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1 Nama Jurnal The Physical Activity Movement and the Definition of Physical
Education, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance,
2 Link Jurnal

3 Judul Artikel Tyler G. Johnson & Lindsey Turner (2016), The Physical
Activity Movement and the Definition of Physical Education.

4 Kajian Reconsider the definition of physical education by highlighting

Penelitian the student learning that can and does occur by way of multiple
opportunities for physical activity participation.

5 Isu Pokok At the heart of these concerns is the notion that a structured
Penelitian curriculum taught by a certified physical education teacher is
always a requirement for learning.

6 Pertanyaan  philosophical position that acknowledges the skill learning that

Penelitian oc- curs for students by way of participation in physical activity,
whether in formal or informal settings.?
 A teacher could offer theory lessons regarding the rules and
playing strategies to a would-be chess player, or the would- be
player could start playing chess and learn by watching the moves
of others and through trial and error.?

7 Desain Desain penelitian menggunakan Quasi experiment, desain pretes-

postes menggunakan kelompok kontrol tanpa penugasan random.
 Variabel dependen : model pendidikan olahraga (CSPAP)
 Variabel independen : amotivation, aktivitas fisik (CSPAP)

8 Prosedur From both philosophers — Dewey and Ryle — we learn that

experience and practice are mandatory for acquir- ing skill or
know-how. While listening to a teacher explain how to perform
a skill or reading a book about how to do
something can be helpful, these methods alone remain grossly
insufficient for promoting skill learning. Regular experi- ence
and practice performing a skill remain unmistakable
prerequisites for competency.
This philosophical perspective also suggests that structured
physical educa- tion lessons taught by a certified physical
education teacher are not the only ways students learn skills.
Skill learning oc- curs for many students by way of playing with
their peers, observing others who possess a degree of skill
competency, and perhaps most importantly by being
authentically involved in physical activity without an explicit
focus on “learning” physical activity. It may be that some
of the best learning happens “inciden- tally,” when both teachers
and students least expect it. These are the opportuni- ties
provided by the physical activity movement that should be
embraced by all physical education teachers because such
opportunities have the potential to promote skill learning without
an ex- plicit focus on doing so. Most people we know who
possess skill became skilled this way.

9 Hasil While it makes sense for the profes- sion to continue to define
physical edu- cation in a consistent way to the general public by
using the first definition, it seems appropriate for physical
education professionals to consider and use this second
definition of physical education in professional dialogue and
10 Rekomendasi Temuan ini menyarankan bahwa adalah mungkin untuk
memberikan pengalaman berbasis olahraga kepada siswa yang
termotivasi yang memfasilitasi perubahan dalam aktivitas fisik

11 Tanggapan Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil positif terhadap kedua

metode yang telah digunakan.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance

ISSN: 0730-3084 (Print) 2168-3816 (Online) Journal homepage:

The Physical Activity Movement and the

Definition of Physical Education

Tyler G. Johnson & Lindsey Turner

To cite this article: Tyler G. Johnson & Lindsey Turner (2016) The Physical Activity
Movement and the Definition of Physical Education, Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation & Dance, 87:4, 8-10, DOI: 10.1080/07303084.2016.1142192

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The Physical Activity Movement and the Definition
of Physical Education

Tyler G. Johnson
Lindsey Turner

n recent years the “physical activ-
ity movement” has captured the
attention of many physical educa-
tion and health professionals (Young,
2014). In K–12 schools this movement
emphasizes the importance of physical
activity for all children and youth, and it
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 15:19 10 June 2016

