Seperately Excited D.C. Generator: T-EEET310LA - DC and AC Machinery Lab

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T-EEET310LA – DC and AC Machinery Lab

Experiment No. _4_


Submitted by:

Jay L. Ta-ay


Submitted to:
Engr. Jerny D. Catibayan

12 November 2020
I. Objectives

• To study characteristics of a separately - excited DC generator under load.

• To obtain the external characteristic curve of a separately - excited DC generator.
• To obtain the voltage regulation of a separately - excited DC generator.

II. Discussion

Instead of using permanent magnets to create the magnetic field for DC generators,
electromagnets are used. DC generators can be classified according to the manner which the
excitation current needed in order for the electromagnets to create magnetic lines of force is
supplied. When the excitation current is coming from the generator’s own output, it is called Self-
Excited DC generator. On the other hand, when the excitation current is supplied by an
independent source called an exciter, (battery or another generator of smaller capacity), the
generator is called Separately-excited DC generator.


Separately-excited DC generator, the armature current and the line current is the same.
(See figure above.) The magnetic field produced in this manner can be varies by changing the
current coming from the exciter.
As load is applied, the voltage drop in the armature conductors’ increases thereby
decreasing the generator’s terminal voltage.

VT=EG-VA volts
Where : EG – generated voltage in the armature
VT- terminal voltage of the generator

VA- voltage drop in the armature including brushes

Further increase in the load current brought about by the increase in the load connected
bring further increase in voltage drop and further decrease in the terminal voltage. And the
percentage drop in the terminal voltage of the generator when the generator load is increased is
called voltage regulation.

III. Equipment and Materials Required:

• Power Supply (fixed, variable, and three phase)

• D.C. Motor/ Generator Module
• Synchronous motor/ Generator Module
• Resistance Module
• Data Acquisition Interface Module or Voltmeter and Ammeter
• Connecting Wires
• Timing Belt

IV. Circuit diagram/drawing

V. Procedure
1. Before performing this experiment, ensure first that the brushed of the DC Motor/
Generator are adjusted to the neutral point.

2. Couple the Synchronous motor using a timing belt. Then connect the set-up

shown in Fig 3.1

3. Connect the terminals 4,5, and 6 of the synchronous motor windings to wye connection
and the other ends (terminal 1,2, and 3) to a fixed three phase AC source, terminals 1,2,
and 3.
4. The shunt field of the DC generator will be supplied by a variable dc source, terminals 7
and N.
5. Using you Resistance Module, set a load RL of 120 Ω. This is the value of the rated load.

6. Turn on the power supply and adjust the voltage control knob of your power supply until
the voltage indicated by the voltmeter is 120 Vdc. Record the readings of the voltmeter and
the current I2 (load current) in Table 3.1 .

7. Record the value of the field current I1. This value must be maintained throughout the

I1= ______________ mA

8. Adjust the load resistance according to the values indicated in Table 3.1. Record the values
indicated by the voltmeter and the current I2 (load current).
9. Compute for the voltage regulation of each trial using the formula. Noted: The no-load
value that will be used in the computation is the terminal voltage obtained in trial 1.

% V.R. = VNL- V x 100

10. Plot the relationship of the terminal voltage and the load current on Graph 3.1

11. Adjust the voltage control knob back to its zero position and turn the power supply off.
Remove all the connections.

VI. Data and Results

Terminal Voltage (V) Voltage Regulation (%VR)

Load Current (I2)
Trial RL()
Actual Simulation Actual Simulation Actual Simulation
1 infinite 120 156.8 0 0 0 0
2 1200 120 154.1 0.1 0.128 0 1.75
3 600 120 151.5 0.2 0.252 0 3.50
4 300 120 146 0.4 0.486 0 7.40
5 240 120 143.3 0.5 0.597 0 9.42
6 200 120 140.6 0.6 0.703 0 11.52
7 171 120 137.9 0.7 0.804 0 13.71
8 150 120 135.3 0.8 0.902 0 15.89
9 120 120 130.1 1 1.084 0 20.52
10 100 120 125.1 1.2 1.251 0 25.34

VT 160


VNL 120






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4


Graph 3.1 Relationship of the terminal voltage and the load current

%VR = x100%
Solution for Simulation:
156.8−156.8 156.8−140.6
Trial 1: 156.8
𝑥100% = 0% Trial 6: 140.6
𝑥100% = 11.52%

