Decorative Chromium Plating Basics

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Decorative Chromium chromium electroplating. Depending upon the process,

trivalent chromium electrolytes can either produce a
Plating Basics metallic white deposit almost identical in appearance to
the bluish white hexavalent chromium deposits, a deep-

E lectrodeposition of decorative chromium is the prin-

cipal means of imparting the physical and chemical
properties of chromium to the surface of less expensive
looking pewter or stainless steel appearing deposit or
almost black decorative deposits. In almost all chromi-
um plating applications, both hexavalent and trivalent
and easier-to-form materials such as steel and plastics. chromium deposits are interchangeable with each other;
The most desirable properties of chromium as a metal however, one or the other process might offer unique
coating are its inherent pro- advantages. For example,
tective and decorative char- the cost for hexavalent
acteristics. The deposit’s chromium solutions is typ-
high reflectivity is retained ically lower than that for
in service because of chromi- trivalent. However, the flu-
um’s excellent lubricity and oride used in many hexava-
resistance to tarnish, corro- lent chromium processes
sion, wear and scratches. will etch substrates, such as
Decorative chromium is copper and steel, resulting
almost exclusively plated in metallic contamination
over a nickel electrodeposit, of the plating bath which
which can be plated over could increase operating
substrates such as plastics, problems and rejects.
steel, aluminum, copper Trivalent chromium
alloys, and zinc die castings. processes typically do not
Nickel is preferred because it contain fluoride but will
protects the substrate from dissolve copper and iron.
corrosion, helps to give However, metallic contami-
chromium a pleasing bluish- nation is easier to remove
white decorative appearance, from a trivalent chromium
and is protected from sur- electrolyte. This makes it
face oxidation by the possible to produce nickel,
chromium. Stainless steel is free nickel/chrome looking
the only substrate that is frequently plated directly with decorative parts by plating trivalent chromium directly
chromium, but a nickel preplate before chromium is also over white copper alloys. Doing this with hexavalent
used. Multiple or single layers of nickel and copper can chromium solutions would be problematic.
precede the chromium deposit depending upon the
intended use of the part. The appearance of the chromi- HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM PROCESSES
um deposit can be significantly altered by using bright, Hexavalent chromium electrolytes require a source of
dull, satin or mechanically modified nickel deposits pre- chromium and one or more catalysts in order to plate.
ceding the chromium deposit. Decorative chromium The formulation of the traditional process (called the
deposits typically are plated in the 2-20-millionths-of-an- conventional, Sargeant or single catalyst process) con-
inch range. Thicker deposits are usually referred to as tains hexavalent chromium and sulfate as the only cata-
functional chrome and tend to be duller and contain vis- lyst. When fluoride is added as an additional catalyst to
ible cracks. the conventional hexavalent chromium plating bath for-
The traditional chromium deposit is produced from an mulation to enhance particular plating operations or the
electroplating electrolyte containing hexavalent chromi- deposit’s properties it is typically called a mixed-catalyst
um ions. About 1975, a chromium electrolyte contain- or dual catalyst bath. Proprietary organic additives can
ing the less toxic and less hazardous trivalent chromium also be used to produce dual or triple catalyst baths to
ion was introduced to replace decorative hexavalent further enhance the plating operation and deposits.

14 I metalfinishing I March 2012

TECHNICALLYspeaking Side reactions:

Mixed-catalyst baths are used when their special prop- 2H+ + 2(e)jH2(gas) + a mist(H2SO4 +Cr+6+H2O) (4)
erties are required, but they are more expensive and slight-
ly more difficult to operate than conventional processes. This side reaction consumes most of the available
They typically plate at faster speeds, have better coverage, power not used by reaction (3). The mist, a major HSE
have wider bright ranges, and are more tolerant to impu- concern, can be trapped within the plating tank by the
rities. They are also less sensitive to current interruptions use of mist control agents or surface tension reducers.
and can be plated over more passive surfaces. Trivalent chromium ions are created and oxidized by:
The basic formulations of hexavalent chromium
processes are very similar. They consist of chromic triox- Cr2O7-2 +14H+ +6(e) 2Cr+3+7H2O (5)
ide (CrO3), which when combined with water forms 2Cr+3+3O2 -6(e) 2CrO3 (6)
chromic acid (H2CrO4), and the sulfate ion (SO4+2)
which is added in the form of sulfuric acid or a sulfate
salt. Even though chemically incorrect, solid chromic Reaction (6) is catalyzed by a PbO2 film that naturally
oxide is commonly referred to as chromic acid, its hydrat- forms on the lead anode.
ed form. Dilute conventional formulations consist of approxi-
A number of sometimes conflicting theories have been mately 250 g/L (33 oz/gal) chromic trioxide (“chromic
proposed to explain the very complex mechanism of hexa- acid”), and 2.5 g/L (0.33 oz/gal) sulfate. Concentrated
valent chromium electroplating. In a simplified form, conventional baths contain approximately 400 g/L (53
they all contain the following multiple reactions: oz/gal) chromic trioxide and 4.0 g/L (0.53 oz/gal) sulfate.
In practice, however, concentrations in between these are
Cr3+H2OjH2CrO4 CrO4j-2+2H+ (1) widely used.
-2 The dilute formulation offers good coverage, moderate
2H2CrO4jH2Cr2O7 +H2OjCr2O7j +2H++H2O (2)
nickel substrate activation, and consistent current effi-
Deposition reaction: ciency. It also has a lower solution cost, plates faster, and
produces less waste to treat. The concentrated formula-
Cr2O7-2+14H++12(e)+CAT 2Cr0 +7H2O (3) tion gives better coverage and greater resistance to impu-
rities and requires lower operating voltages; however, it is
CAT is the required catalyst, e.g., sulfate in addition to more expensive to make up because of its higher chromi-
fluoride and/or an organic catalyst, while (e) refers to an um concentration and more chromium is dragged out
electron. The plating efficiency of reaction (3) is approxi- resulting in higher waste treatment coat.
mately 20% or less depending upon the catalyst, bath A critical point in all bath formulations is the require-
chemistry and the current density. ment for close control of the CrO3/SO4 weight ratio March 2012 I metalfinishing I 15

