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Euthenics 1

Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission

This module contains the vision and mission statement of AMA University
Online Education.

To become the pioneer of the first full quality online education in the
Philippines, catering to anyone who wishes to advance their careers and to
obtain their diplomas, by continuously learning anytime and anywhere.

“AMA University Online aspires to provide an equally holistic, relevant,
accurate, quality and globally-recognized IT-based education encompassing
all levels and discipline to be delivered fully through an easily accessible
online platform for any hopeful learner from anywhere in the Philippines and
abroad with the aim to unveil and foster the potential of future professionals
and leaders responsive to the needs of science and the international
community thus realizing their worth as productive members of society for
the honor and glory of God Almighty.”
 To provide quality undergraduate courses relevant to the students’
future careers as practitioners of their chosen degree for the further
advancement of society. 

 To develop free, accessible, engaging and challenging educational
materials such as supplementary videos, course modules and
examinations to aid the learners in their constant pursuit of

 To establish an online community encouraging frequent and effective
communication between the mentors, instructors, the students and
the helpdesk. 

 To provide relevant subjects and lessons and distribute them through
a single online portal. 

 To produce globally competitive graduates who will be professionally
competent, morally upright, and socially responsible contributors to
national development. 

Course Module

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