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Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : MKDU4107/ Bahasa Inggris 1

Nama tutor : Gunawan Setiadi, S.Pd., M.A
Masa Tutorial : Oktober 2021
Tugas : Kuis I
Skor Maksimal : 100

1. Mengidentifikasi kelas kata (Part of Speech)

Kompetensi Khusus
2. Mengidentifikasi frasa
1. Words
Pokok Bahasan
2. Phrases
1. Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb
Sub Pokok Bahasan 2. Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase,
Adverbial phrase and Prepositional Phrase

Uraian Tugas:

Write your name, NIM and class on the answer sheet then answer the questions below!

1. Please identify word class/ part of speech (Noun, Verb, adjective and adverb) from the
text below!


On a Sunday afternoon Sunny's parents were not at home. He was feeling bored. So,
he decided to go and watch a cricket match. He left his dog, Snoopy in the house.
Just after Sunny had left, a thief forced open the window. He entered the house and
started searching the rooms. He took all the valuables but when he was about to leave, he saw
Snoopy standing in front of him, growling.
The dog was about to pounce on him when Sunny returned home. He asked Snoopy to
calm down and handed over the thief to the police.
The End.

2. Please identify the phrases (Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverbial
Phrase and Prepositional Phrase) from the text below!

One day, Pam's cousin came to meet her at school. After talking to him she returned to
the class. At that time, the teacher was writing something on the blackboard. Pam didn't say
anything and quietly went inside the classroom and sat down on her seat.
After writing, the teacher went to Pam and asked her, "Who was he?" Pam replied with
fear, "He was my cousin brother." The teacher again asked the question and Pam gave the
same answer.
The teacher then shouted, "I am asking who was Galileo." The whole class burst into
laughter when they came to know that both teacher and Pam had misunderstood each other.

The End.

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