BabaKhola - Final Estimate

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Rate of Cement, Steel, GI wire and other external materials transporting 6 MT capacity Disel Truck

Project area : Awalching V.D.C., Surkhet

Hauling distance
Sn Description Distance (Km) Road Type and condition Speed (Km/hr) Remarks

1 Birendranagar to Duliyabit (1st 5 Km) 5 Metalled road 40

2 Metalled road 40
3 Dhuliyabit to Lekhpharsa 21 Earthen road 20
4 Lekhpharsa to site 2 Earthen road 10
Total 28

Daily wages of labour = 400.00

a Labour for loading and unloading
For 1st 5 Km 0.406 md See norms
For remaining distance 2.667 md
Total 3.073 md
Cost of labour = Rs 1229.2
b Cost of Truck
Truck time in running condition (hr.) = 2.35 hrs.
Cost of truck per hr. in running condition (Rs) = #REF!
So cost of truck in running condition for 2.35 hrs.= #REF!
Truck idle hours (hr.) = (0.75+0.232) 0.982 hrs. See norms
Cost of truck per hr. in idle condition (Rs) = #REF!
So cost of truck in idle condition for 0.982 hrs.= #REF!
Total cost of truck (Rs) = #REF!
Capacity of Truck = 6000 Kg
Transportation Rate per Kg (Rs) = #REF!

Estimted by Checked by Aapproved by

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Mid-Western Irrigation Development Divison No - 3
Birendranagar, Surkhet


Fiscal Year: 2071/72

1. Description of items : Excavation of soft clay and silty soils including disposal (upto 10m lead and 1.5m lift)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
2.1 Unskilled MD 0.7 #REF! #REF! Tools(3% of labour charge) #REF!
Total of A #REF! Total of B Total of C #REF!
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. #REF!
2. Description of items : Excavation of dry foundation in hard gravel mixed soil (dia of gravel >10cm) including upto 10m lead and 1.5m lift (BMS)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
2.2 MD 1.69 #REF! #REF! Tools(3% of labour charge) #REF!
Total of A #REF! Total of B Total of C #REF!
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. #REF!

3. Description of items : Earth Filling with ordinary soil in 15 / 15 cm. Layers with compaction by labour & without sprinkling water including hauling distance of 10 m.
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
2.25b Unskilled MD 0.25 #REF! #REF! 0 Tools(3% of labour charge) L. S. 2.33
Total of A #REF! Total of B Total of C 2.33
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. #REF!

4. Description of items : Wooden form work.(for 10 sqm)

Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
N-8-2a Skilled md. 1.72 #REF! #REF! Timber m3 0.526 #REF! #REF!
Unskilled md. 2.57 #REF! #REF! deduct selvage value 25% #REF!
material should be use 6 times. #REF!
Nail kg 2.50 #REF! #REF!
Total of A #REF! Total of B #REF! Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. #REF!
5. Description of items : 1:3:6 P.C.C. work.
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
7.2c Skilled MD 1.00 #REF! #REF! cement bag 4.40 #REF! #REF!
Unskilled MD 4.00 #REF! #REF! sand m3 0.47 #REF! #REF!
Aggregate m3 0.89 #REF! #REF!
Total of A #REF! Total of B #REF! Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. #REF!

6. Description of items; P.C.C.[1:2:4] work in foundation & walls supply of materials including 30m haulage distance
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
7.2d Skilled MD 1 #REF! #REF! Cement bag 6.4 #REF! #REF!
Unskilled MD 4 #REF! #REF! Sand cum. 0.445 #REF! #REF!
Aggregate cum. 0.85 #REF! #REF!
Total of A #REF! Total of B #REF! Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. #REF!

7 . Description of items; cutting , bending & tying of reinforcement including supplying of materials up to 30m haulage distance
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
7.5 Skilled MD 12 #REF! #REF! MS rod mt. 1.05 #REF! #REF!
Unskilled MD 12 #REF! #REF! Binding wire kg 10 #REF! #REF!
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Mid-Western Irrigation Development Division No-3
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Discharge Measurement

Name of River: Gochhe Khola

Date measured: 23 rd Dec 2013

Effective Average Segment

X, m Depth, m Width, m width Area, m2 velocity (m/s) discharge (m3/s)
X1 0 0 0 0 0 0.73 0
X2 1 0.15 1.00 1.125 0.16875 0.73 0.123
X3 2 0.21 1.00 1 0.21 0.73 0.153
X4 3 0.43 1.00 1 0.43 0.73 0.314
X5 4 0.35 1.00 1 0.35 0.73 0.256
X6 5 0.12 1.00 1.125 0.135 0.73 0.099
X7 6 0 1.00 0 0 0.73 0
Total Discharge 0.945

Length, Time, Surface Average B

Velocity, velocity, X3
m sec m/sec m/sec X2
25 29 0.8621 0.73 X1
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Mid-Western Irrigation Development Division No-3
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Name of Project : Nachne Khola ISP
Location: Maintada VDC, Surkhet
Name of work : Headworks

S.N. Description of Works No. Length Width Height Quantity Remarks

E/W in excavation in Hard Gravel Mixed
Soil with 1.5 m lift & 10 m lead
U/S Cutoff 1 29.3 0.8 2.65 62.116
D/S Cutoff 1 22.9 0.8 2.65 48.548
D/s Launching 1 21 4.5 0.75 70.875
Cutoff Side 1 3.8 0.8 2.65 8.056
Base Preparation for Gabin works
Side D/S 1 12 1.5 0.75 13.500
Total 203.10 m3
2 PCC for RCC work (1:2:4) M15
Cutoff U/S 1 3.4 0.4 2.4 3.264
Cutoff D/S with return wall 1 4.9 0.4 2.1 4.116
side Cutoff 1 3 0.4 2.25 2.700
Side Retaining structure 1st step 1 1.5 0.3 1.5 0.675
2nd step 1 1.9 0.3 1.5 0.855
Heel 1 3.4 1.5 0.3 1.530
return wall 1 1.5 0.3 1.5 0.675
Cutoff U/S 1 21.8 0.4 3.3 28.776
Cutoff D/S 1 18 0.4 2.1 15.120
Side 1 3 0.4 2.7 3.240
Bracing 1 3 0.4 2.7 3.240
Offtake Canal
U/S cutoff 1 4.1 0.4 2.8 4.592
Cutoff at riverside 1 12 0.1 1.0 1.200
Base 1 15 0.8 0.1 1.200
Side Wall 2 15 0.2 0.75 4.500
Covered Slab 1 15 0.8 0.15 1.800
Front wall at orifice 1 4.1 0.3 1.5 1.845
Heel at return wall 1 2 0.3 1.5 0.900
Deduction for Orifice -1 0.4 0.3 0.2 -0.024
Total 80.204 m3

3 Reinforcement @0.8% of PCC 5036.8112 kg

4 Formwork
Cutoff U/S 2 3.4 2.4 16.320
Cutoff D/S with return wall 2 4.9 2.1 20.580
side Cutoff 2 3 2.25 13.500
Side Retaining structure 1st step 2 1.5 1.5 4.500
2nd step 2 1.9 1.5 5.700
Heel 2 3.4 0.3 2.040
return wall 2 1.5 1.5 4.500
Cutoff U/S 2 21.8 3.3 143.880
Cutoff D/S 2 18.0 2.1 75.600
Side 2 3.0 2.7 16.200

Estimated By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Mid-Western Irrigation Development Division No-3
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Name of Project : Nachne Khola ISP
Location: Maintada VDC, Surkhet
Name of work : Headworks

S.N. Description of Works No. Length Width Height Quantity Remarks

Bracing 2 3.0 2.7 16.200
Offtake Canal
U/S cutoff 2 4.5 2.8 25.200
Cutoff at river side 2 12 1.5 36.000
Canal Side Outside 2 15 0.9 27.000
Canal Side inside 2 15 0.75 22.500
Covered Slab
Bottom 1 15 0.8 12.000
side 2 15 0.15 4.500
Heel 1 2 1.5 3.000
Orifice 1 4.1 1.5 6.150
Total 455.370 m2
5 Stone Soling Works
Canal 1 15 0.8 0.15 1.800 m3

6 Gabion Protection works

Launching 3.0x1.5*0.75 3 @ 15.75 sqm 47.250
Slope 3.0x1.5*0.3 2 @ 11.7 sqm 23.400
Canal Protection River side 8 @ 15.75 sqm 126.000
Launching 3.0x1.5*0.75 21 @ 15.75 sqm 330.750
Slope 3.0x1.5*0.75 7 @ 15.75 sqm 110.250
Slope 3.0x1.5*0.45 14 @ 13.05sqm 182.700
Side ProtectionU/S, 3.0x1.5*0.75 9 @ 15.75 sqm 141.750
Total 962.10 m2
7 Stone filling in gabion box
Launching 3.0x1.5*0.75 3 3 1.5 0.75 10.125
Slope 3.0x1.5*0.3 2 3 1.5 0.3 2.700
Canal Protection River side 8 3 1.5 0.75 27.000
Launching 3.0x1.5*0.75 21 3 1.5 0.75 70.875
Slope 3.0x1.5*0.75 7 3 1.5 0.75 23.625
Slope 3.0x1.5*0.45 14 3 1.5 0.45 28.350
Side ProtectionU/S, 3.0x1.5*0.75 9 3 1.5 0.75 30.375
Total 193.05 m3
8 Earthwork backfilling 1 30% of E/W excavation 60.93 m3

9 Stop Log 1.00 no

10 Diversion & Dewatering 1.000 Job

Estimated By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Mid-Western Irrigation Development Division No-3
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Name of Project : Nachne Khola ISP
Location: Maintada VDC, Surkhet
Name of work : Headworks

S.N. Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks

Earthwork in excavation in hard Gravel Mixed Soil
1 m3 203.10 #REF! #REF!
and disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift
Concreting of foundations vertical faces,walls of ratio
2 1:2:4(M15) including supply of matreials and haulage m3 80.20 #REF! #REF!
distance upto 30 m
Cutting.bending,placing of reinforcement steel bars
3 Kg 5036.81 #REF! #REF!
for including haulage distance of 30 m
Making wooden forms for floor and slab including
supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing, placing
4 m2 455.37 #REF! #REF!
separators, dismantling forms and hauling up to 30m
5 Stone Soiling works m3 1.80 #REF! #REF!
6 Gabion works m2 962.10 #REF! #REF!
7 Filling Of Gabion Box with Boulder m 3
193.05 #REF! #REF!
8 Earthwork backfilling m 3
60.93 #REF! #REF!
9 Stop Log no 1.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 LS
10 Diversion & Dewatering Job 1.00 50,000.00
Total #REF!

Estimated By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Quantity and Cost Estimate of Intake
Structure: Intake
Location: 0+000

GON item Description of works No. Length Width Height Quantity Unit Remarks
S.N code
1 2-21 Earth work Excavation
Gabion Part + Flush Chamber 1 6 4 0.50 12.00
Flushing Canal 1 2.25 1 0.35 0.79
1 0.5 1 0.95 0.48
Gate 1 0.15 1 1 0.15
Escape Cannel 1 1.5 0.75 0.2 0.23
1 5 0.4 0.2 0.40
Total 14.04 m3

2 2_25(a) 1
Back fill @ 45% of Earthwork Excavation 6 area = 0.2sq.m 1.20 m3
3 6-5 Stone Soiling Work
Flush Chamber 1 1 1 0.15 0.15
Flush Canal 1 3 1 0.15 0.45
Gate 1 0.15 1 0.15 0.02
Escape Cannel 1 1.5 0.75 0.15 0.17
1 5 0.4 0.15 0.30
Total 1.09 m3

4 7-2(d)
PCC for RCC in 1:1.5:3 motar for the
Water way on the top of gabion 1 1.75 3 0.2 1.05
Flush Chamber Wall Portion 1 1 0.15 0.45 0.07
Base Portion 1 1 1 0.15 0.15
Orifice Wall 1 1.2 0.15 2.2 0.40
Deduction for Orifice Hole 1 0.35 0.35 0.15 -0.02
Flushing Cannel Horizontal Section 1 3 1 0.15 0.45
Vertical Section 1 6 0.15 0.875 0.79
Gate Foundation Part 1 0.15 1 0.8 0.12
Side Pillor 2 0.15 0.15 1.5 0.07
Cannel Transition Base Portion 1 0.5 0.8 0.15 0.06
Wall Portion 2 0.56 0.15 0.5 0.08
Total 3.21 m3
5 8-2(a) Form Work
Flush Chamber Wall Portion 1 2.3 0.45 1.04
Base Portion 1 4 0.15 0.60
Orifice Wall 1 2.7 2.2 5.94
Flushing Cannel Horizontal Section 1 8 0.15 1.20
Vertical Section 1 24.6 0.875 21.53
Gate Foundation Part 1 2.3 0.8 1.84
Side Pillor 2 0.6 1.5 1.80
Cannel Transition Base Portion 1 2.6 0.15 0.39
Wall Portion 2 1.42 0.5 1.42
Total 35.75
6 7-5 Reinforcement Work
Flush Chamber
Main Bar of 12 mm Dia @ 150 mm c/c 1.53 1.00
8 12.24 1 m= 0.89 10.88 kg
Distribution Bar of 10 mm Dia @ 200 mm c/c 2.9 1.53
9 26.1 1 m= 0.62 16.11 Kg
Orifice Wall
Main Bar of 12 mm Dia @ 150 mm c/c 2.21 1.26
9 19.89 1 m= 0.89 17.68 kg
Distribution Bar of 10 mm Dia @ 200 mm c/c 1.2 2.21
12 14.4 1 m= 0.62 8.89 Kg
Flush Chamber
Main Bar of 12 mm Dia @ 150 mm c/c 3.31 0.94
7 23.17 1 m= 0.89 20.60 kg
Distribution Bar of 10 mm Dia @ 200 mm c/c 0.94 3.31
18 16.92 1 m= 0.62 10.44 Kg
Gate wall
Main Bar of 12 mm Dia @ 150 mm c/c 0.89 7.22
49 43.61 1 m= 0.89 38.76 kg
Distribution Bar of 10 mm Dia @ 200 mm c/c 4.5 0.89
5 22.5 1 m= 0.62 13.89 Kg
Outlet Chamber
Main Bar of 12 mm Dia @ 150 mm c/c 2.22 0.80
6 13.32 1 m= 0.89 11.84 kg
Distribution Bar of 10 mm Dia @ 200 mm c/c 1.15 2.20
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Quantity and Cost Estimate of Intake
Structure: Intake
Location: 0+000

GON item Description of works No. Length Width Height Quantity Unit Remarks
S.N code
12 13.8 1 m= 0.62 8.52 Kg
Outlet Chamber
Main Bar of 12 mm Dia @ 150 mm c/c 0.64 1.20
9 5.76 1 m= 0.89 5.12 kg
Distribution Bar of 10 mm Dia @ 200 mm c/c 1.24 0.64
4 4.96 1 m= 0.62 3.06 Kg
Outlet Chamber
Main Bar of 12 mm Dia @ 150 mm c/c 1.2 2.50
18 21.6 1 m= 0.89 19.20 kg
Distribution Bar of 10 mm Dia @ 200 mm c/c 2.5 0.30
3 7.5 1 m= 0.62 4.63 Kg
Escape Chamber
Main Bar of 10 mm Dia @ 200 mm c/c 1.5 0.90
6 9 1 m= 0.62 5.56 kg
Distribution Bar of 10 mm Dia @ 200 mm c/c 0.9 1.50
9 8.1 1 m= 0.62 5.00 Kg
Trash Rack having 16mm dia. Outer 1 4 6.32
Trash Rack having 12mm dia. Inner 5 1.15 9.09
Anchoring Trash Rack 4 1.8 1.5802469 11.38
Total 226.96 Kg
0.23 mt

Machine Made gabion boxes including

7 16.9© transportation of different size as per 266
drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m 19 box 266

8 16-11 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in

place, filling boulders in boxes, covering
the boxes, tying, etc all complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 19 3 1 1 57
Total 57 m3
9 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 34 34 m2
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Intake)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 14.04 869.89 12,211.11
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 1.09 3,876.75 4,230.50
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 3.21 18,297.44 58,810.26
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 226.96 128.55 29,175.34

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 35.75 620.69 22,189.67
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 1.20 157.93 189.51
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 266.00 433.46 115,299.79
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 57.00 2,764.88 157,598.16
9 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) m2 34.00 564.79 19,203.00
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
Grand Total Nrs. 433,907.34