TECHNICALLYspeaking constructed of PTFE (fluorocarbon resin) or tantalum.
Titanium can be used except when a fluoride catalyzed
needed to produce consistent plating results. Ratios of chromium process is used. A ripple filter on the rectifier
between 80:1 and 130:1 are typical, with a ratio of around is used to reduce plating current problems. A non- PFOS
100:1 being common for conventional processes. A low surfactant must be used in regions that it is restricted by
ratio results in relatively poor throwing and covering regulations. Table II contains additional information.
power and an increased limiting current density. Higher
ratios result in slower deposition rates, duller deposits, TRIVALENT CHROMIUM PROCESSES
increased covering power, and decreased limiting current Decorative trivalent chromium, a safer and more efficient
density. system, was commercialized in the mid 1970s as an alter-
The addition of a fluoride catalyst necessitates an native to hexavalent chromium processes with its many
adjustment in the CrO3/SO4 weight ratio. Ratios of HES issues. In addition, trivalent chromium eliminated
170:1 to 210:1 are required, with 190:1 being most typical. most of the operational problems associated with hexava-
The chromium concentrations for both the dilute and lent chromium chemistry: high toxicity, low current effi-
concentrated mixed-catalyst formulations are the same as ciency, poor metal distribution, lack of coverage around
for conventional baths; however, the sulfate concentra- holes, burns in high-current-density areas, and “white-
tion is lowered due to the use of the secondary catalyst. wash.” Depending on the design of the part being plated,
Unlike most plating baths in which the metal, M, is productivity might be improved because these advantages
present in solution as a cation, M+, chromium is present might permit a higher rack density and lower reject rate
as an anion complex, Cr2O7-2, which very likely under- compared to hexavalent chromium processes.
goes further complexing with ions such as the sulfate cat- The literature contains far less information on the
alyst to permit chromium deposition. Fluoride or silico- chemistry of trivalent chromium processes than for hexa-
fluoride ions are extensively used today in mixed-catalyst valent. This is the result of the relative newness of the
formulations, especially in self-regulating baths. Self-reg- commercially successful processes, the proprietorships of
ulating formulations are obtained by using sparingly sol- the processes, and the wider differences in the chemistries
uble salts of the fluoride catalysts. This controls the cat- used. Basically, the significant reactions in all the trivalent
alysts’ concentration because only the required amount chromium processes are very simple.
of catalyst will dissolve. For this reason, less frequent cat- Deposition reaction:
alyst analysis is required. Much more routine analyses
and chemical control of the catalysts are needed in non- Cr+3+3(e)jCr0(metallic chromium) (7)
self-regulated formulations since the catalyst must be
added to the bath as they are depleted. However, this Side reaction:
offers a much wider range of operating conditions.
Chromic acid concentrations may be maintained by Cr+3jCr+6+3(e) (8)
making frequent specific gravity determinations of the
operating solution using a hydrometer. Occasionally, Reaction (7) requires only 3 electrons compared to the
more accurate chromium analyses should be conducted six required by hexavalent chromium processes, thus dou-
by an analytical method specific for chromium. bling the electron efficiency of the process. The unwant-
Chromium is consumed and dragged out of the bath. ed reaction (8) can take place at the anode under some
Since lead anodes are used, the chromium must be replen- conditions.
ished by additions of chromic acid (chromic trioxide). The electrolytes for the different trivalent chromium
Sulfate concentrations should be determined frequent- plating processes differ in chemistry, but they all contain
ly by using a centrifuge to measure the volume of the sul- a source of trivalent chromium, that is typically added as
fate precipitated by the addition of barium. Occasionally, a sulfate and/or chloride salt. They also contain a stabi-
gravimetric analyses should be conducted to confirm this lizing material (called a catalyst in hexchrome processes)
quick, less accurate method. Sulfate concentrations may that combines with the chromium to permit it to plate in
be raised by adding sulfuric acid. To add 0.05 g/L sulfate the desired form. Salts are also added to increase conduc-
(SO4), add 0.0295 ml/L concentrated (66° Bè) H2SO4. tivity in the solution. Wetting agents are used to help in
Sulfate can be dragged into as well as dragged out of the the deposition reaction and to reduce the surface tension
tank. To lower the concentration of sulfate by 0.05 g/L of of the solution. This essentially eliminates the formation
H2SO4, add 0.01 g/L barium carbonate to precipitate the of a mist at the anode and cathode. It also helps lower the
sulfate. Sulfate is an impurity in other chemicals such as solution viscosity resulting in more solution draining
chromic acid. For this reason, sulfate should be con- from the part when compared to hexavalent chromium
trolled carefully and any sulfate present as impurities processes.
should be accounted for. Historically, the two general formulations of trivalent
Plating tanks are typically lined with polyvinyl chloride, chromium processes obtain their generic names by the
(PVC, Koroseal). The historical use of lead lined tanks is method they used to eliminate the side reaction (8) – sin-
no longer recommended. Auxiliary equipment should be gle and double cell processes. The original single-cell

16 I metalfinishing I March 2012

Trivalent Chromium Hexavalent
Mixed Sulfate Chromium

Chromium, g/L 15 - 25 10 - 20 100 - 200

pH 2–3 3.2 – 3.8 <1

Temperature, oF 70 – 120 120 - 140 90 - 120

Cathode Current Density, A/ft2 70 - 150 70 - 150 175 - 300

Anode-Cathode Ratio 2:1 2:1 1:1 – 3:1

Anode material Carbon Precious metal coated titanium Lead-Tin (7%)

