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University Christian Church

The Caller
2007 University Avenue/ Austin, Texas 78705/ 512-477-6104

Volume 64 October 2010 Number 10


We in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) African-American, historic peace churches and
don’t often use the word “creed” in a positive ethnic language immigrant churches to cast
light. Most often you’ll hear it imbedded in the this new and better vision.
phrase, “no creed but Christ.” Recently we
We churches of the United States have a
found an important exception to this tendency.
message of hope for a fearful time. Just as
102 years ago a fledgling organization known the churches responded to the harshness of
as the Federal Council of Churches recognized the early 20th century industrialization with a
that while churches focused their energies on prophetic ‘Social Creed’ in 1908, so in our
the spiritual dimension of life that many of the era of globalization we offer a vision of a
material and psychological aspects of life society that shares more and consumes
commingle with the spiritual. Representing a less, seeks compassion over suspicion and
broad swath of American Christianity they equality over domination, and finds security
spoke of changes needed in our nation in order in joined hands rather than amassed arms.
to honor the worth of each soul as the For most of the month of October I will
Bible teaches. So, for example, they be using this Social Creed of the 21st
called for the abolition of child labor; Century as the foundation for a series
for one day off of work a week; for of sermons on October Sundays
some provision for the old age of (except Oct. 17th). If you have ever
workers and those incapacitated by
wondered how your Christian faith
injury. Those don't sound so bold to us
might best be lived out in this often
these days. We take these for granted.
unjust world, you will want to be present for
But in its day it was visionary, and the Social
each of these. If you would like to read ahead
Creed focused the energies of Christians to
or find more information on the Social Creed of
bring about this kind of positive social change.
the 21st Century please go to
We are the beneficiaries of their sharing of
division and working together to bring it about. creed/. – Pastor Kutz-Marks
We stand now one decade into the 21st
century and once again the churches of the
United States of America have joined together Inside the Caller
to cast a vision. Now the National Council of Pastor’s Message p. 1
Churches of Christ (whose Exec. Director,
Prayer Ministry; Blood Drive; Website p. 2
Michael Kinnamon, graced our first UCC
Forum on immigration) presents for our On Christmas Night p. 3
common reflection and commitment what is Committee Spotlight; Congregation News p. 4
being called a Social Creed for the 21st Classes; Outreach p. 5
century. We in the Christian Church (Disciples Lectionary; Deacon/Elder Schedule p. 6
of Christ) joined with 34 denominations of Monthly Calendar p. 7
Protestants, Orthodox, evangelical, Anglican,
Dates to Remember p. 8
page 2 The Caller


A new prayer ministry is beginning at UCC in late The Blood Center of Central Texas needs to
September. Dr. Glenn Haluska is leading a group collect hundreds of blood donations each day
that both studies and practices a method known as to meet community needs. By donating blood
Centering Prayer. Though ancient in its origins, and understanding that life is in your hands,
Centering Prayer has a growing following of you are helping to ensure that this life-
Christians across many denominational lines. This sustaining blood is available whenever you
contemplative approach is described by its or a loved one needs it. Last year 25 people
participants as expanding “our awareness of God participated in the NXNW- sponsored Blood
whom we know by faith is within us, closer than
Drive and 21 lifesaving blood donations were
breathing, closer than thinking, closer than choosing
-- closer than consciousness itself.”(The Method
Centering Prayer by Fr. Thomas Keating) The NXNW Neighborhood Group will again
Centering Prayer is being practiced in the Nordan be sponsoring UCC's Annual Blood Drive
Chapel at UCC at noon on Wednesdays. You are Sunday morning, November 7. The Blood
most heartily welcomed to join in this gathering and Center of Central Texas Bloodmobile will be
invite others to come with you. We are in hopes that parked in the church parking lot from 9:30 to
scheduling the sessions at this time will make it 1:00 p.m. NXNW members will be available
more available to the students, faculty, and staff at in the Narthex during October to sign up
the University of Texas. Contact Glenn or Pastor those wishing to donate blood.
Chuck or learn more at the ministry’s website at:

WEBSITE ADVANCES UCC MINISTRY Website Visits The Communication Council takes an active role in
12,000 updating the UCC website to make it relevant to the
community. The website now receives more than 10,000
Returning Views
New Visitors
hits per year. While the majority of the visitors are from
the Austin area, the site receives views from many
Website Views