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
0 0.21 0.14 12.5 2.56 1.75
25 0.75 0 25 18.87 0
50 0 1.49 25 0 37.25
75 0.01 0.75 25 0.31 18.63
100 0.03 0.67 25 0.63 16.75
125 1.15 0 25 28.75 0
150 0.52 0 25 13.06 0
175 0.32 0.04 25 8 1.06
200 0.35 0.07 25 8.69 1.69
225 0 2.63 25 0 65.81
250 0.37 0.05 25 9.25 1.25
275 0.27 0.13 25 6.69 3.19
300 0.35 0.12 25 8.69 2.88
325 0.1 0.28 25 2.5 7
350 0.71 0 25 17.81 0
375 0.47 0.03 25 11.75 0.69
400 0.25 0.14 25 6.37 3.5
425 0 2.21 12.53 0 27.62
425.05 0.14 0.27 12.5 1.69 3.38
450 0.04 0.87 24.98 1.06 21.6
475 1.03 0 25 25.69 0
500 1.36 0 25 33.94 0
525 0.3 0.13 25 7.38 3.25
550 1.1 0 25 27.44 0
575 0.11 0.6 25 2.81 15
600 0 1.25 25 0 31.19
625 0.46 0.02 25 11.44 0.56
650 0.61 0 25 15.13 0.06
675 0 0.69 12.53 0 8.7
675.05 0.33 0.07 12.5 4.06 0.91
700 0.22 0.14 24.98 5.37 3.43
725 0.48 0 25 12.06 0.06
750 0.19 0.18 25 4.63 4.44
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
775 0.01 0.53 25 0.31 13.31
800 0 0.52 25 0 13.06
825 0.06 0.77 25 1.38 19.31
850 0 0.75 25 0 18.81
875 0 4.45 25 0 111.37
900 0.03 0.49 25 0.63 12.19
925 0 1.45 25 0 36.19
950 0.11 0.27 25 2.81 6.81
975 0.04 0.83 25 1 20.69
1000 0.05 0.59 25 1.31 14.69
1025 0.08 0.56 25 2 13.88
1050 0.08 0.5 25 2 12.38
1075 0.12 0.39 25 3.06 9.81
1100 0.13 0.38 25 3.25 9.56
1125 0.19 0.23 25 4.75 5.75
1150 0.09 0.43 25 2.25 10.63
1175 0.18 0.39 25 4.44 9.75
1200 0.13 0.56 25 3.31 14.12
1225 0.15 0.59 25 3.81 14.75
1250 0.19 0.51 25 4.75 12.81
1275 0 1.23 25 0 30.75
1300 1.37 0 25 34.13 0
1325 0 1.39 25 0 34.69
1350 1.32 0 25 33 0
1375 1.3 0 25 32.5 0
1400 0.59 0 25 14.81 0
1425 0.97 0 25 24.19 0
1450 1.85 0 25 46.13 0
1475 1.44 0 25 36.06 0
1500 0 0.89 25 0 22.25
1525 1 0 25 25.06 0
1550 0 0.81 25 0 20.25
1575 2 0 25 50.06 0
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
1600 0.94 0 25 23.38 0
1625 0.29 0.08 25 7.19 2
1650 1.05 0.66 25 26.25 16.5
1675 0.05 0.49 25 1.25 12.13
1700 1.68 0 25 41.88 0
1725 0.09 0.62 25 2.31 15.5
1750 0.02 1.15 25 0.56 28.75
1775 0.26 0.31 25 6.56 7.81
1800 0.27 0.79 25 6.69 19.75
1825 0.24 0.84 25 6.06 21
1850 0.07 0.34 25 1.81 8.62
1875 2.07 0 25 51.75 0
1900 0.68 0.28 25 17.06 7
1925 0.55 0.41 25 13.63 10.13
1950 1.77 0 25 44.31 0
1975 1.86 0 25 46.5 0
2000 0.05 0.72 25 1.31 17.94
2025 0.03 0.93 25 0.81 23.19
2050 0.92 0.05 25 22.88 1.13
2075 2.44 0 25 60.88 0
2100 0.64 0.41 25 16.06 10.31
2125 2.23 0 25 55.63 0
2150 0.47 0.39 25 11.69 9.81
2175 0.59 0.22 25 14.81 5.56
2200 0.37 0.1 25 9.13 2.38
2225 0.18 0.49 25 4.38 12.31
2250 0.51 0.25 25 12.87 6.25
2275 0.01 0.85 25 0.31 21.13
2300 1.69 0 25 42.25 0
2325 1.8 0 25 45.06 0
2350 0.57 0.01 25 14.37 0.13
2375 2.11 0 25 52.63 0
2400 1.94 0 25 48.56 0
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
2425 1.26 0 25 31.44 0
2450 0.31 0.91 25 7.63 22.69
2475 0.58 0 25 14.56 0
2500 1.17 0 25 29.31 0
2525 0.44 0.25 25 10.94 6.37
2550 0.38 0.04 25 9.5 0.88
2575 0 1.06 25 0 26.5
2600 0.61 0 25 15.31 0
2625 0 0.75 25 0 18.69
2650 1.25 0 25 31.31 0
2675 0.15 0.18 25 3.75 4.44
2700 0 1.25 25 0 31.31
2725 1.12 0 25 28.06 0
2750 0 2.08 25 0 51.94
2775 0.16 0.24 25 4 6
2800 0.19 0.22 25 4.69 5.38
2825 0 1.02 25 0 25.62
2850 0 2.07 25 0 51.81
2875 0.65 0 25 16.31 0
2900 0.24 0.1 25 6.06 2.44
2925 0 0.55 25 0 13.69
2950 0 0.81 25 0 20.37
2975 0 0.72 25 0 18
3000 0.29 0.07 25 7.19 1.75
3025 0 1.43 25 0 35.81
3050 0.23 0.1 25 5.63 2.44
3075 0.98 0 25 24.5 0
3100 0.57 0 25 14.37 0
3125 0.08 0.31 25 2 7.63
3150 0.35 0.03 25 8.75 0.63
3175 0.51 0 25 12.75 0
3200 0.67 0 25 16.81 0
3225 0.44 0.01 25 10.88 0.25
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
3250 0.01 0.61 25 0.31 15.13
3275 0 0.66 25 0 16.56
3300 0 0.78 25 0 19.44
3325 0.39 0.03 25 9.75 0.81
3350 0.14 0.21 25 3.5 5.31
3375 0.5 0 25 12.5 0
3400 0 1.03 12.53 0 12.87
3400.05 0.28 0.16 12.5 3.44 1.97
3425 0 0.67 24.97 0 16.8
3450 0.7 0 25 17.5 0
3475 0.16 0.25 25 4 6.13
3500 0 0.72 25 0 18
3525 1.52 0 25 38 0
3550 0 0.81 25 0 20.25
3575 1.11 0 25 27.69 0
3600 0 1.71 25 0 42.63
3625 0.1 0.33 25 2.56 8.31
3650 0.04 0.48 25 1.06 11.88
3675 0.45 0 25 11.25 0
3700 0.57 0 25 14.37 0
3725 0 0.78 25 0 19.5
3750 0 0.93 25 0 23.13
3775 0.06 0.38 25 1.38 9.56
3800 0 1.16 25 0 28.94
3825 0.23 0.11 25 5.63 2.69
3850 0.92 0 25 23.06 0
3875 0.4 0 25 9.94 0
3900 0.77 0 25 19.19 0
3925 0.47 0 25 11.81 0
3950 1.04 0 25 26.06 0
3975 0.4 0 25 9.94 0.06
4000 0.42 0.03 25 10.5 0.75
4025 1.1 0 25 27.56 0
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
4050 0.15 0.22 25 3.75 5.56
4075 0.56 0 25 14.12 0
4100 0.62 0 25 15.5 0
4125 0.02 0.43 25 0.44 10.63
4150 0 2.13 12.53 0 26.74
4150.05 0 0.71 12.5 0 8.88
4175 0.38 0 24.97 9.37 0
4200 0.04 0.4 25 1 10.06
4225 0.53 0 25 13.31 0
4250 0.25 0.12 25 6.31 2.94
4275 1.2 0 25 29.88 0
4300 0.84 0 25 20.88 0
4325 0.17 0.23 25 4.13 5.69
4350 1.5 0 25 37.44 0
4375 1.57 0 25 39.25 0
4400 1.01 0 25 25.37 0
4425 0.01 0.58 25 0.31 14.56
4450 0.79 0 25 19.63 0
4475 1.43 0 25 35.81 0
4500 0.29 0.17 25 7.25 4.25
4525 0.1 0.41 25 2.56 10.19
4550 0.48 0.01 25 12 0.19
4575 0.12 0.23 25 2.94 5.63
4600 1 0 25 25.06 0
4625 0.06 0.46 25 1.56 11.44
4650 3.14 0 25 78.44 0
4675 0 1.23 25 0 30.63
4700 1.32 0 25 33 0
4725 0.73 0 25 18.19 0
4750 1.07 0 25 26.63 0
4775 1.46 0 25 36.38 0
4800 0.28 0.02 25 6.94 0.5
4825 0.14 0.52 25 3.44 12.94
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
4850 1.38 0 25 34.38 0
4875 1.74 0 25 43.56 0
4900 0.1 1.06 25 2.38 26.44
4925 0.93 0 25 23.13 0
4950 0 0.67 25 0 16.81
4975 0 0.59 25 0.06 14.75
5000 0.08 0.44 25 1.94 11
5025 1.36 0 25 33.88 0
5050 0.41 0.02 25 10.25 0.56
5075 1.15 0 25 28.69 0
5100 0 0.48 25 0 11.88
5125 1.22 0 25 30.38 0
5150 0.78 0 37.5 29.06 0
5200 0.75 0 37.5 28.22 0.09
5225 1.35 0 25 33.81 0
5250 0.15 0.25 25 3.63 6.13
5275 2.4 0 25 60.12 0
5300 0.65 0.04 25 16.25 1
5325 0.59 0.01 25 14.63 0.13
5350 1.63 0 25 40.87 0
5375 0.29 0.1 25 7.31 2.56
5400 1.05 0 25 26.25 0
5425 2.06 0 25 51.56 0
5450 0.08 0.35 25 2.06 8.81
5475 0.46 0.02 25 11.38 0.56
5500 1.01 0 25 25.25 0
5525 0.08 0.39 25 2 9.75
5550 0.47 0.02 25 11.69 0.44
5575 1.03 0 25 25.81 0
5600 0.14 0.28 25 3.38 7.12
5625 0.35 0.06 25 8.69 1.38
5650 0.37 0.07 25 9.31 1.81
5675 0.17 0.18 25 4.19 4.38
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
5700 0.96 0 25 23.88 0
5725 0.01 0.56 25 0.25 13.94
5750 0.96 0 25 23.94 0
5775 0 0.87 25 0 21.69
5800 0.54 0.04 25 13.56 0.94
5825 0 0.85 25 0 21.31
5850 1.22 0 25 30.44 0
5875 0 1.22 25 0 30.38
5900 0.14 0.17 25 3.44 4.31
5925 0 0.74 25 0 18.44
5950 0.51 0 25 12.81 0
5975 0.55 0 25 13.69 0
6000 0 0.81 25 0 20.37
6025 0.23 0.14 25 5.75 3.5
6050 0.29 0.11 25 7.31 2.75
6075 0.02 0.44 25 0.38 11.06
6100 0 0.78 25 0 19.44
6125 0 2.38 25 0 59.38
6150 0.75 0 25 18.87 0
6175 0.84 0 25 20.94 0
6200 0.63 0 12.53 7.95 0
6200.05 1.4 0 12.5 17.44 0
6225 0 0.7 24.97 0 17.48
6250 0.19 0.19 25 4.69 4.69
6275 0.78 0 25 19.44 0
6300 0.08 0.36 25 1.88 8.94
6325 0 0.86 25 0 21.5
6350 0 0.75 25 0 18.75
6375 0.11 0.31 25 2.81 7.63
6400 0.04 0.38 25 0.94 9.56
6425 0.3 0.05 25 7.5 1.25
6450 0 0.63 25 0 15.75
6475 0.44 0 25 11 0
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
6500 0 1.6 12.53 0 20.04
6500.05 0.06 0.38 75 4.69 28.31
6650 1.04 0 87.47 90.76 0
6675 0.18 0.06 12.53 2.25 0.78
6675.05 1.41 0 12.5 17.63 0
6700 1.83 0 24.97 45.58 0
6725 1.98 0 25 49.56 0
6750 1.17 0 25 29.13 0
6775 1.55 0 25 38.81 0
6800 0.91 0 25 22.75 0
6825 1.41 0 25 35.25 0
6850 0.8 0 25 20 0
6875 1.74 0 25 43.5 0
6900 1.43 0 25 35.81 0
6925 1.1 0 25 27.44 0
6950 1.21 0 25 30.13 0
6975 0.87 0 25 21.75 0
7000 0.64 0 25 15.94 0
7025 1.07 0 25 26.69 0
7050 0.62 0 25 15.56 0
7075 0.66 0 25 16.5 0
7100 1.53 0 25 38.19 0
7125 0.48 0 25 11.88 0
7150 1.03 0 25 25.69 0
7175 0.88 0 25 21.94 0
7200 0.36 0 25 8.88 0
7225 0.33 0 25 8.25 0
7250 0.71 0 25 17.75 0
7275 1.12 0 25 28.06 0
7300 0.86 0 25 21.56 0
7325 0.42 0 25 10.38 0
7350 0.38 0 25 9.56 0
7375 0.75 0 25 18.75 0
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
7400 0.75 0 25 18.81 0
7425 0.31 0 25 7.75 0
7450 0.25 0.01 25 6.37 0.13
7475 0.35 0 25 8.75 0
7500 0.73 0 25 18.31 0
7525 0.19 0.02 25 4.75 0.38
7550 0.71 0 25 17.81 0
7575 0.09 0.17 25 2.13 4.25
7600 0.79 0 25 19.63 0
7625 0.17 0.04 25 4.25 1
7650 0.5 0 25 12.62 0
7675 0.57 0 25 14.19 0
7700 0.01 0.36 25 0.19 8.88
7725 0.11 0.12 25 2.81 3.06
7750 0.24 0.02 25 5.94 0.56
7775 0.07 0.17 25 1.81 4.13
7800 0.34 0 25 8.56 0
7825 0.05 0.18 25 1.31 4.5
7850 0.35 0 25 8.75 0
7875 0 0.34 25 0 8.56
7900 0.13 0.06 25 3.19 1.56
7925 0.19 0.02 25 4.81 0.38
7950 0.26 0 25 6.44 0
7975 0.04 0.2 12.53 0.53 2.47
7975.05 0.41 0 12.5 5.06 0
8000 0.38 0 24.97 9.49 0
8025 0.31 0 25 7.87 0
8050 0.31 0 25 7.69 0
8075 0.09 0.1 25 2.19 2.56
8100 0.17 0.01 25 4.19 0.31
8125 0.32 0 25 8.06 0
8150 0.19 0.03 25 4.63 0.63
8175 0.64 0 25 16 0
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
8200 0.41 0 25 10.19 0
8225 0.25 0 25 6.13 0
8250 0.18 0.02 25 4.56 0.56
8275 0.12 0.08 25 2.94 1.88
8300 0.28 0.01 25 6.88 0.13
8325 0.15 0.08 25 3.69 1.88
8350 0.11 0.13 25 2.63 3.31
8375 0.09 0.15 25 2.25 3.69
8400 0.23 0.03 25 5.69 0.69
8425 0.2 0.04 25 4.88 1.06
8450 0.16 0.06 25 4.06 1.38
8475 0.03 0.25 25 0.75 6.25
8500 0.17 0.04 25 4.13 0.94
8525 0.08 0.15 25 1.94 3.63
8550 0.07 0.15 25 1.81 3.75
8575 0.06 0.15 25 1.56 3.81
8600 0 1.04 25 0 25.88
8625 0.19 0.02 25 4.63 0.38
8650 0.14 0.05 25 3.44 1.13
8675 0 1.05 12.52 0 13.15
8675.05 0.07 0.16 12.5 0.81 2
8700 0.5 0 24.98 12.55 0
8725 0.05 0.2 25 1.31 4.94
8750 0.48 0 25 12 0
8775 0 0.44 25 0 11
8800 0.54 0 25 13.5 0
8825 0.1 0.11 25 2.5 2.81
8850 0.45 0 25 11.31 0
8875 0.11 0.09 25 2.75 2.31
8900 0.39 0 25 9.69 0
8925 0 0.33 25 0 8.31
8950 0.31 0 25 7.63 0
8975 0.09 0.1 25 2.19 2.38
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for main canal

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location: Main Canal
Mean Lenth
Cut Area Fill Area
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
9000 0.25 0 25 6.37 0
9025 0.06 0.15 25 1.56 3.75
9050 0.19 0.02 12.52 2.32 0.19
9050.05 0.72 0 12.5 8.97 0
9075 0.06 0.15 24.98 1.56 3.62
9100 0.66 0 25 16.5 0
9125 0.14 0.03 25 3.44 0.75
9150 0.6 0 25 15 0
9175 0.1 0.1 25 2.5 2.56
9200 0.37 0 25 9.25 0
9225 0.4 0 25 9.94 0
9250 0.58 0 25 14.44 0
9275 0.01 0.28 25 0.25 6.94
9300 0.15 0.03 25 3.75 0.75
9325 0 0.37 17.5 0 6.48
9335 0.09 0.11 5 0.45 0.54
Total 4655.33 2508.96
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet

Length Of Canal(0.55 x 0.45)= 6645 m

Length Of Canal(0.4 x 0.4)= 655 m
Length Of Canal(0.35 x 0.35)= 475 m
Length Of Canal(0.3 x 0.3)= 1560 m
Quantity and Cost Estimate of Canal Lining
S.N. Description of Work No Length Breadth Height Area Quantity Unit Remarks

1 Earth Work
Main Canal 4655.33
4655.33 m3
2 Back Filling
Main Canal 2508.96
2508.96 m3
3 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m
0.55 x 0.45 Canal
Main bar of 10 mm dia @200 mm c/c 1.85 6645
33225 61466.25 1 m= 0.62 Kg 37942.13
Distribution bar of 8 mm dia @250 mm c/c 6911 1.85
10 69108 1 m= 0.40 Kg 27301.93
0.4 x 0.4 Canal
Main bar of 10 mm dia @200 mm c/c 1.6 655
3275 5240 1 m= 0.62 Kg 3234.57
Distribution bar of 8 mm dia @250 mm c/c 681 1.6
9 6130.8 1 m= 0.40 Kg 2422.04
0.35 x 0.35 Canal
Main bar of 10 mm dia @200 mm c/c 1.45 475
2375 3443.75 1 m= 0.62 Kg 2125.77
Distribution bar of 8 mm dia @250 mm c/c 494 1.45
8 3952 1 m= 0.40 Kg 1561.28
0.3 x 0.3 Canal
Main bar of 10 mm dia @200 mm c/c 1.3 1560
7800 10140 1 m= 0.62 Kg 6259.26
Distribution bar of 8 mm dia @250 mm c/c 1622 1.3
8 12979.2 1 m= 0.40 Kg 5127.59

85.97 mt
4 Form Work 17414.66 sqm
0.55 x 0.45 Canal
Wall portion 1.00 6645 2 13290.00
End portion 2.00 2.45 0.1 0.49
0.4 x 0.4 Canal
Wall portion 1.00 655 1.8 1179.00
End portion 2.00 2.2 0.1 0.44
0.35 x 0.35 Canal
Wall portion 1.00 475 1.6 760.00
End portion 2.00 1.95 0.1 0.39
0.3 x 0.3 Canal
Wall portion 1.00 1560 1.4 2184.00
End portion 2.00 1.7 0.1 0.34

5 Concreting of super structures, vertical faces,

walls of ratio 1:2:4 (M15) including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to30 m
Main Canal(0.55 x 0.45) 1.00 6645 0.1 0.9 0.09 598.05 Vertical Wall
1.00 6645 0.1 0.75 0.075 498.38 Canal Bed
Main Canal(0.4 x 0.4) 1.00 655 0.1 0.8 0.08 52.40 Vertical Wall
1.00 655 0.1 0.6 0.06 39.30 Canal Bed
Main Canal(0.35 x 0.35) 1.00 475 0.1 0.7 0.07 33.25 Vertical Wall
1.00 475 0.1 0.55 0.055 26.13 Canal Bed
Main Canal(0.3 x 0.3) 1.00 1560 0.1 0.6 0.06 93.60 Vertical Wall
1.00 1560 0.1 0.5 0.05 78.00 Canal Bed
Total 1419.10 cum
6 Supply and Fittings of rubber seal
Main Canal(0.55 x 0.45) 133.00 1.85 0.1 246.05
Main Canal(0.4 x 0.4) 13.00 1.6 0.1 20.80
Main Canal(0.35 x 0.35) 10.00 1.45 0.1 14.50
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet

Length Of Canal(0.55 x 0.45)= 6645 m

Length Of Canal(0.4 x 0.4)= 655 m
Length Of Canal(0.35 x 0.35)= 475 m
Length Of Canal(0.3 x 0.3)= 1560 m
Quantity and Cost Estimate of Canal Lining
S.N. Description of Work No Length Breadth Height Area Quantity Unit Remarks

Main Canal(0.3 x 0.3) 31.00 1.3 0.1 40.30

Total 321.65 sqm

7 Stone Soiling Work

Main Canal(0.55 x 0.45) 1.00 6645.00 0.75 0.1 498.38
Main Canal(0.4 x 0.4) 1.00 655.00 0.6 0.1 39.30
Main Canal(0.35 x 0.35) 1.00 475.00 0.55 0.1 26.13
Main Canal(0.3 x 0.3) 1.00 1560.00 0.5 0.1 78.00
Total 641.80 cum
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of cost (Main Canal Lining)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Name of work : Main Canal Lining & Maintenance works

S.N Description of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed Soil including

1 m3 4,655.33 869.89 4,049,634.32
disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift
Concreting of structures in M15 including supply of materials
2 m3 1,419.10 14,821.12 21,032,645.01
and haulage distance up to 30m

Cutting , bending , placing and binding of reinforcement TOR

3 Kg 85,974.57 128.55 11,051,698.84
steel bars for R.C.C. works including haulage distance of 30m

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including supply &
4 selection of material, fixing, nailing, placing separators, m2 17,414.66 620.69 10,809,105.32
dismantling forms and hauling up to 30m distance

Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and hand

5 m3 2,508.96 157.93 396,227.51
compaction with sprinkling water (haulage distance 10m )

6 Supplying & fitting Rubble seal m2 321.65 1,068.71 343,750.57

7 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without sand ( 30m m3 641.80 3,876.75
lead) 2,488,096.87
Grand Total Nrs. 50,171,158.44

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for branch canal(BC)

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location:
Cut Area Fill Area
Lenth (m)
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
0 0.11 0.08 12.5 1.41 1.03
25 0 0.42 25 0 10.5
50 0.01 0.27 25 0.31 6.63
75 0.01 0.27 25 0.31 6.69
100 0.28 0 25 7 0
125 0.08 0.12 25 1.88 3
150 0 0.35 25 0 8.75
175 0.23 0.02 25 5.69 0.38
200 0.07 0.17 25 1.69 4.31
225 0.04 0.16 25 1.06 4
250 0.16 0.03 25 3.88 0.63
275 0.17 0.04 25 4.13 0.94
300 0.13 0.06 25 3.19 1.5
325 0 0.36 25 0 9
350 0.11 0.07 25 2.69 1.81
375 0.21 0 25 5.13 0
400 0.2 0 25 5 0
425 0.03 0.15 25 0.75 3.81
450 0.32 0 25 8.06 0
475 0.26 0 25 6.44 0
500 0.13 0.04 25 3.25 1
525 0.12 0.09 25 3 2.25
550 0.25 0 25 6.19 0
575 0.21 0.01 25 5.25 0.31
600 0 0.41 25 0 10.25
625 0.03 0.26 25 0.75 6.44
650 0.21 0.02 25 5.25 0.5
675 0.12 0.08 25 3 1.88
700 0 0.35 25 0 8.69
725 0.03 0.2 25 0.75 4.88
750 0.12 0.09 25 3 2.19
775 0.07 0.13 25 1.63 3.25
800 0.09 0.13 25 2.25 3.25
825 0.27 0 25 6.63 0
850 0 0.34 25 0 8.5
875 0.23 0 25 5.63 0
900 0.15 0.08 25 3.75 2
925 0.03 0.2 25 0.75 5
950 0.12 0.07 25 3 1.81
975 0.14 0.1 25 3.38 2.56
1000 0.15 0.05 25 3.75 1.19
1025 0.29 0 25 7.25 0
1050 0.06 0.15 25 1.5 3.81
1075 0.03 0.2 25 0.75 5
1100 0.21 0 25 5.25 0
1125 0.21 0.01 25 5.25 0.25
1150 0.25 0 25 6.13 0
1175 0.01 0.27 25 0.13 6.81
1200 0 0.36 25 0 8.94
1225 0.25 0 25 6.13 0
1250 0.06 0.19 25 1.5 4.69
1275 0.19 0 25 4.81 0
1300 0.27 0 25 6.63 0
1325 0 0.26 25 0 6.56
1350 0.12 0.08 25 3.12 2.06
1375 0.17 0 25 4.13 0
1400 0.24 0 25 6.06 0
1425 0.29 0 25 7.19 0
1450 0.03 0.18 25 0.69 4.38
1475 0 0.26 25 0 6.56
1500 0.11 0.07 25 2.75 1.81
1525 0.03 0.19 25 0.69 4.63
1550 0.2 0 25 4.94 0
1575 0.25 0 25 6.13 0
1600 0.19 0 25 4.75 0
1625 0.02 0.2 25 0.56 5
1650 0.16 0.01 25 4.06 0.25
1675 0 0.28 25 0 7
1700 0.05 0.13 25 1.25 3.19
1725 0 0.31 25 0 7.87
1750 0.1 0.06 25 2.5 1.38
1775 0.28 0 25 7.12 0
1800 0.32 0 25 8 0
1825 0.12 0.05 25 3.12 1.13
1850 0 0.32 25 0 8.06
1875 0.25 0 25 6.13 0
1900 0.03 0.21 25 0.63 5.19
1925 0.12 0.01 25 3.12 0.31
1950 0.08 0.07 25 1.88 1.81
1975 0.27 0 25 6.75 0
2000 0.1 0.08 12.5 1.25 0.94
Total 251.98 226.56
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet

Length Of Canal(0.4 x 0.35)= 1175 m

Length Of Canal(0.35 x 0.35)= 400 m
Length Of Canal(0.3 x 0.3)= 425 m
Quantity and Cost Estimate of Canal Lining(Branch Canal)
S.N. Description of Work No Length Breadth Height Area Quantity Unit Remarks

1 Earth Work
Main Canal 251.98
251.98 m3
2 Back Filling
Main Canal 226.56
226.56 m3
3 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m
0.4 x 0.35 Canal
Main bar of 10 mm dia @200 mm c/c 1.5 1175
5875 8812.5 1 m= 0.62 Kg 5439.81
Distribution bar of 8 mm dia @250 mm c/c 1222 1.5
8 9776 1 m= 0.40 Kg 3862.12
0.35 x 0.35 Canal
Main bar of 10 mm dia @200 mm c/c 1.45 400
2000 2900 1 m= 0.62 Kg 1790.12
Distribution bar of 8 mm dia @250 mm c/c 416 1.45
8 3328 1 m= 0.40 Kg 1314.77
0.3 x 0.3 Canal
Main bar of 10 mm dia @200 mm c/c 1.3 425
2125 2762.5 1 m= 0.62 Kg 1705.25
Distribution bar of 8 mm dia @250 mm c/c 442 1.3
8 3536 1 m= 0.40 Kg 1396.94

15.51 mt
4 Form Work 3116.12 sqm
0.4 x 0.35 Canal
Wall portion 1.00 1175 1.6 1880.00
End portion 2.00 1.95 0.1 0.39
0.35 x 0.35 Canal
Wall portion 1.00 400 1.6 640.00
End portion 2.00 1.95 0.1 0.39
0.3 x 0.3 Canal
Wall portion 1.00 425 1.4 595.00
End portion 2.00 1.7 0.1 0.34

5 Concreting of super structures, vertical faces,

walls of ratio 1:2:4 (M15) including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to30 m
Main Canal(0.4 x 0.35) 1.00 1175 0.1 0.7 0.07 82.25 Vertical Wall
1.00 1175 0.1 0.6 0.06 70.50 Canal Bed
Main Canal(0.35 x 0.35) 1.00 400 0.1 0.7 0.07 28.00 Vertical Wall
1.00 400 0.1 0.55 0.055 22.00 Canal Bed
Main Canal(0.3 x 0.3) 1.00 425 0.1 0.6 0.06 25.50 Vertical Wall
1.00 425 0.1 0.5 0.05 21.25 Canal Bed
Total 249.50 cum
6 Supply and Fittings of rubber seal
Main Canal(0.4 x 0.35) 24.00 1.5 0.1 36.00
Main Canal(0.35 x 0.35) 8.00 1.45 0.1 11.60
Main Canal(0.3 x 0.3) 9.00 1.3 0.1 11.70
Total 59.30 sqm
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet

Length Of Canal(0.4 x 0.35)= 1175 m

Length Of Canal(0.35 x 0.35)= 400 m
Length Of Canal(0.3 x 0.3)= 425 m
Quantity and Cost Estimate of Canal Lining(Branch Canal)
S.N. Description of Work No Length Breadth Height Area Quantity Unit Remarks

7 Stone Soiling Work

Main Canal(0.4 x 0.35) 1.00 1175.00 0.6 0.1 70.50
Main Canal(0.35 x 0.35) 1.00 400.00 0.55 0.1 22.00
Main Canal(0.3 x 0.3) 1.00 425.00 0.5 0.1 21.25
Total 113.75 cum
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of cost (Branch Canal Lining)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Name of work : Branch Canal Lining & Maintenance works

S.N Description of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed Soil including

1 m3 251.98 869.89 219,195.39
disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift
Concreting of structures in M15 including supply of materials
2 m3 249.50 14,821.12 3,697,868.32
and haulage distance up to 30m

Cutting , bending , placing and binding of reinforcement TOR

3 Kg 15,509.01 128.55 1,993,623.67
steel bars for R.C.C. works including haulage distance of 30m

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including supply &
4 selection of material, fixing, nailing, placing separators, m2 3,116.12 620.69 1,934,144.52
dismantling forms and hauling up to 30m distance

Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and hand

5 m3 226.56 157.93 35,779.49
compaction with sprinkling water (haulage distance 10m )

6 Supplying & fitting Rubble seal m2 59.30 1,068.71 63,374.50

7 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without sand ( 30m m3 113.75 3,876.75
lead) 440,980.09
Grand Total Nrs. 8,384,965.98

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Chainage and Volume of Excavation and Filling for secondary canal(SC)

Chainage AREA(m2) Mean Dist. Location:
Cut Area Fill Area
Lenth (m)
Cut Vol. Fill Vol.
0 0.12 0.03 12.5 1.56 0.31
25 0.15 0.02 25 3.75 0.5
50 0 0.28 25 0 6.88
75 0.08 0.1 25 1.88 2.5
100 0.32 0 25 8 0
125 0 0.2 25 0 5
150 0.3 0 25 7.38 0
175 0.03 0.18 25 0.63 4.38
200 0.05 0.09 25 1.25 2.25
225 0.05 0.13 25 1.25 3.25
250 0.1 0.05 25 2.5 1.13
275 0.15 0.03 25 3.75 0.63
300 0.25 0 25 6.25 0
325 0.17 0 25 4.31 0
350 0.27 0 25 6.63 0
375 0.1 0.01 25 2.5 0.31
400 0 0.19 25 0 4.63
425 0.23 0 25 5.81 0
450 0.31 0 20 6.15 0
465 0.14 0.04 7.5 1.01 0.3
Total 64.61 32.07
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

Length of secondary Canal(0.3 x 0.3)= 465 m

Quantity and Cost Estimate of Canal Lining(SC)
S.N. Description of Work No Length Breadth Height Area Quantity Unit Remarks
1 Earth Work
Branch Canal 64.61
64.61 m3
2 Back Filling
Branch Canal 32.07
32.07 m3
3 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m
Main bar of 10 mm dia @200 mm c/c 1.3 465
2325 3022.5 1 m= 0.62 Kg 1865.74

Distribution bar of 8 mm dia @250 mm c/c 484 1.3

8 3868.8 1 m= 0.40 Kg 1528.41
3.39 mt
4 Form Work 651.34 sqm
Wall portion 1.00 465 1.4 651.00
End portion 2.00 1.7 0.1 0.34
Concreting of super structures, vertical
faces, walls of ratio 1:2:4 (M15) including
supply of materials and haulage distance
up to30 m
Main Canal 1 465 0.1 0.8 0.08 37.20 Vertical Walls
1 465 0.1 0.3 0.03 13.95 Canal Bed
Total 51.15 cum
6 Supply and Fittings of rubber seal
Main Canal 9.00 1.3 0.1 11.70
Total 11.70 sqm

7 Stone Soiling Work

Main Canal 1 465.00 0.5 0.1 23.25
Total 23.25 cum
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of cost (Secondary Canal Lining)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Name of work : Canal Lining & Maintenance works, Branch Canal(SC)

S.N Description of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed Soil including
1 m3 64.61 869.89 56,203.72
disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift
Concreting of structures in M15 including supply of materials
2 m3 51.15 14,821.12 758,100.06
and haulage distance up to 30m

Cutting , bending , placing and binding of reinforcement TOR

3 Kg 3,394.16 128.55 436,305.60
steel bars for R.C.C. works including haulage distance of 30m

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including supply &
4 selection of material, fixing, nailing, placing separators, m2 651.34 620.69 404,280.22
dismantling forms and hauling up to 30m distance

Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and hand

5 m3 32.07 157.93 5,064.65
compaction with sprinkling water (haulage distance 10m )

6 Supplying & fitting Rubble seal m2 11.70 1,068.71 12,503.91

7 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without sand ( 30m m3 23.25 3,876.75
lead) 90,134.39
Grand Total Nrs. 1,762,592.55
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet
Quantity and Cost Estimate of Gabion Wall