Rectifier voltage Up to 12 Up to 12 4 - 12

Agitation Mild air Mild air Optional

Maximum deposit thickness, μm >1 ≈ 0.3 >5

Deposition rate, μm/min 0.15 – 0.25 0.02 – 0.03 0.1 – 0.18

Table I. Chromium Plating - Typical Operating Conditions

process uses graphite anodes immersed directly into the plating” when controlling a trivalent chromium process.
plating solution. An interaction between the anodes and The troubleshooting guides for trivalent chromium
the chemistry of the process eliminated the formation of processes are a few lines long as compared to several pages
hexavalent chromium. A secondary chemical mechanism for hexavalent chromium.
converts hexavalent to trivalent if any does appear in the The additives are added based upon amp-hours, specif-
solution. The anodes, which are destroyed only by ic gravity, and pH. In addition, chemical analysis on a
mechanical means, are placed below solution level to monthly basis appears to be sufficient for control. All
eliminate misting. Since this process utilizes both sulfate trivalent chromium processes are far more sensitive to
and chloride (and boric acid), as in nickel baths, it is now metallic contamination than hexavalent processes.
commonly referred to as a mixed salt trivalent process. Metallic impurities darken the deposit and alter the
Just as with nickel electrolytes, the mixed chloride-sulfate throwing and covering powers. However, most trivalent
formulation enhances the operation of the process. This processes utilize a regenerateable resin to remove all com-
is most noticeable in plating rate and deposit thickness mon metallic contaminates directly from the working
(Table I). The chloride helps to make it easier for the solution. Less desirable, but a quick chemical purification
mixed process to meet the automotive company’s specifi- method or a slow dummying method can also be utilized.
cation for 0.25 to 0.5 microns of chromium. Other fac- These methods eliminate the problems attributed to
tors are listed in Table II. metallic contamination.
The double-cell process originally reduced the side reac- Today, most industries using decorative chromium
tion (8) by isolating the chromium containing solution deposits, such as the automotive/truck industry, approve
from the anode through a membrane box. Because of the use of trivalent chromium for both interior and exte-
maintenance problems and the amount of space that the rior parts. The almost complete elimination of the color
anode boxes took from the plating area inside the tank, difference between hexavalent and trivalent chromium
they have been almost completely replaced by insoluble deposits and the demonstrated corrosion resistance is
metallic catalytic composite anodes with a projected life greatly responsible for this wide acceptance. Some triva-
of 3 to 5 years. With the elimination of the need for an lent chromium deposits have also been found to be much
isolated anode, today this process is commonly referred more resistant to calcium chloride corrosion (Russian
to as a sulfate process. The electrolyte contains no chlo- Mud) than hexavalent chromium deposits.
ride ions.
Once through the learning curve, control of trivalent OPERATIONS
chromium plating processes is typically easier than for The typical operating conditions for trivalent compared
hexavalent chromium processes. The literature says that to hexavalent chromium electroplating processes are
an operator should “think nickel plating not chromium shown in Table I. March 2012 I metalfinishing I 17

Trivalent Chromium Hexavalent
Mixed Sulfate Chromium
Throwing power Good Good Poor

Covering power Good Good Poor

Current interruptions Completely tolerant Completely tolerant Intolerant

Rectifier ripple Completely tolerant Completely tolerant Intolerant

Deposit structure Amorphous Amorphous Crystalline

Micro-discontinuous Yes as plated Some Need particle nickel

High current density No burning Some misplate Burning

Ease or rinsing Easy Easy Moderate (viscous)

Filtering Occasional Daily with carbon Never

Conditioning/dummying Very seldom Routinely on start up Routinely on start up

Passivity of unplated surfaces Needs Needs Natural “chromating” gives

post-treatment post-treatment mild protection
Waste treatment Easy ≈ 1/10 the sludge, no Easy ≈ 1/10 the sludge, no Moderate
Relative safety Similar to nickel Similar to nickel Similar to cyanide

Misting Almost eliminated Almost eliminated Heavy, need to be controlled

Odor Almost eliminated Almost eliminated Strong and dangerous

Removal of impurities Easy Easy Hard

Chromium contamination Hexavalent chromium Occasional treatment for Treatment for trivalent
destroyed hexavalent chromium chromium
Table II. Trivalent and Hexavalent Chromium Comparison