6,000 English-speaking countries, including the United

Kingdom, Canada, India and Australia. Since tracking of
the site began in 2007, there have been site visits from
96 countries. Locally, there is much interest in the
0 wedding ministry and sermons. Internationally, there is
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Year Ending Sept 1 also interest in the online sermons. This summer, 140
visitors investigated the Disciples Student Fellowship on
our website. In the past year, the Communication
Council has launched a Facebook site for the
church that also includes audio of Sunday
messages. While traffic to the Facebook page has
grown, the main website has still been a significant
part of our church’s Internet presence and ministry.
Currently, the website is difficult for the staff and
members to update. The Communications Council is
looking to upgrade the site to be more useful and
easier to administer. If you are interested in joining
the Communication Council in this exciting ministry
World Website Views 2007-2010 please contact the church office. – Ron Anderson
October 2010 page 3

Preparations continue for the world premiere of On Christmas Night by celebrated British choral
composer Bob Chilcott. Mr. Chilcott will be our guest for the final rehearsals and to conduct the
premiere’s two performances on December 12, 2010, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.
The work is a sequence of music and readings for the festive season which combines new
arrangements of well-known and well-loved carols with some newly-composed Christmas carols. It
was commissioned by and written for University Christian Church, thanks to a generous bequest from
the Estate of Roy Cates, and the work will be in memory of Dr. Lawrence W. Bash, Senior Minister at
UCC from 1949 to 1959.
In addition to the performances, we will have several wonderful opportunities to visit with Mr. Chilcott.
Question and answer sessions with this engaging and well-known composer are scheduled 45
minutes prior to both performances, with receptions following both performances in the fellowship
The music for On Christmas Night is lovely. The choir has begun rehearsing it, and the
choreographer has begun her work on the choreography for the dancers and pageant participants.
The Endowment for Creative Ministry has graciously and generously agreed to support the
advertising of the performances. Advertisements will appear in the fall concert programs of
Conspirare, Chorus Austin, and Round Rock Community Choir, and arrangements are under way for
announcements of the On Christmas Night performances to be made on KUT. An On Christmas
Night poster has been provided to the baroque ensemble La Follia for placement at their performance
venues, and performance information has been sent to the Austin chapter of the American Guild of
Organists for inclusion on their community performances calendar. Additional advertising will be
placed as the fall goes on. Substantial outreach is being made to the Austin and area Disciples
congregations, the Micah 6 congregations, and the Austin and Round Rock schools, and an
advertisement for the performances has already appeared in the program for the recent Texas Choral
Directors Association convention in San Antonio, which was attended by 2,500 people.
While he is in Austin, Mr. Chilcott will conduct a clinic with middle school choirs from Austin and
Round Rock, including students from the choirs of Letty
Schram and Carol Hopkins. The choirs will have learned
two of his pieces for youth choir, and he will rehearse those
pieces with them. He will also work with composition and
theory students from the arts magnet high schools in Austin
and Round Rock.
Tickets for the performances of On Christmas Night are
available by calling or emailing the church office. They are
free, but will be required for admission. Childcare will be
provided for both performances.
The Chilcott Commission Committee – Mary Lu Johnston,
Sue Moss, Cathie Parsley, Nancy Schuele, Gaye Lynn
Scott, Joan Snodgrass, and Rhonda Watson – is excited
to announce that we have already received approximately
300 ticket requests from the public and members of the
UCC church family to meet Mr. Chilcott and to see him in
performance. The Committee invites you to make your
ticket requests soon and join us in welcoming Mr. Chilcott to
UCC for a historic and thrilling Christmas 2010!
page 4 The Caller


The seven members of the Outreach Council have projects constantly underway at UCC. Pastor Chuck lends
support and guidance. They meet the second Sunday of the month after church.
Craig Bell is a board member of Micah 6 and he reports on the state of the agency and the Food Pantry. Other
members volunteer at the pantry and see that food donations get delivered there. Trenna Pickett has a very
responsible job for the Micah 6 Food Pantry registering recipients and keeping the computer records up to date.
She also notifies the Happenings and the Caller of Outreach activities and donations. Diana McDaniel serves as
secretary and volunteers at the Pantry. She also sees that Sunday offerings of food get delivered to St Austin’s
where Lifeworks will serve food to street youth.
Jo Dawn Noble takes the donated school supplies to the schools that need them. She also volunteers at the
Pantry and supervises the Outreach budget and donations the Council makes. Mary Haley and Jo Dawn are
board members at the Juliette Fowler Homes in Dallas which is a feather in the UCC cap. They will be working
on the golf tournament/fund raising effort for the Homes in October.
Kathleen Howard often attends Program Cabinet meetings to report on Outreach activities and assists
wherever help is needed. Anne Beckner serves as chairman and general “gofer.” She submits regular reports to
the Program Cabinet and an annual report to Chuck.
Yearly happenings for fund raising include Crop Walk benefiting Church World Service, Blankets Plus on
Father’s Day, Bread for the World and Week
of Compassion, the Disciples own relief
program. They utilize the Kay Baker Disaster October 3, 2010
Relief Fund to alleviate distress here and World Communion Sunday
abroad. & Reconciliation Offering
Members who are interested in the Outreach
mission are encouraged to join this important