Quantity for Gabion, Stone packing and Geo-textile

Section in nos. Section area Section in nos. Section area
Length Quantity for Quantity for
Total Gabion Stone Packing
S.N Chainage Height Area 3x1x1 3x1x1 3x1x0.5 3x1x0.5 Geo-Textile structure cut structure Remarks
Quantity m2
in GMS Backfill
m m m2 nos. 14 m2 nos. 10 m2
A Gabion Retaining Wall
1 0+000 25 2 9 126 18 180 306 57.5 54 45.00 25
2 5+000 300 2 100 1400 200 2000 3400 690 600 540.00 300
3 6+500 50 1 17 238 238 57.5 51 90.00 25
4 9+335 1 3 2 28 2 20 48 3.45 9 1.80 1.5
376 1,792.00 2,200.00 3,992.00 808.45 714.00 676.80 351.50
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Gabion Retaining)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 676.80 869.89 588,742.91
2 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 351.50 157.93 55,510.64
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 1792.00 433.46 776,756.48
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x0.5)
m2 2200.00 426.00 937,202.20
5 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 714.00 2,764.88 1,974,124.32
6 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) m2 808.45 564.79 456,607.71

Grand Total Nrs. 4,788,944.26

Prepared By Checked By Approved By


Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Structure: Inverted Syphon @ 6+500
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit

1 Earth work in excavation 2 1.60 1.60 0.80 4.10 m³

2 Stone Solling 2 1.60 1.60 0.20 1.02 m³

3 PCC in 1:3:6

Outer Box 2 4.80 0.20 0.90 1.73

Floor 2 1.60 1.60 0.20 1.02 m³
Deduction -2 0.40 0.20 0.40 -0.06 m³
Total of PCC 2.69 m³
4 Reinforcement

12 mm dia main bar @ 200mmc/c 12 3.600 @ 0.89kg/m 38.45 Kg

12 mm dia main bar @ 200mmc/c 12 3.600 @ 0.89kg/m 38.45 Kg

10mm dia bar distribution bar 10 4.400 @ 0.62kg/m 27.28 Kg

Grill Cover (10 mm dia. bar@ 100mm/cc) 20 1.000 @ 0.62kg/m 12.40 Kg

Sub Total 0.117 mt
5 Wooden Form Work
Outside of Wall 8 1.60 1.10 14.08
Inside Wall 8 1.00 0.70 5.60
Total of form work 19.68 Sq.m
6 HDPE pipe of 355mm dia.(6 kg/cm2) 1 150 150.00 m

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of cost (Syphon)

Name of work : Canal Lining & Maintenance works
Chainage:6+500, L=140m, H=3m
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
S.N Description of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Nrs)
Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed Soil
including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift
m3 4.10 869.89 3,566.56
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without sand
( 30m lead) m3 1.02 3,876.75 3,954.28
3 PCC (1:3:6) in founadtion in perfect line and level all
complete as per design and drawings. m3 2.69 12,762.04 34,329.88
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of reinforcement
TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works including haulage
distance of 30m kg 116.58 128.55 14,985.39
Making wooden forms for floor and slab including supply
& selection of material, fixing, nailing, placing
separators, dismantling forms and hauling up to 30m
distance m2 19.68 620.69 12,215.18
6 HDPE pipe of 355mm dia.(6 kg/cm2) m 150.00 6,124.83 918,724.50
Grand Total Nrs. 987,775.79

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct 9.5 m

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet
Chainage: 0+650

Length of aqueduct 9.5 m

Depth of stream 5 m
Height of RRM Wall 5.6 m
Base Width of RRM wall 3.1 m
Top width of RRM wall 0.5 m
Width of canal 0.6 m
Height of canal 0.4 m
Base Thickness 0.15 m
Side wall thickness 0.2 m

Item: Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct

No. of
SN Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
1 Earth work for excavation
Abutment 2 1.20 3.40 0.85 6.94
Total: 6.94 cu.m.
2 Soling cum
Below Abutment 2 1.20 3.10 0.15 1.12
Total: 1.12 cu.m.
3 M20 (1:1.5:3)
a) Sides 2 9.50 0.2 0.55 2.09
b) Bottom 1 9.50 0.60 0.15 0.86
Total: 2.95 cu.m.
4 Wooden Form Work
a) Sides of Rcc Fume 4 9.50 0.55 20.90
b) Bottom of Rcc Fume 1 9.50 0.60 5.70
26.60 sq. m
For abutment 2 0.90 1.80 5.60 18.15
18.15 cu.m.
6 Reinforcement (density 7.85mt/m3) 1 1.3 % of concrete volume

0.301 mt
Total: 0.30 mt
7 Back filling@40% of E/W Qty. 2.77
Total: 2.77 cu.m.
8 Pointing Works 2 0.90 5.60 10.08 Sq.m.

Machine Made gabion boxes including

transportation of different size as per 196 m2
9 drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m(2 layers) 14 196

Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes

in place, filling boulders in boxes,
covering the boxes, tying, etc all
10 complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 14 3 1 1 42
Total 42 m3

11 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 20 1 23 m2

Summary of Quantities ( Aqueduct)
S.N. Description of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Earth back Filling cum 2.77
2 E/W excavation cum 6.936
3 Soling cu.m. 1.116
4 Wooden Form Work Sq. m 26.600
5 M20 (1:1.5:3) cu.m. 2.95
6 Reinforcement mt 0.30
7 Pointing Works sq.m 10.08
8 Stone Masonary Wall cu.m. 18.15
9 Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m m2 196
10 Boulder on gabion m3 42
11 Geotextile m2 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Aqueduct-9.5 m )
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 6.94 869.89 6,033.57
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 1.12 3,876.75 4,326.45
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 2.95 18,297.44 53,885.96
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 300.54 128.55 38,632.90

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 26.60 620.69 16,510.35
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 2.77 157.93 438.15
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 196.00 433.46 84,957.74
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 42.00 2,764.88 116,124.96
Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion
walls all complete as per design and instruction. m2 23.00 564.79 12,990.26
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
11 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as
per design and instruction. m2 10.08 264.27 2,663.84
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 18.15 11,930.01 216,529.68

Grand Total Nrs. 568,093.86

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct 10 m

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet
Chainage: 0+750

Length of aqueduct 10 m
Depth of stream 5 m
Height of RRM Wall 5.6 m
Base Width of RRM wall 3.1 m
Top width of RRM wall 0.5 m
Width of canal 0.6 m
Height of canal 0.4 m
Base Thickness 0.15 m
Side wall thickness 0.2 m

Item: Quantity Estimte of Aqueduct

No. of
SN Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
1 Earth work for excavation
Abutment 2 1.20 3.40 0.85 6.94
Total: 6.94 cu.m.
2 Soling cum
Below Abutment 2 1.20 3.10 0.15 1.12
Total: 1.12 cu.m.
3 M20 (1:1.5:3)
a) Sides 2 10.00 0.2 0.55 2.20
b) Bottom 1 10.00 0.60 0.15 0.90
Total: 3.10 cu.m.
4 Wooden Form Work
a) Sides of Rcc Fume 4 10.00 0.55 22.00
b) Bottom of Rcc Fume 1 10.00 0.60 6.00
28.00 sq. m
For abutment 2 0.90 1.80 5.60 18.15
18.15 cu.m.
6 Reinforcement (density 7.85mt/m3) 1 1.3 % of concrete volume 0.316 mt
Total: 0.32 mt
7 Back filling@40% of E/W Qty. 2.77
Total: 2.77 cu.m.
8 Pointing Works 2 0.90 5.60 10.08 Sq.m.

Machine Made gabion boxes including

transportation of different size as per 196 m2
9 drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m(2 layers) 14 196

Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes

in place, filling boulders in boxes,
covering the boxes, tying, etc all
10 complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 14 3 1 1 42
Total 42 m3

11 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 20 1 23 m2

Summary of Quantities ( Aqueduct)
S.N. Description of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Earth back Filling cum 2.77
2 E/W excavation cum 6.936
3 Soling cu.m. 1.116
4 Wooden Form Work Sq. m 28.000
5 M20 (1:1.5:3) cu.m. 3.10
6 Reinforcement mt 0.32
7 Pointing Works sq.m 10.08
8 Stone Masonary Wall cu.m. 18.15
9 Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m m2 196
10 Boulder on gabion m3 42
11 Geotextile m2 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Aqueduct-10 m )
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet
Chainage: 0+750

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 6.94 869.89 6,033.57
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 1.12 3,876.75 4,326.45
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 3.10 18,297.44 56,722.06
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 316.36 128.55 40,666.21

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 28.00 620.69 17,379.32
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 2.77 157.93 438.15
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 196.00 433.46 84,957.74
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 42.00 2,764.88 116,124.96
Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion
walls all complete as per design and instruction. m2 23.00 564.79 12,990.26
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
11 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as
per design and instruction. m2 10.08 264.27 2,663.84
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 18.15 11,930.01 216,529.68

Grand Total Nrs. 573,832.24

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct 8.5 m

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet
Chainage: 0+870

Length of aqueduct 8.5 m

Depth of stream 1.5 m
Height of RRM Wall 2.1 m
Base Width of RRM wall 1.2 m
Top width of RRM wall 0.5 m
Width of canal 0.6 m
Height of canal 0.4 m
Base Thickness 0.15 m
Side wall thickness 0.2 m

Item: Quantity Estimte of Aqueduct

No. of
SN Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
1 Earth work for excavation
Abutment 2 1.20 1.50 0.85 3.06
Total: 3.06 cu.m.
2 Soling cum
Below Abutment 2 1.20 1.20 0.15 0.43
Total: 0.43 cu.m.
3 M20 (1:1.5:3)
a) Sides 2 8.50 0.2 0.55 1.87
b) Bottom 1 8.50 0.60 0.15 0.77
Total: 2.64 cu.m.
4 Wooden Form Work
a) Sides of Rcc Fume 4 8.50 0.55 18.70
b) Bottom of Rcc Fume 1 8.50 0.60 5.10
23.80 sq. m
For abutment 2 0.90 0.85 2.10 3.22
3.22 cu.m.
6 Reinforcement (density 7.85mt/m3) 1 1.3 % of concrete volume 0.269 mt
Total: 0.27 mt
7 Back filling@40% of E/W Qty. 1.22
Total: 1.22 cu.m.
8 Pointing Works 2 0.90 2.10 3.78 Sq.m.

Machine Made gabion boxes including

transportation of different size as per 196 m2
9 drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m(2 layers) 14 196

Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes

in place, filling boulders in boxes,
covering the boxes, tying, etc all
10 complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 14 3 1 1 42
Total 42 m3

11 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 20 1 23 m2

Summary of Quantities ( Aqueduct)
S.N. Description of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Earth back Filling cum 1.22
2 E/W excavation cum 3.060
3 Soling cu.m. 0.432
4 Wooden Form Work Sq. m 23.800
5 M20 (1:1.5:3) cu.m. 2.64
6 Reinforcement mt 0.27
7 Pointing Works sq.m 3.78
8 Stone Masonary Wall cu.m. 3.22
9 Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m m2 196
10 Boulder on gabion m3 42
11 Geotextile m2 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Aqueduct-8.5 m )
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet
Chainage: 0+870

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 3.06 869.89 2,661.87
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 0.43 3,876.75 1,674.76
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 2.64 18,297.44 48,213.75
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 268.90 128.55 34,566.28

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 23.80 620.69 14,772.42
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 1.22 157.93 193.30
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 196.00 433.46 84,957.74
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 42.00 2,764.88 116,124.96
Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion
walls all complete as per design and instruction. m2 23.00 564.79 12,990.26
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
11 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as
per design and instruction. m2 3.78 264.27 998.94
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 3.22 11,930.01 38,414.63

Grand Total Nrs. 370,568.91

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct 4 m

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet
Chainage: 0+950

Length of aqueduct 4 m
Depth of stream 3 m
Height of RRM Wall 3.6 m
Base Width of RRM wall 2 m
Top width of RRM wall 0.5 m
Width of canal 0.6 m
Height of canal 0.4 m
Base Thickness 0.15 m
Side wall thickness 0.2 m

Item: Quantity Estimte of Aqueduct

No. of
SN Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
1 Earth work for excavation
Abutment 2 1.20 2.30 0.85 4.69
Total: 4.69 cu.m.
2 Soling cum
Below Abutment 2 1.20 2.00 0.15 0.72
Total: 0.72 cu.m.
3 M20 (1:1.5:3)
a) Sides 2 4.00 0.2 0.55 0.88
b) Bottom 1 4.00 0.60 0.15 0.36
Total: 1.24 cu.m.
4 Wooden Form Work
a) Sides of Rcc Fume 4 4.00 0.55 8.80
b) Bottom of Rcc Fume 1 4.00 0.60 2.40
11.20 sq. m
For abutment 2 0.90 1.25 3.60 8.10
8.10 cu.m.
6 Reinforcement (density 7.85mt/m3) 1 1.3 % of concrete volume 0.127 mt
Total: 0.13 mt
7 Back filling@40% of E/W Qty. 1.88
Total: 1.88 cu.m.
8 Pointing Works 2 0.90 3.60 6.48 Sq.m.

Machine Made gabion boxes including

transportation of different size as per 196 m2
9 drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m(2 layers) 14 196

Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes

in place, filling boulders in boxes,
covering the boxes, tying, etc all
10 complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 14 3 1 1 42
Total 42 m3

11 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 20 1 23 m2

Summary of Quantities ( Aqueduct)
S.N. Description of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Earth back Filling cum 1.88
2 E/W excavation cum 4.692
3 Soling cu.m. 0.720
4 Wooden Form Work Sq. m 11.200
5 M20 (1:1.5:3) cu.m. 1.24
6 Reinforcement mt 0.13
7 Pointing Works sq.m 6.48
8 Stone Masonary Wall cu.m. 8.10
9 Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m m2 196
10 Boulder on gabion m3 42
11 Geotextile m2 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Aqueduct-4 m )
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet
Chainage: 0+950

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 4.69 869.89 4,081.53
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 0.72 3,876.75 2,791.26
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 1.24 18,297.44 22,688.83
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 126.54 128.55 16,266.49

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 11.20 620.69 6,951.73
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 1.88 157.93 296.39
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 196.00 433.46 84,957.74
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 42.00 2,764.88 116,124.96
Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion
walls all complete as per design and instruction. m2 23.00 564.79 12,990.26
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
11 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as
per design and instruction. m2 6.48 264.27 1,712.47
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 8.10 11,930.01 96,633.08

Grand Total Nrs. 380,494.74

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct 7 m

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

Length of aqueduct 7 m
Depth of stream 1.5 m
Height of RRM Wall 2.1 m
Base Width of RRM wall 1.2 m
Top width of RRM wall 0.5 m
Width of canal 0.6 m
Height of canal 0.4 m
Base Thickness 0.15 m
Side wall thickness 0.2 m

Item: Quantity Estimte of Aqueduct

No. of
SN Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
1 Earth work for excavation
Abutment 2 1.20 1.50 0.85 3.06
Total: 3.06 cu.m.
2 Soling cum
Below Abutment 2 1.20 1.20 0.15 0.43
Total: 0.43 cu.m.
3 M20 (1:1.5:3)
a) Sides 2 7.00 0.2 0.55 1.54
b) Bottom 1 7.00 0.60 0.15 0.63
Total: 2.17 cu.m.
4 Wooden Form Work
a) Sides of Rcc Fume 4 7.00 0.55 15.40
b) Bottom of Rcc Fume 1 7.00 0.60 4.20
19.60 sq. m
For abutment 2 0.90 0.85 2.10 3.22
3.22 cu.m.
6 Reinforcement (density 7.85mt/m3) 1 1.3 % of concrete volume 0.221 mt
Total: 0.22 mt
7 Back filling@40% of E/W Qty. 1.22
Total: 1.22 cu.m.
8 Pointing Works 2 0.90 2.10 3.78 Sq.m.

Machine Made gabion boxes including

transportation of different size as per 196 m2
9 drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m(2 layers) 14 196

Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes

in place, filling boulders in boxes,
covering the boxes, tying, etc all
10 complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 14 3 1 1 42
Total 42 m3

11 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 20 1 23 m2

Summary of Quantities ( Aqueduct)
S.N. Description of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Earth back Filling cum 1.22
2 E/W excavation cum 3.060
3 Soling cu.m. 0.432
4 Wooden Form Work Sq. m 19.600
5 M20 (1:1.5:3) cu.m. 2.17
6 Reinforcement mt 0.22
7 Pointing Works sq.m 3.78
8 Stone Masonary Wall cu.m. 3.22
9 Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m m2 196
10 Boulder on gabion m3 42
11 Geotextile m2 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Aqueduct-7 m )
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 3.06 869.89 2,661.87
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 0.43 3,876.75 1,674.76
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 2.17 18,297.44 39,705.45
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 221.45 128.55 28,466.35

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 19.60 620.69 12,165.52
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 1.22 157.93 193.30
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 196.00 433.46 84,957.74
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 42.00 2,764.88 116,124.96
Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion
walls all complete as per design and instruction. m2 23.00 564.79 12,990.26
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
11 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as
per design and instruction. m2 3.78 264.27 998.94
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 3.22 11,930.01 38,414.63

Grand Total Nrs. 353,353.78

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct 3m

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

Length of aqueduct 3 m
Depth of stream 4 m
Height of RRM Wall 4.6 m
Base Width of RRM wall 2.6 m
Top width of RRM wall 0.5 m
Width of canal 0.6 m
Height of canal 0.4 m
Base Thickness 0.15 m
Side wall thickness 0.2 m

Item: Quantity Estimte of Aqueduct

No. of
SN Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
1 Earth work for excavation
Abutment 2 1.20 2.90 0.85 5.92
Total: 5.92 cu.m.
2 Soling cum
Below Abutment 2 1.20 2.60 0.15 0.94
Total: 0.94 cu.m.
3 M20 (1:1.5:3)
a) Sides 2 3.00 0.2 0.55 0.66
b) Bottom 1 3.00 0.60 0.15 0.27
Total: 0.93 cu.m.
4 Wooden Form Work
a) Sides of Rcc Fume 4 3.00 0.55 6.60
b) Bottom of Rcc Fume 1 3.00 0.60 1.80
8.40 sq. m
For abutment 2 0.90 1.55 4.60 12.84
12.84 cu.m.
6 Reinforcement (density 7.85mt/m3) 1 1.3 % of concrete volume 0.095 mt
Total: 0.09 mt
7 Back filling@40% of E/W Qty. 2.37
Total: 2.37 cu.m.
8 Pointing Works 2 0.90 4.60 8.28 Sq.m.

