Recommended Weight Limit For The Worker

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Recommended weight limit (RWL) for worker:

For this technique, we are going to identify seven variables to calculate the
RWL then we are going to calculate Lifting index (LI). The seven variables are:
 LC, Constant level = 23Kg
 HM, the Horizontal Multiplier factor = 25/H
 VM, the Vertical Multiplier factor = (1-0.003 |V-75|)
 DM, the Distance Multiplier factor = (0.82+4.5/D)
 FM, the Frequency Multiplier factor = From table
 AM, the Asymmetric Multiplier factor = (1-0.0032A)
 CM, the Coupling Multiplier factor = From table
Recommended weight limit equation  RWL=HM∗VM∗DM∗FM ∗AM∗CM
Lifting index equation LI =Weight of theobject /RWL
Hence: If LI<1, no risks for low back, if LI>1, risks for low back will occur for some workers, if
LI>3, high risks for most of workers.
Example 1:
A worker was assigned to arrange the boxes with weights 7Kg in the shelves as can be seen
from the figure below the worker was injured from the low back because of the lifting task, so
we are going to calculate the RWL and LI to see the risk level for the worker.

Figure#: Lifting task for the worker.

- LC= 23Kg
- HM = 25/H, Where H is the distance between hands lifting and midpoint between
ankles 25/40 = 0.625 cm
- VM = (1-0.003|V-75|), where V is the vertical distance of the load from the floor  1-
0.003|185-75|= 0.67 cm
- DM = (0.82+4.5/D), where D is the vertical travel between origin and destination
0.82+4.5/50 = 0.91 cm
- AM = (1-0.0032A), where A is the angle of torso twisting 1-0.0032*80° = 0.744
- FM = 0.55, from FM table
- CM = 1.0, from CM table
RWL = 23 * 0.625 * 0.67 * 0.91 * 0.744 *0.55 * 1 = 3.59
LI = the weight of the object / RWL  7 / 3.59 = 1.95
From the example above some of the workers will face a risk from this task so, it must be
redesign like putting a platform under the worker or a small stair.

Recommended weight limit for customers:

In this step we are going to do the same thing that we did in RWL for the worker but
with different task.

 LC, Constant level = 23Kg

 HM, the Horizontal Multiplier factor = 25/H
 VM, the Vertical Multiplier factor = (1-0.003 |V-75|)
 DM, the Distance Multiplier factor = (0.82+4.5/D)
 FM, the Frequency Multiplier factor = From table
 AM, the Asymmetric Multiplier factor = (1-0.0032A)
 CM, the Coupling Multiplier factor = From table
Recommended weight limit equation  RWL=HM∗VM∗DM∗FM ∗AM∗CM
Lifting index equationLI =Weight of theobject /RWL
Hence: If LI<1, no risks for low back, if LI>1, risks for low back will occur for some workers, if
LI>3, high risks for most of workers.
Data collection analysis:
In the data collection we used two techniques such as survey and observation. In the
workers part we didn’t have any people that we know to send out online survey to the worker
to answer so, we went to HyperPanda and started to observe different tasks that the worker
does usually such as lifting boxes and we took notes about their postures. On the other hand
for customer part we did both observing and online survey, in the online survey we noticed that
more than the half faced injuries on their low back due to awkward postures, and about the
half who faced some injuries in their upper body due to lifting heavy objects, also we asked the
people about their satisfaction of the arrangement of the product and the majority were ok
with it, but there were some dissatisfactions about the arrangement.

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