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OUTCOMES PN WORKBOOK ENS) WORKBOOK AMANDA MARIS INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES NaTioN tic | a%s CENGAGE LEARNING «* Learning” pan Korea Meso Singapore Spin «United Kingdon United Sates | ‘ NATIONAL - Geographic | % CENGAGE LEARNING # Learning ‘outcomes intermediate Workbook {© 2016 National Geographic Learning apart of Cengage Learning Amanita Marts [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part ofthis work covered by the copy: sconsperconinatsan tight herein maybe reproduce, transmitted, stored ed nay form or by any means graphic, electronic, or meckanica, Including ultlishing Gonsukants Karen Spiller ‘but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, dgitiallsing, Development Editor: Steve Longworth taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information Head of Strategic Marketing, ELT: Charlote Elis storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 of 108 ofthe 1976 United States Copyright Act, or applicable copyright law of another jurisdiction, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher. 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Visit National Geographic Learing online at Visit our corporate website at creDirs anh vy beh cont i ae isi bt ee i pr atneraeeianeec Tet ae 30 The ego,“ sgt ns ae ae pg ee rp Ag 308 Fae 9 We MacDoat“Om reper camer (as ros oer te Cons: Meer Der 208 Photos ‘her ikea thant aloig sesso prison ov aot ote mages (00d chpt Gey nage (0) © mn hctnccom © pon Stocphet:1 2) © Pw elke 109) © eHsakscignta: 100) ‘heme onetery raps U6 joe Sm Stace 10C) © Ran enna age (DE reer mage © RrtocGety ges ‘lah sane Swern tho kn Bae octet © ecoraty magee Ge Cortana Crs Pearce ages 6 aca Greogh sor Susagota © Tama ore Gat maps) bce Westpoint ‘owurserpnte Bins Seay napa © odoyetety maps 5 sua tap 2-7 © ben ter trgeicety nage (9 nce Fcscnty eyes 29) feo 8 © os nes neater ye rotors Suaesocacn 5 © Neehuteretam © Ml ‘han 396 Laan syst et ca aD ie Gapeatapot 4 fet) peace ot Mh Crs scent Oe {oreo top Venptcphots #9 le) & Ponce Rent ange ge pt areca age 4 Amal Sater 3 © romero Stcalatcon 4 © dere Demise torson 8 oval eyes 90 O hrm) © velrapes cytes (0) © ar ony gee © De sent mgr 8 Fann aay nigel aeseaty mops 39) Onan ug hatestasam steering tinge ages 6° Pl ese nape 6 cone isan zn 6) (New Ameena Irom © ata apm) © se ayy mages. ope Shanon 686 Nae Zetec) © in (Snr stespataty mops) denn Conan ays Cot blcaty ages4() oy aay mae) © eae Sowerty lage 2) sho: Pk nse ages © came Seley ages bm) © Dil Vleet boges 5 © Pade nage 10 ure Ihtoercty agen © theaters 9 (ee ae age st Ul Cringe nage:9 (bagel Mes MsabarAlny, ‘in jana nae (0'© wns ecrsny () etea/oey ages 8) © tanya nae os da be met al sgt ay Pa 8 Sp enon ca tat 0 een geo hay (398s) Mae Spstreanan se BS (Sib ragoot wean ota aceon bos Sittaa O keen Ret nages2 © feb ures com 9500 © sen ‘angen ma 0) Crs ge © ay Gani es toasty map ee mer con © arco Meet sins 24 65 ark any. 9K) rit Ou, Printed in Greece by Bakis SA Print Number: 01 Print Year: 2015 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FIRST CLASS FEELINGS TIME OFF INTERESTS. WORKING LIFE BUYING AND SELLING EDUCATION EATING HOUSES GOING OUT THE NATURAL WORLD PEOPLE | KNOW JOURNEYS TECHNOLOGY INJURIES AND ILLNESS NEWS AND EVENTS Aupioscript ANSWER KEY Pa P.10 P16 P.22 P.28 p40 P46 P52 P.64 P.70 P.76 P.82 P.88 P94 P.101 P.113 VOCABULARY Talking about people 1 Cross out one example in each group that isn’t possible. 1 My friend Lukas is from Germany ! Arabic / Japan. My sisters a translator / civil servant / engineer, 3. My mum works ina warehouse / office / university 4 My brother speaks good Spanish and a bit of Portuguese / Russian / Poland, 5 I'mdoing a degree in Lawyer / Economics / ‘Medicine at the moment. 6 My family are all realy into reading / sport / cook. 7 1am an only children | the youngest of four ids /a twin, 8_My.uncle is single / marred | separate. GRAMMAR Auxiliary verbs 2. Write questions that you might ask another student at the beginning of anew class. 1. What / name? Whae'vvewe name? 2. Where / from? 3 What / do? 4. What / do / when / not work? 5 How long / study / English? 6 Why/ learn / English? 7. study / here / before? Language note subject questions IF question asks about the subject ofa sentence, the verb has the same form as a statement, eg, Who in the class speaks Italian? Katie, (the subject of speaks) NOT Vilo-in the class does speak- alien? 6 outcomes 8 meet / the teacher / yet? 9 What / think of/ the test we dia? 10 What / go / do / after this class? 3. Match the answers (a-j) to the questions (1-10) in exercise 2. ‘im not sure, Maybe we could go fora coffe. lava I's a small town in the north of Spain No, never. It's my frst time ina school in the UK. fm into cooking and spending time with my family. ‘The grammar was OK but | was nervous in the speaking test. | work in the food industry. About five years, on and off 3. Magda, short for Magdalena. Yes, she seems very nice | need it for my job. Most of our foreign clients speak English. 4 Nick is thinking of doing a course at an international language centre. ‘Complete his questions to the receptionist. Use the correct form of the vverbs in brackets. IN: Hi, Could you give me some information on your Russian courses? Yeah, sure. Take a seat. What would you like to know? Well, what 2 a typical dass 2 (involve) Well, it varies, but there is always a range of activities, with lots of speaking practice nz N: So how many students? there ina class? (be) Amaximum of 2. N: And where they 2 (come from) B: allover the world. We have about 30 diferent nationalities at any one time And how long each clas. 2 (ast) f About 50 minutes, longer ifts an intensive course Ne Hows you on a student's level (decide) 8: Apart from beginners, there's a written test and als an oral so that we know how good you are at speaking and understanding, N: What qualifications ° the teachers (nave, If you don't mind me asking? Rs No it'sa good question. All our teachers are native speakers and most of them have lots of experience. IN: OK fair enough. I've used quite a few books already so which ones X you (go / use) in the next course? Rs Well it depends on the class. n intensive courses we use a wide range of different materials. Some of them we develop ourselves. IN: OK. One last question, how much & the course 2 (cost) R; It éepends, Let me get you a price lst. NN: OK, great, thanks. hd 5 Choose the correct words in italics in the quiz below. Then see if you know the answers to the questions. LANGUAGES 1. Which / What language does use / uses the Cyrilic alphabet? OPoiish ORussian OFrench QUIZ 2 tow many / much vg roiees ext / 2 ox no We 0? Dlabout 6,000 Dlabout 600 Cabot 60 3. Why / How do you write / writing Hebrew and Arabic? Ditrom feft to rignt trom right to left Citrom top to bottom ‘4 When / Where does the word ‘alphabet’ originally comes come trom’? D-yptian hierogiyphics Dithe name of the first dictionary waiter ithe first two letters of the Greek alphabet 5 What / How percentage of the Internet is / are in English? Os6 per cent O86 per cent Oie9 per cent 6 Yihat / Who cid create / created the first computer programming language? Can American businessman Da German engineer Ola Bitish academic: DEVELOPING CONVERSATIONS Asking follow-up questions 6 Use the questions in the box to complete the A conversations, There is one extra question each time. 8: |went with my sister to London. She's over from Italy at the fieyeataeyouN inetege ser shop How long have you been learning it? a a B: She bought some presents for everyone at home. Whose class were you in? Fae aes, What are you studying? Whereabouts? B: Three sisters and a brother, What about you? {A Just one brother. 