How Uptown Bpo Can Be An Outclass Outsourcing Company Without Failure?

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FARHAN ALI (2021127)

MARIA AKHTAR (2021128)

VAQAS RIAZ (2021130)




In developing countries like Pakistan we are in intense need for entrepreneurs and opening an Business
Process Outsourcing company helps to fill this Gap, this was the bold step taken from the CEO of
UPTOWN BPO. Basically UPTOWN BPO is a Calling center which does telemarketing in Developed
countries like UK, USA etc.

The company was developed by the two friends who worked together in an insurance company for 10
years and after gaining enough experience about marketing and consumer behavior both friends
decided to open their own business, for this they chose business process outsourcing industry .

They opened a company by the name of UPTOWN BPO since 2016. But the question Arises here that
after 5 years of continuous business why it not a flourishing company. After five years why UPTOWN
BPO is not able to increase their profit ? why they are still cooping the break-even point of their balance

Lets take a brief insight of the company and industry

If we do the industry analysis of BPOs then we will come to know that this is a tax free industry, due to
which it is easy for new companies to enter in this industry and this situation cause a perfect
competition in the industry and if the company is not able to sustain its customer then the customer
have advantage to switch the company easily.

Lets have a light on the SWOT analysis on the company.


UPTOWN BPO have following strengths


 Large no. of talented graduates

 Strong customer base of well known companies
 Highly skilled, English-speaking workforce
 Due to being an IT company so the government is treating it in a tax free zone
 It is a virtual company so no fatigue of extra cost
 The employee have to manage the basic infrastructure which make it cost free


 Scare foreign language skill other than English.

 Lack of customer service culture.
 The cost of telecom and network infrastructure is much higher in Pakistan than
in the US.
 Cultural difference.
 Due to a virtual company so there is a problem at managing and controlling


 Innovation of latest technology.

 IT sector is booming.
 In the consultancy area they can open new opportunities
 In the emerging technology areas like cloud computing so this can also be a
cost free service
 If there is a physical place then it will be more easy to control or monitor the
employees and it will generate more business then the current situation


 Political instability.
 Pakistan's competitors in Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Asia.
 Slowdown in the US economy.
 High Billing Rates
 What if the industry is know more tax free
 What if the company drop down from Break-even point to loss.


The market share of BPO is USD $ 3.3 million according to finance division of Pakistan.
Due to immense development of this industry it is expected to increase but UPTOWN
BPO do not share a significant market share in the industry.
The service offered by the company are to be a trust worthy marketing partner whom
offers an insurance services for sales and marketing in following fields

 Solar leads generation

 Auto insurance
 Auto warranty
 Health insurance
 Final expense
 Mortgage
 Medical supplement lead generation
 Durable medical equipments
 Home security leads
 Medical billing
 Transcription

The company is capturing its clients through its website

and its services are famous among the countries like USA & UK.
Although the company’s major business is generated through the word of mouth that
its previous clients do for it.

The financial state of the company is not remarkable because the company only meets
its cost through the turnover generated. The infra-structure of the company is not such
outclass which doesnot indicate a good representation of the financial affairs of
company. As discussed before the company s not generating a remarkable amount of
profit even the company is on its break-even pint after the corona pandemic and

Because of been a private limited company there is no such representation or

development of financial data is available through annual reports.

The company is a virtual based set up. So there is no proper HR personnel but the
company works on different projects through hiring proper teams and a team manager
is appointed to take the charge of the team. In addition to this the owners of the
company monitor and guide the team leaders.

The vision behind the setup of UPTOWN BPO is to provide best solutions, values,
comfort and reliability to the customers.

While the mission of the company is to be a world-class entrepreneurial, diversified, and

socially responsible growth company that provides high-quality value-added services for
our clients.

Following are some of the objectives that company follows

 The company practice ethical business values

 The company focus on long term business commitment through integrity
 The company believes to develop a client relationship through loyalty, trust and
 They believe on been good partners through good words

In addition to this the company also face the problem of employee retention and due to this
the company bears a high cost on training and development of employees and when the
employee left the job the company starts the process of recruitment again.

The overall condition of the UPTOWN BPO is not that remarkable. It is facing financial crisis,
HR problems along with the problems in sustainability. The company is in serious need of

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