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Adjective is used to describe noun, pronoun, place, animal or things specifically.

beautiful, pretty cantik, indah friendly ramah

handsome ganteng funny lucu, menarik
smart, clever pintar, pandai generous murah hati, baik hati
easy mudah honest jujur, terbuka
difficult sulit, susah polite sopan
strong kuat nervous gelisah, gugup,
weak lemah, rapuh selfish egois
tall tinggi shy pemalu
long panjang wise bijaksana
short pendek lazy malas
soft lembut, lunak popular, famous terkenal
well, known
hard keras, kasar stupid bodoh, kurang pintar
good bagus, baik easy going tenang, santai
bad buruk, jelek spoiled manja
cheap murah grumpy galak, marah-marah
expensive mahal stubborn keras kepala
brave berani small kecil
coward pengecut big, huge (size), giant besar
broke bangkrut delicious enak
important penting complicated sulit
real, true nyata, benar young muda
late terlambat old tua, lama
perfect sempurna new baru
happy senang sad sedih


1. Strong man
2. Soft bread
3. Clever student
4. Riany is a beautiful girl.
5. I think the exam was so difficult.
6. It’s easy to make a cup of tea.
7. Look, that guy is so tall.
8. Sorry, I am broke now.
9. Those kitten are so funny.
10. Mr. Kala is a generous man.
Complete this table!

beautiful, pretty friendly

handsome funny
smart, clever generous
easy honest
difficult polite
strong nervous
weak selfish
tall shy pemalu
long wise
short malas
soft terkenal
hard bodoh, kurang pintar
good tenang, santai
bad spoiled manja
cheap grumpy galak, marah-marah
expensive stubborn keras kepala
brave berani kecil
coward pengecut besar
bangkrut delicious enak
important complicated sulit
real, true nyata, benar young
late terlambat old
perfect sempurna new
senang sedih

Make 10 sentences using adjectives above!

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