1A: Where are ou from? Bt 8: Hung, fe The sme age nach weet seontalis aitindofmusicaeyouniot ———SC*S 8: Atown cle Singed Hove you hear ia Hee risen ts A: No,sorty,| haven't. Have you studied here before? is oe 2: No-nevet eis fe But your ngs realy god. Seana saipetion B: About seven yas nando Bt salt oF ork, orth ny deg couse, toa. 3 A: What doyou dr Oh Bs Tima ster fom gern. thing Law 2: Medicine on! fe tealimeton* Bs The Uns of aenos Aes 2 velit ished ry scone hk: How many brothers and sisters have you got? Ea oeaipioe international law What about ys vow mary boing A tmincompsting Metal you dot fata progianang company anki ; ing ies? > progaiing company in frank Didyou get arthing ne B: sowhatdoyou dowhen youte not woking? aounes ‘A: ma Di ina club. 2 A Hagan. Didyou havea good weekend? bs Realy 2 ves thai. twos fon fe Also aly fonkjazz hiphop VOCABULARY Talking about languages 1L Replace the underlined words with the expressions in ‘the box. get by my accent. fluently accurate express picked it up mastering struggled 1. At fist | really had problems speaking French at work. No-one understood the way | said things. 2 It'shard to be correct all the time. Getting complet knowledge of a language can take years. 3 im not brilliant at German, but | can survive in the language in most everyday situations, 4 im pretty good at Japanese now. | learnt itwithout formal lessons by living in Kyoto for about 10 years. 5. Ihaven't been studying Italian for very long, so it’s. hard to get across what | want to say sometimes 6 Iwas born in Greece but I went to an international school, s0 I speak English very well Language note word order with phrasal verbs Remember the word order when you use a pronoun ‘with separable verbs: | picked up my Spanish while traveling. OR | picked my Spanish up while travelling. BUT | picked it up while travelling. NOT ‘picked up it while travelling. 2 Look at the underlined words. What type of word is ‘each one? I've just "taken up painting at our local art college ‘To be honest, I'm no Van Gogh. Doing anything *for the frst ime is *hard and people always want to do “wel. But my *advice isto concentrate on the ‘activity: What | ®mean is, enjoy what” you are doing ‘and don't wory about the end result. And never compare yourself with anyone else. There wil always. bbe those “annoyingly talented people who can "take (on any new challenge and succeed. lgnore them. 3. Answer the questions and test your knowledge. ‘What's the opposite of these words and expressions? Circle the correct option. easy - hard / hardly slowly - fastly/fast fluent — unfluant / not very fluent ‘a minor mistake ~ a serious / large mistake ‘900d progress ~ siow / bac progress ‘a basic levol of Japanese ~2a high / tal level of Jananese Do these words collocate with make or do? amistake —anewercise progress | your homework a couse ‘fool of yourself agoodjob _anefiot “ Write the correct prepositions. WWOMT -- YOUF ROGTEES OY. YOUF bestfriend CONENAEE WORK dB problem Where is the stress on these words? evidence — motivation environment. bblingual continuity embarrassed What do these words have in common? honest knowledge write reign LISTENING 4 © 1.2 You are going to hear Trisha and Andy talking about a change in Trisha’s life. Choose the correct answers, a,b, orc. 1. What course has Trisha decided to goon? a a foreign language b knitting building skills 2 What is Andy's reaction to her news? 2 He's impressed b_ He wants to try something new too, © He criticises her 3 What was the problem at the first class? All the other students were men, b Trisha didn't know the answer to a question. ¢ Trisha said something silly. 4 What will Trisha do in the first term? a whatever she likes bb general sills © bricklaying 5 Tisha thinks her new job will be a well paid b interesting hard work PRONUNCIATION Silent letters Underline the silent letters in these extracts from. ‘the listening. 1 Ive signed up for 2 building course 2_ an evening course in a foreign language or knitting ‘or whatever 3. there's a need for builders and plumbers 4 the first class was a bit nerve-wracking. 5. [felt such a fool and | went bright red 1.2 Listen and check. READING Read the chat room posts quickly. What question are they answering? a. Where's the best place to learn a second language? b Where's the strangest place you've had a language class? c Why do you like learning languages? Read the posts again. Write the correct names. Who 1. didn’t think they would learn much? Mabe 2 still remembers what they learnt? 3 was surprised by how much they knew? 4 wanted to improve on their current level? didn't know specific vocabulary? wasn't learning with a teacher? practiced again soon after the class? Complete the sentences with the missing Prepositions. Look back at the posts if you need to. 1. It’s funny how | forget some words but others stay 2 An intensive course is a good way to top your English 3 Iwent toa German class with a friend and really enjoyed it. 4. The most difficult thing is often starting a conversation, 5 Where can I sign 6 Weld like to find inour area, for allan classes? ‘about Russian classes It wasn't realy a class but | leamt a lot of words. Many years ago, | was on a cycling holiday in a remote part of Spain and | had an accident. | was taken to the nearest ABE department, where no-one spoke English. | could get by with everyday Spanish, but didn't know any medical ‘words. The staff looked after me and, by the time | lft, | knew the words forall the parts of the leg and how to describe pain in Spanish. And it has stayed with me to this day! ‘Alex, US (Ona ferry, ofall places. We were on our way to France from the UK and suddenly a French lady appeared and {gave us a leaflet about a language ciass on board. | must admit | was @ bit sceptical about how much we could pick: upin such a short time. But there was nothing much else 10. do so we went along. We practised ordering things Jn shop and café, and it was great fun. The best thing ‘was actually using the language on the other side of the Channel, Mike, UK Not a