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The Annual Career Possibility Journal For Kids

Karleen Tauszik
Text and layout copyright © 2016 by Karleen Tauszik
Cover Illustration from, contributor AV Bitter
Cover Design Copyright © 2016 by Karleen Tauszik
Cover design by Jimmy Gibbs
Cover photo editing and interior frame designs by Janet Tauszik

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

Summary: This journal provides children with a place to annually log their talents, achievements
and interests to better equip them for successful career choices as an adult.

ISBN: 978-0-9904899-1-7

Karleen Tauszik is an author, primarily of fiction for children ages 8-12. She has worked in
Human Resources for over 15 years and she’s passionate about helping people find the work
they were meant to do. Visit her on the web at, where you can see her other
books and sign up for her newsletter.
This book belongs to me,

(my name)

It was given to me by


on ___________________ when I was

(date with year)

______ years old.

All grown-ups were once children…
but only a few of them remember it.

Do you know any adults who are grumpy about their work? I’ll bet you do!
And I’ll bet you don’t want to grow up to be that way, right?

That’s why I made this book. It will help you keep track of what you enjoy,
what you do well and what interests you. All you need to do is answer a few
questions every year. As you get older, looking back through this book will
help you choose a career that’s a great match for who you are with your
unique talents and skills.

There are two pages for every year from age 6 through to age 18. If you
received this book and you’re older than six, start at your age. But then go
back and fill in as much as you can remember from the earlier years. The
pages are all black and white so you can color or decorate them as you
wish, making this journal uniquely yours.

The Little Prince was right—many grownups don’t remember very much
from when they were children. They’ve forgotten the special talents they
had and they things they loved to do. Then they end up in a job and year
after year they wonder why they don’t like it. But you don’t have to grow up
that way. Answer the questions in this journal and when you’re an adult,
you’ll be able to choose a job that’s just right for you!
Where is your favorite place
to play? Why?

When you have free time, This year, what would you
what’s your favorite thing to like to learn on your own
do? or in school?
What would you like to be when you grow up?

Draw a picture of your grown-up self at work.

Think of three things you’d like to

have when you grow up. What are they?
What are your favorite topics
in school?

What would you like to do, but can’t because you’re too young?
Are you excited about or
looking forward to something?
What is it? Why is it so exciting?

What activities What kinds of

make you the books do you pick
happiest? at the library,
bookstore or online?
The pages for age 8

are omitted from this sample.

Before you start your pages for age 9,
look back over what you wrote for ages 6, 7 and 8.
Then answer these questions.

From ages 6 through 8, what were you most interested in?

Do those things still interest you? Why or why not?






Look back at age 6. What did you say you want to be when
you grow up? Do you still want to be that? Why or why not?

As you look back over ages 6 through 8, are there any other
jobs you think would be interesting? List them here, along with
why you think you would like them.

Do these jobs have anything in common? If so, what?

Which subject at school is
easiest for you?

Which one do you enjoy the most?

Where is your favorite place What do you think will be

to play? Why? the best part
of being grown up?
Do you have a hobby? What is it? Why do you like it?

Do you think
it would be fun to be
famous? Why or why not?
The pages for age 10

are omitted from this sample.

Do you have a collection?
Of what?

If you get to choose a movie to watch, what will it usually be about?

When you get together with a friend, what do you like to do?
Do you have a hero?
Who is it? Why?

What do you like about yourself?

The Looking Back pages

for ages 9, 10 and 11

and the pages for age 12

are omitted from this sample.

Have you ever had a
lemonade stand or tried
selling anything else? What
part did you like? What part
didn’t you like?

Did you win any awards

this year? For what?
If not, what would you
have liked to win?
If you could do
anything this year, what
would it be?

Do you prefer to
work with others or on your own?

What activity do you

like so much, it makes time fly?
do you like to do
when you have free time?

What was your favorite

thing you did this past year?

When someone is
struggling at school, do you
like to help? Why or why not?
What do you think are the best jobs you ever
heard of? Why do you think they’re great?

You answered this same question when you were 8

years old. Look back. Are your answers similar?

What would you change if you ran your school,

your city, or your country?
Before you start your pages for age 15,
look back over what you wrote for ages 12, 13 and 14.
Then answer these questions.

From ages 12 through 14, what were you most interested in?
Are you still interested in that? Why or why not?






Turn to the Looking Back pages for ages 9, 10 and 11. Do the job
ideas you listed still interest you? Why or why not?

As you look back over ages 12 through 14, are there any other
jobs you think would be interesting? List them here, along with
why you think you would like them.
The pages for age 15

are omitted from this sample.

do you like
about yourself?
What do your friends
like about you?

What businesses in your city

have the kind of job you think
you’d like? How can you learn
more about these businesses?
What makes you feel proud of yourself?

If you could go to any event, what would you choose?

Do you like the same routine day after day?

Or do you prefer change? Why?
The Looking Back pages

for ages 15 and 16

and the pages for age 17

are omitted from this sample.

If you completed this book, you know far
more about your unique talents and interests
than most people know at your age. That
lays a great foundation for your future.

As you launch into the next phase of your

life, whether that be college or vocational
training, you’ll be able to make wiser
decisions about your career path. If you work
in an area that uses your special skills, you’ll
most likely find greater job satisfaction and

Looking back through this book, what are your top three skills or talents?

What types of careers interest you in which you can use those skills?

Is there anyone who presently works in your dream job who you can
contact for more information or advice?

Are there part time job opportunities where you can work at the entry
level in your chosen field?
Looking ahead five years, what would you like your life to look like?
Where do you live? Where do you work? What type of work do you do?
What do you do in your spare time? Describe your dream life in detail.

What steps are needed to get to your five-years-in-the-future self?


Additional “Notes” pages

are omitted from this sample.

About the Author

Karleen Tauszik is the author of ten books, mostly for

children ages 8 to 12. Her goal as an author is to get kids to
LOVE reading. As a child, Karleen had the goal (not met) to
read every book in the children's section of her local library.
Through the books she writes, she hopes to instill that kind
of fervor for reading in kids today.

Having worked in Human Resources for over 15 years,

Karleen is also passionate about people’s careers and
helping them find a great fit for their unique talents and
interests. Her first questions when she meets someone new
are, “What do you do?” and “Where do you work?”

Karleen is married to a professional ventriloquist and

magician, and they live in the Tampa Bay area. Learn more
about Karleen at her website,

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