all 102 birds were sampled over 2 d in 20-min
access to feed from 0800 to 0900 h, 1200 to 1300 h, 1630 batches.
to 1730 h, and from 2100 h until the lights went off. After 2 h of exposure to the marker, the 5 birds were
From 18 d of age, these birds had access to feed from killed by a cranial blow followed by cervical disloca-
0800 to 0900 h, 1200 to 1300 h, 1600 to 1700 h, 2000 to tion and then dissection. Weights were recorded for the
2100 h, and from 2400 h until the lights went off. empty gizzard and the full and empty small intestine
Table 1. Composition of diets
Item Control Hulls

Ingredient, %
 Corn 25.36 21.50
 Wheat 42.00 35.70
  Oat and barley hulls mixture1   15.00
  Soybean meal, 440 g of CP/kg 17.35 14.75
  Fish meal, 700 g of CP/kg 7.00 5.95
  Soybean oil 4.00 3.40
 Limestone 1.30 1.11
  Monocalcium phosphate 1.00 0.85
 l-Lysine, 780 g/kg 0.50 0.43
 dl-Methionine, 990 g/kg 0.30 0.26
 l-Threonine, 985 g/kg 0.10 0.09
 Salt 0.20 0.17
  Sodium bicarbonate 0.30 0.26
  Choline chlorate 0.15 0.13
  Mineral premix2 0.15 0.13
  Vitamin premix3 0.29 0.26
  Calculated lysine 1.46 1.23
  Calculated methionine + cysteine 1.03 0.87
  Calculated threonine 0.85 0.73
  Calculated AMEn4 3,012 2,619
Chemical analysis   Coarse hulls diet Fine hulls diet

  DM, g/kg 896 900 904

  CP, g/kg 212 192 192
  Crude fat, g/kg 62 59 60
  Gross energy, kcal/kg 4,111 4,135 4,159
  Starch, g/kg 399 369 365
1Particle size distribution based on dry sieving was the following for coarse and finely ground hulls, respectively:
>2 mm, 32 and 1%; 1 to 2 mm, 45 and 1%; 0.5 to 1 mm, 15 and 50%; 0.2 to 0.5 mm, 8 and 33%; <0.2 mm, <1
and 15%. The hulls contained 9.6% starch and 5.7% protein and had a negligible fat content.
2Mineral premix provided the following per kilogram of diet: Fe, 75 mg; Mn, 60 mg; Zn, 105 mg; Cu, 15 mg; I,
0.75 mg; and Se, 0.3 mg.
3Vitamin premix provided the following per kilogram of diet: vitamin A (retinyl acetate), 9,000 IU; vitamin D
(cholecalciferol), 5,400 IU; vitamin E (dl-α-tocopheryl acetate), 66 IU; menadione, 9.0 mg; pyridoxine, 6.0 mg;
riboflavin, 24.0 mg; Ca-pantothenate, 26.3 mg; biotin, 0.39 mg; thiamine, 3.75 mg; niacin, 75 mg; cobalamin, 0.03
mg; and folic acid, 3.75 mg.
4As recommended by the NRC (1994).

from the pancreatic duct to the ileo-ceco-colonic junc- Contents from the crop and gizzard were collected and
tion. The pH of the gizzard with contents was recorded weighed after drying, and the weight of the empty giz-
by immersing the electrode into the center of the giz- zard was recorded; these data were pooled per pen be-
zard through the duodenal sphincter. Contents from fore statistical analysis. The IF birds were killed 45 min
the crop, gizzard, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum from after having access to feed.
half of the birds were collected quantitatively and im-
mediately frozen in liquid nitrogen. To ensure that the Chemical Analyses
concentrations of chromium observed in chickens from
this trial were a result of the introduced marker, 6 test Contents from the gizzard, duodenum, jejunum, and
chickens were killed and dissected as described above. ileum were dried at 80°C for 24 h, ground in a coffee
The birds came from the control group of another trial grinder, digested in nitric acid using a closed chamber
where they were raised on a similar diet as used in the microwave, and then analyzed for chromium content as
present study. They had not been exposed to any ex- described by Binnerts et al. (1968), using inductively
ternal source of chromium. Five birds died and 14 were coupled plasma emission spectroscopy. The contents
discarded at termination because they showed signs of from the crop and gizzard obtained from the litter-
having ascites, and these birds were equally distributed reared birds were dried at 105°C overnight.
among treatments. The birds were cared for accord- Excreta samples were frozen immediately after each
ing to laws and regulations governing experiments with quantitative collection, mixed, dried overnight at 105°C,
live animals in Norway (the Animal Protection Act of and then analyzed for gross energy content on a Parr
December 20, 1974, and the Animal Protection Ordi- 1281 isoperibol calorimeter (Parr, Moline, IL) along
nance concerning experiments with animals of January with feed samples. Starch content in feed and excreta
15, 1996). was determined enzymatically following the procedure
In experiment 2, 4 birds per pen were killed as de- of McCleary et al. (1994), whereas Kjeldahl-N was de-
scribed for experiment 1 and dissected at 31 d of age. termined according to AOAC (2003) on a Kjeltech 2300
696 Sacranie et al.