Machine Made gabion boxes including

transportation of different size as per 196 m2
9 drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m(2 layers) 14 196

Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes

in place, filling boulders in boxes,
covering the boxes, tying, etc all
10 complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 14 3 1 1 42
Total 42 m3

11 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 20 1 23 m2

Summary of Quantities ( Aqueduct)
S.N. Description of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Earth back Filling cum 2.37
2 E/W excavation cum 5.916
3 Soling cu.m. 0.936
4 Wooden Form Work Sq. m 8.400
5 M20 (1:1.5:3) cu.m. 0.93
6 Reinforcement mt 0.09
7 Pointing Works sq.m 8.28
8 Stone Masonary Wall cu.m. 12.84
9 Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m m2 196
10 Boulder on gabion m3 42
11 Geotextile m2 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Aqueduct-3 m )
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 5.92 869.89 5,146.28
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 0.94 3,876.75 3,628.64
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 0.93 18,297.44 17,016.62
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 94.91 128.55 12,199.86

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 8.40 620.69 5,213.80
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 2.37 157.93 373.71
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 196.00 433.46 84,957.74
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 42.00 2,764.88 116,124.96
Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion
walls all complete as per design and instruction. m2 23.00 564.79 12,990.26
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
11 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as
per design and instruction. m2 8.28 264.27 2,188.16
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 12.84 11,930.01 153,181.33

Grand Total Nrs. 428,021.36

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct 4m

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

Length of aqueduct 4 m
Depth of stream 1 m
Height of RRM Wall 1.6 m
Base Width of RRM wall 0.9 m
Top width of RRM wall 0.5 m
Width of canal 0.6 m
Height of canal 0.4 m
Base Thickness 0.15 m
Side wall thickness 0.2 m

Item: Quantity Estimte of Aqueduct

No. of
SN Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
1 Earth work for excavation
Abutment 2 1.20 1.20 0.85 2.45
Total: 2.45 cu.m.
2 Soling cum
Below Abutment 2 1.20 0.90 0.15 0.32
Total: 0.32 cu.m.
3 M20 (1:1.5:3)
a) Sides 2 4.00 0.2 0.55 0.88
b) Bottom 1 4.00 0.60 0.15 0.36
Total: 1.24 cu.m.
4 Wooden Form Work
a) Sides of Rcc Fume 4 4.00 0.55 8.80
b) Bottom of Rcc Fume 1 4.00 0.60 2.40
11.20 sq. m
For abutment 2 0.90 0.70 1.60 2.02
2.02 cu.m.
6 Reinforcement (density 7.85mt/m3) 1 1.3 % of concrete volume 0.127 mt
Total: 0.13 mt
7 Back filling@40% of E/W Qty. 0.98
Total: 0.98 cu.m.
8 Pointing Works 2 0.90 1.60 2.88 Sq.m.

Machine Made gabion boxes including

transportation of different size as per 196 m2
9 drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m(2 layers) 14 196

Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes

in place, filling boulders in boxes,
covering the boxes, tying, etc all
10 complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 14 3 1 1 42
Total 42 m3

11 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 20 1 23 m2

Summary of Quantities ( Aqueduct)
S.N. Description of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Earth back Filling cum 0.98
2 E/W excavation cum 2.448
3 Soling cu.m. 0.324
4 Wooden Form Work Sq. m 11.200
5 M20 (1:1.5:3) cu.m. 1.24
6 Reinforcement mt 0.13
7 Pointing Works sq.m 2.88
8 Stone Masonary Wall cu.m. 2.02
9 Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m m2 196
10 Boulder on gabion m3 42
11 Geotextile m2 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Aqueduct-4 m )
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 2.45 869.89 2,129.50
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 0.32 3,876.75 1,256.07
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 1.24 18,297.44 22,688.83
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 126.54 128.55 16,266.49

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 11.20 620.69 6,951.73
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 0.98 157.93 154.64
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 196.00 433.46 84,957.74
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 42.00 2,764.88 116,124.96
Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion
walls all complete as per design and instruction. m2 23.00 564.79 12,990.26
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
11 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as
per design and instruction. m2 2.88 264.27 761.10
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 2.02 11,930.01 24,098.62

Grand Total Nrs. 303,379.94

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct 5 m

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

Length of aqueduct 5 m
Depth of stream 2 m
Height of RRM Wall 2.6 m
Base Width of RRM wall 1.5 m
Top width of RRM wall 0.5 m
Width of canal 0.6 m
Height of canal 0.4 m
Base Thickness 0.15 m
Side wall thickness 0.2 m

Item: Quantity Estimte of Aqueduct

No. of
SN Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
1 Earth work for excavation
Abutment 2 1.20 1.80 0.85 3.67
Total: 3.67 cu.m.
2 Soling cum
Below Abutment 2 1.20 1.50 0.15 0.54
Total: 0.54 cu.m.
3 M20 (1:1.5:3)
a) Sides 2 5.00 0.2 0.55 1.10
b) Bottom 1 5.00 0.60 0.15 0.45
Total: 1.55 cu.m.
4 Wooden Form Work
a) Sides of Rcc Fume 4 5.00 0.55 11.00
b) Bottom of Rcc Fume 1 5.00 0.60 3.00
14.00 sq. m
For abutment 2 0.90 1.00 2.60 4.68
4.68 cu.m.
6 Reinforcement (density 7.85mt/m3) 1 1.3 % of concrete volume 0.158 mt
Total: 0.16 mt
7 Back filling@40% of E/W Qty. 1.47
Total: 1.47 cu.m.
8 Pointing Works 2 0.90 2.60 4.68 Sq.m.

Machine Made gabion boxes including

transportation of different size as per 196 m2
9 drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m(2 layers) 14 196

Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes

in place, filling boulders in boxes,
covering the boxes, tying, etc all
10 complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 14 3 1 1 42
Total 42 m3

11 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 20 1 23 m2

Summary of Quantities ( Aqueduct)
S.N. Description of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Earth back Filling cum 1.47
2 E/W excavation cum 3.672
3 Soling cu.m. 0.540
4 Wooden Form Work Sq. m 14.000
5 M20 (1:1.5:3) cu.m. 1.55
6 Reinforcement mt 0.16
7 Pointing Works sq.m 4.68
8 Stone Masonary Wall cu.m. 4.68
9 Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m m2 196
10 Boulder on gabion m3 42
11 Geotextile m2 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Aqueduct-5 m )
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 3.67 869.89 3,194.24
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 0.54 3,876.75 2,093.44
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 1.55 18,297.44 28,361.03
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 158.18 128.55 20,333.11

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 14.00 620.69 8,689.66
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 1.47 157.93 231.96
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 196.00 433.46 84,957.74
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 42.00 2,764.88 116,124.96
Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion
walls all complete as per design and instruction. m2 23.00 564.79 12,990.26
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
11 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as
per design and instruction. m2 4.68 264.27 1,236.78
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 4.68 11,930.01 55,832.45

Grand Total Nrs. 349,045.63

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct 7 m

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

Length of aqueduct 7 m
Depth of stream 3 m
Height of RRM Wall 3.6 m
Base Width of RRM wall 2 m
Top width of RRM wall 0.5 m
Width of canal 0.6 m
Height of canal 0.4 m
Base Thickness 0.15 m
Side wall thickness 0.2 m

Item: Quantity Estimte of Aqueduct

No. of
SN Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
1 Earth work for excavation
Abutment 2 1.20 2.30 0.85 4.69
Total: 4.69 cu.m.
2 Soling cum
Below Abutment 2 1.20 2.00 0.15 0.72
Total: 0.72 cu.m.
3 M20 (1:1.5:3)
a) Sides 2 7.00 0.2 0.55 1.54
b) Bottom 1 7.00 0.60 0.15 0.63
Total: 2.17 cu.m.
4 Wooden Form Work
a) Sides of Rcc Fume 4 7.00 0.55 15.40
b) Bottom of Rcc Fume 1 7.00 0.60 4.20
19.60 sq. m
For abutment 2 0.90 1.25 3.60 8.10
8.10 cu.m.
6 Reinforcement (density 7.85mt/m3) 1 1.3 % of concrete volume 0.221 mt
Total: 0.22 mt
7 Back filling@40% of E/W Qty. 1.88
Total: 1.88 cu.m.
8 Pointing Works 2 0.90 3.60 6.48 Sq.m.

Machine Made gabion boxes including

transportation of different size as per 196 m2
9 drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m(2 layers) 14 196

Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes

in place, filling boulders in boxes,
covering the boxes, tying, etc all
10 complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 14 3 1 1 42
Total 42 m3

11 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 20 1 23 m2

Summary of Quantities ( Aqueduct)
S.N. Description of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Earth back Filling cum 1.88
2 E/W excavation cum 4.692
3 Soling cu.m. 0.720
4 Wooden Form Work Sq. m 19.600
5 M20 (1:1.5:3) cu.m. 2.17
6 Reinforcement mt 0.22
7 Pointing Works sq.m 6.48
8 Stone Masonary Wall cu.m. 8.10
9 Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m m2 196
10 Boulder on gabion m3 42
11 Geotextile m2 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Aqueduct-7 m )
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 4.69 869.89 4,081.53
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 0.72 3,876.75 2,791.26
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 2.17 18,297.44 39,705.45
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 221.45 128.55 28,466.35

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 19.60 620.69 12,165.52
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 1.88 157.93 296.39
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 196.00 433.46 84,957.74
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 42.00 2,764.88 116,124.96
Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion
walls all complete as per design and instruction. m2 23.00 564.79 12,990.26
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
11 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as
per design and instruction. m2 6.48 264.27 1,712.47
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 8.10 11,930.01 96,633.08

Grand Total Nrs. 414,925.01

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Quantity Estimate of Aqueduct 5 m

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

Length of aqueduct 5 m
Depth of stream 1.5 m
Height of RRM Wall 2.1 m
Base Width of RRM wall 1.2 m
Top width of RRM wall 0.5 m
Width of canal 0.6 m
Height of canal 0.4 m
Base Thickness 0.15 m
Side wall thickness 0.2 m

Item: Quantity Estimte of Aqueduct

No. of
SN Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks
1 Earth work for excavation
Abutment 2 1.20 1.50 0.85 3.06
Total: 3.06 cu.m.
2 Soling cum
Below Abutment 2 1.20 1.20 0.15 0.43
Total: 0.43 cu.m.
3 M20 (1:1.5:3)
a) Sides 2 5.00 0.2 0.55 1.10
b) Bottom 1 5.00 0.60 0.15 0.45
Total: 1.55 cu.m.
4 Wooden Form Work
a) Sides of Rcc Fume 4 5.00 0.55 11.00
b) Bottom of Rcc Fume 1 5.00 0.60 3.00
14.00 sq. m
For abutment 2 0.90 0.85 2.10 3.22
3.22 cu.m.
6 Reinforcement (density 7.85mt/m3) 1 1.3 % of concrete volume 0.158 mt
Total: 0.16 mt
7 Back filling@40% of E/W Qty. 1.22
Total: 1.22 cu.m.
8 Pointing Works 2 0.90 2.10 3.78 Sq.m.

Machine Made gabion boxes including

transportation of different size as per 196 m2
9 drainings and instruction of engineer.
having size 3mx1mx1m(2 layers) 14 196

Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes

in place, filling boulders in boxes,
covering the boxes, tying, etc all
10 complete works
Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m 14 3 1 1 42
Total 42 m3

11 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) 1 20 1 23 m2

Summary of Quantities ( Aqueduct)
S.N. Description of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Earth back Filling cum 1.22
2 E/W excavation cum 3.060
3 Soling cu.m. 0.432
4 Wooden Form Work Sq. m 14.000
5 M20 (1:1.5:3) cu.m. 1.55
6 Reinforcement mt 0.16
7 Pointing Works sq.m 3.78
8 Stone Masonary Wall cu.m. 3.22
9 Gabion boxes size=3mx1mx1m m2 196
10 Boulder on gabion m3 42
11 Geotextile m2 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Aqueduct-5 m )
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 3.06 869.89 2,661.87
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 0.43 3,876.75 1,674.76
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 1.55 18,297.44 28,361.03
4 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 158.18 128.55 20,333.11

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

5 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 14.00 620.69 8,689.66
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 1.22 157.93 193.30
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per drainings and
instruction of engineer.(3x1x1) m2 196.00 433.46 84,957.74
8 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place,
filling boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying,
etc all complete works m3 42.00 2,764.88 116,124.96
Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion
walls all complete as per design and instruction. m2 23.00 564.79 12,990.26
10 Dewatering Works Job 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
11 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as
per design and instruction. m2 3.78 264.27 998.94
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 3.22 11,930.01 38,414.63

Grand Total Nrs. 330,400.26

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

Quantity and Cost Estimate of Cover Slab

S.N. Particulars No. Length Breadth Height Area Quantity Unit Remarks
1 PCC for RCC (M20) 45 45 0.7 0.12 3.78 m3
2 Form Work 45 3.4 0.12 18.36 m2
3 Reinforcement
Mainbar 12mm dia. @ 120mm c/c 420 0.7 1m= 0.89 kg 261.3
Distribution 10mm dia. @ 150mm c/c 255 1 1m= 0.62 kg 157.4
418.7 Kg
Details of Proposed Slab
S.N. Chainage Length Remarks
1 6930 5 Main Canal
2 7240 5 Main Canal
3 7320 5 Main Canal
4 7860 5 Main Canal
5 9040 5 Main Canal
6 270 5 Branch Canal
7 1340 5 Branch Canal
8 1460 5 Branch Canal
9 390 5 Secondary Canal
Total 45
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Slab Crossing)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 3.78 18,297.44 69,164.32
2 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works
including haulage distance of 30m kg 418.74 128.55 53,827.51

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including

3 supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 18.36 620.69 11,395.87

Grand Total Nrs. 134,387.70

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet
Quantity and Cost Estimate Of Hume Pipe (300mm int. dia)
Chainage:8+610, 8+880(Main Canal), 1+010, 1+600(Branch Canal), 0+275, 0+430(Secondary Canal)

Head Wall U/S Length= 1.00 m Pipe Internal Dia= 0.30 m
Head Wall D/S Length= 1.00 m Thickness of Pipe= 0.08 m
Head Wall U/S Width= 0.45 m Overall Dia= 0.45 m
Head Wall D/S Width= 0.45 m Pipe Length= 5.00 m
Head Wall Cushion = 1.00 m PCC= 0.10 m
Head Wall Height D/S= 1.80 m Soiling
PCC for Pipe Bed rectangular 0.15 m
Head Wall Height U/S= 1.75 m portion=
PCC for Pipe Bed curvilinear 0.05 m
Foundation below Pipe of Head Wall U/S= 0.30 m portion= 0.21 m
Foundation below Pipe of Head Wall D/S= 0.35 m Catch Pit Width= 1.50 m
Carriage Way= 7.50 m Gabion Height= -
Shoulder= 0.50 m

Length Breadth Height Total
Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units number Remarks
(m) (m) (m) Quantity
of Pipe
1. Earth Excavation
i) Head Wall D/S 1 1.00 1.08 0.90 1.00
ii) Catch pit 1 3.80 3.80 1.75 26.00
iii) Pipe portion 1 2.67 0.56 0.45 1.00
iv) Stone soling portion
a) Catchpit 1 3.80 3.80 0.15 3.00
b) Head wall 1 1.00 1.08 0.15 1.00
c) Pipe Portion 1 2.67 0.56 0.15 1.00
v) PCC lining
a) Catchpit 1 3.80 3.80 0.10 2.00
b)Head wall 1 1.00 1.08 0.10 1.00
c) Pipe Portion 1 2.67 0.56 0.05 1.00
37.00 Cum 6 222.00