EQUIPMENT tive plating characteristics. The plating amps for trivalent

Trivalent chromium tanks and equipment are very similar chromium processes are at least one half those used for
to the design of nickel tanks. Tank linings must be made hexavalent processes so the racks can be designed for the
from suitable synthetic material such as PVC, plastisol or lower current. In general, racks designed for hexavalent
polypropylene. Air agitation design can be identical. The chromium processes can be used in trivalent processes,
sulfate/chloride mixed trivalent process uses graphite but the reverse is not true.
insoluble anodes that only need to be replaced when Since trivalent chromium processes will not “burn” and
mechanically damaged. The sulfate process uses insoluble they have greater covering and throwing powers than
anodes with a recoatable catalytic coating. Titanium or hexavalent processes (see Table II), parts many times can
Teflon spaghetti coils are used for heating and cooling in be placed closer together on the racks and high current
both trivalent processes. When converting from a hexava- density areas can face the anodes. The racks can be
lent to a trivalent chromium process it is almost always designed for optimum nickel plating. Racks used with
better to reline or replace the tank and remove the old ven- hexavalent chromium are designed to accommodate the
tilation equipment. Even a small amount of residual lead deficiencies of the chromium process. This increases pro-
can cause plating problems. An operational hexavalent ductivity and makes shielding and robbing of the part’s
chromium rectifier usually can be used. high current density areas, as is required for hexavalent
The current carrying capacity of the plating racks must chromium processes, unnecessary. Auxiliary anodes are
be designed for the amperage they will carry. They should sometimes necessary with hexavalent processes to obtain
also be designed so that the parts on the racks will utilize coverage in the recesses but might not be used with triva-
the bath’s plating benefits and minimize the bath’s nega- lent processes.

18 I metalfinishing I March 2012

TECHNICALLYspeaking out material as possible back to the tank. Any plating
solution that cannot be recovered must be waste treated.
Bath A Bath B Bath C Even though this reduces plating solution waste, reduced
drag-out keeps contaminants in the plating solution,
Chromic acid, g/L 250 340 250 thus complicating the requirement to maintain a pure
enough plating solution to obtain the required deposit
Fluosilicic acid, g/L - 0.34 0.25 properties.
Acetic acid, g/L 216 - - Due to hexavalent chromium’s poor draining charac-
teristics and its misting, a large amount of solution is
Barium acetate, g/L 7.6 11 - unavoidably removed from a decorative chromium plat-
ing tank. Vacuum evaporators and ion exchange are
Temperature, oF 100 70 90 examples of methods used to return dragged-out hexava-
lent chromium back to the plating tank in order to save
Current density, A/ft2 40 – 90 200 150 - 450 chemical and waste treatment expenses; however, due to
Table III. Decorative Black Chromium Formulations the difficulty of removing metallic impurities from hexa-
valent chromium plating solutions, it is common to send
a solution containing an excess of metallic impurities out
Bath A Bath B for recovery.
Chromic acid, g/L 525 340 Trivalent chromium is much more sensitive to metallic
impurities than hexavalent chromium; however, the
Sulfate, g/L 1 0.98 chemistry of most trivalent chromium processes makes it
easy to remove metallic impurities. This eliminates the
Fluorsilicate, g/L 7 6 need to ever discard the solution due to normal metallic
contamination. Atmospheric evaporators can be used to
Temperature, oF 90 – 105 Room - 95 reduce solution volume so all the trivalent chromium
Voltage 6 – 18 6 - 18 that can be captured is returned to its plating tank. In
most trivalent chromium processes, metallic impurities
Time of plating 8 10 can be removed quickly by chemical precipitation or slow-
(minutes to produce ly by dummying. The most effective way is to use a resin
10 millionths) treatment directly on the plating solution to remove all
Table IV. Hexavalent Chromium Barrel Formulations common metallic impurities. This eliminates the build
up of metallic impurities and excludes any change in
Trivalent chromium processes do not require scrubbers deposit color or properties associated with metallic impu-
and, if the room is adequately ventilated, tank ventilation rities. If a trivalent chromium plating solution has to be
might not be required. In many regions, the same prac- waste treated its cost is approximately one-tenth that of
tices used for nickel baths apply to trivalent chromium. treating an equal volume hexavalent chromium.
This is due to the almost complete
elimination of misting and odor.
Trivalent chromium processes have a
non-PFOS mist suppressor, a low
chromium concentration, and a
greatly reduced toxicity and oxidiz-
ing properties as compared to hexa-
valent chromium. Trivalent chromi-
um solution drains and rinses easily,
thus greatly reducing the amount of
chromium drag-out. If any solution
does dry on the part, it is less haz-
ardous since the chromium is in the
trivalent state. It also does not stain
the part.

