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Level II |


1. homo, homeo uniform, similar

homogeneous uniform in composition
There is no separation of materials in a homogeneous solution
homeothermic maintaining a constant temperature, warm-blooded
The internal temperature of a homeothermic animal Such as a
horse remains the same in different external temperatures

2. poly many, a large number

polymer amolecule composed of many simple units
A protein is a polymer that is composed of amino acid units
polymorphic exhibiting more than one form
A molecule that exists in several different structural forms 1s
called polymorphic.
3. syn, sym together; union; association
synthesize to produce one product by uniting two or more
Proteins are synthesized by the union of large numbers of amino
synergist a substance that maximizes a reaction
Enzymes increase the rate of a chemical reaction because they
act as synergists.
4. photo light
phototropism movement toward or away from light
When a green plant grows toward a light source, it exhibits
positive phototropism.
photosensitive reacting to light
Some chemical reactions occur during the day, because they are

5. phobia abnormal fear, aversion

hydrophobia abnormal fear of or aversion to water; scientific
name for rabies
Dogs suffering from rabies exhibit hydrophobia.
claustrophobia abnormal fear of confined areas
People suffering from claustrophobia often do not like to enter
elevators or closets.

as oor ee. a

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VOCABULARY Bo mee SS = = =
- a es _-

rate (nm) fixed quantity; speed

em ic al re ac ti on s wi th in a ce ll is co nt ro ll ed by th e
The rate of ch

2. mass (nN) a quantity or aqqreqate of matter, the measure of the

amount of matter a substance contains
T h e ce ll is a n o n h o m o g e n e o u s mass of solids, semisolids, and
3. organelle (n) a specialized cell structure
e o r g a n e l l e s w i t h i n th e ce ll ar e li ke o r g a n s w i t h i n th e b o d y
surface (n)_ the exterior or upper boundary of an object or body
Chemical reactions occur on the surface of some organelles.

Vocabulary Exercises
Exercise |
Choose a definition in Column B for each word part
in Column A.

_ A. époly A. light

_ 2. SYM B. after

_ ss 3. Homo C. together

__—s 4.:«sphobia D. water

5. photo E. similar

F. aversion
G. many.

Exercise II
From the list below, choose the word that matches each
definition on page 86.

homogeneous phototropism polymorphic

polymer hydrophobia synthesize

synergist homeothermic claustrophobia

Level! Il Chemistry I 85

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toward light

aversion te water

- gigvetaoreny

exhibiting many fons


Keeping at onstant temperature


Exercise Ill
Using your knowledge of the +
unit. choose the core: t defini!

A. many ferms
Bp similar structure
Cc. different forms

A. similar to water
B. movement toward water
C. aversion to water

A. feeding together
B feeding on other animals
Sc. feeding alone
_ pnotocy ithesize
A. to produce using light
B. to produce without light
C. to destroy using light
A. attracted to light
B. fear of light
C. together with light

Exercise IV
Give the word tor each detinit

1. asubstance that maximizes areachor

2. the extenor of an Object

3. alived quantily

88 Level! 11 Chemistry |

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4. aspecialized cell structure —_ :

5. a quantity of matter

The cell is not a homogeneous mass. It is divided into smaller
Structures, called organelles. Various biochemical processes
take place at the same time within an active cell. Each
process involves a series of complicated chemical reactions.
The cell synthesizes large polymers from Simple molecules.
These simple molecules are called precursors of the complex
molecules. The large molecules synthesized by the cell are
characteristic of living organisms and necessary for life.
They are classified as proteins, polysaccharides, nucleic
acids, and lipids. The total synthetic processes of the cell are
known as cellular anabolisim.

Anabolism is not the only cell activity. In addition to synthesis,

the cell is also capable of breaking down large polymers to
simple compounds. The breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and
proteins produces energy which is utilized by the cell. The end
result of the breakdown processes is the opposite of
anabolism and these processes are called catabolic
processes. Nevertheless, the set of chemical reactions leading
to the synthesis of a substance is not simply a reverse of the
chemical reactions which lead to the destruction of the same
substance. In addition, anabolic and catabolic processes often
occur in different cell organelles. The anabolic and catabolic
processes are dependent on each other because anabolic
reactions utilize the energy released by catabolism. All the
chemical processes occurring in the cell are known
collectively as cellular metabolism. The substance involved in
a chemical process is called the metabolite.
Each cell organelle is adapted to the conditions needed for a
specific chemical reaction. For example, some organelles are
adapted for photosensitive reactions: others for surface
reactions. There are also cell structures which provide the
nonpolar environment required for hydrophobic reactions.
The activities of the cell are controlled so that they take place
at an appropriate rate in response to changes in the
environment. The cell is able to respond to changing

Level II Chemistry | 87

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environmental conditions by adjusting the rates of catabolism
and anabolism. The cell controls the movement of metabolites
within and between various cell organelles. It also regulates
the movement of materials between the cell and the

Reading Comprehension Exercises

Exercise |
Select the correct answer.

1. The main idea of this selection is _ a

A. the origin of the cell C. cell disorders
B. different types of cells D. chemical activity within a ce!|

2. Which compound is not synthesized in the cell?

A. lipids C. polysaccharides
B. amino acids D. nucleic acids

3. Which statement about cells is true?

A. Only one reaction occurs C. Anabolic and catabolic
at a time. reactions occur at the same
B. Only photosynthetic time.
reactions occur. D. No energy is required for

4. All the synthetic processes of the cell together are called

A. anabolism C. metabolism
B. catabolism D. photosynthesis
5. The rate of chemical reactions _
A. is fixed C. always increases
B. changes as the D. always decreases

environment changes
6. Catabolism is defined as the _
A. breakdown of large C. release of energy by the cell
molecules D. destruction of energy by the
B. synthesis of large cell
7. A hydrophobic reaction will not occur in
A. alcohol C. daylight
B. cell organelles ‘D. water

8s Level II Chemistry |

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8. Anabolism is detined as the

A. breakdown of large C. release of energy by the cell

molecules D. destruction of energy by the
B. synthesis of large cell

9. Small structures within the cell are called

A. metabolites C. precursors
B. organelles D. anabolites

10. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Catabolism is the same C. Cell activities are not
as anabolism. regulated.
B. Polymers are precursor D. The cell is not homogeneous.

Exercise [I
Answer each of the following questions briefly.

1. List two ways in which the celi responds to changes in its

2. List two ways in which organelles are adapted to specific chemical
reactions. EEA
3. Give two ways in which anabolism differs from catabolism.

Level [1 Chemistry | 89

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