2. Back Fill
i) Pipe Portion Excavation 1 1.00
Deduction for pipe -1 2.67 0.16 - 0.42
ii) Head Wall D/S (25% of E/W of Head
Wall) 0.25 1.00 0.25
iii) Catchpit side walls (25% of E/W of Catch
Pit) 0.25 26.00 6.50
7.33 Cum 6 43.95

3. Stone Soling
i) Catchpit 1 3.80 3.80 0.10 2.00
ii) Head Wall 1 1.00 1.08 0.10 1.00
iii) Pipe Portion 1 3.26 0.56 0.10 1.00
4.00 Cum 6 24.00
4. Concrete Works (M15/40)
i) Catchpit 1 3.80 3.80 0.10 2.00
ii)Head Wall 1 1.00 1.08 0.10 1.00
iii) Hume pipe 1 3.26 0.56 0.05 1.00
Area of Pipe
1 3.26 0.56 0.21 1.00 Sector
Deduction of Pipe Portion -1 3.26 0.10 - 0.33 0.101261058
4.67 Cum 6 28.02

5. Formwork
i) Head Wall 1 4.16 0.10 1.00
ii) At Catchpit 1 15.20 0.10 2.00
iii) for Bedding Concrete 2 3.26 0.26 2.00
5.00 Sqm 6 30.00

6. Stone Masonry Works (MM 7.5)

i) Side walls 1 0.90 0.35 0.90 1.00
1.00 Cum 6 6.00
7. 300 mm dia RCC Hume Pipe (NP3) 1 5.00 5.00
5.00 Rm 6 30.00
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Hume Pipe Crossing)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Name of work : Hume Pipe Crossing

S.N Description of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed

1 Soil including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m m3 222.00 869.89 193,116.02
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without
sand ( 30m lead) m3 24.00 3,876.75 93,041.95
PCC (1:3:6) in founadtion in perfect line and level
all complete as per design and drawings. m3 28.02 12,762.04 357,583.81
Making wooden forms for floor and slab including
supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
up to 30m distance m2 30.00 620.69 18,620.70
5 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all
materials all complete as per design and
instruction. m3 6.00 11,930.01 71,580.06
6 Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and
hand compaction with sprinkling water (haulage
distance 10m ) m3 43.95 157.93 6,941.34
7 Supplying and laying 300 mm dia RCC Hume Pipe
(NP3) in perfect line and level as per design and
drawing all complete. Rm 30.00 4,774.05 143,221.64

Grand Total Nrs. 884,105.52

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of cost (Outlet)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Name of work : Canal Lining & Maintenance works(Outlet)

S.N Description of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Nrs)

Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed Soil including

1 m3 8.10 869.89 7,046.13
disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift
Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of materials
2 m3 19.80 18,297.44 362,289.32
and haulage distance up to 30m

Cutting , bending , placing and binding of reinforcement TOR

3 Kg 1,108.89 128.55 142,543.39
steel bars for R.C.C. works including haulage distance of 30m

Making wooden forms for floor and slab including supply &
4 selection of material, fixing, nailing, placing separators, m2 256.80 620.69 159,393.19
dismantling forms and hauling up to 30m distance

Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and hand

5 m3 2.67 157.93 422.13
compaction with sprinkling water (haulage distance 10m )

6 Supplying & fitting Rubble seal m2 7.80 1,068.71 8,335.94

7 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without sand ( 30m m3 9.00 3,876.75
lead) 34,890.73
Grand Total Nrs. 714,920.83
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
District: Surkhet

( CH: 7+250, 7+325, 7+800, 8+425(Main Canal), 0+275, 0+700, 1+050, 1+225,
Length Of Outlet(m)= 180 m 1+600(Branch Canal), 0+025(Secondary Canal) )
Quantity and Cost Estimate of Outlet
S.N. Description of Work No Length Breadth Height Area Quantity Unit Remarks
1 Earth Work
Outlet 8.1
8.1 m3
2 Back Filling
Outlet 2.673
2.673 m3

Cutting , bending , placing and binding of

reinforcement steel bars for R.C.C. works
3 including haulage distance of 30m
Main bar of 10 mm dia @200 mm c/c 1.1 180
900 990 1 m= 0.617284 Kg 611.1111
Distribution bar of 8 mm dia @250 mm c/c 180 1.1
7 1260 1 m= 0.395062 Kg 497.7778
1.108889 mt
4 Form Work 1 180 256.8 sqm
Wall portion 60 12.2 0.3 219.6
Base portion 60 6.2 0.1 37.2
Concreting of super structures, vertical faces,
walls of ratio 1:1.5:3 (M20) including supply of
5 materials and haulage distance up to30 m
Outlet 1 180 0.1 1.1 0.11 19.8
Total 19.8 cum
6 Supply and Fittings of rubber seal
Outlet 60 1.3 0.1 7.8
Total 7.8 sqm

7 Stone Soiling Work

Main Canal 1 180.00 0.5 0.1 9.00
Total 9.00 cum
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Name of Project : Construction of Canal Lining, Aquduct & Maintenance Works

Quantity and Cost Estimate of Gate

Structure: Gate Structure
Location: 6+650(Main Canal), 1+200(Branch Canal)

GON item Description of works No. Length Width Height Quantity Unit Remarks
S.N code
1 Single Spindle Steel Gate
At 6+650 chainage of main canal 1 0.4 1 0.40
Total 0.40 m2
2 Single Spindle Steel Gate
At 1+200 chainage of branch canal 1 0.35 1 0.35
Total 0.35 m2
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Name of Project : Construction of Canal Lining, Aquduct & Maintenance Works

Rate Analysis for Steel Gate






Cost analysis of Steel Gate

Total wt.
S.No. Description No Length Breadth Total Wt./m Rate Amount Remarks
1 Vertical RS Channel (102x51) 2 1.00 2.00 20.4 -
Hz. RS channel (bottom 102x51) 1 0.50 0.50 10.2 5.1 -
2.50 25.5 133.05 3,392.78
Top RS Channel (152x76) 2 0.50 1.00 17.88 17.88 133.05 2,378.93
2 Angle
for Shutter
Vt.(50x50x6) 3 0.40 1.2 -
Hz.(50x50x6) 2 0.45 0.90 -
2.1 7.00 14.7 133.05 1,955.84

Diagonal Struts(40x40x5) 2 0.59 1.18 3.00 3.54 133.05 471.00

Hold fasts(30x30x5) 11 0.30 3.3 2.20 7.26 133.05 965.94
Shaft hanger (150x150x10) 1 0.075 0.075 78.50 5.89 133.05 783.66
3 Steel Plate 8mm thick 1 0.4 0.40 0.16 62.80 10.05 133.05 1,337.15
4 Shaft 40mm dia 1 1.05 1.05 9.86 10.35 500.00 5,175.00

5 Gear box, bearing,wheel, nut LS 3,000.00

6 bolts, welding, etc.
Transportation and errection L.S. 2,000.00
7 Rubber seal 1 1.25 0.3 0.375 r. m 200.00 75.00
Sub total(A)= 21,535.30
8 Fabrication cost @ 60.00 per kg 95.17 5,710.20
Sub total(B)= 27,245.50
Gate opening (clear)= 0.48 m wide and 0.44 m ht. = 0.211 m2
Rate per m2= 129,125.59
15% Over head 19,368.83
Rate per m2 =NRs 148,494.42

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Name of Project : Construction of Canal Lining, Aquduct & Maintenance Works

Rate Analysis for Steel Gate






Cost analysis of Steel Gate

Total wt.
S.No. Description No Length Breadth Total Wt./m Rate Amount Remarks
1 Vertical RS Channel (102x51) 2 1.00 2.00 20.4 -
Hz. RS channel (bottom 102x51) 1 0.45 0.45 10.2 4.59 -
2.45 24.99 133.05 3,324.92
Top RS Channel (152x76) 2 0.45 0.90 17.88 16.092 133.05 2,141.04
2 Angle
for Shutter
Vt.(50x50x6) 3 0.35 1.05 -
Hz.(50x50x6) 2 0.40 0.80 -
1.85 7.00 12.95 133.05 1,723.00

Diagonal Struts(40x40x5) 2 0.51 1.02 3.00 3.06 133.05 407.13

Hold fasts(30x30x5) 11 0.30 3.3 2.20 7.26 133.05 965.94
Shaft hanger (150x150x10) 1 0.075 0.075 78.50 5.89 133.05 783.66
3 Steel Plate 8mm thick 1 0.35 0.35 0.122 62.80 7.66 133.05 1,019.16
4 Shaft 40mm dia 1 1.1 1.1 9.86 10.85 500.00 5,425.00

5 Gear box, bearing,wheel, nut LS 3,000.00

6 bolts, welding, etc.
Transportation and errection L.S. 2,000.00
7 Rubber seal 1 1.1 0.3 0.33 r. m 200.00 66.00
Sub total(A)= 20,855.86
8 Fabrication cost @ 60.00 per kg 88.752 5,325.12
Sub total(B)= 26,180.98
Gate opening (clear)= 0.43 m wide and 0.39 m ht. = 0.168 m2
Rate per m2= 155,839.17
15% Over head 23,375.87
Rate per m2 =NRs 179,215.04

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Summary of Quantity (Structure Wise)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
F.Y: 076/077
S.N Description of work Unit Lining(Branch Lining(Secondary Gabion Retaining Total Quantity Rate Amount (Nrs)
Lining(Main Canal) Intake Syphon Slab Crossing Aqueduct Hume Pipe Outlet Gate
Canal) Canal) Wall
Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder Mixed Soil
including disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift
m3 4655.33 251.98 64.61 14.04 4.10 676.80 44.47 222.00 8.10 5941.430 869.89 5,168,401.99
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation without sand
( 30m lead) m3 641.80 113.75 23.25 1.09 1.02 - 6.77 24.00 9.00 820.679 3,876.75 3,181,566.64
3 PCC (1:3:6) in founadtion in perfect line and level all
complete as per design and drawings. m 3
- - 2.69 - 28.02 30.709 12,762.04 391,913.69
4 Concreting of structures in M15 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 1419.10 249.50 51.15 - - 0.00 - - - - 1719.750 14,821.12 25,488,613.38
5 Concreting of structures in M20 including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m m3 - - - 3.21 - 3.78 19.53 19.80 46.324 18,297.44 847,612.91
6 Cutting , bending , placing and binding of reinforcement
TOR steel bars for R.C.C. works including haulage
distance of 30m Kg 85,974.57 15509.01 3,394.16 226.96 116.58 - 418.74 1,993.04 1,108.89 108741.942 128.55 13,978,356.89
Making wooden forms for floor and slab including supply
& selection of material, fixing, nailing, placing separators,
dismantling forms and hauling up to 30m distance m3 17,414.66 3116.12 651.34 35.75 19.68 - 18.36 176.40 30.00 256.80 21719.110 620.69 13,480,834.39
Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick layers and hand
compaction with sprinkling water (haulage distance 10m ) m3 2,508.96 226.56 32.07 1.20 351.50 17.79 43.95 2.67 3184.705 157.93 502,944.57
9 Machine Made gabion boxes including transportation of
different size as per drawings and instruction of engineer.
(3x1.5x0.75) m3 - - 0.000 342.32 -
10 Machine Made gabion boxes including transportation of
different size as per drainings and instruction of engineer.
(3x1x1) m2 - 266.00 1,792.00 1,960.00 4018.000 433.46 1,741,633.67
11 Machine Made gabion boxes including transportation of
different size as per drainings and instruction of engineer.
(3x1x0.5) m2 - 2,200.00 2200.000 426.00 937,202.20
12 Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in place, filling
boulders in boxes, covering the boxes, tying, etc all
complete works m3 - 57.00 714.00 420.00 1191.000 2,764.88 3,292,972.08
RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all materials
all complete as per design and instruction. kg 81.70 6.00 87.700 11,930.01 1,046,261.88
14 Supplying & fitting Rubble seal m2 321.65 59.30 11.70 7.80 400.450 1,068.71 427,964.92
15 Supply & Laying Geo.textile (TS-50) along gabion walls all
complete as per design and instruction. m2 - 34.00 808.45 230.00 1072.450 564.79 605,713.33
16 Dewatering Works Job - 1.00 - 10.00 11.000 15,000.00 165,000.00
17 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all complete as per
design and instruction. m2 - - 60.30 60.300 264.27 15,935.48
18 Supplying and laying 300 mm dia RCC Hume Pipe (NP3)
in perfect line and level as per design and drawing all
complete. Rm - - 30.00 30.000 4,774.05 143,221.64
19 HDPE pipe of 355mm dia.(6 kg/cm2) m - 150.00 - 150.000 6,124.83 918,724.50
20 Single Spindle Gate Structure(0.4 m x 1m) m2 0.40 0.400 148,494.42 59,397.77
21 Single Spindle Gate Structure(0.35 m x 1m) m2 0.35 0.350 179,215.04 62,725.26
50,171,158.43 8,384,965.97 1,762,592.55 433,907.33 987,775.79 4,788,944.25 134,387.69 4,072,115.75 884,105.53 714,920.82 122,123.03 72,456,997.19

Prepared By Checked By Approved BY

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai diversion multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Abstract of Cost(Intake(Gate))
Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
S.N Description of work Unit Rate Amount (Nrs)

Single Spindle Gated Structure(0.4m x 1m) all

1 m2 0.40 148,494.42 59,397.77
complete including supply, fabrication and fixing.

Single Spindle Gated Structure(0.35m x 1m) all

2 m2 0.35 179,215.04 62,725.26
complete including supply, fabrication and fixing.

Grand Total Nrs. 122,123.03

Prepared By Checked By Approved By


Rate per Kg 280 0.95 gm/cm3

Outer Diameter mm 2.5kgf/cm2 4kgf/cm2 6kgf/cm2 10kgf/cm2 Internal Diameter mm
Nominal Dia mm Minimum wt/m v cm3/m tk mm ID I II III IV V V
16 16 0.092 25.760 11.60 11.9
20 20 0.135 37.800 14.90 15.2
25 25 0.202 56.560 18.90 19.2
32 32 0.226 63.280 0.335 93.800 26.90 24.10 24.37
40 40 0.251 70.280 0.350 98.000 0.514 143.920 35.60 33.70 30.30 30.7
50 50 0.378 105.840 0.542 151.760 0.797 223.160 44.70 42.20 38.00 38.5
63 63 0.403 112.840 0.586 164.080 0.851 238.280 1.270 355.600 424.21053 2.2103652 58.57927 58.60 56.50 53.30 47.80 48.4
75 75 0.557 155.960 0.846 236.880 1.191 333.480 1.783 499.240 586.31579 2.564097 69.871806 70.60 69.90 67.10 63.60 57.10 57.8
90 90 0.799 223.720 1.221 341.880 1.717 480.760 2.569 719.320 841.05263 3.0653986 83.869203 85.20 83.90 80.50 76.30 68.50 69.3
110 110 1.185 331.800 1.777 497.560 2.545 712.600 3.891 1089.480 1247.3684 3.7183321 102.56334 104.10 102.60 98.70 93.40 83.30 84.3
125 125 1.530 428.400 2.289 640.920 3.293 922.040 4.963 1389.640 1610.5263 4.2236093 116.55278 118.30 116.60 112.20 106.10 94.80 96.3
140 140 1.897 531.160 2.902 812.560 4.100 1148.000 6.210 1738.800 1996.8421 4.674478 130.65104 132.40 130.70 125.50 119.00 106.60 107.9
160 160 2.453 686.840 3.796 1062.880 5.355 1499.400 8.080 2262.400 2582.1053 5.2868452 149.42631 151.90 149.50 143.40 136.00 122.00 123.5
180 180 3.148 881.440 4.762 1333.360 6.801 1904.280 10.258 2872.240 3313.6842 6.0336368 167.93273 170.60 168.00 161.50 152.90 137.10 138.8
200 200 3.875 1085.000 5.890 1649.200 8.392 2349.760 12.623 3534.440 4078.9474 6.685224 186.62955 189.50 186.70 179.40 169.90 152.50 154.3
225 225 4.822 1350.160 7.431 2080.680 10.544 2952.320 16.017 4484.760 5075.7895 7.3906916 210.21862 213.20 210.30 201.90 191.40 171.40 173.4
250 250 6.012 1683.360 9.187 2572.360 13.041 3651.480 19.761 5533.080 6328.4211 8.2946451 233.41071 237.00 233.50 224.30 212.60 190.50 192.8
280 280 7.471 2091.880 11.455 3207.400 16.328 4571.840 24.713 6919.640 7864.2105 9.1997564 261.60049 265.60 261.70 251.40 238.20 213.60 216.2
315 315 9.417 2636.760 14.508 4062.240 20.695 5794.600 31.239 8746.920 9912.6316 10.308312 294.38338 298.60 294.50 282.80 267.90 240.40 243.3
355 355 11.957 3347.960 18.382 5146.960 26.245 7348.600 39.643 11100.040 12586.316 11.613044 331.77391 337.20 331.90 318.80 302.00 271.00 274.2
400 400 15.221 4261.880 23.343 6536.040 33.311 9327.080 50.353 14098.840 16022.105 13.121366 373.75727 379.20 373.90 359.20 340.30 305.30 308.9
450 450 19.163 5365.640 29.485 8255.800 42.067 11778.760 63.609 17810.520 20171.579 14.680524 420.63895 426.70 420.80 404.20 383.00 343.70 347.8
500 500 23.836 6674.080 30.406 8513.680 51.903 14532.840 78.749 22049.720 25090.526 16.439672 467.12066 474.20 467.30 449.10 425.60 381.50 386
Marking Colour 0.9393355 0.9482111 0.9517073 Red Blue Green Yellow
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Bheri Cooridor Irrigation Development Project
Birendranagr, Surkhet
Rate analysis
Supply of materials at site

