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This article is intended to reflect my own experiences with BSG application. As there are two
group members in this software, our responsibilities have been divided between us. I
worked on the financial and marketing side, while the other handled operations and human

In finance, I've learned a variety of concepts such as earnings per share, return on equity,
and the effect of share prices. Each year, the targets set by shareholders and the work
required to meet them strengthens my decision-making abilities and reinforces those critical
aspects that are frequently overlooked, such as the impact of corporate citizenship on the
company's image. As an accounting student, I learnt about debt and equity financing as
modes of financing. However, this course taught me how to control the expenses of these
financing in real terms.

Through this game, I've learnt how competition analysis works and why it's critical for
decision-making when a firm pursues a differentiation strategy. Following the enactment of
finance techniques, I learned how the company will resolve issues as I dealt with the
overdrafts issue. During that time dilemma, when managers are unsure whether to pursue
debt or equity, my prior formal education about the costs of equity and debt plays a critical
role. Additionally, in this BSG, I learnt how the dividend may be used to manage the ROE
and the value of retained profits for the firm.

Team involvement and decisions made by myself and my partner are some difficult ones in
addition to new plant construction, but I've learnt that certain risks are inherent in business
and that if we don't take them, the business will fail. On the marketing side, I've realised
that competitive pricing and market average motion are critical to success; if we fall behind
and make no improvements in marketing, the firm will fail. That's why I've taken all those
efforts to raise the company's sales. In marketing, I've witnessed and understood the
importance of celebrity endorsements, as well as some actual changes in demand.
Additionally, the firm management's choice to boost marketing expenditures is critical.

By the end of this topic, my team management abilities, appropriate financial management
abilities, and marketing abilities will have improved.

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