class in the usual sense bout | got a lt of speaking practice in a tunnel in Japan! | was on a packed train using ‘my teach yourself Japanese book and CD. What I really ‘wanted was to speak to a real person but | didn't fee! Confident to start up a conversation and everyone was very reserved. Suddenly, we broke down in the middle of a long tunnel. It was such an unusual thing that it got everyone taking. | found out that | knew more than | thought Cerys, Wales Under the stars! A new language school had opened in my town and | was really Keen to sign up. | thought learning English with a native speaker would help me top up what | already knew from school. | arrived for the first clase and found the place in darkness. The electricity had falled but rather than cancel the classes, the teachers used uitferent ‘spaces outside the school, All the local cafés were full of other students, so we ended up on the beach. It was a strange first lesson but it really broke the ie. Lydia, Greece Glossary ‘A&E: Accident and Emergency the Channel: the sea that separates England from France GRAMMAR Narrative tenses ‘1 Complete the gapped sentence to link the two actions. Write one verb in the past simple and one verb in the past perfect. 1. The German class started, arrived. When |. arrived: the German, class had) already started 2 didn’t recognise her We met a few times before Although we 3 She went bright red. She used the wrong word After she 4. Mike was late for the class, He left his books at home. Mike. because 5 Ana spent an hour in the advanced class. She realised she was in the wrong room. Ana before 6 realised he was the boss. asked him to make mea coffee, By the time. : 2 Complete the anecdote by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Use narrative tenses. | ermember my fist criving lesson like it was yesterday. I (jst / have) my 17th birthday when my parents % (sey) | could start learring to crve. My older sister 3 (elready / pess) her test and she ‘ (ave to buy her fist car. On the. morning ofthe lesson, | was really newous. " (not sleep) very wel the night before and |* {fee a bt sick. Then there was a knock at the door - my instructor (arrive) He talked me through the controls and gave me teay ler instructions. A ew minutes ts, We (ve) round a quiet part of town when |? (ee) a fiend out of the Comer of my eye. He waved at me andl = without thinking — I waved beck. The car (tmove) towards a tree when the instructor (Grab) the whee. ‘Keep your ‘eye3 on the road’ he shouted. | went bright red and couldn't believe what I (ust / do), When we (rive) home, i (ot say) a word. Vm (concentrate) herd so that | didn’t make another mistake. It was the longest Journey of my ite! AOA CCCC CCE CCE eee eee 3. Match the sentence halves. ‘fm sotired today. | \s there a problem with your mobile? | Sorry we're late. We What's the matter with the dog? I. We didn't see much of the area because it. ‘Marcus lost his job because he lima bit worried about Lucy She Phil had a brillant job, He was crying nearly all day yesterday was trying to get through to you al day yesterday. was training young racing drivers in Milan. was taking a lat of time off to visit his girlfriend was raining all week. ‘was barking for hours earlier today. ‘were waiting for a bus for ages was working on an essay until two in the morning, DEVELOPING CONVERSATIONS John was telling me ‘Number the lines in the correct order to make three conversations. 1. No,| have private lessons, My tutor is really good ~ very patient, Is he? So, what style do you play? Yeah, that’s right. Amy was telling me you've taken up the guitar. Classical. lke listening to rock but don't think m a Jimi Hendrix type! Great! Are you teaching yourself to play? 2 Well if hear of anything, let you know. No, but I've only ust started looking, Yes, that’s right. Like a waiter or something? Have you had any luck yet? Paul was telling me you're looking for a part-time job. Yes. Well, maybe restaurant or bar work What sort of job are you looking for? 3. How long will you be away for? Yes, news travels fast! Well, good luck, I hope it goes well About twelve months, I think. Katrina was telling me you'e going to Argentina Ive got ajob in a language school. That's amazing. What are you going to do? DEVELOPING WRITING Vocabulary Builder Quiz 1 An anecdote ~ checking ten - Download the Vocabulary Builder for Unit 1 and try the quiz Correct the mistakes in a student's first draft. below. Write your answers in your notebook. Then check them and record your score. Tlinever forget the first time had to give a ‘1 What's the opposite of ‘a strong accent’? Presentations I studied Englabvat the timeand jas F et wax part of my course: It? was taking me-along 2 Match 1-5 and a-e to form compound nouns. tim toch bielvheaele he Gul eae iinet eae 2 civil teacher good idea. I yas aluays been interested cavclother, She ee so" decided to talk about the fashion industry. 4 window d servant * During T was preparing the talk, 1 wawdoing- a Beenie eecace! lot of RETO SE CmeienG (he Chea ea 3. Which word do you need to complete the sentences in ny presentation, 1° were working untilabout 2 ‘each set? pa ee 2 fap nj mars the et ee ea views loth joor. / Who's the performer in the class Dried oar ey soca tm rel tot RO 2 I never seem to have any time. /You can stay over in front ofthe mirror. a clasnate was alse going tr our room. / Where's the. key for the garage? sicher cetband shewenctirrs tviagoie ee iene 3 You need good computer In this job. / My boss has got no people at all / Its never too late to learn new. when she sald, ‘Today I'm going te talk to you about the fashion cndusiry.’ My heart sank I was 4 Choose the correct words. so beast reyes ceed Arar Oa a ee ee era frustrated / embarrassed. Solon eee ata aake hee ay 2 Translation technology is improving but humans are more *® chosenvay her topic. sufficient / efficient at choosing the right word. 3. Lused to be an interpreter but | don't use languages in my current 1 actual job. 6 Write an anecdote (120-150 words) about when 4 We're going to be based / lived in Madrid next year so need to you did something for the fist time, Use one of Improve my Spanish these ideas or an idea of your own. 5 It's hard to process / possess what people are saying when they speak quickly. The first day 6 I started learning Russian online but gave up / into because | + ata new schoo! couldn't practise with a real person. + ina new job 7 My children assist / attend a language club to help them with + ona new course their German, 8 My job includes / involves writing materials for online courses, The first time you + cooked a meal for someone special 5 What form of the words in brackets do you need to complete + went on a date the text? ‘+ went abroad A" (centre) question in language leering i, "What makes a + gave. speech / presentation {good learner?’ Some say language abit is * (genes), cthors think it's more about motivation and : (ambitious). There is $ (evident) that being biingual improves the power of the brain, especially in young learners. But what if you are an adut? Wel, §(achiava) will probably take longer. But there is a huge range of tools to help you become 2 good * (perform) ~ online practice, apps and contact with other learners in the digital ‘world. And older students can often understand their own * (trong) and ® (weak) and so take control of thei learning Score _/25 Wait a couple of weeks and try the quiz again, Compare your scores. VOCABULARY Feelings 1 How are these people feeling? Match the adjectives with the speakers 1~7. happy guilty disappointed exhausted pleased confused furious | feel really bad about losing Mum's favourite ring. How on arth am | going to tell her? Hove the peace and ‘uiet here, You can just forget al the stresses of everyday ite This is just a sightmare! They ‘say we can't have a refund, 'm going to complain to the ‘manager Complete the conversations with the pairs of words and phrases. Upset / worried down / fed up insuch abad mood /furious _terrible/ stressed 1 A: Are you OK? B: No, fee! at the moment. m so ‘out at work that | can’t sleep at night: 2 A: Is Magda OK? | think she's been crying. B: She's because her sisters in hospital She must be really. about her 3 A: Why are you ? 8: | crashed my dad's sports car last night and he's absolutely. with me. 4 A: Don't speak to Eddie, He ist ina very good mood today. 8: How come he's so ? ‘A: He hasn't scored a goal for weeks and he says he's really with training | don't get this, The map says | can't move a muscle and | could sleep for a week. ‘That's the last time 90 ‘oycling with Alex. number 24 is opposite the pizza place, but all | can see is a big block of fats | really expected to get that job. I've got all the ‘ualiications and loads of experiance. | couldn't believe it when they said no. ‘Anew iPod! That's just what | wanted. Thanks, that's really kind of you em oe (GRAMMAR Linking verbs 3 Complete the chat room messages with the pairs cof words. Put the linking verbs in the correct form. PE feet’ guity sound /tedup be upset A: Sorry | was rude to you earler No problem. You aly ‘A: Thad a ow with my mum, To be honest, | ‘Sid some horrible things and now | make It up soon, EW) feel /embarrassed seem / down be / pleased Hows t gong? Not grea Any news? Not relly BeOr > You abi What's wo? my ex-gltiiend yesterda want to speak to me. She was ‘A: Maybe she. Dbacause he was there. Q sound / relaxed feel / disappointed look / stress ‘A: Are you OK? You abt when | saw you yesterday, course | wanted to do, | cay but Im OK naw ‘A: Good, you alot more ow = more ke your old sat DEVELOPING CONVERSATIONS Response expressions 4. Match the news (1-6) with the responses (a-f). ‘My laptop has been stolen, {'ve just passed my driving test. ''m afraid | can't come to your party. My sisters getting married My dad has just lost his job, ‘My grandmother is coming out of hospital tomorrow. Really? Congratulations! You can give me a lift to work! Wow! That's great. When is the wedding? (Oh, nol I'm sorry. 'm sure he'll find a new one soon, (Oh,no, what a pain! Have you lost all your work? Phew, that's a relief. | know how worried you were (Oh, what a shame! I'll send you some photos. LISTENING 5 2.1 Youare going to hear three people talking about the same event. Listen first to Mark. What event is he talking about? a awedding meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time 6 2.1 Listen to Mark again, and then to Mrs deVere and Annie. ‘Are these statements true or false? Before the dinner, Mark felt nervous. He was wearing clothes that were too formal He felt he wasnt very good at making conversation. ‘Annie's parents already knewsa lot about him, ‘Annie's parents hadn't liked her previous boyfriends. ‘Annie had forgotten to warn Mark about clothes. She didn't mind that he told some jokes ‘She was pleased that Mark had met her parents. eon ku Ne PRONUNCIATION Stress 7 2.2 Underline the main stresses. Listen and check. 1. t'm not normally a nervous person, so felt pretty relaxed about the whole thing. 2 Iwas wearing jeans and a shirt, but the restaurant was a really elegant place. 3 was really fed up with Annie that she hadn't warned me it was a formal dinner. 4. Tobe honest, we hadn't been very keen on most of her boyfriends, so my husband and | were rather worried about the dinner, 8 Listen again. Practise saying the sentences. oa Feeuncs 13 VOCABULARY -ing / -ed adjectives 1 Cross out two nouns that do not usually go with the -ing adjectives. 1. relaxing holiday / friend / weekend / massage / food 2 annoying neighbour / disaster / mobile phone ring / success / habit 3. disappointing problem / result / ending / exam grade / clothes 4 confusing atmosphere / situation / idea / explanation / sill 5. exciting sleep / development / help / news / story 6. inspiring crime / leader / speech / plan / loss 2 Choose the correct words. 1. You walk out of the place completely relaxed / relaxing, And they don't play that boring / bored whale music, which isa relief 2 Ihad to give my height, weight, and my age ~it was so embarrassed / embarrassing. | was a bit shocked / shocking when | saw how much weight Ii put on. 3 limnot sure I'm in the correct level. m always so confused / confusing at the end of the lesson. And concentrating for an hour \s exhausting f exhausted. 4 eidn't expect it to be so beautiful. | was quite surprising / surprised when | saw the scenery. But our flight was delayed, which was annoyed / annoying. 5. I wasn't very interested / interesting in the characters. And the ending was disappointed / disappointing 3. What are the people in exercise 2 talking about? Match 1-5 above toa-e. a agym = catrip fe ahealth spa b anovel da language school 4 Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 A. Ifyou don't mind, |i like to change channels before the news. There's an (interest) programme on at 8 p.m. B: Go ahead. | don't want to watch the news. It's always so (depress) Can you believe that score ~ six nil? I've never been so (disappoint) B: | know. was 50. (excite) at the start of the season. 3 A; Do you fancy coming for a walk? The view over the beach is > meant to be. (amaze). B: Thanks, but frm not up to it. fee (exhaust) after that journey. 4 A; Only ten people turned up to my party. don’t think I've ever been so. (embarrass) 8: That's a shame. t's very {annoy) when people let you down, 32 ourcomes READING 5 Read the article opposite quickly. What is the main reason for writing it? ato advise people on how to improve their diet b to explain that there is @ connection between food and how people fee! to describe a series of experiments on food er 6 Six parts of the article ‘How food affects mood’ have ‘been removed. Write the correct letter (a~) in the ‘gaps in the article, a Research also suggests that the right foods that activate when people enjoy themselves Cif they were eating healthily and taking cegular physical exercise d- who wrote a report based on the survey but fet guilty afterwards, f There is a definite ink with food and mood 7 Underline the following parts of the article. 