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d Evofu11t1on
Chocking Crodllworthfnoss on 0r oodil 1nrorrru111on h;J,'ll ll<.
111 '°' llllJ aouro.Y1.ibolwoon ond omona croon rn1"r"1"''
1 nfldonc;() oncl rnopocon uw nm! oncJ col!llnal pr.nCil1'l ·
Tod.l)'ll uucfil ltMllLJ!l'fllOI hnn on omwr In'-'
ln. ro:ucd Sud1 armi!ll w.u bM.<XI on tho ruhll<Jnsl1lp or nu:!ouiuomlil• whir.Ji hUD lllnoutrtoo nnd ropllos. ldono1y or tn
anton or pnmmy 1mponnnro In 11w dun>lon11111111 or ! !ho wnlllJonuul nuiuro o
llan; oic. o or cm<Jlf lnformuuon 1101:11 nro 11111 n!
llo\.JIO rirnpoc! 01
nlld s01nco1- • ln·!IU51 • m!hor Oum o CIX'fr<.
cJll ifupnrrmon! 1nuonal1fp o crodHorn I rnga11Ji:-ll
m 11 r n Ion
fl mglll bo mom no:umro 10 rulo1lo lho cuilomui ·a
ulllllY !O nna!In 1 ng ham ire
rolun&o 10 0 10 mowl lo w
mlunJlll/l Th<l doblor 1-n.m':I lhnl crot:f•I dopnr111111111 llo9 ID Iof o101ffl do1m11rnonl porn uon oxtonds nol only In -r
n!i>Ulnh.-.:1aM pJ)mnl rurod Ho tmpUoU)'lrusl Iha uood fudgrnon ufl bu rnlouuod Thlo ob gu bul also In koopln u
rul1'3<o, 1nlormoflJn· and 1\h Iand llow muct1 lnlormnuon mny prop Y 9 11'.l
C(!rlllm ChIunnulho ru\Xl rnqulnos 01 cmdol lm"03l'!J11IIon nnu nnc as rurn1o11od lnronnnuon.
oro n01
OJ111idoolulmlh:.'.\ 1110 organlrnoon l!SC!IL

Tho 111moo1vp lllnf should OX1Sl rnusf bo tmn!XI on M1lrocton;;

1ConfidonUall{y z. Complolonooo

problem Any o!hl!fcsuse
confsdonlillL ls lnlondod amco
Is a bmndl ofIIconfidonco solely crodll
Jo OSSiS1° oo!lvo creditor In roaching a decis on In a
prospIS. not
lnfommuton for compoUtlve
b rflfllombnred ltu!l use. lJl<ewtSo.
oxcopllons the o>J;
should sQ.-;;.d
crud( monnn!IOO nnd lh!! lden!ity or a orodll lnqulro1IS confidontlnl. II musl o Ni1yS a
by pQITTU$SIOn_ and.Iha!a bolmyiJI of confidonce lm11os o donllllof ruturo Jnquuy.


An lllQUY)' shOt/d doerly doscnbo !ho subjoci. stme us object ond scopo ond show !hat II ls made responsibly. Thus.
!"Gia and address al !hesubject should bo complololy and corroolly stated. The reOBon ond !he amount Involved are
essenuat ;:rrj ld!!nhly of lhD lllQU11e' &hould bo establishedInlellnr of Inquiries lnolucfmg firms by manual signatures and not
merely by fac:sc..I! 51g1lU1111eS. These delE!!s.whon soaking lnformobon. Impart a sonso of confidence end !he source
oflnfomiaUon and rna1-a!l rnsull In o more compla!o rnply. II ls also 1mpemtlvo !hat replies to crodlt lnqulnes should be made
prompUy and be adequa2 l:l
lhD lllQuiy. Among other things they should contntn;!ho Identity of tho inquirer, roteUonshJp wlth the subject and
complt:tl:n:ssd the reply Which should be as whole es the clruumstancas or Gltuetlon provldos.


The first end canfmal pnnaplo In credit lnvosllgoUoo Is to rospocf lhe conHdenlieJ nature of th f.
e 1n ormatJon received.
2. Tho nnma of lho mqufror In whoso behalf 1J10 fnqully 15 mlldo should not be dlsof d .
3 ose without pernusslon.
In onswerlng lnqulrlos,Ihasource of lho lnformebon should not be discl d
ose Without PDrmlsslon_
4 Any botruyal of conDdence strunps the olfondor unworthy or future cons domuon.

5 Cach lolleror lnqully should Indicate spealfioelly the object and

When more lhao one lnquby SOOpe Of the Inquiry.
on th
lhelr own fllas Is Ins o same subject is sent slmultaneo
umc1an1esofhor chedcings ero being mec1e. . usly lo banks. it should be lodlcated that Informatlon 11111

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