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We were able to get an amicable agreement after an hour and a half in the one I as the
major had considered all the possible outcomes in terms of benefits to the island residents,
trying to keep the native young residents in the island, as well as having the fisherman also
employed in the time the Cruise was anchored because they had to wait for four days after
the cruise departure to fish because of the potential health hazards, also trying to get
improvements in the infrastructure of the island such as the community college that was
under consideration, and also trying to align with the interest of the Island Queen cruise to
get a mutually respectful and beneficial agreement since due to the international maritime
law required that any agreement to remain in force for six years following its adoption.

The following table shows the initial BATNA for each party and the final agreement:

Number of Length of Number of

visits per visits passengers Other Interests / Agreement
Year (days) per day
Preserve the environment, not to become crowed with
visitors, obtain money for infrastructure, a plan to retain
Major 3 1 300
young talent in the island and a way to employ the
fisherman while the cruise stays near the island.
Increase demand of cruise ship passengers, profit while
Captain 12 4 1,100 preserving the island environment, exclusivity for the
Island Queen company
- The cruise would help/finance the infrastructure (starting
with restrooms), then will collaborate with the Community
- The cruise company will develop a carrier development
plan for the young talented people from the island
(consisting in giving them a job at the cruise company and
Final also use them as the tourist guides to their home island)
8 2 500
Agreement -Fisherman to be hired to move the passengers from the
cruise to the island in their boats
-The cruise company will charge a reasonable fee to their
passengers for disembarking in the Island (fee to be used
to finance part of the infrastructure needs and a way to
mitigate the fisherman losses due to the lack of fishing
caused by the cruise´s visit).

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