MBA 507 Business Communication: Jeta Majumder Assistant Professor Department of Marketing University of Dhaka

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MBA 507


Jeta Majumder
Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Fundamentals of Business
-Constructing Clear
Sentences and
Learning Outcomes
• Explain the role of adaptation in writing clear
sentences (LO-1)
• Write short, clear sentences by limiting
sentence content and economizing on words
• Design sentences that give the right emphasis
to content (LO-3)
• Employ unity and good logic in writing
effective sentences (LO-4)
• Compose paragraphs that are short and
unified, use topic sentences effectively, and
communicate coherently (LO-5)
-Clear Communication = choosing the right words + making clear
sentences + constructing clear paragraphs
-Adaptation to the intended readers is required for clear communication.
-Study readers (i.e. reader analysis)- readers like/dislike, knowledge,
thoughts and contexts.
-Use simple sentence structures for lower communication abilities.
-Use more complex structures for more verbal and knowledgeable
-Manage emphasis in sentences to stand the key points out.
The Importance of Adaptation
• To convey professional image,
expressing main idea and ordering
the sentence elements according
to grammar and logic will help.
• Aim below the level of your reader.
• Writing best communicates when
it does not tax the reader’s
• Easy-to-digest contents are one of
the most powerful strategies for
engaging and informing your busy
Using Shorter Sentences

• Too much information in one sentence clutters

thoughts and deters communication.
• Sentences should have readability.
• Readability – writer being able to communicate with
the average middle – level adult reader.
• Limit the sentence content: Two different types of
thoughts and ideas should be in two different
• Rule: Question a sentence that has more than 16-18
However Do Remember!!
• Do not overuse short sentences.
• Too much of it can give a choppy effect to readings and make it
sound immature.
• Occasionally use moderately long sentences.
• Increases reader interest and adds variety.
Care in Sentence Design:
How to Shorten & Simplify Sentences
• Two Basic Ways
– Limit Sentence Content: Mentally select different thought
contents and then make separate sentences for each.
– Economizing on Words: Finding shorter ways of saying
Example: Limit Sentence Content

Many consumers have expressed dissatisfaction with the relatively
high prices of the new Japanese cars, but this has not prevented
large numbers of people from purchasing these cars and pushing
sales higher than many automotive experts had forecast, thus
firmly entrenching the Japanese cars in a large segment of the
automobile market.

Entrench: establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is

very difficult or unlikely.
Example: Limit Sentence Content
Many consumers have expressed dissatisfaction with the
relatively high prices of the new Japanese cars. However, this
has not prevented large numbers of people from purchasing
these cars. This pushed sales higher than what many
automotive experts had forecast. The Japanese cars have thus
become entrenched in a large segment of the automobile

4 shorter sentences compared to one long

Economizing on Words
1. Cluttering Phrases: A phrase that can be
replaced by shorter wording without loss of
In the event that payment is not made by
January, operations will stop.
If payment is not made by January, operations
will stop.
Economizing on Words
Cluttering Phrases Shorter Substitutions
1. Along the lines of 1. Like
2. At the present time 2. Currently/Now
3. For the reason that 3. Because/ Since
4. For the purpose of 4. For
5. With regard to 5. About
6. In the near future 6. Soon
Economizing on Words
2. Surplus Words: Avoid words that add nothing to
sentence meaning.
He ordered desks that are of the executive type.
He ordered executive-types desk.

In the period between June and August we detected

the problem
Between June and August we detected the problem
Economizing on Words
3. Roundabout Construction: Direct ways are shorter
and help to communicate better.
Roundabout: The president is of the opinion that the tax
was paid.
Direct: The president believes the tax was paid.
Roundabout: During the time she was employed by the
law-firm, Donna was absent only once.
Direct: While employed by the law-firm, Donna was absent
only once.
Roundabout: The department budget can be observed to
be decreasing each new year.
Direct: The department budget decreases each year.
Economizing on Words
4. Duplications: Repeating words, unless
required for emphasis is simply redundant.
Our new model is longer in length, than the new
Our new model is longer, than the new one.

We should plan in advance for the future.