(Foss Tecator, Höganäs, Sweden). The AME was cal- DISCUSSION

culated by correcting to N balance, using the N levels
analyzed for in the feed and excreta, as described by Access to coarse hulls stimulated gizzard develop-
Bourdillon et al. (1990). ment. This is in agreement with previous studies high-
lighting the stimulatory effect of structural material on
the gizzard (Preston et al., 2000; Hetland et al., 2002;
Statistical Analyses Plavnik et al., 2002; Svihus et al., 2004, 2010; Ravin-
dran et al., 2006) and as discussed in a recent review
In experiment 1, data were analyzed using a 2 × 3 (Svihus, 2011).
factorial arrangement followed by pairwise comparisons The large particle size of the coarse hulls and their
using the Duncan procedure with P < 0.05 as the sig- hardness as a result of the insoluble fiber content ex-
nificance level (SAS Institute, 2002). In experiment 2, plains why birds consuming the coarse hull diet devel-
data were subjected to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement oped the heaviest gizzards. The coarse hull particles are
followed by pairwise comparisons using the Duncan retained in the gizzard until they are ground to a cer-
procedure with P < 0.05 as the significance level. In tain critical size that allows them to pass through the
both experiments, variation was represented by the re- pyloric sphincter (Clemens et al., 1975; Moore, 1999;
sidual SE (root of mean square error). Hetland et al., 2002, 2003). This leads to an increase
in the volume of the organ’s contents and a muscular
adaptation to meet the greater demand for grinding.
RESULTS Birds fed the fine hull diet also exhibited heavier giz-
zards than those of the control group, although less so
Experiment 1 than those of the coarse hull group, suggesting that
the fine particles were retained and partly induced the
There was no significant interaction between feeding
same response. Hetland et al. (2003) reported that the
regimen and diet for any variable measured (Table 2).
mean duodenal particle size for birds fed a diet con-
The AL-fed birds tended to consume more feed than
taining ground or whole oat hulls was between 120 and
the IF birds (P = 0.07). Diet affected feed intake (P <
127 μm. This agrees with an earlier report that stated
0.05), which was because of an increased feed intake by
that 90% of duodenal particles were less than 300 μm
birds fed diets with coarse hulls added. No significant
(Hetland et al., 2002) and suggests that hulls ground
effect of feeding regimen on weight gain was observed,
through a 1-mm sieve are large enough to be retained
but due to a reduced weight gain for the diet with finely
in the gizzard as a grinding medium.
ground hulls, diet affected (P < 0.01) weight gain. Di-
The birds fed the coarse hull diet in experiment 2,
lution of the diet with hulls reduced (P < 0.001) the
reared on wood shavings, exhibited increases in relative
gain:feed ratio. Feeding regimen did not affect AME or
empty gizzard weights in a similar way to the birds in
starch digestibility. Dilution with hulls, however, im-
experiment 1. Birds have been shown to consume litter
proved (P < 0.001) starch digestibility.
material when it is available, presumably to compen-
Both IF and dilution with hulls reduced (P < 0.001)
sate for a lack of structural material in the diet (Het-
gizzard pH (Table 2). The addition of hulls to diets re-
land et al., 2004, 2005). It is interesting to note in this
sulted in fuller and larger gizzards, with birds exposed
context that relative gizzard size tended to be larger
to coarse hulls yielding the largest (P < 0.001) gizzards.
for the birds in experiment 2 that had access to litter
Diet affected (P < 0.05) the weight of the small intes-
material than for the birds in experiment 1. In experi-
tine due to a reduced weight with finely ground hulls.
ment 2, there was a slight increase in relative gizzard
Chromium, at levels considerably higher than the
weights in AL birds fed the control diets compared with
background level, was present in all sections of the
birds on the same diet and feeding conditions in ex-
gastrointestinal tract, with no significant difference be-
periment 1. This effect was even more dramatic in the
tween treatments (Table 3). However, it tended (P ≤
IF birds. With limited exposure to feed but with full
0.07) to be higher in the gizzards and the jejunum of
access to litter, birds possibly developed heavier giz-
the AL-fed birds.
zards as a result of consuming the litter between meals.
Although litter consumption was not measured in this
Experiment 2 study, presence of litter material was observed during
the dissection of the birds. Access to litter resulted in
There was a tendency for reduced weight gain both a higher relative gizzard weight in the IF birds raised
with IF (P = 0.06) and with hull dilution in the diet (P on the hull diet compared with that of the caged birds
= 0.11; Table 4). Dilution of the diet with hulls reduced fed the coarse hull diet. This is contrary to the idea
(P < 0.05) the gain:feed ratio. The weight of the empty that when wood shavings are available to a bird it will
gizzard increased with IF (P < 0.05) and with hull dilu- monitor its intake depending on the level of indigestible
tion (P < 0.001; Table 4). In addition, IF tended (P = fiber present in the diet (Hetland et al., 2005). These
0.06) to elevate the amount of DM in the crop. results indicate that given the opportunity or motiva-
Table 2. Experiment 1 performance and digestive characteristics of birds (17 to 32 or 33 d of age)
Starch Crop Relative Gizzard Relative Relative empty
Feed BW AMEn, digestibility Crop content, Gizzard gizzard content, full intestine intestine
Item intake, g gain, g G:F kcal/kg coefficient content, g g of DM pH weight, %1 g of DM weight, %1 weight, %1