recommends multiple opportunities for

physical activity before, during and after
school that include but are not limited to
physical education, recess, activity
clubs, intramurals, interscholastic sports,
activ- ity breaks, and so on.
A distinguishing feature of the physi-
cal activity movement in schools is the
comprehensive school physical activity
program (CSPAP). Under the CSPAP Tyler G. Johnson Lindsey Turner
model, physical education teachers pos-
sess two primary responsibilities: (1) to
provide quality physical education and We would like to contribute to the
activity accumulation, other opportuni-
(2) to serve as the school physical activ- discussion about physical education and
ties for physical activity are needed to
ity leader or champion by planning and physical activity. At the outset, we also
help students achieve 60 minutes or
administering multiple opportunities for would like to submit that a structured
more of moderate-intensity physical
physical activity throughout the school physical education class taught by a
activity each day.
day. These two responsibilities have certified physical education teacher is
been labeled “physical education” and An assumption continues to persist
an important and necessary component
“physical activity,” respectively among some physical education profes-
to facilitate student learning. However,
(SHAPE America – Society of Health sionals that a focus on physical activity
physical education is not the only way
and Physi- cal Educators, n.d.). — rather than physical education —
students learn skills, knowledge and
For a brief overview, the physical thwarts efforts to promote student
dispositions pertaining to physical
education responsibility includes teach- learning in relation to each of the activity. Learning toward each of the
ing students a structured curriculum to SHAPE America National Standards National Standards — skill, knowledge,
help them acquire the skills, knowledge for K–12 Physical Education (e.g., physical fitness, character and apprecia-
and dispositions necessary to be “wise skill, knowledge, physical fitness; tion — does not take place exclusively
consumers” of physical activity SHAPE in physical education class. The
(SHAPE America, n.d.). Physical America, 2014; Blankenship, 2013; purpose of this viewpoint article is to
education em- phasizes “education” and Lund, 2013). Some argue, too, that a reconsider the definition of physical
“learning.” The physical activity physical education teacher’s primary education by highlighting the student
responsibility includes providing responsibil- ity should always be to learning that can and does occur by
opportunities for students teach physical education rather than to way of multiple opportunities for
to accumulate moderate, moderate-to- provide physical activity opportunities physical activity participation.
vigorous, or vigorous-intensity physical (Lund, 2013). At the heart of these First, we outline a philosophical
activity while on school premises. posi- tion of skill learning to emphasize
concerns is the notion that a structured
While participation in physical “how” students learn skills and why
curriculum taught by
education class can contribute toward acceptance
a certified physical education teacher is
student physical
always a requirement for learning.
8 Volume 87 Number 4 April 2016
of the physical activity movement can motivation and learning when they so on. Students can and do
contribute to students learning skills. have opportunities to experience a
Similar arguments for each of the other subject matter firsthand. Under
National Standards could be made, but Dewey’s per- spective, experience and
here we have chosen to focus on skills. practice outside of a structured or
Our reason for doing so is simple: Skill
formal class setting are important
competency is an integral component of
components of the educa- tional
becoming physically educated or physi-
enterprise, too. In this regard, there
cally literate (SHAPE America, 2014;
may not be a better advocate for the
Whitehead, 2010). Without skill, a stu-
place of physical activity in schools
dent is unlikely to acquire the confidence
than John Dewey.
and motivation to be physically active.
Gilbert Ryle, a 20th-century English
While all of the National Standards are
philosopher, coined the term “knowing-
important, many physical education
how” as another name for skill that
teachers would forfeit some learning or
recognizes it as a type of knowledge.
growth in one or more areas to promote
Ryle identified that the methods required
