Hyper Panda Company Owns The Largest Retail Chain in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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     Hyper Panda company owns the largest retail chain in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
and the Arab Republic of Egypt, and millions of customers visit it every year. So,
because of that it becomes everyone’s direction. So, we went there to observe some of
the tasks and we noticed that there were a lot of ergonomics hazard, so we came up
with this problem statement. The increase of the amount of work gives a high
percentage of the ergonomic hazard’s occurrence. By reducing the ergonomics hazard,
it will improve productivity and efficiency and reduce the costs associated with
insurance.  A high-risk injury such as low back injury sometimes needs a surgery that
costs around $1600 per one employee which happens a lot in this field, and it will affect
the company if that happens continuously. The proposed solution is by applying safety
methods which are RULA, Borg scale, NASA Task load index and Recommended
weight limit, which help to propose a solution for the ergonomic hazards. 

Our objective in this project was Studying the ergonomic hazards in the
workplace. and applying the safety techniques which will be explained in the next slides.
And Make survey and send it to as much as possible to help for data collection, finally
Search for similar problems that has been solved in other companies.

In the data collection we used three techniques such as survey, observation and
document collection. In the workers part we didn’t have any people that we know to
send out online survey to the worker to answer it, so we went to Hyper Panda and
started to observe different tasks that the worker does usually such as lifting boxes and
we took notes about their postures. On the other hand for customer part we did both
observing and online survey, in the online survey we noticed that more than the half
faced injuries on their low back due to awkward postures, and about the half who faced
some injuries in their upper body due to lifting heavy objects, also we asked the people
about their satisfaction of the arrangement of the product and the majority were ok with
it, but there were some dissatisfactions about the arrangement. And for the document
technique we search to similar problem that face other companies.

The recommended weight limit is the maximum acceptable weight (load) that
nearly all healthy employees could lift over the course of an 8-hour shift without
increasing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) to the lower back but we didn’t
do this technique for the customer because this technique deal with 8-hour shift. In this
slide iam going to give you an example about RWL. A worker was assigned to arrange
the boxes with weights of 7Kg each in the shelves, the worker was injured from the low
back because of the lifting task.

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