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; | Cj Ww I - si Students’ Book 5 amb — Beau Michael Harris * David Mower O3HaKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - ba Contents Hy ca FI = 6 FJ l ra slates’ ra A You 6p.45) ey Words: Counvet Word Builder Nationalities Grammar: tobe Key Expretsoni: Meeting eopl: The alpha Your Fay (p. 6-7) Key Words: Numbers/ Family Months Grammar: Subject pronouns /pessessve ajecves, {© Your assoom np.) KeyWords: lascom Objects Word Builder: Pra nar: Pronunciation: a Grammar Prpotons of pice D Your School pp. 10-1) Key Word: Soa Subjects Telingthe ime Gammar:Inperaives objet pronouns E Your Roam (p. 12) Key Words: Bedrooms / Colours Grammar: this, that. these, those F Your Photos (p13) Key Words: Apperance. Grammar: Arties Sentence Bulle: Simple sentence Unit/Page Language Skills Get Ready (pp. 14-15) Key Words: Interests, Listening: Personal information / interests Speaking: Your interests, 1 No Limits: Key Words: Abilities Grammer: can (ability) ‘Reading: Disabled Arlists Pronunciation: can ~ weak/strong. (op. 16-17 Sentence Bue ord/but Speaking: You abies, 2 Your sis ‘Word Builder: Verb-nosn collocatons Reading: A cuestionnaie Listening: An intevew (on 119) Grammar: Question words Speaking: Answeringa questionaire Pronunciation: Questions 3 Meeting Key Words: Opinion adjectives Reading and Untening: The halen tory (pp 20-29) fey Expressions: Opinions Waiting: form Bl ssugy Commer 19.22) Study lp: Vocabilary books Get Ready (p23) Key Words: Sport and Berise listening: Bercseatice 4. Sport Fashion Key Words: Appearance and thes fading: Th: New Fashion Medes (pp. 24-25) Word Builder: Compound nouns ‘Speaking: Game Grammar: hove glo ot Sentence Builders end 5 Food fr Sport Key Words Food and Ovink Reatlng and Ustening: Sport and Diet (on 25-27) Grammar: Fosesve's Pronunciation: [2 iz! Speaking: Favourite food dink 6 the Pak ading and Listening: The Chologes story (op. 28-29) Key Expressions: Asking how things are. Writing: & text message [Bl cross cutures 1 fading: National Sports tistening: rtewienssten Cosel): ‘pp 301) onions. Pronunciation: 7 Speaking Sports favours Project: A spots postr stuéy Corner 2(0. 32) Stuy bel: the Picture Dictionary Get Ready (p38) Key Words obs /Adjecivs, Sy Site vane Gk Gpesareg Gane 7 Fie Faves ey Word: outres Reading: Fire Fer (pp 3435) Grammar resent imple (1 and 2) Pronunciation: 2, 2! Sentence siler: Tie clauses speaking: Your routine 8 Sate Fist Grammar: resent Simple 3) ead: Stet Fist Listening: Safety Speaking: Your routine (on. 35-37, Sentence Builder: Exess wth evry 9 The Amusement Fark Key Words: Feelings Sentence Builder: verbs of Reading and Libtening: The Challenges story (op. 39-39) prelerence + noun ng Ney Exresion: Preferences Wat: A veport Study Corner 3 (p. 40) ‘Study help: Classroom Language 1 et Ready (41) ey Words: Paces, 40 Free Time Grammar: Adverbs (1) (pp. 42-43) ‘Sentence Builder: Position of adverbs: ‘Grammar: there ilthere are with somelany Reading: Milerium Point Listening: Tourist information / survey Word Builder: Mult-part verbs ‘Speaking: Places in your area 22 Going Out Key Words: Places Reading and Listening: the Challenges story Key Expressions: Aking for (pp. 46-47) Sentence Builder: fst and then ‘and giving diections Writing: A note with dzections IE] ‘Across Cultures 2 Reading: School Days Listening: A British school day Listen Closely: [pp 48-49) unstressed words / sounds: /V and [:/ Project: Poster ~My Ideal School Day Study Corner 4(p.50) ‘Study help: Classroom Language 2 ‘Get Ready (p 51) Key Words: The Weather Lstening: Weather report Speaking: Weather in your country 13 imate Key Words: Seasons Word Builder: Nours/ Reading: The World's climate [pp 52-33) adjectives Grammar: Courtatlefuncountable Speaking: The climate in your country rouns Sentence Bullder: why and because 14 Tomado! Grammar: Present Continuous Reading: News programme Listening: News programme [pp 54-55) Sentence Builder: Pronoun reference Speaking: Idenity game 45 nthe couniry Word Builder: Containers Reading and Listening: the Challenges story pp. 56-57) Key Expressions: Shopping