1 four mental health problems 2. the word the writer uses to describe food / drinks ‘with a positive effect and examples of these 3. the word the writer uses to describe food / drinks with 2 negative effect and examples of these 4 the reason why its important to drink enough fluid 8 Which adjectives went with these nouns? Look back at the article and sentences a-f in exercise 6. 1 immediote effect 2 foods 3 mental health 4 Improvements 5 link 6 physical exercise © Complete the sentences with the collocations from exercise 8 q How food affects mood Eating ice cream really does make you happy. Scientists at the Institute of Psychiatry in London tested the brains of people eating vanilla ice cream. They found an immediate effect on parts of the brain" It works on the same part of the brain that reacts when people win money or listen to music. «... can improve people's mood and even their overall mental health. A survey of 200 people found 88 per cent reported that changing their diet improved their mental health. 26 per cent said they had seen marked improvernents in mood swings, 26 per cent had seen improvernents In panic attacks and anxiety, and 24 per cent in depression People in the survey identiied mood ‘stressors’ and ‘supporters. Eating fewer ‘stressors! lke chocolate, suger, cafeine anc! alcohol improved their mood, They also increased the ‘supporters’ thoy ato, ike water, fut, vegetables and olly fish, Not skipping breskfast, and eating reguiarly aso led to an increase in wel-being Over a third of people said they were ‘very certain’ that the improvements to their ‘mental health were directly linked to the changes they had mace to their cist. (One person who completed the survey said, 'S.. but | do lapse and when | do, | ee! noticeably diferent. Once you find out your triggers, you can feel so much beter." ‘Amanda Geary, “... said ‘A lot of these changes are very simple things that People can do and are fairly safe, and fit with healthy eating advice.” Dr Wendy Doyle, a dietician, said oly fish and fruit and vegetables were known to be beneficial. “They are good for general health ~ and you must have enough fluid to prevent dehydration.’ She said people would also feel better... Dr Doyle added, ‘People may feol bad after eating chocolate because they enjoyed eating it, °..." Taking. like walking or cycling, helps me deal with stress. ifaw tilgettiat prodiice act GRAMMAR Present simple and continuous 1 Circle the correct form in italics. 1A 8: A What on earth are you wearing / do you wear? It’s my new summer shirt. | think t looks / it's looking pretty ‘Well, we meet / we're meeting my boss later, so don't wear it then. ‘What do you do / are you doing this Saturday? 1m going / | go to a new yoga class.Do you fancy coming? It sounds / 1s sounding very relaxing Sort, | can't | visit /’m visiting my parents every Saturday. Why on earth are you being / do you be so aggressive? It's unlike you! Sorry. m just stressed out. work /m working on a really Important project. We're giving / We give a presentation this afternoon and Vm stil preparing / | stil prepare my part. (Oh dear. You must be a bit nervous. Good luck with it. Cheer up. Why on earth are you so down? Don't worry | always feel / V'm always feeling like this in the ‘winter. | can’t stand the short days. | know what you mean. We normally go / are normally going ‘on holiday in the winter, but my kids do / are doing theit exams soon. Language note ...on earth .. You can add .. on earth .. to questions to express surprise or ada ‘emphasis What on earth are you wearing? Why on earth did he say that? Where on earth have you been? 2 Complete the pairs of questions. Use the present continuous or present simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1. How's the match... de. go)? Who's edt. Win)? 2 What. you (do) on Friday evenings? you (fancy) joining our book group? 3 Why you (ey you (want) to talk about iv 4 Where you (move) tor What. (be) the new area lke? 5 Why those people (stand) there? they. (ceed) help? 6 your brother (enjoy) his new job? What exactly he (do) every day? 7 How your kids (get) to school every day? How long it (take)? Use the words to write reasons for refusing the requests. 1 A: Iwas wondering if you wanted to get together con Saturday? Be .Teklanncin bh Luni. ming. esas, (love to / but can't. go away / for the weekend) 2 A: Can you give me a hand to set up my new computer? 8 (sorry / can't. work late / this evening) 3. A: Do you think could use your mobile? 8 (afraid / cart don't have / with me) 4 Doyyou fancy coming to my party on Friday evening? 8: (rice / of you to askme. play ina band / every Friday) 5. A: Would you lke to meet up some time this weekend? 8 (kind / of you to ask us. goto London / every weekend) 6 A; Canyou help me with my homework? 8: {n0/ sorry go out / this evening) DEVELOPING WRITING Alett 4 Rani has just started university. Complete the letter to her parents with the words in the box. pretty miss settling hug down sorry into mind _expect_out Dear Mumand Dad : haven't written before; but Ive een # Duty soncorT started. I'm 3 crvtor my flat and enjoying the course so far. Lectures have started but I didw't* ‘tr be working so-hard tn the first mone Toe been a bit* this weeks 1ey nothing to-worry about but Rachel has changed: course; 10-I'nv now one-of the-fow girlydoong Physical I hada feclingy she wasnit very happy, but I think she's sorted it* now. a everyone but I'm making, alot of new friends My flatmates are all, ‘ adventure sports (my tdeaof hell), butT hada-go-at clombing last weekend exhausting but good furs My nest Lecture wabout to start; so-TWput thiy ow the post: Gue everyonoa* from me: Lotyof love Rani PS. Ifyoudont™ T won't ring: yowor my mobile: It too expensive:- but you caw rang me! Language note a bit / pretty / not very + adjective If you don't want to sound too negative, you can soften an adjective ike this: I'm a bit tired. It was pretty disappointing, Ie wasn't very easy. 5 Imagine you have just left home to start a new job / ‘g0 ona course. Write a letter home (120-150 words) and give your news. Use the letter in exercise 4to help you. Vocabulary Builder Quiz 2 Download the Vocabulary Builder for Unit 2 and try the quiz below. Write your answers in your notebook. Then check them and record your score. 11 Match the verbs in A with the phrases in B. There is one extra verb that you don’t need. A kiss belong drive put be get 8 really behind with work a better mark on a lot of weight someone mad someone on the cheek 1 What's the matter with Max? He seems a bit at the moment. 