Potpourri will meet on October 4, at
6:00 p.m. at Judy Mauldin's home.
Attendees are asked to bring a salad
and ideas for the future of Potpourri.
Judy will provide soup or a salad and dessert. Please notice that this is the first Monday of October
– different than when we usually meet. We will decide at this meeting when we will meet in the
future. Please call Judy at 694-0219 so she will know how many will be there. Judy's address is
2603 Water Well Ln., in the Wells Branch area. Hope to see a large group there.
The South Austin and Far Out Neighborhood Group gathering and potluck will take place
October 9 at 6:00 p.m. at the home of John and Charlotte Hambrick.
Patrick Scott‘s organ recital as part of the UCC (Ft. Worth) Bell Tower
Series takes place on October 8 at 7:30 We are so proud of you, Patrick!
Welcome to new member, Danny Cable (pictured, right), who joined UCC
on Sunday, September 12!
Save the Date… November 6 will be an all-church workday. More
information to come.
October 2010 page 5

Life Partners
There will be a Life Partner Class on Saturday, October 16 from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. at the
church. Class members will take the Prepare-Enrich inventory on-line prior to the class. Couples
will deal with the inventory results, personality differences, family of origin impacts on couple
life, financial management, intimacy and sexuality, communication and conflict resolution. The
cost of scoring the inventory is $50 per couple, and there is a class fee due the day of the class.
See Harold's website ( for more information, or contact Harold

Lasting Relationships – For College-Aged Women

"Preparing for Lasting Relationships" is a 6 week counseling group for women that will focus on identifying
and forming healthy relationships, establishing boundaries within relationships, identifying red flags for dating,
and self exploration of relationship rules and values. We are targeting issues related to college-aged females and
exploring these issues from a spiritual/religious perspective, as appropriate to the individual's spiritual or
religious beliefs and values. The group will be held at the University Lutheran Center near the UT campus on
Mondays (Oct. 4th - Nov. 8th) from 6:00-7:30 p.m. The cost is $20/session, with a 15% discount for advance
payment for all six sessions. For more information, contact Brittany Neece, M.A., LMFT-A, LPC-Intern at 814-
6027 or or Adrienne Smith, LMFT-A, LPC Intern at

Fowler on the Fairways
A golf benefit to raise funds for renovations to the memory care wing at Pearl Nordan Care Center at
Juliette Fowler Homes will take place October 28 at the Buffalo Creek Golf Club in Rockwall, Tx. For
additional information, contact Jo Dawn, Mary Haley or Karen Brown (214-515-1340). Players may
register on-line at

¾ An Evening Under the Sky will take place Tuesday, October 12 at Umlauf Sculpture Garden and
Museum, from 6:30-9:00. The cost is $50. A sacred evening of dining and dialogue in celebration
of the relationships we have and those we hope to build.
¾ Global Voices Summit will take place October 15-16 at First Baptist Church of Austin (901 Trinity
St.). For more information, go to

The 2010 Regional Assembly for Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Southwest,
hosted by Midland/Odessa churches will take
place October 21-24. This year’s theme is
Crossing the Boundaries. Go to
for more information.
page 6 The Caller

LECTIONARY FOR OCTOBER (Hebrew Bible, Psalm, Epistle and Gospel Lections)
October 3 Lamentations 1:1-6 and Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 and 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Luke 17:5-10
3:19-26 or Psalm 137 Psalm 37:1-9
October 10 Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 and 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c and 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Luke 17:11-19
Psalm 66:1-12 Psalm 111
October 17 Jeremiah 31:27-34 and Genesis 32:22-31 and 2 Timothy 3:14- Luke 18:1-8
Psalm 119:97-104 Psalm 121 4:5
October 24 Joel 2:23-32 and Sirach 35:12-17 or 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Luke 18:9-14
Psalm 65 Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22 16-18
and Psalm 84:1-7


