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Alekszandr Chip

Two years ago, there was a kid named Pablo. He lived in Mexico in a very dangerous district. He
had a group of friends and he liked to play outside with his group of friends, then when they
were playing they were a dead woman, they were very afraid of what's happening except Pablo
he wasn't afraid of what's happening, he was angry because of the woman that died. Pablo
wanted to take revenge on the guy who killed this woman, Pabo asked his friends if they
wanted to take revenge, they didn't want to take revenge so Pablo was the only boy from the
group of friends to take revenge on the guy. Pablo trained very hard and he became stronger,
after two months he was ready to take revenge. So he started asking people if they know some
killer, one man answered his question, then Pablo knew where the killer was. Pablo found the
killer and he started to fight, the fought was more than one hour and then the killer stabbed
Pablo with a knife. the killer asked "any last words kid? " Pablo said, " you will go to hell." So
sadly Pablo died.

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