2 I'm sorry | haven't phoned. We're really busy setting our new business. 3 You sound really fed up. Why don't you go away for the Weekend to cheer yourself? 4 | haver't been out yet today. It’s been pouring here all morning, 5 it’s such a shame about your sister and her husband. | just heard that they split. 3 Complete the words with the correct prefix or suffix. 1 didn't think | was going to get the job but | was pleasant, surprised when they offered it to me. 2 There are several charities that work hard to help home. people get off the streets 3 Nobody knew about the financial problems at work. The job losses were completely ..expected, 4 You shouldn't feel guilt... about taking time off. Everyone needs a holiday. 5. Don't be too disappoint... about failing your driving test. You can take it again. Choose the correct words. Why are you in such a bad mood / atmosphere today? would never join / approach my dad to ask for advice. They made every intend / attempt to save the business, The next bus isn't ahead / due for half an hour. Why did the company suffer another lose / loss in its profits last month? wane 5. What form of the words in brackets do you need to complete the text? Isn't it strange how people's feelings change? When | was in my thities, | was very competitive at work and getting » (promote) was very important to me, | also hated routine and ‘would dle of (bore) if had to do the same thing more than. ‘once. Now, | might be a bit (disappoint if | don't get to the ‘next level but it doesn't make me too miserable. | also find my Work more * (meaning) new and | take ° (please) in working with the same groups of people every day. Score __/25 Wait a couple of weeks and try the quiz again. Compare your scores. 2 Feu VOCABULARY Places of interest 1 Complete the travel advice with the nouns in box A and the prepositions in box B. theme park nightl old town stalls Le ea gallery ruins lake mosque palace walls outside TRAVELLERS’ TIPS as ‘THIS SUMMER the royal '.. Place... is open to the public {or the frst time with exhibitions of paintings from across the centuries. There is also a private © inthe city with paintings for sale FORLOVERS of architecture, hoad to the ® with its interesting mix of historic buidings. « in the east of the city, is the site of the old Jewish istic. It also has a number of beautiful churches and the city ® ‘TAKE ATRIP out to the Roman © and learn ‘about some of the frst people to live in the area. Local archaeologists give talks at the weekends. (CHECK OUT SkyFiyer, the tallest roller coaster in the ‘country, at the new its 45 minutes * the city but it's well worth the trip. Nor the " ~ there are lots of bars ancl restaurants and its always very ively. For @ MORE RELAXING time, take a boat out on the ‘Swimrring isn't allowed but you can enjoy picnic down "2 the water Se IF MONEY 1S A BIT TIGHT, join a free walking tou. Local residents act as guides and give an insider view of the city. All tours start inside the city under the clock tower, DON'T MASS the market on Fridays and Saturdays with " al tha High Street. You'l find ‘everything from cheap and tasty snacks to local souvenirs at bargain prices. 36 outcomes. DEVELOPING CONVERSATIONS Giving and responding to suggestions 2 Kimis talking to her Mexican friend, Felix, about a possible holiday. Write the correct letters for the missing lines in the conversation. There is one line that you do not need. Oh, It love to but Icant. b Joisn’t really a big fan of sunbathing, to be honest. © OK, well in that case, how about something more cultural? d_ That would be great, thanks. It depends on what you like. And you could always have a go at some water sports. ig My boy‘riend fo and | are thinking of going to Mexico this, year kim +g. Can you recommend anywhere good to go? Felix Well, Mexico isa big country and there are lots of places to choose from... Ifyou want a relaxing holiday, there are some fantastic beaches all along the Caribbean coast, Kim 2... And 'm nat really into it either Felix 4... There are amazing Mayan ruins throughout the area kim That sounds interesting. think | saw a documentary about them on TV. They look like pyramids but with steps. Is that right? Felix Well, ome of them are pyramids. Others are more like houses, or even palaces. kim Wow! That sounds amazing. Felix ®... There are lots of places for diving or snorkelling. You could also try kayaking if you lik. Kim Oh, that’s my idea of heaven! Felix OK,1can do an online check for the best places for doing that, if you want. kim ¢ DEVELOPING WRITING An email—giving advice 3 Dan has emailed his friend, Yuko, with some advice about his ‘home town. Number the content of his message in order. suggestions of other things to do ending reason for writing practical advice greeting where to go first 4 Complete the email with the words in the box. time quick at take during down anyway straight Hi Yuko, Just at... Rote to say I'm sory | can't see you next Week. I'm on a taining course, but here are a few ideas of things to do 2 your stay. ‘The old town is a good place to start. You can just wander round and soak up the atmosphere, If you want to 2 Photos, head to the castle ruins and you'l find ‘some amazing views. Don't miss the parade on Saturday. I's a great laugh. They hhave decorated floats, people in fancy dress, and bends playing music. It starts © midday in the main square. | know you're a fan of roller coasters, #0 check out the new theme park, Adventure Zone, It's about an hour outside of ‘own, but you can get a bus & there. Don’t forget to buy a travel card. i's the cheapest way to get ‘around the area. The best places to eat are & by the old canal. They're pretty cheap but the food is good. , . hope this information helps. Have a great 5 Cross-out the word or phrase that doesn’t collocate, 1 Havea great week / timeoff/ time 2 You-can ride / get / take a bus to the castle 3 | know you are like / into / a fan of old churches. 4 The festival is great fun / a great laugh / funny. 5. The show starts at 2pm / every day / an Wednesday. 6 The best places to eat / for food / for eating are in the man square, 6 Match the sentence halves. ifyou're into art, head The comedy festival starts on Friday, so don't Local transport isn't great. It's difficult to get, ifyou have some spending money, check When you want to relax, go to the beach and soak 6 Don't try the restaurants in the centre. They're pretty. 