We should plan.
❑ Form sentences to communicate the importance of
each item.
❑ Not all items of information are equally important-
e.g. conclusion in a report or the objective in a
❑ Suggestions:
❖ Use Short Sentences for Emphasis
❖ Use Independent and Dependent Clauses
❖ Think Logically to Determine Emphasis
A. Use Short Sentences for Emphasis:
❖ Sentence length affects emphasis
❖ A short opening- get to the point quickly
❖ A short closing leaves the reader with an important
final thought
Openings: -Yes, your insurance is still in effect.
-Will you please send me your latest catalogue?
Closings:-Thank you again for your generous
- I’m looking forward to your presentation.
B. Use Independent and Dependent Clauses
When a sentence contains two or more ideas, the
ideas share emphasis.
If two ideas are presented equally, or coordinated (in
two independent clauses, for example), they get
about equal emphasis.
But if one idea is subordinated to other (for example,
in one independent clause and one dependent
clause), one gets more emphasis than the other.
a) company lost money last year and b) its sales volume
reached a record high.
1. a) The company lost money last year. The loss occurred
despite record sales. (giving equal emphasis by placing in
separate short sentences) or,
b) The company lost money last year, and the loss occurred
despite record sales. (joining them with ‘and’)
2. Although the company enjoyed record sales last year, it lost
money. (present two items in the same sentence with emphasis
on the ‘lost money’)
3. The company enjoyed record sales last year, although it lost
money. (present two items in the same sentence with emphasis
on the ‘sales increases’)
C. Think Logically to Determine Emphasis:
You can make items stand out, you can treat
them equally, or you can deemphasize them in
The choices are yours but what you do must be
the result of good, sound thinking and not
simply a matter of chance.
Giving Sentences Unity

For a sentence to have unity all the parts must

combine to form one clear thought/point.
Violation/Lack of sentence unity can be caused
by 2 problems:
1. Unrelated Ideas
2. Excessive details
Unrelated Ideas
Two or more ideas in one sentence is not
grammatically wrong, but they must have a
reason for being together.
1. The weather was unusually bad last month, and sales of B&H
products increased 12%.
Even though the weather was unusually bad last month, sales of
B&H products increased 12%.
2. Our production increased in January, and our equipment is
wearing out
Even though our equipment is wearing out, our production
increased in January.
Excessive Details
Putting too much detail into one sentence tends to hide the
central thought, and it also makes the sentence too long.
If the detail feels important then put it in a separate
Our New York offices, considered plush in the 1990s but
now badly in need of renovation, as is the case with most
offices that have not been maintained and thus
Considered plush in the 1990s, our New York offices have
not been maintained properly. As they badly need repair
we have abandoned them.
Word Sentences Logically
Illogically worded sentences occur due to the
following 3 reasons
1.Mixed Construction: Jumbling up tense, person,
numbers etc.
-Consumers should read the nutrition labels, but
you often don’t take the time to do so.
-Correct: Consumers should read the nutrition
labels, but they often don’t take the time to do
Word Sentences Logically
Mixed Construction:
-First we found less expensive material, and then
a more economical means of production was
-Correct: First we found less expensive material,
and then we developed a more economical
means of production.
Word Sentences Logically
2.Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers: Putting illogical
modifiers or giving them nothing to modify in the
Eagerly awaiting her birthday, Mary's presents
were all picked up.
Eagerly awaiting her birthday, Mary picked up all
her presents.
Hoping to excuse my lateness, the note was written
and given to my teacher.
Hoping to excuse my lateness, I wrote a note and
gave it to my teacher.
Word Sentences Logically
Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers:

Believing the price would drop, the purchasing

agents were instructed not to buy.
Correct: Believing the price would drop, we
instructed our purchasing agents not to buy.
Word Sentences Logically
3. Faulty Parallelism: Similarity in words, phrases, or clauses
that have similar functions in a sentence.
-Eating, sleeping & to dance are a few of my favorite activities.
Correct: Eating, sleeping & dancing are a few of my favorite
-The man walked down the street, stopped at a shop window,
and was fixing his tie.
Correct: The man walked down the street, stopped at a shop
window, and fixed his tie.
Word Sentences Logically
Faulty Parallelism:

-They show their community spirit through yearly donations

to the United Way, giving free materials to Habitat for
Humanity, and their employees volunteer at local

Correct: They show their community spirit by donating

yearly to the United Way, giving free materials to Habitat
for Humanity, and volunteering at local schools.
Word Sentences Logically
Faulty Parallelism: If you format your series as a bulleted
list, you still need to keep the items parallel.

