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Estas son las 20 oraciones propuestas en el ejercicio de escucha. Espero que hayas
obtenido los mejores resultados, en caso contrario vuelve a intentarlo, poco a poco vas a
poder lograrlo.

1. My sister was brushing her teeth five minutes ago.

2. Brenda and Steve were in a restaurant yesterday.

3. This morning, we were talking while walking.

4. Today my son's helping me with the computer.

5. I was calling you for 2 hours last night.

6. You were sleeping while I was on the phone.

7. Susan was walking her dog with her boyfriend two days ago.

8. A month ago, my neighbors were washing their car.

9. I was studying English last year.

10. My brothers were planning a trip to Europe last week.

11. Kelly was a gardener, but nowadays she’s a doctor.

12. The other day, we were feeling sad, but today we’re happy.

13. Miguel was writing his book since last year.

14. Last class, we were learning and practicing English for two hours.

15. How long ago was Gina smoking yesterday afternoon?

16. My friends were at the cinema yesterday while I was at the mall.

17. I was trying to open the door of my house for two hours.

18. Right now, Clark is reading the news but he was taking a shower 20 minutes ago.

19. How long were you driving last night?

20. You were practicing your listening for some minutes.

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