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
F.Y: 076/077
Wages/Hire charges Porter Charges Haulage distance
Unskilled labour (Rs./m.d.) -- 540.00 NRs/md Goods
Skilled labour (Rs./m.d.) -- 800.00 NRs/md Easy 3.00 NRs/kg/kosh
Hireaaaa aaa Difficult 3.00 NRs/kg/kosh
Load/Unload 22.00 NRs/q up to 50kg
Load/Unload 37.00 NRs/q above 50kg
Hire charge of truck in the district per Kg per Km
Pitched Road 12.00 km. Gravelled Road 13.00 km. Earthen Road 6.00 km.
Easy goods 3.00 NRs/q Easy goods 4.00 NRs/ q 5.00 NRs/ q
Difficult goods 3.00 NRs/ q Difficult goods 4.00 NRs/ q 5.00 NRs/ q

Average haulage, km Collection Cost of Manual transportation

Market price material at
S. UnloadCh Tpn. cost Royalty Total Cost
Material Unit Metalled Gravel Earthen Unskld Charge without VAT road head Tpn.cost Remarks
N. road road road arge NRs/Unit NRs/Unit km Kosh (Nrs/unit)
labor NRs/Unit NRs/Unit site Nrs/unit
(km.) (km.) (km.) NRs/Unit NRs/Unit
1 Sand m3 0.00 1.00 319.00 2.50 1350.00 72.50 1741.50 0.30 467.30 2208.80 3.1c& 22.4a
2 Aggregate m3 0.00 1.00 335.00 4.00 2160.00 76.25 2571.25 0.30 947.07 3107.07 3.2b & 22.4c
3 Boulder m3 0.00 1.00 528.00 1.40 756.00 120.00 1404.00 0.30 730.24 2134.24 3.4 & 22.4b
4 Cement bag 12.00 13.00 6.00 11.00 59.00 840.00 910.00 0.50 75.00 985.00 District Rates
5 Nails kg 12.00 13.00 6.00 0.22 1.18 130.00 131.40 0.50 1.50 132.90 District Rates

District Rate
6 wood for shuttering works, m3 12.00 35000.00 without vat
7 G.I.wire Heavy kg 12.00 13.00 6.00 0.22 1.18 115.00 116.40 0.50 1.50 117.90 District Rates
8 Steel bars mt 12.00 13.00 6.00 370.00 1,180.00 91000.00 92550.00 0.50 1,500.00 94050.00 District Rates
9 Binding wire kg 12.00 13.00 6.00 0.22 1.18 115.00 116.40 0.50 1.50 117.90 District Rates
10 Rubber seal 6" m 12.00 13.00 6.00 0.33 1.77 600.00 602.10 0.50 2.25 604.35 District Rates
355mm. dia. 6kgf/cm2
11 HDPE pipe 12.00 13.00 6.00 9.71 30.96 5146.96 5187.63 0.50 39.36 5226.99 District Rates
12 300 mm Dia Hume Pipe m. 12.00 13.00 6.00 9.71 30.96 3235.00 3275.67 0.50 288.69 3564.36 District Rates
13 Iron Sheets mt 12.00 13.00 6.00 370.00 1,180.00 130000.00 131550.00 0.50 1,500.00 133050.00 District Rates
Estimated by Checked by Approved by
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Bheri Cooridor Irrigation Development Project
Birendranagr, Surkhet


Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
F.Y: 076/077
1. Description of items : Excavation of soft clay and silty soils including disposal (upto 10m lead and 1.5m lift) for 1 m3
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
2.1 Unskilled MD 0.7 540.00 378 Tools(3% of labour charge) 11.34
Total of A 378 Total of B Total of C 11.34
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 389.34 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 58.40 Total Rs. 447.74 Rate/m3 447.74
2. Description of items : Excavation of dry foundation in hard gravel mixed soil (dia of gravel >10cm) including upto 10m lead and 1.5m lift (BMS) : for 1 m3
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
2.2 Unskilled MD 1.36 540.00 734.4 Tools(3% of labour charge) 22.03
Total of A 734.4 Total of B Total of C 22.03
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 756.43 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 113.46 Total Rs. 869.89 Rate/m3 869.89
3 Description of items : Excavation in medium rocks including upto 10m lead and 1.5m lift : for 1 m3
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
2.15(b) Unskilled MD 4.5 540.00 2430 Tools(3% of labour charge) 72.90
Total of A 2430 Total of B Total of C 72.90
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 2502.90 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 375.44 Total 2878.34 Rate/m3 2878.34
4 Description of items : Excavation in hard boulder mixed soil under water (Up to 3.00m depth) including upto 10m lead and 4m lift : for 1 m3
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
24.c Unskilled MD 3.7 540.00 1998 Tools(3% of labour charge) 59.94
Total of A 1998 Total of B Total of C 59.94
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 2057.94 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 308.69 Total 2366.63 Rate/m3 2366.63
5. Description of items : Excavation of dry foundation in hard gravel mixed soil (dia of gravel >10cm) including upto 10m lead and 1.5m lift (BMS) : for 1 m3
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
2.6 (a) Unskilled MD 20 540.00 10800 Tools(3% of labour charge) 324.00
Total of A 10800 Total of B Total of C 324.00
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 11124.00 Overhead @15% (Rs.) Total Rs.
1668.60 12792.60 Rate/m3 12792.60
6. Description of items : Earth Filling with ordinary soil in 15 / 15 cm. Layers with compaction by labour & without sprinkling water including hauling distance of 10 m. ( for 1 m3)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
2.25b Unskilled MD 0.25 540.00 135 0 Tools(3% of labour charge) L. S. 2.33
Total of A 135 Total of B Total of C 2.33
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 137.33 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 20.60 Total Rs. 157.93 Rate/m3 157.93
7. Description of items : Wooden form work.(for 10 sqm)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
N-8-2a Skilled md. 1.72 800.00 1376.00 Timber m3 0.526 35000 18410.00
Unskilled md. 2.57 540.00 1387.80 deduct selvage value 25% 4602.50
material should be use 6 times. 2301.25
Nail kg 2.50 132.90 332.25
Total of A 2763.80 Total of B 2633.50 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 5397.30 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 809.60 Total Rs. 6206.90 Rate/m2 620.69

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

8. Description of items : 1:3:6 P.C.C. work. ( for 1 m3)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
7.2c Skilled MD 1.00 800.00 800.00 cement bag 4.40 985.00 4334.00
Unskilled MD 4.00 540.00 2160.00 sand m3 0.47 2208.80 1038.14
Aggregate m3 0.89 3107.07 2765.29
Total of A 2960.00 Total of B 8137.43 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 11097.43 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 1664.61 Total Rs. 12762.04 Rate/m3 12762.04
9. Description of items; P.C.C.[1:2:4] work in foundation & walls supply of materials including 30m haulage distance ( for 1 m3)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
7.2d Skilled MD 1.0 800.00 800 Cement bag 6.4 985.00 6304.00
Unskilled MD 4.0 540.00 2160 Sand cum. 0.445 2208.80 982.92
Aggregate cum. 0.85 3107.07 2641.01
Total of A 2960 Total of B 9927.93 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 12887.93 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 1933.19 Total Rs. 14821.12 Rate/m3 14821.12
10. Description of items; P.C.C.[1:1.5:3] work in foundation & walls supply of materials including 30m haulage distance ( for 1 m3)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
7.4b Skilled MD 0.80 800.00 640 Cement bag 8.00 985.00 7880.00
Unskilled MD 7.00 540.00 3780 Sand cum. 0.425 2208.80 938.74
Aggregate cum. 0.86 3107.07 2672.08
Total of A 4420 Total of B 11490.82 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 15910.82 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 2386.62 Total Rs. 18297.44 Rate/m3 18297.44
11 . Description of items; cutting , bending & tying of reinforcement including supplying of materials up to 30m haulage distance ( for 1 mt.)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
7.5 Skilled MD 12 800.00 9600 MS rod kg 1005 94.05 94520.25
Unskilled MD 12 540.00 6480 Binding wire kg 10 117.90 1179.00
Total of A 16080 Total of B 95699.25 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 111779.25 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 16766.89 Total Rs. 128546.14 Rate/kg. 128.55
12. Description of items : Supplying of stone and filling stone in the foundation and levelling including hulage distance up to 30m all complete(Ref.No.6.5) For 1m3.
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
6.5 Skilled MD 0 800.00 0 Boulder m3 1.2 2134.24 2561.09
Unskilled MD 1.5 540.00 810
Total of A 810 Total of B 2561.09 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 3371.09 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 505.66 Total Rs. 3876.75 Rate/m3 3876.75
13.Description of item:12.5mm thick cement sand plastering works (for 100 m2)
12.1c Skilled MD 12.00 800.00 9600.00 Cement bag. 10.76 985.00 10598.60
Unskilled MD 16.00 540.00 8640.00 Sand m3 1.46 2208.80 3224.85
18240.00 13823.45
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 32063.45 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 4809.52 Total Rs. 36872.97 Rate/m2 368.73
14.Description of item:Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 (for 100 m2)
14.2c Skilled MD 10.00 800.00 8000.00 Cement 6.12 bag 985.00 6028.20
Unskilled MD 14.00 540.00 7560.00 Sand 0.63 m3 2208.80 1391.54
15560.00 7419.74
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 22979.74 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 3446.96 Total Rs. 26426.70 Rate/m2 264.27

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

15.Description of item:RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying of all materials (10m. Lead and 5 m. lift) : for 1 m3
12.1c Skilled MD 1.50 800.00 1200.00 Cement 3.18 bag 985.00 3132.30
Unskilled MD 5.00 540.00 2700.00 Sand 0.45 m3 2208.80 993.96
Boulder 1.10 m3 2134.24 2347.66
3900.00 6473.92
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 10373.92 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 1556.09 Total Rs. 11930.01 Rate/m2 11930.01
16. Description of items : Supply and making rectangular gabion box (mesh size 100*100 mm) with two way double knots including cutting wire, netting etc all complete ( Box size 3*1.5*0.75 m)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
16.9.a Skilled md. 0.70 800.00 560.00 G.I. wire kg 33.00 117.90 3890.70
Unskilled md. 0.44 540.00 237.60
Total of A 797.60 Total of B 3890.70 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 4688.30 Total Rs.
Overhead @15% (Rs.) 703.25 5391.55 Rate/m2 342.32
17. Description of items : Supply and making rectangular gabion box (mesh size 100*120 mm) with two way double knots including cutting wire, netting etc all complete ( Box size 3*1*1 m)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
17.1(DOL Norms) Skilled md. 0.63 800.00 504.00 G.I. wire kg 39.20 117.90 4621.68
Unskilled md. 0.28 540.00 151.20
Total of A 655.20 Total of B 4621.68 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 5276.88 Total Rs.
Overhead @15% (Rs.) 791.53 6068.41 Rate/m2 433.46
17. Description of items : Supply and making rectangular gabion box (mesh size 100*120 mm) with two way double knots including cutting wire, netting etc all complete ( Box size 3*1*0.5 m)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
16.9.a Skilled md. 0.45 800.00 360.00 G.I. wire kg 27.45 117.90 3236.36
Unskilled md. 0.20 540.00 108.00
Total of A 468.00 Total of B 3236.36 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 3704.36 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 555.65 Total Rs. 4260.01 Rate/m2 426.00
18. Description of items : Packing and filling of gabion crates with rubble stones and binding ( for 1 m3)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
16-11 Unskilled MD 0.5 540.00 270.00 stone m3 1 2134.24 2134.24
Total of A 270.00 Total of B 2134.24 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 2404.24 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 360.64 Total Rs. 2764.88 Rate/m3 2764.88
19. 6kgf/cm2 355 mm dia. HDPE pipe supply , laying, joining ,fitting & fixing etc. all complete. (per 50 m.)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
17(2) Plumber MD 2.00 635.00 1270.00 Pipe m 50 5226.99 261349.50
P. helper MD 2.00 625.00 1250.00 T&P day 1 100.00 100.00
Unskilled MD 4.00 540.00 2160.00 Misc of labour 2.51% 117.47 117.47
Fuel (Petrol) of labour 0.5 100.00 50.00
4680.00 261616.97
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 266296.97 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 39944.55 Total Rs. 306241.52 Rate/m 6124.83
20. Description of items :Providing, laying and fixing of Geo-textile (filter fabrics)
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
Unskilled MD 0.017 540.00 9.18 Geotextile m2 1.2 401.62 481.94
Total of A 9.18 Total of B 481.94 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 491.12 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 73.67 Total Rs. 564.79 Rate/m2 564.79
21. Laying RCC Pipe(NP3)(300 mm dia) and its accessories with 1:2 cement sand mortar,jute etc inc haulage up to 100m distance
Norms No.
Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit. Qty Rate Amount
Skilled MD 6 800 4800.00 Cement Mt 0.083 19700 1635.10
Unskilled MD 22 540.00 11880.00 Sand m3 0.13 2208.80 287.14
Jute Kg 3.63 50.00 181.50
Hume Pipe Rm 32 3564.36 114059.52
Total of A 16680.00 Total of B 116163.26 Total of C
a) Total A+B+C= Rs. 132843.26 Overhead @15% (Rs.) 19926.49 Total Rs. 152769.75 Rate/m 4774.05

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Mid-Western Irrigation Development Division No-3
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Name of Project : Nachne Khola ISP
Location: Maintada VDC, Surkhet
Name of work : Headworks construction and lining of canal

S.N. Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks

Earthwork in excavation in hard Gravel Mixed Soil
1 m3 203.10 #REF! #REF!
and disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift

Earthwork in excavation in Ordinary Soil and disposal

2 m3 #REF! #REF! #REF!
up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift
Concreting of foundations vertical faces,walls of ratio
3 1:2:4(M15) including supply of matreials and haulage m3 #REF! #REF! #REF!
distance upto 30 m
Concreting of foundations vertical faces,walls of ratio
4 1:3:6(M10) including supply of matreials and haulage m3 #REF! #REF! #REF!
distance upto 30 m
Cutting.bending,placing of reinforcement steel bars
5 Kg #REF! #REF! #REF!
for including haulage distance of 30 m
Making wooden forms for floor and slab including
supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing, placing
6 m2 #REF! #REF! #REF!
separators, dismantling forms and hauling up to 30m
7 #REF! m3 #REF! #REF! #REF!
8 Gabion works m2 962.10 #REF! #REF!
9 Filling Of Gabion Box with Boulder m 3
193.05 #REF! #REF!
10 Earthwork backfilling m 3
60.93 #REF! #REF!
11 Stop Log no 1.004,000.00 4,000.00 LS
12 Diversion & Dewatering Job 1.00
50,000.00 50,000.00
Total #REF!
Contingencies 150,000.00
Total #REF!
Government Payable Amount 2,850,000.00
WUA Contribution Amount #REF!

