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Opus Deo Dignum

S.Y. 2020-2021

SUBJECT:Introduction to Philosophy of the Human PersonINSTRUCTOR:

Student’s Name: Marc Jeryl Inting Time Start:
Grade Level: 12 Time End:
Date: Quarter: 1

Activity Number
I. Content Standard: The learner understands the interplay between humans and their
II. Objectives:
a. Explain the concepts of anthropocentrism and eco-centrism;
b. Reflect on the urgency of protecting and preserving our environment;
c. Write a slogan on how can we protect and preserve our environment.
III. Materials
a. Blue or black pen
b. MS Word
c. Printed worksheet
IV. Procedures / Instructions
 Answer the question(s). Use your book and the information in the online discussion in
answering the question. Additional information is encouraged.
1. Explain the concept of anthropocentrism and eco-centrism. Give an example on how they
Concept Example

Anthropocentrism is human-centered or 1. Culture

the valued the most or valued 2. Mind
first are humans. 3. Human
An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15
4. Global /technology
5. Human over/against

Eco-centrism It is nature-centered where 1. Wild

eco 2. Nature
system is valued first. 3. Nature/cosmos
4. Ecology against

2.Why is it that there is urgency in preserving our environment? Explain

Since our planet is in the skirt of decimation brought about by the human toxins and carbon impressions
that influences nature. In return, nature makes catastrophes that influence human lives hence, it is
earnest to protect our current circumstance to keep up and bring back the equilibrium in our planet.

3. Create a slogan that promotes on how can we preserve and protect our environment and
explain on the space provided.
The slogan making shall be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Overall presentation…………………..15%

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15
An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15
Opus Deo Dignum
S.Y. 2020-2021

“Plant trees, Flooding will decrease” Is the slogan that I made to promote the planting of trees to
prevent heavy flooding when disasters come. Planting trees to prevent flood to cut down the
casualties and damages resulted from heavy floods. If all people will at least plant 1 tree each it
will bring a big change in our world so continue planting trees.

SUBJECT:Introduction to Philosophy of the Human PersonINSTRUCTOR:

Student’s Name: Marc Jeryl Inting Time Start:
Grade Level: 12 Time End:
Date: Quarter: 1

Activity Number

I. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding ofthe basic concepts freedom
based on philosophical views.

II. Objectives:
a. Explain the philosophical view of freedom;
b. Reflect on the significance of responsibility in exercising one's freedom; and
c. Write a story on what is the personal definition of freedom.

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15
III. Materials
a. Blue or black pen
b. MS Word
c. Printed worksheet

IV. Procedures / Instructions

• Use your book and the information in the online discussion in answering the question.
Additional information is encouraged. PRACTICEPARAPHRASING.
• Explain the essay questions, before you begin writing, read the passage carefully and
plan what you will say. Your essay should be as well organized and as carefully written
as you can make it.
• The essay shall be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Originality----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 pts
Content ------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 pts
(Substance, creativity and relevance to the central idea)
Craftsmanship----------------------------------------------------------------------3 pts
(Use of the language)
Total----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 pts
1.How freedom is defined using a Philosophical view? Explain
In Philosophical view, freedom is a perspective. In Aristotle's Intellectual Freedom it is about the
explanation and will for and activity to drive out with one another. Thomas Aquinas' Love of freedom
comprise of fourfold arrangement of law. His otherworldly freedom states about how we have our heart to
direct us in our activities. Jean Pauls' Individual freedom is considered as a delegate of existentialism is
about our longing to exist.

2. Why should we surrender some of our rights and freedom to the state according to the concept
of social contract theory?
Since implicit understanding set up good and political principles that one must follow and have equivalent
rights. By this, freedom won't be manhandled and it will make request with the end goal for us to keep up
the harmony and equilibrium.
3.Are we really free according to behaviorists' perspective? Explain
No, on the grounds that we are molded only with our current circumstance and guaranteed we have no
unrestrained choice except for our conduct is resolved based by the occasions we have experienced
from quite a while ago.
4.Do you agree with the concept of Freedom of Jean Paul Sartre? Explain

Indeed, it is genuine we shape ourselves by the decisions we make due to our freedom.
However long we hold our own freedom we are what we pick or do.

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15
5.What is the significance of responsibility in exercising freedom?

Practicing freedom is practicing knowing the constraints of our freedom so that it won't be
mishandled and keep everything set up and balance since it is likewise for our own great and for
the others.

6.Write a 10 sentence story that illustrates your own definition of freedom.

In a kingdom, all people is managed by a very wise king. He was very wise with his decisions and
management even when he talk. There was a foreigner who broke a rule in the kingdom. He was
imprisoned by the guards. One day the king visited the foreigner, he said that he will be given 2 chances
with 3 choices to choose what is the true freedom. The first one is he can do whatever he wants on the
kingdom but he cant go outside. The second choice is he can go outside the kingdom but he is restricted
on doing things and the last one is death. The foreigner chose the first one, after a day he did all things
he can do in the kingdom and nothing can make him happy anymore. He chose the second one later on
but he didn’t last a day saying he cant even pee without permission. He later realized that only death can
release all constraint in him because life itself is a constraint, either not doing or doing anything will make
you suffer and the only freedom is if you were released on those constraint and later ask for the king’s
permission to execute himself.

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15

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