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1. Purpose of Oxygen theraphy 18.

2. Materials
3. No smoking Nebulization
4. Proper hygiene 1. Purpose
5. Identify client and explain the procedure 2. Materials
6. Position in semi fowler 3. Proper hygiene
7. Check the doctors order 4. Identify client and explain to them the procedure
8. Attach nasal cannula to oxygen source with 5. Position in semi fowler
6. Check the doctors order.
9. Turn on oxygen flow rate until bubbling is noted
7. Set up or assemble the nebulizer including putting
10. Regulate flow meter at prescribed liters per minute the prescribed medication into neb cup.
11. Place the cannula on the patient 8. Instruct the client to take a deep breath from the
mouthpiece, hold it for a secomd then exhale.
12. Remember to clean the nostrils of secretion
9. The patient must slowly and deeply
13. Stay for a moment with patient po to observe the
treatment 10. Observe the patients treatment
14. Remove cannula every shift po to assess the skin, 12. Disassemble and clean the nebulizer.
while every 2 to 4 hours naman pag facemask.
13. Provide oral hygiene
15. Wipe away the accumulated mist and assess
14. Wash hands
underlying skin
15. Document
16. Discard the equipment properly
17. Wash hands

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