writing: A postcard ‘Study Corner 5 (p. 58) ‘Study helo: Learning words O3HaKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - Unit/Page Language skills Get Ready (p58) Key Words: Transport listening: Travel Speaking: An expedition 16 Apollo 12 Key Words Space. Grammar: wadnere Reading: The Apolo 13 mission Fy) ee e061 Word Builder: ed adjectives Speaking: Yestery £59) 17 wolorers Key Words: Years Listening: Narco Polo ~ years Reading Marco Polo story = ‘rarmmar: Past Simple (1 ard 2) “Speaking: Your hclidays Pronunciation: -e endings Fl) 1a og Sentence Builder: Past ime clases Reading and Listening: The Challenges story Sy, op. 64-55) Key Expressions: Suggestions Writing: A short note [ Se Across cultures 3 ‘Reading: Welcome tothe UK! Lstenirg: Inleriew ~ British gil in Spain el) (00. 66-07) Listen closely: Contractions ronunchation: /6/ and /0/ Project & poster ~My county I study Commer 6 (p.68) Study help: Homework Get Ready (p. 9) Key Words: TV Prosrammes Listening: TV programmes Speaking: A questionnaire F3) 19 Lost Weck on TV Grammar: Pest Simple Aeading: TV review Sy (op.20-79) Word Buier: dan ing adjectives Speaking. Your weekend 5) 20 hat shows ‘Grammar: Past Simple (4 Reading: Chat show intervews listening: Fim quiz Ey (09.72-73) Speaking Film stars Lage) 21 The Rescue Sentence Builder: then and afer Reading and Listening: The Challenge story on. 74-75) Key Expressions: ‘skng how people are Writing: An emai study Comer 7.76) Study help: Orgarising grammar et Ready (9.77) Key Words: Helping Listening: Helping Speaking: A questionnaire 22 Change the Worlé! Grammar: Comparatves Reading: Teonage Campaigners (0 78-79) Speaking: Compare places = 23 Animatsin anger Key words: Adjectives Grammar: Superlatives listening: Animal descrptions Reading: Animals n Danger Co e0-31) sentence Bulder: vith Speaking: A quiz IY) 2 Asma ceive Key Words: Animals Reading and Listening: The Challenges story Key Expressions: Roques pp. (2-83) ‘Writing: An short note [2 ad) Across Cultures 4 ‘Reading: UNICEF leaflet Ustening: interviews with helpers {op 6-95) listen Closely: Contractions. Fronunciation: /a/ and e)/ Frojec: A teatlt : Study Comer 8 (. 86) ‘Study help: Clssoom Language 3 Get Ready (87) listening: Spot teams Speaking: A questionnaire 25. Science Olymgiac™ Reading: Science olympia™ Rus (or. 8-05) 26 Group ofthe Century Grammars Adverbs 2) Reading: The Beatles Listening: Song — Helo, Goodiye (op. 50-31) ‘Word Builder: Nake qouns rom verbs Sentence Builder: Postion of adverbs 27 Teamwork Reading and Listening: The Chlergs story (on. 22-53) ey Bcresions: Warning!Cngratultirg, Weng: Congrtuiations note study Comer 9 (p. 94) Study help: Working in groups Get Ready (p. 95) Ustening: Fun activites Speaking: The Yunco-meter 28 Summer Holidays Key Words: Holidays Reading and Listening: Holiday Plans. Speaking: Your holiday (on. 96-37) Grammar: going to Sentence Bilder: Future time clauses 29 Wocky Festival Grammar: Fossessive pronouns Reading: Festivals. Ustening: Dialogues (op. 90-39) Speaking: Personal information 30 arty Tine Reading and Listening: The Challenges story (op. 100-101) Key Expressions: Invitations imitation IE ‘Aeross Cultures 5 Key Words Celebrations New Year Celebrations Listening: New Yer in Scatend (op. 102-10) lia listen Cesey: expresions/ word sires pater New Year at home Poster ~ Festiva I Study Comer 10 (p. 104 Study help: Revising for exams Student A Activites (. 105) [B= For your portotio Student B Activities (p. 196) Time Out! (p.107-117) Ficture Dictionary (pp.118-128) (Questionnaire answers, Factor Fiction answers, lregular verb list (p. 128) O3HaKOMHTeAbHasA KOonHS - Warm-up 1. Country Quiz Match the countries with the flags. 2 Copy and complete the Word Builder with the countries and the nationality adjectives. Argentinian, Australian, Canadian, French, Greek, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, British, American Tean/-ian Argentina — Argentinian 2-ish +3 -ese 4 others 3 Now listen and check your answers. O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - Reading and Listening @A4_ Read and listen to the dialogue. Complete the sentences with nationality adjectives. Liam: Amy: Hello. Hi. My name’s Amy. What's your name? Liam. Nice to meet you. re you 1 British 2 No, I’m not. I'm 2 Where are you from? 