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4 Managing Saved Interactive Reports 3-37

3.5.5 Managing Interactive Report Subscriptions 3-37
3.5.6 Viewing Activity Reports 3-37
3.5.7 Viewing Page Views 3-38
3.5.8 Viewing Top Users 3-38
3.6 Using a Packaged Apps Only Workspace 3-38
3.6.1 What Is a Packaged Apps Only Workspace? 3-39
3.6.2 Requesting a Packaged Apps Only Workspace 3-39
3.6.3 Signing In To a Packaged Apps Only Workspace 3-39
3.6.4 Using the Packaged App Page 3-40

4 Managing the Application Life Cycle with Team Development

4.1 Accessing Team Development 4-2
4.2 Team Development Home Page 4-2
4.3 Tracking Features 4-3
4.3.1 Viewing the Features Report 4-4
4.3.2 Creating a Feature 4-4
4.3.3 About Feature Email Notifications 4-5
4.3.4 Updating or Deleting a Feature 4-6
4.3.5 About Creating Parent Features 4-6
4.3.6 How to Attach Files to a Feature 4-6 Attaching a File to a Feature 4-7 Viewing, Editing, and Removing Attached Files 4-7
4.3.7 Viewing Other Feature Reports 4-8 Viewing the Features Tree 4-8 Viewing the Features Calendar 4-9 Viewing The Feature History Report 4-9 Viewing the Feature Progress Log 4-10 Viewing the Feature Focus Areas Chart 4-10 Viewing the Approval Statuses 4-11 Viewing the Feature Owners Chart 4-11
4.3.8 Assigning or Updating Milestones Associated with Features 4-11
4.4 Tracking Milestones 4-11
4.4.1 Viewing the Milestones Report 4-12
4.4.2 Creating a Milestone 4-12
4.4.3 Updating or Deleting a Milestone 4-12
4.4.4 Viewing Other Milestone Reports 4-13 Viewing the Milestone Calendar 4-13 Viewing the Milestones By Owner Report 4-13 Viewing the Features by Milestone Report 4-14

4.5 Tracking To Dos 4-14
4.5.1 Viewing To Dos 4-14
4.5.2 Creating a To Do 4-15
4.5.3 Updating a To Do 4-15
4.5.4 Managing Files Attached to a To Do 4-15 Attaching a File to a To Do 4-16 Viewing, Editing, and Removing Attached Files 4-16
4.5.5 Viewing Other To Do Reports 4-17 Viewing the To Dos Calendar 4-17 Viewing the To Do Progress Log 4-17
4.6 Managing Bugs 4-18
4.6.1 Viewing Bugs 4-18
4.6.2 Creating a Bug 4-18
4.6.3 Editing a Bug 4-19
4.6.4 Managing Files Attached to a Bug 4-19 Attaching a File to a Bug 4-19 Viewing, Editing, and Removing Attached Files 4-20
4.6.5 Viewing Other Bug Reports 4-20 Viewing the Bug Calendar 4-20 Viewing the Bugs By Developer 4-21 Viewing the Bugs By Day 4-21
4.7 Managing Feedback 4-22
4.7.1 About Feedback 4-22
4.7.2 Adding Feedback Using the Create Application Wizard 4-23
4.7.3 Adding Feedback Using the Create Page Wizard 4-24
4.7.4 Submitting Feedback Within a Running Application 4-25
4.7.5 Reviewing Feedback Within an Application 4-25
4.7.6 Configuring Feedback Within an Application 4-26
4.7.7 Tracking Feedback Team in Development 4-26 Accessing the Feedback Report in Team Development 4-26 Viewing Feedback by Filing User 4-27 Viewing the Feedback Calendar 4-28
4.8 Managing Team Development Utilities 4-28
4.8.1 Accessing Team Development Utilities 4-29
4.8.2 Configuring Team Development Settings 4-30
4.8.3 Viewing a Release Summary 4-31
4.8.4 Managing Feature Utilities 4-31
4.8.5 Renaming Focus Areas 4-31
4.8.6 Downloading File Attachments 4-32
4.8.7 Purging Data 4-32
4.8.8 Managing News Entries 4-33

4.8.9 Managing Links with Workspace Members 4-33

5 Creating Websheet Applications

5.1 Creating a Websheet Application 5-2
5.1.1 Creating a Websheet from App Builder 5-2
5.1.2 Creating a Websheet Application from a Running Websheet 5-3
5.2 Copying an Existing Websheet Page 5-4
5.3 Running a Websheet 5-4
5.3.1 Running a Websheet from the App Builder Home Page 5-5
5.3.2 Running a Websheet from the Application Home Page 5-5
5.3.3 Determining a Websheet URL 5-6
5.4 Editing Page Details 5-6
5.5 Understanding Websheet Properties 5-6
5.5.1 Editing Websheet Properties 5-7
5.5.2 Websheet Properties 5-7 Websheet 5-7 Details 5-8 Logo 5-8 Style 5-9 Authentication 5-9 Authorization 5-10 SQL 5-10
5.6 Deleting a Websheet Application 5-11
5.7 Viewing the Websheet Dashboard 5-11
5.8 Monitoring Websheet Activity 5-11
5.9 Controlling Websheet Access 5-12
5.9.1 How Websheet Access Works 5-12
5.9.2 Specifying the Access Control List Type 5-13
5.9.3 Creating Access Control List Entries 5-13

6 Creating Database Applications

6.1 About the Create Application Wizard 6-2
6.2 Understanding Page Types, Features, and Settings 6-4
6.2.1 About Creating a New Database Application 6-4
6.2.2 Available Page Types in the Create Application Wizard 6-5
6.2.3 Available Features in the Create Application Wizard 6-6
6.2.4 Available Settings in the Create Application Wizard 6-8
6.2.5 About Removing Features Created with the Create Application Wizard 6-8
6.3 Creating a Database Application Based on a Table or Query 6-9

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