The best waste treatment method is
to minimize the amount of solution
dragged out of the plating tank.
Secondly, return as much dragged- March 2012 I metalfinishing I 19

TECHNICALLYspeaking chromium will typically macrocrack (visible to unaided
eye) in service if plated over 20 millionth in thickness.
Hexavalent chromium processes are essentially insensi- Most chromium specifications requiring corrosion pro-
tive to organic contamination since the hexavalent tection specify between 0.25 to 0.5 microns of chromium
chromium ion destroys most organics, resulting in the (10 to 20 millionths). Hexavalent chromium processes
formation of trivalent chromium ions. Being a contami- labelled as “Crack-free” deposits will typically macrocrack
nant, an excess of trivalent chromium must be reconvert- in service since, like all chromium deposits, they are hard
ed back to hexavalent chromium. The common way is to and brittle. Because the appearance of the part after cor-
dummy at a high cathode current density (e.g., anode cur- rosion is very important, in North America most specifi-
rent density of 12 A/ft2, cathode current density of 600 cations have eliminated microcracked deposits from use
A/ft2). Trivalent chromium processes are also relatively because they tend to lose their reflective appearance much
insensitive to organic impurities but sometimes organics faster than microporous deposits.
must be removed. Occasional carbon filtering is sufficient
for some processes while routine carbon/peroxide treat- DECORATIVE BLACK CHROMIUM
ments are needed for others. Thin black chromium deposits are used for functional
and decorative applications. Important functional appli-
CORROSION PROTECTION cations include solar energy collectors for heat production
Decorative chromium deposits play an important role in and anti-glare surfaces. Decorative functions include fur-
the base metal protection provided by nickel/chromium niture, plumbing fixtures, optical equipment, boat equip-
systems. They offer hardness, appealing color, tarnish ment, and automotive and builders’ hardware. The deco-
resistance, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. Even rative jet black finish enhances users’ appeal for the prod-
though decorative trivalent and hexavalent chromium uct and so its popularity depends upon the customers’
deposits are used interchangeably, there are some impor- changing desire for black finishes.
tant differences. For example, hexavalent chromium ions As plated, black hexavalent chromium deposits have a
impart short-term corrosion protection on non-chromi- decrease in wear and corrosion resistance. However, black
um plated surfaces by “chromating” the part. Trivalent chromium deposits have a greater degree of microporosi-
ions do not and so post-plating treatments are necessary ty, which helps absorb oil, waxes, and paint. Along with
to obtain the equivalent protection other post-treatments, this property might be used to
When corrosion resistance is important, most specifica- improve its corrosion resistance, wearability, and appear-
tions encourage or require micro-discontinuous chromi- ance. Dark trivalent chromium deposits have properties
um deposits. With a controlled pattern of microscopic similar to standard chromium deposits. If extended cor-
pores or cracks, the corrosion potential between the rosion protection is required, some post-treatments might
chromium and underlying nickel deposits is spread out be required. These deposits have become very desirable to
over thousands of corrosion sites. This reduces the anod- designers for interior and exterior automotive parts.
ic current on the nickel at any one site thus greatly reduc- Most black chromium processes are proprietary because
ing the individual corrosion rate. This results in a fine of the difficulty of obtaining consistent plating character-
pattern of corrosion sites (Active Sites) uniformly spaced istics and deposit properties. In many applications, plat-
over the surface. A typical standard will specify a mini- ing black hexavalent chromium over regular chromium is
mum of 10,000 micropores per square centimetre or over recommended. For all decorative and most functional
30 microcracks per millimetre. Without micro-disconti- black chromium deposits, the typical thickness is [approx-
nuity all the corrosion potential is concentrated in a few imate] 0.25 microns. Three general formulations for black
sites resulting in unsightly, irregularly spaced, large cor- hexavalent chromium processes are given in Table III. Low
rosion sites. carbon steel anodes can be used with plating times of up
Hexavalent chromium deposits must undergo special to 10 min. Most formulations will only produce a maxi-
treatments to produce micro-discontinuity. Plating mum deposit thickness and then stop plating due to the
chromium over very fine inert particles that are code- nonconductive nature of the deposit. To produce black
posited in a nickel strike (particle nickel) over the bright deposits, barium salts are typically added to remove any
nickel deposit is the typical way of producing microp- traces of sulfate. Dark trivalent chromium process are all
orous chromium. Lightly spraying the hard, brittle proprietary due to their complex chemistry.
chromium deposit with hard 60 to 80 mesh particles pro-
duces microporous chromium at the contact points. BULK CHROMIUM PLATING
Some trivalent chromium deposits are micro-discontinu- Plating racks are typically used to hold parts, transfer
ous as plated. Deposits under about 20 millionths are parts to and from the plating solution, and to carry the
microporous. Deposits over about 25 millionths are direct current to the part. Very small parts such as eyelets,
microcracked. Under some conditions these trivalent screws, nuts, and bolts have high labor costs when placed
chromium deposits might not need particle nickel to individually on racks so they are sometimes bulk plated in
obtain the desired number of Active Sites. barrels or trays; however, even under the best of plating
If micro-discontinuity is not induced, hexavalent conditions, the chromium reject rate can be very high.