The elders serving in October are Byron Freeby, Suzanne Quenette, Duane Thomas, and Don
Wharry. The elder meeting will be held on October 17 at 8:30 a.m.
October 2010 page 7
Friday, October 1 Sunday, October 10 Sunday, October 17
Ministerial Appreciation 9:15 am Chapel open 8:30 am Elders Meeting
Month begins 9:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am Chapel open
10:50 am Worship 9:30 am Sunday School
Saturday, October 2 12:30 pm Outreach Council 10:50 am Worship
10:00 am TBCF Board Meeting 2:30 pm Querencia Worship 6:00 pm Young Adult Gathering

Sunday, October 3 Monday, October 11 Tuesday, October 19

World Communion Sunday Columbus Day 12:00 pm Brown Bag Study
Reconciliation Offering 5:30 pm Program Cabinet 1:30 pm Staff Meeting
9:15 am Chapel open 7:15 pm Stephen Ministry
9:30 am Sunday School Peer Supervision Session Wednesday, October 20
10:50 am Worship 12:00 pm Centering Prayer
12:30 pm Communications Tuesday, October 12 5:30 pm Bells
Council 10:00 am Faris-Glass 6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
12:00 pm Brown Bag Study 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm DSF Meal/Meeting
Monday, October 4 1:30 pm Staff Meeting
6:00 pm Potpourri Meeting – at 6:30 pm AAIM – A Night Thursday, October 21
home of Judy Mauldin Under One Sky - at Umlauf CCSW Regional Assembly – Midland/Odessa
Sculpture Garden – thru October 24
Tuesday, October 5
12:00 pm Brown Bag Study Wednesday, October 13 Friday, October 22
1:30 pm Staff Meeting 12:00 pm Centering Prayer 5:30 pm Kolar/Haluska Rehearsal
5:30 pm Bells
Wednesday, October 6 6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal Saturday, October 23
12:00 pm Centering Prayer 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm DSF 2:00 pm Kolar/Haluska Wedding
5:30 pm Robinson/Cooke Meal/Meeting
Rehearsal Sunday, October 24
5:30 pm Bells Friday, October 15 9:15 am Chapel open
6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal 9:30 am – 5:00 pm AAIM 9:30 am Sunday School
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm DSF Meal/Mtg Global Voices Summit – 10:50 am Worship
First Baptist Church, Austin 12:00 p.m. Pumpkin painting party at UACoC
Friday, October 8 – thru October 16 1:30 pm Confronting the Lack of Civility:
5:30 pm Lura/Savage Rehearsal 5:30 pm Clark/Hutchinson Living Our Spiritual Values - UCC
7:30 pm Patrick Scott Recital at Rehearsal
UCC Ft. Worth Tuesday, October 26
Saturday, October 16 6:30 am Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, October 9 8:30 am – 5:30 pm Life 12:00 pm Brown Bag Study
CYF Day at TCU Partner Class 1:30 pm Staff Meeting
11:00 am Robinson/Cooke 2:30 pm Clark/Hutchinson
Wedding Wedding Wednesday, October 27
5:30 pm Lura/Savage Wedding 12:00 pm Centering Prayer
6:00 pm South Austin & Far Out 5:30 pm Bells; 6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
Neighborhood Groups Potluck 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm DSF Meal/Meeting
October Birthdays Sunday, October 31
Ben Matthews October 1 Cathie Parsley October 13
Reformation Sunday
John W. McDaniel October 1 Sue Williams October 15
Tebbi Hedgcoth October 2 Karen Barraga October 16
Micah 6 Sunday
Carl Noble October 5 Don Wharry October 17 9:15 am Chapel open; 9:30 am Sunday School
Kim Kofron October 9 Gina Wooten October 17 10:50 am Worship
Carolyn Oatman October 9 Will Knox October 26 12:00 pm Spaghetti Lunch and Pumpkin
Natalie Barraga October 10 John Muegge October 28 Auction – at UCC
Karen Knox October 12 Jim Savage October 28
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page 8 The Caller October 2010

University Christian Church seeks to be

a dynamic, inclusive community living
out the love of Jesus the Christ, through
thoughtful worship, compassionate
service and spiritual growth.

