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Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials


M.J. Root M.J. Maury
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To cite this document:
M.J. Root M.J. Maury, (1960),"CORROSION TESTING OF AEROSOL PRODUCTS", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials,
Vol. 7 Iss 3 pp. 85 - 87
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By M. J. Roof and M. J. Maury*
Since the advent of cosmetic aerosols in metal cans, corrosion has taken
its place as a major problem in the formulation of these products. Much
corrosion information can be gathered by electrochemical measurement
that cannot be obtained in any other way. This article, which deals with
these modern systems, is an abridged version of a paper presented to the
Society of Comestic Chemists, May 1959, in New York.

THE classic method of evaluating

corrosion in metal containers has been
the test pack. The product is placed
in the container, sealed and allowed
to stand at various temperatures for
a specified period and then opened
and inspected. Although temperature
is an important factor in shelf-life
tests, it is still no substitute for time,
as elevated temperatures are not
always a guarantee of accelerated cor-
rosion, and the need for a less-time-
consuming method is obvious.
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Ten-week analysis and other cosmetics. It was found dation before the National Association
In 19551 we reported on a method in this work that, in the formulations of Corrosion Engineers in March 1959,
of analysing aerosol products for studied, the tin was anodic to the steel. they pursued the corrosion processes
metallic contamination due to corro- It was also shown that steel corrodes in carbonated beverage further with
sion at various periods up to 10 weeks. more rapidly when insulated from tin the use of the 'corrosivity tester.'
From this analysis it was possible to than when in electrical contact. This
gain an insight into the electrolytic indicates the furnishing of cathodic Practical electrode
behaviour of the container metal. protection to the steel by the tin. . Perhaps the most significant part of
Thus it was possible to demonstrate In 1955, Continental Can Co.3 in the work was the development of a
from the greater iron contamination collaboration with the Armour Re- practical test metal electrode. Tin
in an alkyl sulphate shampoo that the search Foundation developed their wire, solder, steel black plate, or any
iron in the container was anodic to the 'corrosivity tester' which they used other metal, is mounted in an epoxy
tin. This method has proven extremely for prediction of shelf life for car- resin. Wire leads extending from the
useful for detecting the metallic con- bonated beverages in tin cans. With tin and steel are coupled externally
tamination level at which product dis- this technique it was possible to plot through a device of sufficient sensiti-
coloration or perfume oil deterioration perforation data from controlled test vity and sufficiently low resistance to
sometimes takes place. packs plotted against a curve based measure the galvanic currents pro-
It has been noted that, in certain on calculated perforation times of cans duced. Electrodes of this type have
instances, product discoloration can with 0.0012 sq. in. area of exposed the following advantages:
occur with as little as 5 p.p.m. of iron iron. The correlation between the
or tin in the product from corrosion two plots was good. Agreement was (1) Size of cathode and anode metals
processes. Corrosion at this level also good between microampere read- can be accurately controlled.
would not be apparent by container ings and actual iron content (p.p.m.) (2) Proximity of electrodes can be con-
examination. Perfume deterioration of controlled test packs plotted with trolled within limits.
has been detected with as little as 20 the theoretical curve based on Fara-
p.p.m. of tin in the product from (3) Fresh electrode areas can be ex-
day's law of electrolysis. posed by grinding.
corrosive action on the tin plate. In some recent work,4 Johnson and (4) Electrodes can be made of iden-
Daly have shown by the use of their tical metal found in container
E.M.F. measurement 'corrosivity tester' that anti-oxidants
In 1954, G. Barr & Co.2 set up a under question.
such as ascorbic acid and glucose
fellowship to study the possibility of oxidase-catalase enzyme systems were Except for proximities of the elec-
using electrodes prepared from tin effective in reducing iron pick-up and trodes and relative sizes of the anode
foil and mild-steel base stock for can perforation in soft drinks. Re- and cathode, this electrode simulates
measuring the electromotive force moval of air in the head space also what is occurring in a metal container
existing across a tin-steel electrode produced a more satisfactory shelf life where two or more dissimilar con-
system in various products, such as of canned soft drinks. ductors in contact with an electrolyte
shaving cream, hair sprays, shampoos In a paper5 presented by these same (product) convert energy liberated by
authors along with Koehler and Fran- a spontaneous chemical reaction
*G. Barr & Co., Chicago 9, Illinois. cis of the Armour Research Foun- directly into electrical energy.