Estimated By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Mid-Western Irrigation Development Division No.3, Surkhet
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Name of Project : Nachne Khola ISP
Location: Maintada VDC, Surkhet
Name of work : Division box
SN Description of Work Unit Quantity Rate, NRs/unit Amount, NRs Remarks
1 E/W excavation in GBMS m 2.32 515.49 1,195.93
2 Stone soling in foundation m3 1.07 1540.99 1,648.85
3 P.C.C. 1:2:4 for R.C.C. m3 1.63 9610.07 15,702.85
4 Reinforcement kg 70.55 115.96 8,180.97
5 Formwork m2 10.44 456.81 4,769.09
6 Wood work for stoplogs m3 0.01 30000.00 180.00
7 E/W in Backfilling m3 1.16 94.67 109.81
Total 31,787.50
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Mid-Western Irrigation Development Division No.3, Surkhet
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Name of Project : Nachne Khola ISP
Location: Maintada VDC, Surkhet
Name of work : Division box
SN Description of work No length Breadth( Height Quantity Total Unit
(m) m) (m) Quantity
1 Earthwork excavation (GMS)
for main Canal 1 2.5 0.9 0.25 0.56
for branch canal 1 1 0.9 0.25 0.23
for sloping portion 3 1 1.3 0.25 0.98
for cut offs 3 1.9 0.2 0.35 0.4
for returns 6 0.5 0.2 0.25 0.15
Total 2.32 2.32 m3
2 Stone soling for foundation
for horizontal Canal 1 2.5 0.9 0.15 0.34
for branch canal 1 1 0.9 0.15 0.14
for sloping portion 3 1 1.3 0.15 0.59
Total 1.07 1.07 m3
3 P.C.C. 1:2:4 for R.C.C.
for main Canal bed 1 2.50 0.90 0.10 0.225
for main Canal sides 2 2.50 0.10 0.50 0.250
for branch canal bed 1 1.00 0.90 0.10 0.090
for branch canal sides 2 1.00 0.10 0.50 0.100
for sloping portion 3 1.00 1.30 0.10 0.390
for cut offs 3 1.90 0.20 0.35 0.399
for returns 6 0.5 0.1 0.60 0.180
Total 1.634 1.634 m3
4 Reinforcement @ 0.55% of the total quantity of item no. 3 70.55 kg
5 Formwork
for main Canal bed 1 2.50 0.10 0.25
for main Canal sides 2 2.50 0.50 2.50
for branch canal bed 1 1.00 0.10 0.10
for branch canal sides 2 1.00 0.50 1.00
for sloping portion sides 3 3.30 0.10 0.99
for cut offs 3 1.90 0.35 2.00
for returns 12 0.5 0.60 3.60
Total 10.44 10.44 m2
6 Wood work for stoplogs 2 0.40 0.03 0.30 0.0060 0.0060 m3
7 E/W backfilling 50% of E/W excavation 1.16 1.16 m3
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Mid-Western Irrigation Development Division No-3
Birendranagar, Surkhet

Hydraulic Design Chart for the Pipes

Name of the Project:

Location: PVC Steel Concrete Galv. steel copper
0.006 e (mm) = 0.005 0.045 0.3 0.15 0.0015
Pipe line Reduced Level pressure Head loss
SN Flow (lps) Level diff. (m) Static Head HGL up Total avail. Nom.Pipe dia Int. Dia. Flow vel Entry/Exit Residual HGL Dn (m)
From To From To (m) Head (m) (mm) Kgf/cm2 m/sec loss Actual (m) Head (m)
0+275 0+300 75.00 698.58 698.55 0.03 0.03 698.36 0.03 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.22 0.9236992203 -0.89 697.43
0+300 0+325 75.00 698.55 698.66 -0.11 -0.11 697.43 -1.00 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.9236992203 -1.93 696.51
0+325 0+350 75.00 698.66 698.77 -0.11 -0.11 696.51 -2.04 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.9236992203 -2.96 695.58
0+350 0+350 75.00 698.77 698.77 0 0.00 695.14 -2.96 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.45 0 -2.96 695.14

0+404 0+418 75.00 1644.681 1643.016 1.665 1.66 1644.46 1.66 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.22 0.5172715634 1.15 1643.94
0+418 0+448 75.00 1643.016 1638.84 4.176 4.18 1643.94 5.32 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 1.1084390644 4.22 1642.83
0+448 0+478 75.00 1638.84 1636.748 2.092 2.09 1642.83 6.31 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 1.1084390644 5.20 1641.72
0+478 0+496 75.00 1636.748 1635.179 1.569 1.57 1641.72 6.77 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.6650634386 6.10 1641.06
0+496 0+505 75.00 1635.179 1632.698 2.481 2.48 1641.06 8.58 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.3325317193 8.25 1640.72
0+505 0+523 75.00 1632.698 1630.629 2.069 2.07 1640.72 10.32 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.6650634386 9.66 1640.06
0+523 0+533 75.00 1630.629 1628.721 1.908 1.91 1640.06 11.56 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.3694796881 11.19 1639.69
0+533 0+537 75.00 1628.721 1626.15 2.571 2.57 1639.69 13.76 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.1477918752 13.62 1639.54
0+537 0+552 75.00 1626.15 1625.496 0.654 0.65 1639.54 14.27 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.5542195322 13.72 1638.99
0+552 0+559 75.00 1625.496 1624.886 0.61 0.61 1638.99 14.33 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.2586357817 14.07 1638.73
0+559 0+584 75.00 1624.886 1622.49 2.396 2.40 1638.73 16.46 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.9236992203 15.54 1637.81
0+584 0+596 75.00 1622.49 1621.339 1.151 1.15 1637.81 16.69 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.4433756257 16.25 1637.36
0+596 0+606 75.00 1621.339 1620.364 0.975 0.97 1637.36 17.22 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.3694796881 16.85 1636.99
0+606 0+665 75.00 1620.364 1619.334 1.03 1.03 1636.99 17.88 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 2.1799301599 15.70 1634.81
0+665 0+719 75.00 1619.334 1618.392 0.942 0.94 1634.81 16.65 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 1.9951903158 14.65 1632.82
0+719 0+729 75.00 1618.392 1618.217 0.175 0.17 1632.82 14.83 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.3694796881 14.46 1632.45
0+729 0+749 75.00 1618.217 1617.519 0.698 0.70 1632.45 15.15 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.7389593762 14.41 1631.71
0+749 0+779 75.00 1617.519 1617.205 0.314 0.31 1631.71 14.73 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 1.1084390644 13.62 1630.60
0+779 0+788 75.00 1617.205 1617.048 0.157 0.16 1630.60 13.78 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.3325317193 13.44 1630.27
0+788 0+804 75.00 1617.048 1616.908 0.14 0.14 1630.27 13.58 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.591167501 12.99 1629.68
0+804 0+829 75.00 1616.908 1616.472 0.436 0.44 1629.68 13.43 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.9236992203 12.51 1628.75
0+829 0+838 75.00 1616.472 1615.792 0.68 0.68 1628.75 13.19 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.3325317193 12.85 1628.42
0+838 0+849 75.00 1615.792 1614.643 1.149 1.15 1628.42 14.00 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.44 0.4064276569 13.60 1627.57
0+849 0+849 75.00 1614.643 1614.643 0 0.00 1627.57 13.60 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.44 0 13.60 1627.57

1+622 1+650 75.00 1599.606 1598.223 1.383 1.38 1599.38 1.38 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.22 1.0345431267 0.35 1598.35
1+650 1+670 75.00 1598.223 1593.724 4.499 4.50 1598.35 4.85 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.7389593762 4.11 1597.61
1+670 1+681 75.00 1593.724 1592.417 1.307 1.31 1597.61 5.42 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.4064276569 5.01 1597.20
1+681 1+699 75.00 1592.417 1587.215 5.202 5.20 1597.20 10.21 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.00 0.6650634386 9.55 1596.54
1+699 1+719 75.00 1587.215 1586.039 1.176 1.18 1596.54 10.72 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.44 0.7389593762 9.98 1595.35
1+719 1+719 75.00 1586.039 1586.039 0 0.00 1595.35 9.98 200 4 179.40 2.97 0.22 0 9.98 1595.35
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Bheri Cooridor Irrigation Development Project
Birendranagr, Surkhet

Abstract Of Cost (Packaging)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
F.Y: 076/077
Departmental (payable) WUA Payable WUA Participation
S.N Description of work Unit Rate Rate Total amount
Quantity Rate Amount ( Nrs.) Quantity Amount ( Nrs.) Quantity Amount ( Nrs.)

1 Earthwork in excavation in Gravel Boulder

Mixed Soil including disposal up to 10 m
lead and 1.5 m lift m3 2,970.71 869.89 2,584,201.00 1,485.36 869.89 1,292,100.49 1,485.36 869.89 1,292,100.50 5,168,401.99
2 Boulder Soling and Leveling in Foundation
without sand ( 30m lead) m3 820.68 3,876.75 3,181,566.64 - 3,876.75 - - 3,876.75 - 3,181,566.64
3 PCC (1:3:6) in founadtion in perfect line
and level all complete as per design and
drawings. m3 30.71 12,762.04 391,913.69 - 12,762.04 - - 12,762.04 - 391,913.69
4 Concreting of structures in M15 including
supply of materials and haulage distance
up to 30m m3 1,719.75 14,821.12 25,488,613.38 - 14,821.12 - - 14,821.12 - 25,488,613.38
4 Concreting of structures in M20 including
supply of materials and haulage distance
up to 30m m3 46.32 18,297.44 847,612.91 - 18,297.44 - - 18,297.44 - 847,612.91
Cutting , bending , placing and binding of
reinforcement TOR steel bars for R.C.C.
works including haulage distance of 30m Kg 108,741.94 128.55 13,978,356.89 - 128.55 - - 128.55 - 13,978,356.89
Making wooden forms for floor and slab
including supply & selection of material,
fixing, nailing, placing separators,
dismantling forms and hauling up to 30m
distance m3 21,719.11 620.69 13,480,834.39 - 620.69 - - 620.69 - 13,480,834.39
Filling with ordinary soils in 15cm thick
layers and hand compaction with
sprinkling water (haulage distance 10m ) m3 1,592.35 157.93 251,472.29 796.18 157.93 125,736.14 796.18 157.93 125,736.14 502,944.57
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per
drawings and instruction of engineer.
(3x1.5x0.75) m3 - 342.32 - - 342.32 - - 342.32 - -
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per
drainings and instruction of engineer.
(3x1x1) m2 4,018.00 433.46 1,741,633.67 - 433.46 - - 433.46 - 1,741,633.67
Machine Made gabion boxes including
transportation of different size as per
drainings and instruction of engineer.
Supply of Boulders, laying gabion boxes in m2 2,200.00 426.00 937,202.20 - 426.00 - - 426.00 - 937,202.20
11 place, filling boulders in boxes, covering
the boxes, tying, etc all complete works m3 1,191.00 2,764.88 3,292,972.08 - 2,764.88 - - 2,764.88 - 3,292,972.08

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Bheri Cooridor Irrigation Development Project
Birendranagr, Surkhet

Abstract Of Cost (Packaging)

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
F.Y: 076/077
12 RRM in 1:4 c/s mortar including supplying
of all materials all complete as per design
and instruction. kg 87.70 11,930.01 1,046,261.88 - 11,930.01 - - 11,930.01 - 1,046,261.88
Supply & fittingGeo.textile
& Laying Rubble seal(TS-50) along m2 400.45 1,068.71 427,964.92 - 1,068.71 - - 1,068.71 - 427,964.92
14 gabion walls all complete as per design
and instruction. m2 1,072.45 564.79 605,713.33 - 564.79 - - 564.79 - 605,713.33
Dewatering Works Job 11.00 15,000.00 165,000.00 - 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 - 165,000.00
16 Flush ruled pointing works in 1:3 all
complete as per design and instruction. m2 60.30 264.27 15,935.48 - 264.27 - - 264.27 - 15,935.48
Supplying and laying 300 mm dia RCC
Hume Pipe (NP3) in perfect line and level
as per design and drawing all complete. Rm 30.00 4,774.05 143,221.64 - 4,774.05 - - 4,774.05 - 143,221.64
18 HDPE pipe of 355mm dia.(6 kg/cm2) m 150.00 6,124.83 918,724.50 - 6,124.83 - - 6,124.83 - 918,724.50
Single Spindle Gate Structure(0.4m x 1m) m2 0.40 148,494.42 59,397.77 - 148,494.42 - 59,397.77
20 Single Spindle Gate Structure(0.35m x
1m) m3 0.35 179,215.04 62,725.26 179,215.04 - 62,725.26
A.) Sub Total of Civil Works 69,621,323.92 1,417,836.63 1,417,836.64 72,456,997.19
B General items
1 Insurance of the work 0.15% of A 104,431.99 104,431.99
2 Third Party Insurance 0.15% of A 104,431.99 104,431.99
3 Insurance against accident to workmanship 0.15% of A 104,431.99 104,431.99
4 Preparation as built drawing 1 50,000.00 50,000.00
5 Commission for Performance Bond 0.05% of Civil Works 34,810.66 34,810.66
B.) Sub Total of General Items 398,106.63 - - 398,106.63
C. Other Expenditure
Work Charge @ ( 2% of A) 2% of A 1,392,426.48 1,392,426.48
Other Minor Expenses @ ( 2% of A ) 2% of A 1,392,426.48 1,392,426.48
Environmental Management Plan @ ( 0.5% of A) 0.5% of A 348,106.62 348,106.62
Physical Contingencies @ 10% of (A+B) 10% of (A+B) 7,001,943.06 7,001,943.06
Prices Escalation Contingencies @ ( 10% of A) 10% of A 6,962,132.39 6,962,132.39
C.) Sub Total of Other Expenditure 17,097,035.03 - - 17,097,035.03
Sub Total Cost of Civil Works,General Items and
87,116,465.58 1,417,836.63 1,417,836.64 89,952,138.85
Other Expenditure Nrs. (A+B+C)
Environment Management Plan 50,000.00 50,000.00
Agriculture Development Plan 66,000.00 66,000.00
Vat @ 13% of ( A+B) 9,102,525.97 - - 9,102,525.97
Grand Total Project Cost NRS 96,334,991.55 1,417,836.63 1,417,836.64 99,170,664.82
Say Nrs. 96,334,991.00 1,417,836.00 1,417,836.00 99,170,664.00

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Component Wise Summary Cost of project

Project :- Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
Name of Project : Construction of Canal Lining, Aquduct & Maintenance Works
Component Wise Cost Summary
S.No Description of Works Unit Quanity Total Amount Remarks
A Main Canal Works
1 Main Canal Lining R.m. 50,171,158.43
2 Branch Canal Lining R.m. 8,384,965.97
3 Secondary Canal Lining R.m. 1,762,592.55
Sub-Total 60,318,716.95
B Other Structures
1 Intake job 1 433,907.33
2 Syphon job 1 987,775.79
3 Gabion Retaining Structure job 1 4,788,944.25
4 Aqueduct job 1 4,072,115.75
5 Slab Cover job 1 134,387.69
6 Hume Pipe job 1 884,105.53
7 Outlet job 1 714,920.82
8 Gate job 1 122,123.03
Sub-Total 12,138,280.19
Total Cost (NPR) 72,456,997.14

Prepared by: Checked By: Approved By:

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Water Resources and Irrigation
Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
Bheri Cooridor Irrigation Development Project
Birendranagr, Surkhet

Estimate Approval Form

1 Office: Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project

2 Project Baba Khola Irrigation Sub Project , Barahtal Na. Pa.- 4, Surkhet
3 Description of work Canal Lining, Aquduct & Maintenance works
4 Estimated Amount Nrs. 99,170,664.00
5 Certified:

a. The drawings and measurements of the proposed work are based on field verification.
b. The design and estimate of the proposed work is based on departmental norms and general
engineering principles in practice.
c. The proposed estimate is prepared on the basis of approved rate and rate analysis norms.
d. All the numbers and arithmetical calculations carried out in this estimate are correct.

……………………. ……………………….. ………………………

Submitted by : Checked by : Recommended by
Sub Engineer Engineer S. Divisional Engineer

6 Approved
For this work, the drawings and an amount of NRs. ………………………... is approved.

Approved by :
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-West Irrigation Development Division No-3, Surkhet
Vat Calculation Sheet

Name of Project : Nachne Khola ISP

Name of work : Headworks construction and lining of canal

SN Description of Work Unit Quantity Cement Steel bar B. wire GI Wire Nail Total Amount
Earthwork in excavation in hard Gravel Mixed Soil
1 and disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift m3 203.10
Earthwork in excavation in Ordinary Soil and
2 disposal up to 10 m lead and 1.5 m lift m3 #REF!
Concreting of foundations vertical faces,walls of
ratio 1:2:4(M15) including supply of matreials and
3 haulage distance upto 30 m m3 #REF! #REF!
Concreting of foundations vertical faces,walls of
ratio 1:3:6(M10) including supply of matreials and
4 haulage distance upto 30 m m3 #REF! #REF!

Cutting.bending,placing of reinforcement steel bars

5 for including haulage distance of 30 m Kg #REF! #REF!
Making wooden forms for floor and slab including
supply & selection of material, fixing, nailing,
placing separators, dismantling forms and hauling
6 up to 30m distance m2 #REF!
7 #REF! m3 #REF!
8 Gabion works m2 962.10 1924.20
9 Filling Of Gabion Box with Boulder m3 193.05 174.91
10 Earthwork backfilling m3 60.93
11 Stop Log no 1.00
12 Diversion & Dewatering Job 1.00
Sub-total #REF! #REF! 174.91 1924.20 0.00

Vat @ 13% - - - - - -
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-West Irrigation Development Division No-3, Surkhet
Vat Calculation Sheet For Non Local Materials


SN Description of Work Unit Quantity Cement Steel bar B. wire Nail Total Amount
1 #REF! m 3
2 #REF! m 3
3 #REF! m 3
4 #REF! kg. #REF! #REF! #REF!
5 #REF! m 2
6 #REF! m 3
Sub-total #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Rate Nrs. 670.00 84.00 105.00 105.00
Total amount Nrs. #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Vat @ 13% #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Mid-West Irrigation Development Division No-3, Surkhet
Vat Calculation Sheet For Non Local Materials


SN Description of Work Unit Quantity Cement Steel bar B. wire Nail Total Amount
1 #REF! m 3
2 #REF! m 3
3 #REF! m 3
4 #REF! kg. #REF! #REF! #REF!
5 #REF! m 2
6 #REF! m 3
Sub-total #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Rate Nrs. 670.00 84.00 105.00 105.00
Total amount Nrs. #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Vat @ 13% #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

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