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Module: Linear Programming

At the end of this module, you are expected t0:

1 Understand the concept of linear programming.

2. Determine the essentials of linear programming.
3. Formulate equation associated with linear programming.

Linear Programming
It consists of methods for solving optimization problems with constraints
which is a method used for finding the maximum (or minimum) value.
It is also referred to as linear optimization

Essentials of Linear Programming Models

1. Limited resources: Labor ,material equipment and finance must have a limited number
2. Objective: The purpose is to optimize(maximize profit and minimize cost)
3. Linearity: Increase in labor input must be proportional to labor output
4. Homogeneity: It is assumed that products, worker’s efficiency and machines are
5. Divisibility: Resources and products are assumed to be divided into fractions

Properties of Linear Programming Models

1. The relationship among decision variables must be linear.

2. An objective function must always be present in a linear model. It states whether to
maximize or minimize.
3. Constraints pertaining to resources are essential.
4. Constraints must be nonnegative.

Formulation of Linear programming

Course Module
Objective function
It is identified and converted into a suitable objective function.It represents the aim or
goal of the system which has to be determined from the problem. Generally the objective in most cases
will be either to maximize resources or profits or to minimize the cost or time.

When the availability of resources are in surplus there will be no problem. In real life,
organizations to be formed normally have scarce resources within which the job has to be performed in
the most effective way. Therefore, problem situations are within confined limits in which the optimal
solution to the problem must be found.

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals
1. Richard Aufmann ,Joanne Lockwood ,Richard Nation ,Daniel Clegg ,Susanna S.
Epp;2018;Mathematics in the Modern World;Manila ,Philippines;Rex Bookstore,Inc
2. Susana S. Epp;2011;Discrete Mathematics:An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
;Brooks/Cole ;Cengage Learning

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