Test cell and procedure particular formulation. This is not to tin-solder indicates accelerated cor-
The test cell which we used con- be taken as indicative of all PVP hair rosion and, since this corrosion is
sisted of this electrode, a saturated spray formulations, since minor quan- taking place at relatively small areas
calomel reference electrode and a gas tities of additives can cause a very (baseplate pinholes), perforation can
flushing tube, held in place in a 1-pt. large change in the corrosion picture. be expected. A coating would not
Mason jar with a large rubber stopper. With these hair spray products, shelf help this particular situation, since the
This assembly and construction of the life of at least two years has been coating would be even more strongly
electrodes has been described.6 obtained. A continuous current flow cathodic than the tin and, therefore,
of 0.04 microamp. in a can for one accelerate corrosion.
With non-aqueous aerosol products,
the container was first chilled, then year will raise the iron content of a Fig. 4 shows the same conditions
opened and emptied into the test cell. 12-oz. can by only 1 p.p.m. To cause existing with a triethanolamine lauryl
Measurements of current and poten- a can perforation through 0.010-in. sulphate shampoo: high current flow
tial were made when the product was plate in a year's time, a current flow between the iron and tin-solder elec-
at room temperature (70 to 75°F.). of 0.2 microamp. concentrated at an trodes with the iron anodic. It was
Second readings were taken after 24 assumed pit size of 1 sq. mm. would felt at one time that the substitution of
hr. During all time intervals the be required. TEA lauryl sulphate for the sodium
electrodes were in external contact lauryl sulphate would solve perfora-
Shampoos tion problems, but from this graph
with each other. With foam products,
the foam was expelled directly into Fig. 3 illustrated very graphically we can see this change would make
the test cell, and with compressed gas the reason that sodium lauryl sulphate little difference.
products similarly, the product was shampoos, which were packaged in We have known for some time that
dispensed directly into the test cell aerosol cans, would perforate. The emulsion products (oil/water) are quite
for measurements. In these tests no iron is anodic to the tin and solder. corrosive to the tin plate cans; how-
special efforts were made to control Also, the high current value, 6.60 ever, the characteristic has been
the atmosphere above the solution. microamp., between the iron and the attributed to the emulsifier used.
With the liquid propellant products,
there no doubt remained a trichloro- FRANCAIS W a x and resin emulsions
fluoromethane vapour above the solu-
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Essais de Corrosion des P r o d u i t s Fig. 5 is a current e.m.f. plot of