The branding standards include

-the approved logos
-a style guide
-using the approved color palette
-how to redesign existing materials
Correct: This bulleted list has much better parallelism:
- The approved logos
- A style guide
- The approved color palette
- Instructions for redesigning existing materials
Care in Paragraph Design
• Paragraphs show the reader where topics
begin and end, thus helping the reader
mentally organize the information.
• Strategic paragraphing also helps make certain
ideas stand out and achieve the desired
response for the message.
Care in Paragraph Design
• Suggestions to use paragraphing to achieve
best advantage:
1. Give Paragraphs Unity
2. Keep Paragraphs Short
3. Make Good Use of Topic Sentences
– Topic sentence First
– Topic sentence at the End
– Topic sentence within the Paragraph
4. Leave Out Unnecessary Detail
5. Make Paragraphs Coherent
Giving Paragraphs Unity
• When applied to paragraph structure, unity
means that a paragraph sticks to a single topic
or idea.
• Make sure to realize after finishing a
“Everything in this paragraph belongs
together because every part concerns every
other part.”
Giving Paragraphs Unity
Example: Violations of Unity
•At the university, I studied all the basic accounting courses as
well as specialized courses in taxation, international accounting,
and computer security. I also took specialized coursework in the
behavioral areas, with emphasis on human relations. Realizing
the value of human relations in business, I also actively
participated in organizations, such as Sigma Nu (social
fraternity), Alpha Kappa Psi (professional fraternity), intramural
soccer, and A Cappella. I selected my elective coursework to
round my general business education. Among my electives were
courses in investments, advanced business report writing,
financial policy, and management information systems. The
enclosed resume provides a complete list of my business related
Giving Paragraphs Unity
Example: Violations of Unity
•At the university, I studied all the basic accounting courses as
well as specialized courses in taxation, international accounting,
and computer security. I also took specialized coursework in the
behavioral areas, with emphasis on human relations. Realizing
the value of human relations in business, I also actively
participated in organizations, such as Sigma Nu (social
fraternity), Alpha Kappa Psi (professional fraternity), intramural
soccer, and A Cappella. I selected my elective coursework to
round my general business education. Among my electives were
courses in investments, advanced business report writing,
financial policy, and management information systems. The
enclosed resume provides a complete list of my business related
How to Make Paragraphs Coherent
Show coherence through repetition of key words:

• Before buying plants you should know which varieties

are adapted to your area. Adapted varieties usually
are sold by local nurseries.
• Preferably you should state the problem in writing.
Stating the problem this way is good for many reasons.
How to Make Paragraphs Coherent

Show coherence through the use of pronouns

• If you think Mr. James is most interested in the

conclusion, begin with the conclusion. A direct
beginning will permit him to make his decision
without delay. If he has confidence in your work,
he may not choose to read beyond this point.
How to Make Paragraphs Coherent
Show coherence through the use of transition words:

• The promotion failed for two reasons. First, we

had very little preparation time. Second, we were
extremely short of experienced salespeople.
• For three years we had no funds for maintaining
the equipment. As a result, we have suffered a
succession of breakdowns.
• They built the building on the site that had been
filled. Consequently, the foundation cracked.
Paragraph Design

• Put one idea or topic in one paragraph

• Introduce a new idea into the next paragraph
• Construct shorter paragraphs for better
• Good practice- question a paragraph that is
longer than 10 lines
• Paragraphs should be coherent.
• Remember- to have an intro, a middle and an
ending to your writing.
• Using Economical Wording:
• 1. In view of the fact that we financed the experiment, we
were entitled to some of the profit.
• 2. We should see the prime lending rate increase in the near
• 3. I will talk to him with regard to the new policy.
• 4. Sales can be detected to have improved over last year.
• 5. We purchased gloves that are lined with wool.
• Wording Sentences Logically:
• 1. Because the Swift Company has a service-oriented
culture is the reason it supports all forms of
• 2. Our staff is among the best as we strive for the
highest level of customer service.
• 3. you can volunteer to help with publicity, set up,
clean up, or you can bring refreshments.
• 4. after talking to our user testers, it is clear that we
need to revise the device.

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