7. Take lots of photos and don't 8 It's nice to wander aout the new shopping mall b tothe new gallery in the main square. € round the market on a Sunday morning. forget to send me copies. @ around after midnight apart from in a tax f up some sunshine, § miss it It a great laugh. expensive and you have to book 7 Write an email in 120-150 words for the following situation. Use the checklist in exercise A and the language in this section to help you. ‘An English-speaking friend is spending a week's holiday in your home town. You are going to be away, so write an email to your fiend giving advice about their stay. ea Nt Se ses See ae et eee ae cg eee eee Ce reer ae ase ae GRAMMAR Future plans 1 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets, 1 We will definitely be away in June. (going) 2 Perhaps I'l try couch-surfing this year. (might) 1 3. I can’t meet up this weekend. | have to revise for my exams. Got) 4. Jim might go travelling this summer. (thinking) sim 5. I think it will be too cold for swimming, (probably) It 6 They definitely won't be on holiday in July. (going) They 2 Use the words in 1-7 to complete the students’ replies to the teacher’s question. 1 Zretot.te studs for we undveraity ontranee:oxauny (1 got / study for / my university entrance exam) 2 Tim nnot sure yet but (my fiends and think / go / camping / near the coast) 3 (Wwatek ane / goto /3 concert / in Manchester on Friday) We need to leave cass early to get the train, 4 Imnot sure (\'might / meet up with some friends in London) (1 got / a free weekend) I'm going to catch up on some sleep. (my sister and |/ not go / be around) We've been invited to a party in Brighton, 7 Thaven't made any plans but (J probably / go to / my fiend’s barbecue) ‘What are you doing at the weekend? 3 Circle the correct forms in italics. 1A: Where are you going / do you go on holiday this year? B: im not sure. In fact | will / might not go away at all because I'm abit short of money. My dad lent me some cash for a car and Ive got / J must ‘to pay him back How about you? What are your | plans? ‘A: Well it depends on the weather. I've only got / got to a week's holiday, so | want to go when It’s hot and sunny. 8: They say it / it might probably be another very hot summer, so you should be OK. 2A: It's my day off today and /' have / im having lunch with James and Gary in that new restaurant, Would you like to join us? B: Id love to but | can't. 'm going / thinking of going to the doctor's ‘A: Oh, nothing serious, | hope. B: No. 'm fine, thanks. But it probably take / it's taking ages. The waiting room is always so crowded, 3A: Ive booked an apartment in Barcelona this year, We might go / We're going for two weeks in ‘August. Do you fancy coming with us? B: It's nice of you to ask me but Im not going / ‘thinking to be here in the summer. spend / fm spending two months in Australia, ‘A: Really? That sounds exciting B: Yes, 'm thinking to emigrate / of emigrating there at some point ‘A: Wow, that’s great READING ‘@ Read the webpage quickly and match the headings to the paragraphs. There is one heading that you don’t need. But is it safe? How much does it cost? How long do people stay? Who are these couch-surfers? So what is couch-surfing. exactly? ‘What are the disadvantages? What are the benefits? magance 5 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in beld in the webpage. 1. Ask Anna and Paolo for advice about Rome. They know the city 2. Iddon't mind where we go for the weekend you 3 Don't when you go to see grandma and granddad, Come home after a couple of hours. 4 ttwasa when | lrst met my mother-in-law I didn't speak Spanish and she didn't speak English. 5 Ilooked at the reviews of a lot of holiday companies. Adventure Tours have 6 My teachers were so helpful that | decided to. end of the course at the OO Da CCouch-surfing isa network of people ‘who offer accommodation to strangers travelling in their area. t's simple. When you'surfa couch’ you are a guest in someone's house and they are your host. You dor't pay for the room of couch, and your hosts will get the same favour back when they travel. They may stay with you or with another person in the network, 2 Of course, there are smaller numbers cof surfers in remote locations, but the network covers every continent (including Antarctical) The top five couch-surfing nations are the United States, Germany, France, Canada and ‘the United Kingdom. The average surfer is 27 years old and just over half the surfers are male. 3 CCouch-surfing was created so that ‘everyone can travel the world and make meaningful connections, but staying with your host is always free. ‘Many surfers like to take their hosts 4 gift or treat them to a meal to say thank you. They also thank people in small ways lie doing the washing-up or sending a postcard from their next destination. Love to travel but hate paying for hotels? Too old for a youth hostel? Then couch-surfing might be right up your street. Check out these FAQs: acs Surfers get the advantage of staying with someone who knows the area lke the back of their hand. They can ‘ell how not to get ripped off or what to do when it’s pouring with rain. And when people of afferent cultures meet, who better than a local to help with social skils? Knowing whether to shake hands,bow,or kiss a person on the cheek can be very confusing! 5 {ts entirely up to the host. Some surfers come for a single night or even just for dinner.The important thing isnot to outstay your welcome, so surfers usualy check with the host fist. In the words of one host, We want surfers to be comfortable, but not too comfortable. Staying two or three nights s ool; longer gets a bit awkward’ And remember that in Germany they say Guests are like fish -after three days they start to smell. rae Well there are always risks in life, but the majority of surfers never have any problems. Most travel networking sites have thelr own security systems. Hosts and surfers have to be registered and prove that they are who they ay they are. ‘There are reviews posted on the Internet and so surfers can select hosts with a good track record, Mostly, i’ a question of ‘common sense and avoiding anyone who sounds odd. FAQS: frequently asked questions remote: hard to get to # odd: strange or unusual VOCABULARY Weather LISTENING 11 Write the words and phrase that describe ‘temperature in the correct place on the diagram. freezing cold bollinghot abit chilly quite warm hot oc 100°C 2 Replace the underlined words in the conversations with the words in the box. wet pourdown drop heat reached lear up_keepout of _ humid 1A: Have you heard the weather forecast? B: Yes, apparently it’s going to rain a lot all weekend. ‘A: Oh, no, what 2 pain. | was thinking of going to the beach. B: Id stay at home if were you and avoid the rain, 2. A: What's the forecast for the weekend? B: Er, Saturday morning is supposed to be rainy, but then it should improve in the afternaon, A: Phew! That's 2 relief. 