tion in all measurements. Aerosol a wax emulsion product which has a
Des procédés d'analyse de produits aerosols
destinés à déceler la contamination métallique soap emulsifier. Corrosion currents
Shellac hair spray se manifestant à bref délai out permis de are very low and the tin and solder
Fig. 1 shows a current-voltage plot clarifier le comportement electrolytique du are anodic to the steel. Shelf-life tests
of a typical shellac-type hair spray. métal de base du contenant. De cette façon, have verified the non-corrosive nature
The potentials of the couple and each on a pu démontrer, à partir de la contamina-
tion ferreuse plus importante qui existe dans of this product.
of the metals present in a seamed can une émulsion alkaline sulfatée, que le fer du An experimental shelf pack of a resin
against the calomel reference cell is contenant réagit anodiquement sur l'étain. emulsion showed very high perforation
shown at the bottom right, and the On a pu démontrer, à l'aide d'un disposilif after as short a period as three weeks.
galvanic current flow between the à mesurer la corrosion, que les produits
antioxidants, tels que l'acide ascorbique et Fig. 6 is a current e.m.f. plot of this
electrodes is shown at the left. The les systèmes glucose-oxidase-catalase-enzyme product. As can be seen, the iron is
solder and the tin are anodic to the étaient efficaces à réduire la corrosion ferreuse anodic and the current value between
iron. Since the current flow between et l'usure qui se produisent avec les fers- the iron and the tin-solder is 5.5 micro-
the anode (solder) and the iron blancs pour boissons non-alcooliques. On a
démontré que les données courant/tension amp. The low current value of the tin
(cathode) is the same, 1.30 microamp., peuvent beaucoup aider à étudier l'effet sur cathode indicates that corrosion was
we can say that corrosion is under ces valeurs par: reformulation; émulseur; under cathodic control. Perforation,
both anodic and cathodic control. suppression de la soudure étain-plomb; as would be expected, took place at the
Solder corrosion could be expected, preventifs de corrosion; polarisateurs;
oxygène. liquid/vapour line where oxygen was
but, because of the low current values, present to effect depolarisation of the
it would not be of considerable con- DEUTSCH tin (cathode). The use of a coated
sequence except where the solution of Prüfung von Aerosolprodukten auf drawn can with nitrogen flushing of
small amounts of lead would be dele- Aggressivität the head space resulted in a commer-
terious to the product. Methoden, mit denen sich schon nach
kurzer Zeit ein etwaiger Melallgehalt in cially feasible package. A drawn can
Fig. 2 is a shellac-type hair spray in Aerosolprodukten feststellen lässt, haben increased the anode area and, there-
which the shellac has been partially einen Einblick in das elektrolytische Ver- fore, decreased the intensity of the
esterified. The relative potentials halten des Behältermaterials ermöglicht. So corrosion.
konnte aus der Tatsache, dass in einem
have not changed but the current Shampoo auf Alkyhulfatgrundlage beson- Current-potential data can be ex-
values are about one-half of the pre- ders Eisen als Verunreinigung auftrat, der tremely useful for corrosion reduction
vious product. Corrosion would there- Schluss gezogen werden, dass das Eisen im by studying the effect of these values
fore be reduced to about one-half with Behältermaterial gegenüber dem Zinn ano- by the following:
disch war. Mit Hilfe eines 'Aggressitivitäts
an esterified shellac. Here, again, prüfers' kounte gezeigt werden, dass oxy-
corrosion is under both anodic and dationsverhütende Stoffe wie Ascorbinsäure
(1) Reformulation.
cathodic control. oder das Enzymsystem OxydasejKatalase (2) Emulsifier.
As indicated by a current-voltage bei Glucose die Aufnahme von Eisen und die (3) Elimination of lead-tin solder.
Durchlöcherung von Büchsen für alkohol-
plot of a PVP-type hair spray, the same freie Getränke verringert. Der Einfluss von (4) Inhibitors.
potential relationships still hold, that Anderungen in der Zusammensetzung, Zusatz (5) Polarisers.
is, the tin and solder are anodic to the von Emulgatoren, Inhibitoren, Polarisatoren
iron; however, the current values are oder Sauerstoff, sowie die Folgen des Ver- (6) Oxygen.
zichts auf Blei/Zinn-Lote lässt sich an
extremely low, indicating very little Hand der StromlPotential-Kurven gut There are limitations to this tech-
corrosion would take place with this verfolgen. nique such as inability to determine


also cause an error in the interpretation
of the results. It is for these reasons
that, in order to get as much infor-
mation as possible, the methods men-
tioned earlier will continue to be used
along with this new method for the
interpretation of corrosion data.
This article is published here by kind
permission of the Journal and Society of
Cosmetic Chemists.