'm from New York. Ah, you're 3 Yes, 1am. And is your friend American? No, he isn’t. Tom's 4. ‘And your friends? They're not Australian. Mark and Tania are 5. Liam: Amy: : Wow! We're really international here! Grammar: to be 5 Look at the table with your teacher. Affirmative E ‘ 1 ’m (am) He/She/it *s (is) from New York. WelYou/They re (are) Negative = 1 ’m not (am not) He/she/it isn’t (is not) Australian. We/You/They aren't (are not) ‘Yes/No Questions ‘Short Answers 4 Am | Yes, | am. No, I'm not. Is he/she/it trish? Yes, he/ __No, he/she/ she/itis. it isn’t. Are we/you/they Yes, welyou. No, we/you they are. they aren’t. Wh- Questions _ a fe .. What is your name? (What's your name?) Where are you from? What nationality is she? Practice & Complete the information about the people from Exercise 4 with is, isn’t, are or aren’t. 1 Amy #4 British. She Australian. 2 Mark and Tania Australian. They Irish. 3. Liam American. Tom American — he Canadian. 1 Use the words to write questions. Example 1 What is your name? is / your name? / what you / are / from the UK? you / from? / are / where you /a student? / are are / nationality / your friends? / what wawne Write answers for the questions in Exercise 7. Example 1 My name's... 9 Look at the Key Expressions and complete the dialogue. My name’s Amy. What's your name? Nice to meet you. Where are you from? A: Hi B: 1_Hello__ My 2 ’s Andy. 3 ’s your name? A: Simon, 4 to meet you. B: 5 are you from? ‘A; London, and you? B: I'm from Birmingham! Your Turn 10 Invent a person. Think of the things below. Work in pairs. Act out a dialogue like the one in Exercise 4. name country and nationality ‘© where friends are from @11 Read and listen to the alphabet. Then listen and write down the names, Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee [ai (CCR lec! | Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx NUS S74 Example 1 Liam 12 Spelling Test Work in pairs. Choose five words and test your partner. Example A: Spell Greece’. B: GR double E CE A: Correct! O3HAKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - Warm-up 1 Look at the Key Words. Put the numbers in the correct order. Then listen and check: G) Key Words: Numbers sixteen, eighty, forty, eleven, seven, one hundred, nineteen, thirty, five, seventy, ten, four, fifteen, twelve, seventeen, two, six, fourteen, nine, one, sixty, three, cight, thirteen, eighteen, twenty, fifty, ninety 3 —> Picture Dictionary, page 118. Look at the Key Words. (| Key Words: Family aunt, brother, cousin, daughter, father, grandfather, granddaughter, grandmother, grandson, husband, mother, nephew, niece, sister, son, uncle, wife 4 Look at the family tree. What are the family relationships? Tom/Mary — Aushand— wife Lisa/Anna Mark/Michael John/Mark Tom/Anna Mary/Mark Lisa/Monica Anna/Mark Anna/Monica LIT wearvanawna Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the people in the family tree. ‘Example ‘A: How old is Michael? B: He's forty-one. ‘Anna (13) Reading and Listening GE _ Read about the people from the family tree. Who are they? 1 My wife is sixty-two. Our son, John, is thirty- nine. His children are Anna and Mark. They are thirteen and fifteen, __ O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - @2_ Pronunciation Look at the Word Builder. Listen to the numbers. Can you hear a) or bj? a) thirteen 13 bj thirty 30 four 4 a)fourteen 14 b) forty 40 five 5 a)fifteen 15 bj fifty 50 six 6 a)sixteen 16 bj sixty 60 seven 7 a) seventeen 17 __b) seventy 70 a) eighteen 18 bj eighty 80 a) nineteen 19 b) ninety 90 Jobn (39) Michael (41) Kathy (37) Mark (15) Moniea (/3) 2 1am thirty-seven. My husband is thirty-nine. ifteen. jeen. Monica is a good friend — we are cousins. She’s thirteen. Her dog is great. Its name is Sam. It is old — about ten. 4. Mark is my cousin. His sister is called Anna. Their mother and father are my aunt and uncle Mv favaprite grandmother ic called Man renglis| Grammar: Subject pronouns/ possessive adjectives 7 Look at the table with your teacher. 