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Dinamika : Jurnal Sastra dan Budaya Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2019 (Hlm.


Listening Comprehension: The impact of Subtitles Typographical

Features on Game Visual Novel
Eny Kusumawati
Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
Departemen Teknik Mekanika dan Energi
Program Studi Teknik Mekatronika


The purpose goal of this study was to test the impact of typographical features of subtitles
including size, colour and position on L2 English viewers’ retention and recall of texts in game
visual novel, and also the voice effect of the visual game. Quasi experimental research played
in this study with 54 students of two departments, with the same characteristics. It was played
the game visual novel into both classes, and administered 45 multiple choice test and
questioners in the end of the classes. Both classes went through the same procedures, but one
class watched the customized subtitled of the visual game novel. The data gathered were
subjected to the statistical procedure of paired sample t-test. And, the result showed that the
experimental class showed the better result on their understanding of the story, but there is
contrarily on their listening comprehension result, that is their vocabulary comprehension, it is
found that the both subtitles did not have an effect on participants’ comprehension. This study
has implications for English language teachers and material developers to benefit customized
bimodal subtitles as a mnemonic tool for better comprehension, retention and recall of aural
content in game visual novel via Computer Assisted Language Teaching approach.

Keywords: Typographical features, game visual novel, subtitles, retention and recall,
Listening, vocabulary comprehension.

I. Introduction especially for listening. With

increasingly adequate technological
The rapid development of
developments, scientists are competing
technology today has brought about
to enrich their teaching materials,
real changes and shifts in the world of
especially by developing listening
English education, especially in the
material, visual novel. It is featuring
area English for Specific Purpose. This
mostly static graphics, most often using
condition cannot be separated from
anime style art or occasionally live-
today’s IT development, that gave birth
action stills (and sometime video
to many creative things to support
footage). As the name might suggest,
teaching methods. One of the impacts
they resemble mixed-media novels.
is on the teaching supporting materials,
Dinamika : Jurnal Sastra dan Budaya Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2019 (Hlm. 703-715)

This is as another way to enrich the listening from boredom. Another

teachers teaching materials are by purpose is to attract students' interest to
using visual novel, a medium using the enrich their skills in listening through
narrative style of literature. They tend their own field (ESP). Listening
to put more emphasis on the plot and on involves three cognitive processing
characterization, rather than on action phases-perceptions, parsing, and
scenes. Visual novels are effectively utilization (Anderson, 1983; 1995).
seen as a digital evolution books, with The limited capacity of short term
music, pictures, and occasionally even memory among L2 learners makes
voice acting or movies. The only major them tend to forget what was heard
difference between a videogame and a while rushing to process the new input
typical visual novel is player (Goh, 2000). Relate them to the
interaction. Visual Novels mostly do development of teaching modality to
not have a game play nor interaction strengthen L2 retention and recall of
outside of continuing the dialogue with vocabulary, there are a lot of sources
a button press or making a decision that become the media for teaching
when a choice pops up, even though the listening, especially in attracting
typical game drive the user do a lot interest of ESP students in Listening
more than that. However, those two session. Kusumawati, E & Hasan
things also share a lot of things; music, (2018) said that many students believe
sound effects, animation and voice that movies can develop their listening.
acting are commonly found in both. Moreover, it showed that movie is the
Some visual novels even include other way to connect the students with
‘actual’ gameplay elements, such as the story they like to enhance their
Zero Escape with its escape the room listening skill. Full video captioning
puzzles. Visual novels are commonly gave benefit to enhance listening
made with game engines, such as Unity comprehension (Bensalem, A.E;
or Ren’Py (which is basically Pygame 2016).
with extra code). Most scholars believe and have
This study focusing on the been proved that listening
impact of teaching methods using comprehension can be enhanced with
visual game novel on students’ the addition of images (Guichon &
listening comprehension to enrich McLornan, 2008; Stempleski, 2003;
research which aims to improve Markham, Peter & McCarthy, 2001)
Dinamika : Jurnal Sastra dan Budaya Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2019 (Hlm. 703-715)