  Ad libitum control 1,724 1,076 0.62 3,143 0.98 4.1 1.1 3.60 1.2 0.3 3.9 2.3
  Ad libitum coarse 1,803 1,113 0.62 2,881 0.99 2.3 0.6 2.27 2.4 4.6 3.7 2.4
  Ad libitum fine 1,707 1,021 0.60 2,902 0.99 3.3 1.4 2.28 1.8 4.6 3.2 2.1
  Intermittent control 1,646 1,050 0.64 3,065 0.97 3.7 1.8 3.01 1.1 1.1 3.5 2.2
  Intermittent coarse 1,716 1,058 0.62 2,871 0.99 2.3 1.2 1.96 2.3 3.8 3.3 2.3
  Intermittent fine 1,649 989 0.60 2,960 0.99 4.9 1.5 1.97 1.7 4.0 3.1 2.1
Root mean square error (n = 83) 46.6 104.7 0.034 108.7 0.012 6.14 2.43 0.580 0.29 1.70 7.02 0.37
Feeding regimen                      
  Ad libitum 1,745 1,070 0.61 2,923 0.99 3.2 1.0 2.72 1.8 3.2 3.6 2.3
 Intermittent 1,671 1,033 0.62 2,947 0.99 3.6 1.5 2.31 1.7 2.9 3.3 2.2
 Control 1,685b 1,063ab 0.63a 3,023a 0.97b 3.9 1.5 3.31a 1.2c 0.7b 3.7a 2.3a
 Coarse 1,760a 1,086a 0.62a 2,844c 0.99a 2.3 0.9 2.12b 2.4a 4.2a 3.5a 2.4a
 Fine 1,678b 1,005b 0.60b 2,940b 0.99a 4.1 1.5 2.13b 1.8b 4.3a 3.1b 2.1b
Main effect                      
  Feeding regimen 0.07 NS NS NS NS NS NS *** NS NS 0.09 NS
 Diet * ** *** *** *** NS NS *** *** *** * *
a–cMeans within a column not sharing a common superscript differ significantly at P < 0.05.
1Relativeweights are calculated as a percentage of BW.
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
698 Sacranie et al.
Table 3. Amounts of chromium detected in the digestive tracts of experiment 1 birds1
Total Cr, μg