M. J. Root, 'Corrosion of Aerosol Metal
Containers,' Chem. Specialties Mfrs.
Assoc. Proc. 42nd Ann. Meeting,
Dec. 1955.
D. A. Brooks, 'A Study of the Corrosion
Processes in Tin-plated containers
Used for Packaging Aqueous Aero-
sols,' thesis for degree of Master of
Science, Michigan State University,
H. T. Johnson, A. W. McAlphin and
A. M. Schenck, Food Technol., 1955,
9 (12), 643.
H. T. Johnson and J. J. Daly, Jr., Proc.
Soc. Soft Drink Technol., April 1957.
E. H. Koehler, J. J. Daly, Jr., H. F.
Francis and H. Johnson, 'Corrosion
Processes in Carbonated Beverage
vapour-phase corrosion and also in- greater distance than in the container; Cans,'15th Ann. Meeting, N.A.C.E.,
Downloaded by Monash University At 08:23 03 July 2016 (PT)

ability to determine product damage hence resistance of solution and the 6

March 1959.
such as discoloration and perfume de- unnatural formation of corrosion pro- J. J. Daly, Jr., 'Corrosivity Tester,
generation. Care must be exercised in ducts are sources of error. Variation Theory, Equipment, Test Methods,'
confidential report, Continental Can
interpreting these data, since the anode of anode/cathode areas from what is Co. Inc., metal division, research and
and cathode are separated by a much actually the case in the container can development department.

ing and publishing it in the States, the

Book Review information presented is up to date.
'Corrosion of Chemical Apparatus '
Metals v. Chemicals accompanied by 140 illustrations. is bound to fill a lacuna on every
Whereas the line drawings are clear— scientist's and engineer's bookshelf.
Corrosion of Chemical Apparatus, by as they have obviously been redrawn—
G. L. Shvartz and M. M. Kristal.
Translated from the Russian by Con- the few halftones there are look
sultants Bureau Inc., New York. Chap- anaemic, very much like second-rate
man & Hall Ltd., London, 1959. Pp. unretouched photographs of illus-
250, illus. £3. Analyser Resists Corrosion
trations reproduced straight from the
It can be fairly said that this book Russian book. Almost every detail The first Canadian order for the
presents its subject with a complete- has been lost, which is a pity. The Titromatic analyser, manufactured by
ness rarely found in works of a similar typesetting is not all what might be Electronic Instruments Ltd., Rich-
nature dealing with the subject of expected of it. Sectional headings mond, Surrey, valued at over $ 10,000,
corrosion. It is written by research are set in the same type as the text, has been received from the Canadian
engineers for designers and application but are underlined, which is not Aluminium Co. Ltd. Because of the
engineers, discussing not only the standard practice here. Editing could corrosive nature of the reagents re-
theory of intercrystalline and stress have avoided some minor, but irritat- quired in the assay of the aluminium
corrosion of stainless steel, carbon ing, grammatical faults or collo- content of the ore, special arrange-
steel, alloyed steel and non-ferrous quialisms (if that sounds less harsh). ments were made for flushing and
metals, but also makes recommenda- So, for instance, the term ' highly- mechanically brushing the electrodes
tions for the prevention of corrosion alloyed' is found on page 66 (correct, after each titration.
and protection from the effects of except for the hyphen), but on page 25 The analyser is intended to assay
stress corrosion. Much of the material ' low-alloyed ' steels are mentioned. the aluminium content and the free
presented is the result of the authors' Nevertheless, the book can be highly alkali offiveseparate ore plant streams.
own investigations and is amplified by recommended to engineers, physicists, To perform this it automatically carries
references to Russian and other publi- chemists and technologists working in out a double end-point titration with
cations. metals. The reviewer is not aware of two added reagents on each of the five
Ferrous materials take up 150 pages another recent publication containing streams. The ore liquid is highly
and non-ferrous metals 30 pages. in one volume the wide range of new corrosive and all taps, vessels and
Amongst the latter are the following, and useful data as does this book. In piping in contact with it are PTFE-
and their alloys: Aluminium, copper, spite of the inevitable time delay lined. To avoid scale formation, the
nickel, magnesium, lead, titanium, involved in writing and publishing complete sampling system is flushed
tantalum, and zirconium. The text is the book in Russia, and then translat- frequently with water and acid.


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