Thus, beside that movies are viewers’ mind to read and understand
motivating media due to encompassing the lyrics in the least possible time and
various topics and that they are recalling later (Ashtiani, 2017).
presented with both audio and visual Related to this study, the
stimuli (Stempleski, 2003), then the explicit instruction is used to present
benefit of using it for language learning the material., well known as direct
are their images and sound that help set instruction. There are some steps to
the scene of events and its additional support, by setting a purpose of
information, like their paralinguistic learning, telling the students what to
features, provided as a part of support do, the showing them how to do it, and
to listening comprehension (Guichon finally guiding their hands-on
& McLornan, 2008). application of the new learning. Luke
Other scholars added the theory (2014) describes that explicit
that the typographical features for instruction refers to teacher-centered
scenes play an important role to attract instruction that is focused on clear
the user (the learner) attention curiosity behavioral and cognitive goal and out-
about the story given on the visual comes. This, in turn is made ‘explicit or
novel Weinman (2010). Immersing in transparent to learners’. Bernstein in
the authentic and vivid English context, Luke (2014) defines that explicit
through the subtitles and lively vocabulary instruction as if featuring
conversation, students can see the strong classification and strong
image and hear the pronunciation, use framing, clearly defined boundary
their background knowledge and thus, knowledge and skill, and teacher-
fetch the main ideas (Safranj, 2015). directed interaction. Smith (2009)
Typographical features such as size, added that techniques such as webbing
colors and positions are paid much that involve students’ own perspective
intentions, conveying the meaning, and in creating interaction that gradually
even prioritizing the words in the text clarify targeted vocabulary may be a
to be seen, read and consolidating in way to combine direct teaching and
mind. The significance of incidental learning in one exercise. In
typographical features of subtitles, the class when the teacher is presenting
transcribed lyrics, in a music video to he or she can use students’ personal
prove the value of typo graphics and experiences to develop vocabulary in
the effects they could bring about on the classroom, through informal
Dinamika : Jurnal Sastra dan Budaya Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2019 (Hlm. 703-715)

activities such as semantic association material, but there is still no research

students brainstorm a list of words that connects the typographical novel
associated with a familiar word, features with increasing students'
pooling their knowledge of pertinent ability to understand vocabulary
vocabulary as they discuss the less through their listening skill. This study
familiar words on the list. Semantic tries to connect the gap to proof
mapping goes a step further, grouping whether there is any correlation
the words on the list into categories and between typographical features on
arranging them on the visual ‘map’ so visual novel and the students of L2
that relationship among the words through their listening as their bimodal.
become clearer. Moreover, in semantic Listening is an interesting topic for
developing materials, words are further investigation. Especially if it is
grouped according to certain features, associated with the use of bimodal
usually with the aid of chats that material that has developed a lot today.
graphically depicts similarities and And this is thought to be one way to
difference among features of different enlightening the students reading need,
words. Then analogies are a useful way and the other reason is to avoid the
to enhance thoughtful decision about boredom of the old ways to enjoy the
relationships among meanings of literacy, especially on novel.
words. Some studies support that the
explicit vocabulary instruction is more II. Methods
effective than other (Dakun, 2000;
Hansen, 2009; Mazban, Kamalian, With quasi experimental, used
2013; Zarei, Sepahian, 2015), and pre-test and post-test design. Explicit
direct vocabulary instruction is useful instruction and natural instruction
for students at all ability levels method were used in those
(Cynthia, Johnson: 2009). experimental classes. The subjects
Some of the research that has were the 3rd semesters of classes from
been done has provided clear evidence Computers engineering department
that many ways are done to be able to and Informatics engineering
improve listening skills to students, department of Politeknik Elektronika
including with developing the teaching Negeri Surabaya. They were chosen
strategies, enrich the teaching because those students departments
materials, or modify some ways of
Dinamika : Jurnal Sastra dan Budaya Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2019 (Hlm. 703-715)

have the same characteristics and Taking the qualitative

level of English proficiency. features in those two classes, it
Before the experiment concluded that they were not
conducted, both classes were ensured significant regarding students’
to be equal in all aspects by observing number in the portion of mean scores
both classrooms, interviewing the for English subject. It can assume that
English teacher taught in both classes both classes were homogenous. It is
and examining the English scores in to prove that both groups are equal to
the previous semester. Those were avoid the bias.
carried out as the efforts to reduce the After that, the researcher and
threats towards internal validity (Ary, teachers were collecting the score of
Jacob & Sorensen. 2006: 298). The both classes to compare. It used to
data of those two groups are shown in determine the effect of the treatment
the table 1. into both classes based on their
proficiency. Flashback before the
Table 1. The Qualitative Features
treatments started, the researcher and
between two classes.
teachers collected the students’ data
No Features Visual Conventional
Games Visual Novel from their previous semester, to
Novel Group - ensure that both classes were equal on
Group- CVN (Group their language achievement.
When the experimentation
began, both classes had 2 different
1 Number 27 29 instructions in the class. Group A
of with Explicit instruction, and group B
students with natural instruction. They had the
2 Mean 50.07 50.55
same listening session, but with
scores for
different visual type. One class
Subject (group A) used with the English
3 The Monday Monday 7-8 visual game novel, and another class
schedule 3-4 (group B) used the conventional
of English
visual game novel. Due to this study,
the researcher prepared two types of
visual material to present in those
classes. But, those materials had the
Dinamika : Jurnal Sastra dan Budaya Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2019 (Hlm. 703-715)

