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The Causes and Effects of Broken Family in the Academic

Performance of the Senior High School Students in

Southern Mindanao Colleges

A Qualitative Research Presented to the Faculty of the Senior

High School Department
Southern Mindanao Colleges
Pagadian City

In partial fullfillment of the requirements for the subject

Eunice Alviar Palabrica

YEAR 2020-2021
Approval Sheet
The Research entitled “The Causes and Effect of Broken Family in
the Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students in
Southern Mindanao Colleges” is prepared and submitted by Eunice
Alviar Palabrica. In partial fulfillment of the requirements in
Practical Research for Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
Strand has been examined for the oral defense.

Ms. Novelle Grace Palacio


Approved by the Panel of the Oral Defense with the rating of ___

_______________ __________________
Panel 1 Panel 2

Panel 3

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical



OIC-School Principal

Approval - - - - - - - - -
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT- - - - - - - - I
DEDICATION- - - - - - - - - II
INTRODUCTION- - - - - - - - - III
Chapter I - The problem and Review of Literature
a. Problem Statement - - - - - - - 1
b. Significance of the Study - - - - - 2
c. Scope and Delimitation - - - - - 3

The completion of this research could not be possible without the

participation and assistance of so many people whose names may
not all be enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely
appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.

To all my friends, classmates, family who in one way or another

shared their support, either morally, financially and physically,
thank you.

Despite my difficulties, pressure, tension, and stress in making

this research. I was still able to pursued and remained calm and
positively and maintained my poise to be able to finished this
research and thinking that I can make it through all of this
hardships to be able to earn and have a better future ahead of
me. To my friends and family for their unfailing supports and the
bond and gratifying conversations that we have to make this work
and first and foremost to our Loving and Almighty God for the
spiritual and mental strength and unconditional wisdom and
guidance to me to make this research happened.
It is my proud privilege to release the feelings of our gratitude
to several heartfelt indebtness and a deep sense of gratitude to
our teachers and our faculty guide Ms. Novelle Grace Palacio,
Southern Mindanao Colleges for her sincere guidance and
inspiration in completing this research.

I also thank all of my friends who have more or less contributed

to the preparation of this research.

The completion of this research would not have been accomplished

without the support of my friends and family. I would like to
thank my mom for always expressing interest and asking me how my
thesis was going even when I felt like burying my head in the
sand and pretending it didn’t exist. She reminded me and pushed
me and that’s what I needed to keep going.
Chapter I

Our country suffers from multiple family problems such as

financial issues, mental illness, behavioral concerns and others.
One prominent complication is the separation of family members or
being in a broken family. Because of this, children will be the
most affected and brings discouragement in their studies.

This problem doesn’t exclude families in the city- Pagadian City,

and even the neighboring municipalities. This leads us the reason
to study the academic performance of the students of Southern
Mindanao Colleges and how having a broken family affects their

This is a relevant matter to study because of its importance for

the children, students to be aware of their current situation and
realize how strong they are because they are fighting to survive
an essential battle of their lives. The study will also benefit
the parents, to make them realize that having a complete family
is the most important foundation in our society and having a
broken family can affect their child’s behavior in all instances.

The family is an essential factor for a human’s whole being,

everything about a man, his background, attitude, all of his
achievements, his honor and dignity, relies on the structure of
the family a man lives in with. A family is composed of a father
a mother and their offspring, bonded by their love for each
other. This thought alone is a powerful reason why this research
must be conducted

Problem Statement
General Problem: The study aims to understand the causes and
effects of the Family and how to avoid broken family
relationship. That may affect the academic performance of every

Specific Problem:

1.What is broken family?

2.What are the causes and effects of the broken family?

3.what are the possible solution to avoid broken family?

Significance of the Study

This study will have a great help and will be a great

importance to the following group of people.
Scope and Delimitation

The study is focused and limited only on the effects of broken

family to the academic performance of Senior High School Students
of Southern Mindanao Colleges.

This study was conducted at Southern Mindanao Colleges Pagadian

City at March 5-March 31,2021.

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