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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria


Idiomas Modernos

Panorama de la cultura angloparlante


Profesor: Estudiante:

Fred Miethe Mata Blanco, Gabriel Aleandro

C.I.:V- 26.893.155

Caracas, enero de 2021.

Latin Culture

I choose this culture because I actually don’t know to much about any others of the ones which I
might take. So, the Latin culture has a population of over 600 people and the most language is the
Spanish. However, the latin culture is completely influenced by the European, and this happened
for the combination of European and indigenous customs and practices, along with traditions
brought by Africans to the continent during colonial times.

One of the most important facts in the latin culture in the presence of the religion, the Catholicism
is always present as an important part of the life. This passes from generation to generation.

Other fact is absolutely the music and charism, the latino is met for being full of diversity, culture,
and traditions and is known for the hospitality and happiness of its people. Sports are also present,
the soccer and baseball are the most seen. They are very expressive people, like being happy and

Some items typical of Latin American cuisine include maize-based dishes and drinks (tortillas,
tamales, arepas, pupusas, chicha morada, chicha de jora) and various salsas and other condiments
(guacamole, pico de gallo, mole).

This culture is conformed by almost all the countries of South America. Venezuelan culture has
been shaped by indigenous, African and especially European Spanish. Before this period,
indigenous culture was expressed in art crafts, architecture, and social organization. Aboriginal
culture was subsequently assimilated by Spaniards; over the years, the hybrid culture had
diversified by region.

The arts are very present in this culture through the photography, painting, and the folklore.

Bibliographic references

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