better skill learning (Arnold, 1991;
to develop “know-how” are quite
Kretchmar, 2005; Lund, 2013).
different from those required to develop
In the second section of this ar-
theory- based knowledge (a type of
ticle, we propose another definition
knowledge he referred to as “knowing-
of physical education — a definition
that”). The primary difference in the
that highlights the learning that can
methods relates to the opportunities
and does occur for students when
students receive to engage in the task at
they have opportunities to participate
in physical
Ryle described the difference by examin-
activity. According to this
ing how a child learns to play chess.
A teacher could offer theory lessons
“physical education” can occur when stu-
regarding the rules and playing strategies
dents engage in physical activity, which
to a would-be chess player, or the would-
makes it more synonymous with physical
be player could start playing chess and
activity than previously recognized.
learn by watching the moves of others
A Philosophy of Skill and through trial and error. To develop
Learning “know-how” or skill, Ryle emphasized
The purpose of this section is to the legitimacy of the latter of the two
outline a philosophical position that methods. He observed:
acknowledges the skill learning that oc- A child can learn chess without ever hear-
curs for students by way of participation ing or reading the rules at all. By watching
in physical activity, whether in formal or the moves made by others and by noticing
informal settings. Use of the term which of his own moves were conceded
and which were rejected, he could pick
“physi- cal activity” here refers to
up the art of playing correctly while still
participation in aquatics, dance, exercise,
quite unable to propound the regulations
games, outdoor recreation, play and
in terms of which ‘correct’ and
sport. The ideas of two philosophers — ‘incorrect’ are defined. We all learned
John Dewey and Gilbert Ryle — will be the rules of hunt-the-thimble and hide-
referenced to describe this philosophical and-seek and the elementary rules of
position. grammar and logic in this way. We learn
Much has been written about the role how by practice, schooled indeed by
of experience or hands-on learning in criticism and example, but often quite
education. Perhaps no one has addressed unaided by any lessons in the theory.
this topic more than John Dewey. It (1949, p. 41)
was Dewey who observed, “an ounce of Ryle’s analogy to chess applies
experience is better than a ton of theory” espe- cially well to physical activity. It
(1916, p. 144). Dewey recognized that should be noted that the teaching
learning occurs best when students referred to as “schooled indeed by
manipulate objects and interact with criticism and example” does not
their environment. While efforts to teach always have to come from a teacher.
theory surely have a place in education, Such teaching can come from a peer,
most students demonstrate increased an older student, an adult mentor, and
learn skills by way of insufficient for promoting “learning” physical activity. It may be
participating in the
actual activity and/or by
skill learning. Regular
experi- ence and practice
that some
of the best learning happens “inciden- Vi
observing oth- ers performing a skill remain tally,” when both teachers and students
participating without unmistakable least expect it. These are the opportuni-
having formal lessons in prerequisites for ties provided by the physical activity
the theory of the activity.
Physical education
teachers should never be
This philosophical
perspective also
movement that should be embraced by
all physical education teachers because
such opportunities have the potential to
ashamed that physical
activity partici- pation
suggests that structured
physical educa- tion
promote skill learning without an ex-
plicit focus on doing so. Most people we
allows for learning in this
more informal, action-
oriented way.
lessons taught by a
certified physical
education teacher are
know who possess skill became skilled
this way.
The only way to develop the “skill
From both not the only ways necessary to perform a variety of
philosophers — Dewey students learn skills. physical activities” is to participate in
and Ryle — we learn Skill learning oc- curs the activities on a regular basis in
that experience and for many students by variety of settings (SHAPE America,
practice are mandatory way of playing with 2014). Solely participating in a
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 15:19 10 June 2016

