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Househol Househol

d income d income
in in
thousand thousand
s of s of
married unmarried
153 72 t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances
23 28
40 26 H0 there is no significant diff between income of married a
57 76 H1 there is significant diff between income of married and
24 89
24 72 Household income in thousands of married
137 40 Mean 69.8148148148148
70 159 Variance 4493.07977207977
28 37 Observations 27
109 117 Hypothesized Me 0
23 17 df 44
21 34 t Stat -0.479122516136733
135 115 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.317112092551636
272 47 t Critical one-tail 1.68022997657212
20 33 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.634224185103273
60 41 t Critical two-tail 2.01536757444376
13 22
24 58 P value is greater than 0.05
213 92 hence we accept the null hypothesis
19 21 therefore there is significant diff between income of ma
59 544
32 35
35 39
22 103
134 240
20 19
118 20
equal Variances

ficant diff between income of married and unmarried household

nt diff between income of married and unmarried household

Household income in thousands of unmarried


t the null hypothesis

is significant diff between income of married and unmarried households

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