Research3. Yang Table

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This chapter overseen the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered by the
researchers of 11-10 Humanities and Social Sciences students. This study aims to determine
which of the two teaching strategies differ among the data and information gathered. The
researchers applied data analysis using tables to how the frequency and percentage of all the
data. Present data were studied and documents were examined to answer the questions
communicated in the statement of the problem. The table shown below is arranged according to
the sequence of specific questions.

Table 1.1 Numbers of Respondents

Education Frequency Percentage

HSU Students 27 60%
COLLEGE Students 18 40%
TOTAL 45 100%

Table 1.1 Show the number of respondents from the Higher School and College students from
the University of Makati. Accordingly, 27 students are from the Higher School of the University
of Makati which constitutes a percentage of 60 and college students which constitutes a
percentage of 40.

Table 2.1 Traditional way of teaching is more successful the compared to modern way of
teaching data analysis.


Totally Disagree 11 40.74% 0 0%
Somewhat 2 7.41% 6 33.33%
Don’t Know 2 7.41% 4 22.22%
Somewhat Agree 3 11.11% 4 22.22%
Totally Agree 9 33.33% 4 22.22%
Total 27 100% 18 100%

Table 2.1 Shows the table on the question about “Traditional way of teaching is more successful
compares to modern way of teaching.” There are 27 respondents from the Higher School of the
University of Makati and 18 respondents from the College students. 11 students answered for
totally disagree with a 40.74 %, 2 students answered somewhat disagree with 7.41%, 2 students
answered don’t agree with 7.41%, 3 students answered somewhat agree with a 11.11%, 9
students answered totally agree with 33.33%.
From the college students, o answered for totally disagree with a 0%, 6 answered somewhat
disagree with 33.33%, 4 students answered don’t know with 22.22%, 4 students answered
somewhat agree with 22.22% and same as totally agree answered by 4 students with 22.22%.

Table 2.5 What teaching style is best for today’s students?

HSU Frequency Percentage College Percentage

Traditional way 11 40.74% 5 27.78%
of teaching
21st century way 16 59.26% 13 72.22%
of teaching

Table 2.5 shows the table of the data analysis on the question “What teaching style is best for
today’s students?” There are 27 respondents from the Higher School of the University of Makati
and 18 respondents from the College students.

11 students answered Traditional way of teaching with a 40.74% and 16 answered 21st century
way of teaching with 59.26% from the Higher School students. 5 answered Traditional way of
teaching with 27.78% and 13 answered for 21st century way of teaching with a 72.22% from
college students.

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