for acquir- ing skill or their peers, observing structured physical education class —
know-how. While others who possess a especially due to large class sizes and
listening to a teacher degree of skill limited instructional time
explain how to perform competency, and — is unlikely to lead to substantial
a skill or reading a book perhaps most skill learning, even when classes are
about how to do importantly by being taught by the best teachers. More
something can be helpful, authentically involved in opportuni- ties for physical activity are
these methods alone physical activity without better than a well-taught physical
remain grossly an explicit focus on education class

JoperD 9
alone, even if many of the velopment occurs. For program. For most students,

opportunities are informal. Students example, when a student however, a combination of

can and do learn skills in a variety of improves a motor or sport many types
other settings, too. skill or physical fitness, it is of opportunities for physical
appropriate to say that activity will be needed. The
A Second Definition of “physical education” has message is that “physical
“Physical Education” occurred, even if this learning education” can and does occur
Closely related to this philosophical or growth did not happen in a in many ways and by way of
position of skill learning is the definition traditional physical educa- many different types of
of physical education. The term tion class taught by a opportunities for physical
“physical education” can be defined in certified physical education activity participation.
two pri- mary ways. The first definition teacher. Physical education
identifies physical education as a class or teachers should be more
series of classes included in K–12 school concerned with students
curricula specifically designed to guide actually becoming physically
students toward becoming physically educated than with “where”
educated. or “how” it occurs. What
Nearly all professionals, students and matters is that a student
the general public refer to this definition experiences growth and
— physical education as a class — learning in each of the
when the term “physical education” National Standards.
arises in everyday communications. For some students,
The second definition, which is be- learning may be achieved
ing proposed here, identifies “physical more readily in a traditional
education” not as a class but as a process physical education class
or an occurrence. It is learning, growth taught by a cer- tified teacher.
or development in any of the National For other students it may
Standards with no reference to “where” happen in an after-school
or “how” this learning, growth or de- activity club or intramural
The first definition of physical education friends, peers, family members, adult
suggests that physical educa- tion ends when mentors, teachers, coaches, etc.).
school gets out for the summer or when a student When we adopt this definition of
graduates. According to the second definition, physical edu- cation, it supports the
however, physical education does not end with a idea that provid- ing a large quantity
formal class. It is an on- going process — a of physical activity experiences
lifelong journey before, during and after school is a
that includes acquiring a new skill in an legitimate way to help more students
intramural program, enjoying a mountain biking develop skill and ultimately become
ride with friends in an after-school activity club, physically educated. More
improving cardiorespiratory fitness during regular specifically, this definition challenges
activity breaks, and learning about and physical education teachers to assume
experiencing the benefits of yoga in a structured greater responsibility for being physi-
class. These are all experi- ences that define cal activity leaders or champions in
“physical education.” It is a continuous process the
that deserves and demands attention throughout school setting and to establish CSPAPs
life. A reasonable way to start this process is by in their respective schools.
offering students a large quantity of physical
activity opportunities before, References
during and after school as recommended by the Arnold, P. (1991). The preeminence of skill
physical activity movement. as educational value in the movement
Limiting the definition of physical education to curricu- lum. Quest, 43, 66–77.
Blankenship, B. (2013). Knowledge/skills
a class does not do justice to the “physical
and physical activity: Two different coins,
education” that occurs in many other settings. It is or two sides of the same coin? Journal of
not possible to know exactly when or where Physical Education, Recreation & Dance,
“physical education” will happen for students. It 84(6), 5–6.
can happen anywhere and in unexpected ways. Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and education.
New York, NY: Free Press.
There are many factors that influ- ence where and
Kretchmar, R. S. (2005). Practical
when a child is likely to experience “physical philosophy of sport and physical activity
education.” Some- times it happens better when a (2nd ed.). Cham- paign, IL: Human
teacher is present; sometimes it does not. Teach- Kinetics.
ers should remember that there can be formal Lund, J. (2013). Activity in physical
education: Process or product? Journal of
teaching without learning and learning without
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formal teaching. 84(7), 16–17.
Ryle, G. (1949). The concept of mind. New
Conclusion York, NY: Barnes & Noble.
While it makes sense for the profes- sion to Society of Health and Physical Educators.
(2014). National standards and grade-level
continue to define physical edu- cation in a
outcomes for K–12 physical education.
consistent way to the general public by using the Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
first definition, it seems appropriate for physical Society of Health and Physical Educators.
education professionals to consider and use this (n.d.). CSPAP: Comprehensive school
second definition of physical education in physical activity program. Retrieved from
professional dialogue and discussions. We invite
professionals to remember this second definition Whitehead, M. (2010). Physical literacy:
— that physical education is also a process or Through- out the lifecourse. New York, NY:
occurrence that happens in many places and in the Routledge.
Young, J. (2014). The physical activity
company of many different people (i.e.,
movement comes of age: Introduction.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation
& Dance, 85(7), 8.
Tyler G. Johnson (tylerjohnson6@boise is an associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology, and Lindsey Turner is a resea

10 Volume 87 Number 4 April 2016

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