Office Hours
During the week, members can usually find our ministers in the
church office (477-6104) at the following times. Ministers may
also be at appointments or visitations during office hours. You Dates To Remember
are encouraged to call Chuck or Mary Lu with information Oct 3 – World Communion Sunday; Reconciliation
such as when a member is ill or in the hospital, as well as with Offering
news of personal, family, or work-related joys and concerns.
Oct 31 – Spaghetti Lunch and Pumpkin Auction, after
Chuck Kutz-Marks Worship
Mon - Thurs: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Friday: day off
Home: (512) 358-6866
Cell: (512) 296-9086
Mary Lu Johnston University Christian Church Staff
Monday: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Senior Minister Rev. Dr. Chuck Kutz-Marks
Fri: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.; Thurs: day off Minister of Music & Education Rev. Mary Lu Johnston
Email: Administrative Assistant Martha McEver
Home: 218-0221 Interim Dir. of Campus Ministry Rev. Abe Parker
Abe Parker Wedding Ministry Rev. Dr. Harold Guess
Monday: 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Ministers The Whole Congregation
Tues & Thurs: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Transitional Area Minister Rev. Allen C.Allen
Wed: 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Organist Patrick Scott
Email: Custodian Christine Matheny-Ellis
phone: 436-5077 Wedding Coordinator Sallie Herring
Martha McEver, Administrative Assistant Caller Editor Sue Williams
Mon – Fri: 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Sue Williams
UCC FORUMS Religion in Public Life
Our mission is to provide community forums that share religious and ethical
perspectives and increase understanding of today’s significant issues.

The UCC Forums series is a program of open dialogues on significant issues of interest
to the general public and particularly the religious community. Each dialogue will
feature at least two presenters providing differing perspectives on these key issues.

Program Date and Time: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Topic: Confronting Incivility

Living Our Spiritual Values

Leaders: The Reverend Dr. Bob Lively

Ordained Presbyterian minister, theologian
Speaker, columnist & award-winning author
Julia Spann
Executive Director, SafePlace in Austin
Two decades experience in the human services field
Melody Chatelle, Ph.D.
President, Chatelle & Associates
Political & communications consultant
Freddy Gonzalez
Principal of KIPP Austin College Prep

Schedule: 1:30 – 2:00 PM, Bob Lively, keynoter, spiritual perspectives

2:00 – 3:00 PM, introductions to topics, break-out sessions
3:00 – 3:30 PM, plenary session with panel
Location: Fellowship Hall of University Christian Church
Childcare provided through third grade.

Please visit our website ( for additional information

on the Forum topic, our panelists, and our philosophy.
Discussion Leaders:

The Reverend Dr. Bob Lively

Keynote Speaker: Spiritual Transformation in an Freddy Gonzalez
Age of Self-Absorption; Discussion Leader: Discussion Leader: Civility in Our Schools. Freddy
Civility in the Workplace. Dr. Lively is an ordained Gonzalez has worked closely on a daily basis with
Presbyterian minister, theologian, speaker, author of children and families, first as a teacher, and now as
books and award-winning short stories. He is known principal of KIPP Austin College Prep. Mr. Gonzalez
in Austin for his newspaper columns and his great earned his B.A. from Brown University and holds a
story-telling style. He serves on the adjunct faculty M.Ed. from New York University’s Steinhardt School
of Seton Cove Spirituality Center, is a teacher in of Education. He began at KIPP Austin College Prep
residence at First Presbyterian Church and a guest in 2005 as a teacher and studied at Stanford
lecturer at Austin Presbyterian Theological University in 2007 to prepare him for his roles as
Seminary. Assistant Principal and then Principal.

Melody Chatelle, Ph.D. Julia Spann

Discussion Leader: Civility in Public Life and the Discussion Leader: Abuse in the Home and Family.
Media. Dr. Chatelle is a respected and effective Ms. Spann has been Director of SafePlace in Austin
veteran in the national and state legislative arenas. since 2005, where she previously served as Chief
She is president of Chatelle & Associates, her own Program Officer. SafePlace provides safety and
political and communications consulting company healing services for sexual assault/abuse and
founded in 1999. Previously, she worked for 12 domestic violence survivors. With a Bachelor’s
years as Director and Vice President of degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Social
Governmental Affairs for Mariner Post-Acute Work, she brings 22 years of experience in the human
Network, a large health care company, and 10 years services field, and has led agency and community
as a legislative aide to a former Texas Senator now planning efforts focused on women and children’s
serving in the US Congress, and as an aide to the issues, poverty, and homelessness.
Speaker of the Texas House.

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