Item Gizzard Duodenum Jejunum Ileum

  Ad libitum control 4.3 6.1 41.8 11.9
  Ad libitum coarse 32.5 11.7 14.9 17.9
  Ad libitum fine 34.8 5.1 30.7 25.0
  Intermittent control 3.3 22.0 9.4 16.2
  Intermittent coarse 8.5 4.4 3.2 25.2
  Intermittent fine 11.4 8.9 4.2 7.0
Root mean square error (n = 83) 38.57 26.46 58.66 39.68
Feeding regimen        
  Ad libitum 23.9 7.6 29.1 18.3
 Intermittent 7.7 11.8 5.6 16.1
 Control 3.8 14.1 25.6 14.1
 Coarse 20.5 8.1 9.1 21.6
 Fine 23.1 7.0 17.5 16.0
Main effect        
  Feeding regimen 0.07 NS 0.06 NS
1For chickens that were not exposed to the chromium EDTA marker, the levels of Cr detected in the gizzard, du-
odenum, jejunum, and ileum were 1.3 ± 0.48 μg, 0.17 ± 0.046 μg, 0.64 ± 0.21 μg, and 2.66 ± 0.41 μg, respectively.

tion by way of feed restriction, birds will display forag- These gains in mechanical and chemical gizzard func-
ing behavior independent of the level and particle size tion coupled with a longer retention time have been
of insoluble fiber in the diet. shown to result in improvements in nutrient digest-
In accordance with previous findings, the increase in ibility and feed utilization (Svihus, 2011). This was
volume and weight of gizzards in birds exposed to insol- confirmed by starch digestibility data from the current
uble fiber in the diet was accompanied by a reduction experiment and by the considerably higher AMEn of
in pH in the caged bird (Nir et al., 1994; Gabriel et al., the hulls-diluted diets than what would be expected
2003; Svihus, 2011). The strong effect of feeding regi- based on the calculated energy value of the control diet
men on pH in the control birds is especially interest- and the hulls (NRC, 1994). Starch granules in wheat
ing. This may be explained by the increase in the DM are embedded in a protein matrix. In order for starch
content of the crop and gizzard in the same birds. The digestion to take place, the granules need to be released
significant rise in DM content in the control birds, as a by proteolysis (Barlow et al., 1973; Simmonds et al.,
result of IF, could lead to an increase in fermentation, 1973). Péron et al. (2007) showed that proventricular
resulting in more acidic digesta flowing into the proven- pepsin activity was highest between pH 2 and 3. In
triculus and gizzard. The significant effect of feeding on addition to pH, a prolonged retention time of gizzard
gizzard DM contents alludes to a longer retention time, contents, as observed in birds fed the hull diets, would
which leads to an increase in hydrochloric secretions provide improved conditions for pepsin activity expos-
from the proventriculus (Nir et al., 1994). ing the starch granules more readily than in birds with

Table 4. Performance and digestive characteristics of experiment 2 birds (11–31 d of age)

Feed BW Crop content, Relative gizzard Gizzard content,
Item intake, g gain, g G:F g of DM weight, %1 g of DM

