Effective Teaching Techniques

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Negros Oriental
Bindoy II District
Bindoy, Negros Oriental


Pre-learning Activities

To enable teacher to build on students’ prior knowledge and identify misconceptions diagnostic
assessments are given to them. This is usually in a form of paper- pencil made test, interview and
questioning. KWL (What I Know, What I want to Know, and What I Learned) is also used to determine
students preconceptions and to generate questions for inquiry.

During Learning Activities

Teachers are responsible for ensuring that students achieve high levels of academic performance.
Realizing that every individual learn in a variety of ways, it is very important to provide them with a variety
of teaching strategies that nurture the diverse ways that students learn. A single lesson may utilize a
combination of strategies and not every strategy is appropriate for every situation. The following strategies
are done which has a positive influence on students’ achievement.

Collaborative Groupings . This includes dramatizations ( Kinesthetic Activities) to illustrate a

concept or process; problem-based learning (PBL); Jigsaw(small groups of students become experts on a
sub-topic and teach their findings to others); collaborative groups study together to master science
concepts; Laboratory exercises(groupings)and reciprocal teaching, where small groups of students read a
passage, a group leader summarizes and others add to the summary, the leader ask questions and other
answer, the leader clarifies or asks others and finally the group predicts what happen.
Manipulation technique. In this method, the skills of students are developed such as to operate an
apparatus. This also involves creating a drawing to illustrate a process, graphic organizer such as concept
map and a model or students move through learning stations with various materials relating to a concept.
Question and Answer. Questioning allows the development of critical thinking skills. It is interactive
and engages students by allowing them to share their ideas and thoughts. It also allow for ongoing
assessment of students understanding so that instructions can be adjusted to meet their needs. The Art of
Questioning is done in the following manner, cognitive level; randomize so all students are included; ask
more open-ended questions and increase wait time for students’ responses and, after incorrect responses,
allow time for reprocessing.

Post Learning Activities

To check for understanding and individual feedback, a formative assessment is given which is
usually done after given instructions. Summative assessment is done at the end of a unit and is used to
measure student’s understanding for scoring or grading. Traditional paper and pencil posttests are made
on this type of assessment. A performance tasks can be added for solving complex problems and
designing inquiry projects.

Prepared by: Approved by:


Teacher III Principal I

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