1am thirty-seven. My husband is thirty-nine. “You are fifteen. ‘Your name is Mark. He is thirty-nine. His sister is Kathy. ‘She is thirteen. Itis about ten. Weare The are iy Practice 8 complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. 1 I'm thirteen and ty brother is sixteen. 2. They are brothers. sister is at university. 3. We're cousins. grandmother is eighty-four! 4 How old are you? And how old are parents? 5 She’s a new student. brother is in a different class. 6 He's my cousi father is my favourite uncle! 9 Look at the Key Words. Write the missing numbers. Then listen and check. Example Fourteenth 10 Look at the Key Words. Order the months. Then listen and check. Listening GM Look at the calendar and listen to the people from Exercise 4, Write the names ‘on the calendar. AUGUST | a ji 3) | Mw 7 i iy = 2 oa B, t js = a aw Bs Your Turn 12 write a list of birthdays in your family. Example My dad — on the first of June. ‘13 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your family. Example A: How old is your dad? B: He's forty-two. When's his birthday? B: it’s on the first of June. O3HaAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - C Your Classroom Warm-up ramale (Q| Key Words: Classroom Objects 1 Work in pairs. Look at the A: What's number one bag, bin, blackboard, book, bookshelf, box, Key Words. Match them in English? CD player, chair, cupboard, desk, dictionary, with the objects (1-23). B: Window. door, DVD player, pen, pencil, plant, poster, ruler, television, video player, wall, watch, window O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - 2 Complete the Word Builder with plurals. Grammar: Prepositions of place 6 Look at the pictures with your teacher. Ais between B and C. Practice 'T Look at the picture on page 8 again. Complete the sentences with prepositions. 3 Pronunciation Listen to the sounds. Put the words in the correct groups. Then listen p wont 1. Two books are the desks. eee 2 The bag is the chair. 1 books /s/ 2 chairs /z/__| 3 classes /uz/ 3. The bin is the cupboard. aye 4 Five dictionaries are the bookshelves. 5 The blackboard is the window and the cupboard 6 The video player is the cupboard 7 The dictionaries are the boxes 4 What's in your classroom? Write a list. of chalk. earn 8 The plantis the window. 1 television, 15 desks, 4 posters Your Turn 5 Game work in pairs. Flay this memory game. 8 Game Think of an object in the classroom. A: four books ‘The others ask questions and guess the object. B: four books and five DVD players erie A: four books, five DVD players and ten chairs ioe Sige eee : Is it in the cupboard? 8: Yes, it is. O3HaKOMHTeAbHAaA KOnHS - D |Your School Warm-up 1 Look at the Key Words. Match them with the symbols (a~i). Example al science 2 What are your three favourite subjects? Tell the class. Example My favourite subjects are maths, science and art. Reading 3 Look at the timetable. Write these times. Example a) 12.30 a) half past twelve _b) three o'clock ¢) quarter past two d) five past three e) quarter to twelve) ten to four 8) cleven o'clock hh) ten to ten @4 Listen and repeat the times and days. 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the timetable. Example A: What time is history on Wednesday? B: It’sat eleven o'clock. Listening QE Listen to the teacher and put her instructions in the correct order. [1 a) open your books. 4) Don't stand up. ©) Sit down, (2) 4) Look at the photos. C. @ don't look at your books. CO £) Read the dialogue. C1 &) Close your books. C1 fy) Write three words. Grammar: Imperatives ‘T Look at the sentences with your teacher. as Don’t sit down. 9.00 | English | English | science | french | Maths 943, 9.50 | History | French | English | Maths | History 1035 1035 break 7100] Maths | Geography | History | English | Geography 1145 1150| French | Geography| Maths | Science | English 1230 72.30, lunch 145] science | Physical | Art Music | Physical 15.00 education education 10 45.05 | science | Physical | Art music | Phil O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS -

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