  Ad libitum control 2,408 1,675 0.70 7.0 1.4 2.1
  Ad libitum coarse 2,444 1,601 0.66 9.4 2.3 7.0
  Intermittent control 2,333 1,612 0.69 19.9 1.7 2.6
  Intermittent coarse 2,416 1,563 0.65 20.5 2.7 6.1
Root mean square error (n = 12) 87.7 49.2 0.032 9.44 0.26 0.73
Feeding regimen            
  Ad libitum 2,426 1,638 0.68 8.2 1.8 4.6
 Intermittent 2,375 1,588 0.67 20.2 2.2 4.4
 Control 2,371 1,644 0.69 13.5 1.5 2.4
 Coarse 2,430 1,582 0.65 15.0 2.5 6.6
Main effect            
  Feeding regimen NS 0.11 NS 0.06 * NS
 Diet NS 0.06 * NS *** ***
1Relativeweights are calculated as a percentage of BW.
*P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001.
passive-functioning gizzards. This is a possible mecha- establishment of motility patterns along the digestive
nism for the recorded improvement in starch digestibil- tract and satiety for a short period of time (Clench and
ity in the hull diet groups. Starch digestibility may also Mathias, 1992; Jiménez et al., 1994). It was assumed
be improved by a more active gizzard, resulting in a that reverse peristalsis, especially the gastroduodenal
finer grinding and acting as a regulator for digesta flow reflux, would be one method by which the IF birds
into the small intestine (Hetland and Svihus, 2001). would improve feed utilization. In view of this, the inter-
Heightened gizzard activity has also been linked to a mittent feeding system was perhaps not severe enough
stimulation of pancreatic secretions, resulting in an in- to induce an antiperistaltic response. Conversely, the
crease in amylase (Hetland et al., 2003). theory that reflux is induced by feed shortages may not
The lack of interaction between feeding system and be sound and that reflux is rather a characteristic of
diet structure indicates that the increase in volume optimal mixing of the lumen contents of satiated birds.
of the gizzard does not influence the bird’s ability to However, chromium EDTA is a liquid phase marker
adapt to meal feeding. Svihus et al. (2010) recorded the and retention time in the gizzard is dependent on par-
same trend and suggested that if the frequency of feed- ticle size (Vergara et al., 1989). If digesta were refluxed
ing intervals is too great, as in this study, the variation back into the gizzard, the marker would be the part of
in gizzard volume will have less effect. the fraction to pass first through the pylorus sphincter.
Despite the very strong limitations on feed availabil- Consequently, the chromium levels measured in the giz-
ity through the 5 feeding times and only 6 h with feed zard may not be wholly representative of the extent
available compared with 18 h for the AL-fed birds, the of the gastroduodenal reflux. Previous research has
IF birds were able to adapt quite quickly to IF, as indi- suggested the stimulating effect of coarse fiber on giz-
cated by the similar weight gain as the AL birds after zard function, in particular more frequent and powerful
an adaptation period and no significant reduction in contractions and the subsequent intraluminal pressure
bird weight at the termination of the experiment. This changes that they induce, will lead to an increase in the
is due to an extensive use of the crop as an intermedi- occurrence of gastric refluxes (Duke, 1982; Hetland et
ary storage organ for feed, as shown here and previ- al., 2003). The aforementioned limitation of the liquid
ously (Svihus et al., 2010). phase marker and increase in gizzard contents in birds
Although some research has shown the prevalence exposed to the hull treatments, suggest that further
of reverse peristalsis in turkeys (Duke, 1992), the cur- work should be carried out to investigate the potential
rent observations are the first to indicate the presence for reflux of solid feed particles and possible interaction
of reflux through the whole gastrointestinal tract of with recorded improvements in starch digestibility.
chickens. In the current study, stunning the bird fol- The difference in detected ranges of the chromium
lowed by cervical dislocation was chosen over other level in the birds unexposed to the marker and experi-
methods to euthanize birds. In previous studies carried mental birds is adequate to conclude that chromium
out by the same research group, CO2 asphyxiation has recovered from digesta samples from experimental birds
been employed due to the assumed low level of spastic originated from the introduced marker. It is remark-
movements by using this method (Coenen et al., 2000). able that the intestinal motility of a bird is capable
However, a considerable loss of intestinal contents via of propelling the marker from just above the colonic
regurgitation, far from ideal when measuring gut motil- sphincter to the gizzard with an average recovery of
ity, was experienced by using this method (Svihus et 0.30%. This equates to one-fourth of the total recovered
al., 2010), and thus stunning, followed by cervical dis- chromium from the gastrointestinal tract. Samples were
location, was chosen in the current experiment. It was taken 2 h after infusion of the marker and it is more
observed in this study that birds died without excessive than likely that a large proportion of chromium was
movement after cervical dislocation and without regur- passed out in the excreta; but previous unpublished
gitating. Thus, although some spastic movements af- results point to a large flow of the marker into the ceca
fecting digesta reflux may have taken place, it is unlike- where it is held and then released slowly according to
ly to have had a large effect in the current experiment. cecal contractions. The results from this study clearly
Perhaps the most suitable method for gastric motility demonstrate reflux of the liquid fraction of intestinal
studies in terms of minimizing convulsions would be contents. However, additional studies are required to
intravenous pentobarbital, which is known to inhibit quantify the amount and frequency in which material
gastric motility (Duke et al., 1977). However, due to is relocated by reverse peristalsis.
the time-limiting factors in the current protocol and In conclusion, this study demonstrates that birds
potential difficulties in administering the injection in raised on diets diluted with hulls exhibit improved per-
a timely fashion, this method was deemed unsuitable. formance due to improved gizzard function and hold-
The tendency for higher levels of chromium to be ing capacity. This did not improve the ability of birds
present in the gizzards and jejunal contents of AL birds to deal with restricted feeding. Furthermore, the study
fed the hull diets is contrary to what was expected. clearly illustrates the prevalence of reverse peristalsis,
Reflux has been characterized as a highly organized or reflux, along the entire length of the gastrointestinal
motility response to feed shortage, resulting in the re- tract in broiler chickens.
700 Sacranie et al.

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