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Grammar Test

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. _____ did Farrah spend at the supermarket yesterday?

o How money
o How many money
o How much money

2. '_____ a black coffee, please.' 'Certainly, sir.'

o I like
o I'd like
o I do like

3. I want to make a salad, but I don't have _____ tomatoes.

o much
o some
o any

4. '_____ some bread with your meal?' 'Yes, please.'

o Do you like
o Would you like
o You like

5. _____ teeth should an adult have?

o How much
o How many
o How any

6. It's lunchtime. Would you like a drink and _____ sandwiches?

o a
o some
o any

7. _____ a day is good for you.

o Many apples
o Some apple
o An apple

8. Claude and Marc _____ travelling by train. They love looking out of the window at the
o are like
o like
o would like 

9. There isn't _____ petrol in the car.

o much
o a lot
o many

10. We need to buy _____ when we're at the supermarket.

o two pastas
o some pastas
o some pasta

11. Are there _____ nice cafés in the centre of Lisbon?

o some
o a
o any

12. Everyone knows that _____ good for you.

o vegetable are
o vegetables are
o vegetable is

Vocabulary Test
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. You clean your teeth with _____.

o adaptors
o toothpaste
o chocolate

2. 'Do you want four or six pens?' 'Six is too many. Four is _____.'

o enough
o all
o too much

3. I need some _____ for my camera.

o deodorant
o scissors
o batteries

4. 'This pen is nice. It's £25.' 'That's _____. I don't want to spend that much.'

o too much
o better
o too many

5. 'What can I get you?' '_____ a coffee, please.'

o I'd like
o Give me
o I want

6. Which word has this stress pattern ooO?

o adaptor
o chocolate
o magazine

7. You can buy _____ at the stationer's.

o envelopes
o plasters
o aspirin

8. Which pair of words have the same stress pattern (Ooo)?

o pens / pencils
o sellotape / envelope
o shampoo / scissors

9. It's a good idea to wear _____ when you go to the beach in summer.

o pencils
o suncream
o shampoo

10. What is the stress pattern for 'notebook'?

o O
o Oo
o oO

11. 'Here's your coffee. Would you like anything _____?' 'No, thanks.'
o sort
o else
o only

12. I haven't got anything to write with. Can I borrow your _____?

o deodorant
o pen
o magazine

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