20 I metalfinishing I March 2012

This is due to incomplete coverage and black/gray
deposits mostly resulting from poor cathode contact and
current interruption.
Under special conditions, both hexavalent and trivalent
chromium processes have been used for bulk plating of
parts. Table IV contains simple barrel hexavalent chromi-
um formulations. Hexavalent chromium has been used
primarily and special proprietary formulations have been
developed that can produce near 100% coverage if precise
control is used. Since current interruptions are not avoid-
able in barrels and trays, highly complexed-fluoride-con-
taining solutions are normally used. It is extremely
important that the bright nickel used prior to chromium
not be passive. This is typically accomplished by plating a
minimum of 0.1 mil of nickel in a barrel and, with a few
rinses in between, transferring the parts directly into the
chromium tank. Since the parts are not held by a rack,
poor or no contact with cathode leads is common.
Contact must depend upon gravity, while being damp-
ened by the solution, to hold the part against the cathode
contact points.
To increase the likelihood of good contact and satisfac-
tory plating, platers use low current density, low temper-
atures, and specially designed barrels and trays. Cathode
contact points in barrels are constructed from wire mesh,
solid steel liners, button contact points less than an inch
apart, or steel bars that tumble the parts as they move.
Large barrels with small loads also help to increase the
frequency of contact and reduce temperature build up
inside the confined space of the barrel. In general, the
highest practical current density possible, without burn-
ing, should be used.
Screw and spiral design plating equipment are also
used. The parts are put into the barrel at one end and
transferred through the barrel for plating inside the
threads of the screw. This permits a continuous flow of
plated parts. Vibratory agitation and centrifugal force
barrels are also available. In all cases, the barrels must be
constructed so that the hydrogen gas generated during
plating can escape from the barrel rather than being
trapped and possibly exploding. Tray plating requires
that parts be layered onto a metallic screen and vibrated
or tumbled during plating.
Trivalent chromium solutions have recently been tried
for barrel and tray plating of chromium. Since current
interruptions do not hurt the deposit in trivalent chromi-
um processes, and burning is not a problem, this tech-
nology will probably become more popular in the future.

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