156.8−154.1 156.8−137.9
Trial 2: 154.1
𝑥100% = 1.75% Trial 7: 137.9
𝑥100% = 13.71%

156.8−151.5 156.8−135.3
Trial 3: 151.5
𝑥100% = 3.50% Trial 8: 135.3
𝑥100% = 15.89%

156.8−146 156.8−130.1
Trial 4: 146
𝑥100% = 7.40% Trial 9: 130.1
𝑥100% = 20.52%

156.8−143.3 156.8−125.1
Trial 5: 143.3
𝑥100% = 9.42% Trial 10: 125.1
𝑥100% = 25.34%

Solution for Actual:

Since V = VNL, hence the %VR is 0.

VII. Questions

1. Explain the behavior of the terminal voltage as the load is increase.

As the load resistance (RL) increases, the terminal voltage (VT) also increases. Thus, the
relations of terminal voltage (VT) with respect to load resistance (RL) is directly proportional.

2. How does this behavior of the terminal voltage affect the voltage regulation of the

The relation between the terminal voltage and voltage regulation is inversely
proportional with each other. When terminal voltage increases due to increasing the load
resistance, the voltage regulation drops. Thus, having a high percentage in voltage
regulation shows that the motor in poor condition and can not provide proper regulation of
secondary voltage. But it performs better in vice – versa.

3. A separately excited DC generator has a no-load terminal voltage of 300V and a

voltage a 250V when it delivers 130A. Assume a straight-line external characteristic
curve, determine the voltage regulation when it delivers a current of

a. 100A

b. 80A

c. 50A

What is the equivalent load resistances under these conditions?

The general equation for separately excited DC generator:

Eg = Ia R a + VT

Eg = 300V
VT = 250
Ia = IL = 130A


Eg = Ia R a + VT

Eg − VT 300V − 250V
Ra = = = 𝟎. 𝟑𝟖𝟓Ω
Ia 130A
a. 100A

Eg = Ia R a + VT

VT = Eg − Ia R a

VT = 300V − (100A)(0.385Ω )

VT = 261.5V

%VR = x100%

300 − 261.5
x100% = 14.72% %𝐕𝐑 = 𝟏𝟒. 𝟕𝟐%

VT 261.5V
RL = = = 2.62Ω 𝐑 𝐋 = 𝟐. 𝟔𝟐Ω
Ia 100A

b. 80A

Eg = Ia R a + VT

VT = Eg − Ia R a

VT = 300V − (80A)(0.385Ω )

VT = 269.2V

%VR = x100%

300 − 269.2
x100% = 11.44% %𝐕𝐑 = 𝟏𝟏. 𝟒𝟒%

VT 269.2V
RL = = = 3.37Ω 𝐑 𝐋 = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟕Ω
Ia 80A
c. 50A

Eg = Ia R a + VT

VT = Eg − Ia R a

VT = 300V − (50A)(0.385Ω )

VT = 280.75V

%VR = x100%

300 − 280.75
x100% = 6.86% %𝐕𝐑 = 𝟔. 𝟖𝟔%

VT 280.75V
RL = = = 5.62Ω 𝐑 𝐋 = 𝟓. 𝟔𝟐Ω
Ia 50A

285 (50,280.75)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

VIII. Observation

Based on the given data from the table, it can be observed that load resistance (RL) is
directly proportional to terminal voltage (VT). Thus, when the load resistance (RL) increases, the
terminal voltage (VT) also increases. While on the other hand, the relationship between the
terminal voltage (VT) and load current (IL) is inversely proportional. As the terminal voltage (VT)
increases, the load current (IL) decreases. The indirect proportionality of terminal voltage (VT)
and load current (IL) is caused by the reaction in the armature resulting the voltage to drop.

IX. Conclusion

It can be concluded that, separately – excited dc generator can be controlled and

manipulated by varying the load resistance (RL), load current (IL) and terminal voltage (VT). Thus,
proving the Kirchhoff’s voltage law for separately – excited dc generator VT = Eg -IaRa. Therefore,
terminal voltage (VT) will increase if generated voltage increases (Eg). And terminal voltage (VT)
will decrease if the load current / armature current (Ia = IL) increases. As a result, separately –
excited dc generators are only used when self- excitation is not necessary. These kinds of
generators may be used in situations where the generator needs to adapt instantly to an
external control source or where the voltage produced during normal operations must differ
over a wide range.

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