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"Giving up is not an option.


"Everybody has a different time clock. Wait for your time." Great words of wisdom from
a brilliant speaker. Throughout my life, I have rapidly grown from a child to a young adult.
Achieving something is an incredible feat for me, not because it makes me feel good, but instead,
because my parents felt good. I made them proud, and that is what it is all about. When I was in
elementary, I had no sense of what I wanted to be in life. It made me worried because I need to
choose what course I will take in college three years from now. My mother said, "be an
architect," and I agree with it, even though I am not interested in construction and buildings.
Then, I spent the remaining three years in high school aspiring to be an architect, and here I am
today. After watching the video, I can relate to what he said, "Everybody has a different time
clock. Wait for my time." I agree with this statement because everyone has their own perspective
in life; everyone has their choices in their life. It may differ from one another because of
circumstances. Still, they will eventually achieve it regardless of time, as long as they are
dedicated and motivated in what they aspire to be.

As I am dedicated and motivated to what I aspire to be, I need to plan for my career
planning. I start on having financial stability or a stable job. Having financial stability in the
future is essential in achieving other plans. My career is not only being an architect because I
also want to start a business. So to accomplish my goal, I need to study hard first and be
consistent. However, I need to recognize what challenges I will face in this particular goal, so I
need to reassess myself and think of a way to solve it. For instance, I wanted to be an architect.
First, I need to evaluate what things do I need to accomplish that—studying to get through the
hardships of the 5-year course. After that, I need to pass the board exam. However, I failed and
need to take on another board exam next year. To overcome that, I need to study harder; at the
same time, I will hone my required skills for an architect's actual work. Just like in the video,
time does not stop; however, I can take my time and let go of the pressure I have on my back.
Little by little, I have to start to get back on my feet, start to walk again and do it one more time.
Then, when I accomplished that, another challenge might come again, but then again,
"Everybody has a different time clock. Wait for your time." And not give up.

In conclusion, failures and challenges are always encountered, regarding how successful
we are. As Jay Shetty stated, we all have a different time clock, so we should wait for our time
and not give up. Even if we are late compared to other people, we will eventually achieve it as
long as we are dedicated.

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