same audio material for listening. 3 The English teacher

4 The researcher
After conducting four meetings, the
5 The English teacher
post-test was given.
6 The researcher
While in the processing of
teaching and learning, a teaching
schedule alternation between the Before starting the class, the
teacher and the researcher was teacher and the researcher would do
applied in order to minimize the some discussions about the plans, the
possible threats. By alternating the threats, the obstacles, and some
teaching schedule between the imagine condition that would be the
teacher and the researcher, the barrier in the class. Then tried to find
atmosphere of teaching and learning the alter list strategies as the solutions
was conditioned casual like the usual to keep the class working out. Four
classes to avoid the students (4) visual game novels and
suspicious of under the research conventional visual novel were used
study. The discussion on the detailed in the experimental classes.
lesson plan, including teaching
strategy, media/ materials, and III. Procedures
assessment were carried out to the
Data Collections.
process of experiment. Those things
To complete the purpose study,
are used to ensure that the lesson plan
the same topic visual game novel was
and the instructions could be applied
chosen, and used in listening for both
appropriately. The details of the
experimental groups. This visual game
lesson plan were given to the teachers
novel was chosen because it is required
before starting the class. The teaching
on the syllabus. One of the syllabi
schedule alternation between the
discussed about Campus life.
teacher and the researcher is shown in
After watching the movie, both
the table 2.
groups received questionnaires which
aim to elicit students’ feedback
Table 2. The Teaching Schedules
regarding the use of the visual game
Meeting Group A - VGN Group B - CVN
novel in the class, and also to
1 The English teacher investigate The
relationship between
2 The researcher movie viewing and
The English teacher students’
Dinamika : Jurnal Sastra dan Budaya Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2019 (Hlm. 703-715)

performance. Both experimental performed better on post-test and the

classes were then given paper based mean of two groups are significantly
quiz with vocabulary and listening increased. As shown by group A with
activities in multiple choice and cloze the mean score 51.4815, the group with
test. subtitle significantly outperformed
higher than the other group. Another
experimental group, the visual game
Pre-test novel without subtitle had the lower.
To investigate the effects of
subtitles on listening comprehension, IV. Analysis
the researcher used SPSS 19. The result
obtained from the pre-test of all the 1. There is any influence using
groups were presented that the mean visual Game Novel (VGN) and
score of the group A is 50.0741, and the Conventional Visual Game
mean score of group B is 50.5517. Novel (CVN) on students’
The result of the statistics listening comprehension?
showed that all groups are almost the
same regarding their vocabulary After the process of treatment,
knowledge, and there is no significant the posttest was given to group A,
difference between them. Visual Game Novel (VGN), and
group B, the Conventional Visual
Post-test Game Novel (CVN) which lasted for
After analysing the pre-test 60 minutes for the listening session
result, at the end of the treatment, the with questions.
result obtained from the post-test Then the T-test with independent
analysed. The descriptive statistics of sample testing is used to find out the
the participants’ performance in those answer to the research problem
two groups show that the mean score of whether any difference or no difference
group A is 51.4815, and the mean score between the two groups. Based on the
of group B is 38.4828. result of the posttest in the VGN group
The mean score of each group and the CVN group, it was shown that
and comparison with the mean the mean score of the groups were
obtained from pre-test revealed that 51.4815 and 38.4828 respective.
both experimental groups have
Dinamika : Jurnal Sastra dan Budaya Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2019 (Hlm. 703-715)

Roughly, it can be concluded that the the group using visual game novel is
main score of the VGN group, that is 5.0370 and the group conventional
group A, the group using Visual Game visual game novel is 4.3448. It is
Novel (VGN) was higher than the revealed that there is no significantly
group B, the group using Conventional different. They do not have any
Game Novel (CVN). difference. It means that the test results
from both groups showed no increase
2. The treatment used to apply in vocabulary comprehension.
during the experiment conduct
Based on the result of posttest
IV. Conclusion
of the group A (VGN) and the group
B (CVN) on their comprehension,
Based on the statistics numbers,
which is used T-test with independent
there are two experimental groups, the
sample testing to find out the result
visual game novel in group A (VGN), and
that the mean scores of the VGN
the other class as group B used the
group is 46.6667 and the CVN group
conventional visual novel (CVN). They
is 34.0690 respectively. It can be
were under different instructions, explicit
concluded that the main score of the
instruction group and natural instruction
group using Visual Game Novel was
group, and they also had different treatment
significantly higher than the other
media, one group gave the treatment with
group, that is the group using
visual game novel, and the other gave the
conventional Visual Game Novel.
treatment with conventional visual novel.
Overall, in this study the groups
3. Those two kind of visual novels
showed enthusiastic response on the media
and the treatments of the
treatment through their listening session.
teachers applied has any
The students get this feeling because they
relation impact.
got a new thing on their treatments, the
visual game novel series. Many students
Based on the posttest analysis
believe that this media can give some
of the group A (VGN) and the group B
compensation through the audio and visual
(CVN), which is used T-test with
channel. They can develop their vocabulary
independent sample testing to find out
comprehension through listening and
the answer of the research problem, it
reading activities. However this statistical
was revealed that the mean score for
Dinamika : Jurnal Sastra dan Budaya Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2019 (Hlm. 703-715)

data failed to show that they get a greater have any impact on their vocabulary
impact on vocabulary comprehension. comprehension. Two experiment groups
They seemed enjoy the media failed to show the development of the
treatments and the class interactions during students’ vocabulary comprehension.
the listening session. Some obstacles
considered to be the cause of this study,
they are; (1) The treatment only played in References
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