'm going to a wedding at 230, 3A: Icanttstand this hot weather. B: I know what you mean, The air conditioning isn't working in my office. The temperature went up to 40° yesterday. A Poor you! It's so hot and wet that Ican't sleep, B: Yeah, we need a storm to clear the a 4. A: What are you up to at the weekend? B: It depends on the weather. A: Apparently, its going to be freezing. They say it could fal to minus 5°. B: Time to stay in with a good book, | think Language note weather adjectives When describing the weather, we often use adjectives in pars. It going to be cold and windy The weather on holiday was hot ond humid, 20 outcomes 3.1 You are going to hear five people talking about holiday problems. Match the speakers (1-8) to the letters (a-e). It cost alot more than we had expected, We had several transport problems. The local attractions were awful We didn't get on with each other very wel There were too many other peopl. Speaker1 1] Speaker 4 Speaker 2 Speaker 5 Speaker 3 PRONUNCIATION Same sound or different? ‘Are the letters in bold the same sound (S) or different (D)? 1 The hotel sounded wonderful. The terminal was socrowded. (5) 2 There was only a theme park. / There were queues everywhere. 3 We had booked a taxi./ 1 was in such a bad mood. 4. There was a train strike that day. It was quieter in the autumn, 5 My neighbour offered to take us./| was so relieved to get home. 6 The bus service was terrible. The journey was a nightmare, %3.2listen and check. Practice saying the sentences. GRAMMAR Present perfect questions Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then choose the correct words in the answers. 1a you ever the pyramids? (see) 8: No,never I ove / lve fo, though 1A you ever on holiday by yourself (go) 8: No, (ve ever / never realy fancied it ak you ever camping? (to) 8: Yes. lots / several times. an you ever Japanese food? (eat) 8: No,never It's supposed be / to be delicious. 5 & you ever came (ide) 8: No, never Hove you / Did you? Ive heard its quite dificult. cr you ever Disneyland with your kids? (vst 6: Yes, but! wouldr't go there if were you. I’s not worth t/ oft 7h youever ima helicopter? (fy) 8: No, never What does / is ike? BA you ever to Singapore? (go) 8: Yes, is wonderful. You should to go / go VOCABULARY Holiday problems 7 Correct the underlined mistakes. 1 What a nightmare! Our flight was delay and we were stucked at the airport for hours. 2. I'm never going on holiday with my family again. My brother and sister didn't stop argue all week. 3. We must go somewhere warm next year. It poured of rain and it was so wind all week. 4 I must look lke a tourist. Everywhere we went we got ‘ipped up. paid €15 for a beer! 5 Acouple took our part on the beach and Jim got really anger with them, It was so embarrassing! 6 Never again! The beach was so crowd you couldn't even see the sand. 7 The kids were ill on the plane. Jodi threw off three times. Poor thing! Complete the conversations with the pairs of words in the box. Put the verbs in the past simple. steal passport spoll/ trip miss / flight lose/camera —_charge /a fortune hove Fupsetstomaen 1 A: Did you have a good holiday? B: Not really. We came home early J: How come? B coulde't eat anything, That was our only holiday this year and it realy the 2 A: I'm exhausted. The journey back was a nightmare. B: How come? A: Well we our to Heathrow and the next plane landed at 3 am, The taxi driver, us to take us home ~ over £100, 8: Oh no, what a pain! You seem a bit fed up. Yeah wel 've just had the holiday from hell What happened? Well, | expected a nice relaxing week, but | spent the frst night atthe police station because someone my. 1 took loads of photos but then | my fn the last day. It's just so disappointing, ‘A: Oh, what a shame! erer Vocabulary Builder Quiz 3 Download the Vocabulary Builder for Unit 3 and try the quiz below. Write your answers in your notebook. Then check them and record your score. 1 Which words that are both verbs and nouns can complete these sentences? 1 Did you goon the scary at the theme park? When did you learn to a bike? 2 My phone has a 12-month ItSsimpossible to 3 There has been a ‘good weather in the UK In petrol prices for the last six months. Its so hot ~I wish the temperature would 4 Don't driving a long way in ths fog. Don't take the of lending money to someone you don't know. 5 It's freezing. | wish the weather would up. it’s usually nice and in the south in June. 6 They, diamonds in parts of Africa. My grandfather used to work in a coal 2 Choose the correct words. 1. The Roman site was discovered / recovered by an amateur archaeologist. 2. That flag isin the wrong place. We need to put / take it down. 3. You'll find details of housing / accommodation on the tourist website 4 Check out the website for the latest entertaining / entertainment on offer. department. a art tour shopping tour street ‘What was your early / initial reaction to the news? It's 2 realy living / lively city There are clubs on every corner. ‘My father slowly came f became to realise it was time to retire ‘Match 1-6 and a-f to form compound nouns. guide gallery market store guide district 4 Read the statements. Was each experience positive (7) or negative (x)? guests ‘twas areal bargain. The shop was closing down, twas a nightmare, it poured down all week twas a total rip-off. There was hardly any food on the plate. twas well worth it. Give it a go some time. twas spoiled by the atmosphere between some of the 6 It was all cleared up really quickly. Score _/25 Wait a couple of weeks and try the quiz again. Compare your scores. o2 TIMEOF 22 04 INTERESTS VOCABULARY Free-time activities 1 Complete the spidergram with the words in the box. the theatre oath the cinema some baking. sailing tennis a friend’ place arun 2 Complete the conversations. Put the words in brackets in the correct order. 1A: Mum,t'm bored, B: Well, goand: or (play / ride / your / football / bike) ‘A: But that's boring. | do that every day. B: well, and. then. (in/ bedroom / stay / tidy / up / your) 2 A: What did you do at the weekend? B: LJust and (init / stayed / took / easy) ‘k: How come? You're usually such a party animal 8: Yeah, | (fancy / just / going / clubbing / didn't) A: Fair enough, 3. A: What's your idea of a perfect Friday night? B: Going or ust ‘at home. What about you? {easy for / to it/ place /a/fiend’s / dinner / taking) ‘A: My idea of heaven is {for and / staying exams / studying in / my) 8: Why on earth would you want to do that? ‘A: Only joking. My ideal night out is going and then (going / watch / clubbing / bar / football / to /a/ the /o) 22 OUTCOMES climbing cards ride on my bike | abitofexercise shopping GRAMMAR Habit and frequency Complete the questions with the answers. Use the present simple of the verbs in the box. play golf gowalking in the country eat out goclubbing —_gotothe gym work | 1 A: How ? B: About once every two months. The local restaurants are quite expensive, 2a ever weekends? B: Yes, all the time. 'm at my desk every Sunday morning. 3A much? 8: Not as much as | should, so 'm starting to put on weight. an ever. 2 8: No, never it’s not my kind of thing. 'm into team sports like football or rugby, 5A alot? B: Yeah, at least three times a week My best friend isa 6 A: often ? 8: Whenever | can. I love being away from the city.

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