Organizational Behaviours

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Organizational Behaviors

1. Introduction and definition:

Organizational Behavior, is a set of interactions that people or subjects in an organization

attribute. Organizational behavior deals with the coordination between members of an
organization and the organization, including the individual behavior attributed by that
organization. As an organization is a basic platform everybody has to survive through, it can be
an institution where one learns or teaches or can be a workplace where one earns or leads.
Hence, an Organization is a diverse institute or place which stays dependent over a number of
factors or stays under the influence of a variety of concepts. So, it may present or predict any sort
of behavior being put forth by people who constitute it.
“People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. It doesn’t make any difference whether
the product is cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as the people it keeps”, Mary Kay of
Mary Kay Inc. once stated so. Thus making individual behaviors more significant.
Thus, organizational behavior can be termed as, ‘a set of individual attitudes and
behaviors demonstrated in a working environment or any place they inhibit and it can be as
strong as their subjects’ behavior is’ [ CITATION Hum20 \l 1033 ].

1. History and development of organizational Behaviors:

Development or recognition of organizational behaviors or need to develop one, was an

incident of industrial development in 18th century. Inventions of various machines and
discoveries to advanced techniques, led the buildup of organizational behavior guidelines. Max
weber is considered as one of the pioneers to describe it. His studies determined various factors
for an efficiently run and a more productive organization. Later on, in late 19 th century scientific
revolution tended to define it more extensively for its management. Although, 1930 to 1950 had.
Major contributions towards building a more refined organizational behavior terminologies. Late
20th century developed more diverse forms and key roles of an ideal organizational behavior
[ CITATION iED21 \l 1033 ].

1. Elements of an organizational behavior:

There four basic constituents of an organizational behavior that are people, structure,
technology and environment [ CITATION htt19 \l 1033 ]. These elements influence and forms

People are the major constituting bodies of any organization who coordinate to achieve
their goal in an organized setup. This setup can be called as an organization. People tend to
form groups according to their assigned duties or capabilities.

Structure is the guideline followed by the individuals of that organization. It allows
people to follow a well-defined manner, for being goal specific. Although, capabilities of
individual subjects and their duties differ but structure of an organization make them united
for an effective coordination.

Technology is considered as the most influential element in terms of outcome efficacy.
It determines the availability of resources for individuals in a workplace by interference with
the individual performance. Technology has evolved the development of every organization
and is leading the future of many of them.

Any existing surrounding to a particular organization is its environment which can be
external in terms of relationship with other organizations or internal which includes the work
place environment of it. It works in context with the policy makers, people’s personal lives
and peer organizations [ CITATION uod14 \l 1033 ].

2. Models of organizational behaviors:

Generally organizational behaviors are lead through any operational approach. These
models are based on cognitive, behavioral and social approach. They determine the overall
maneuver for a model to operate in a certain organization.

Autocratic Model: Autocratic model works under the soul statement of it, ‘You do this
or you do that. Thus, this model evolved through the initial industrial revolution of 18 th
and 19th century. The principal manager of the organization was the soul dictator and
guideline builder for the whole organization.

Custodial Model: Later in late 19th century, concept of involving working individuals or
employees started to prevail. Organizations started to offer social as well as economical
support to their workers, to maintain a peaceful environment. This model eradicated a lot
of negative behaviors put forth by the previous model.

Supportive Model: In 1920s and 1930s, a supportive model study was implemented in
Hawthorne plant of electric which emphasized on a socially, economically and
psychologically led organizational environment. It works on the principles of a self-
motivated individual who’s open to any kind of developmental ideas, lead by a leadership
oriented boss or manager.

Collegial Model: This model evolved as a body of people with no leader or boss,
everybody in the organization is an equal individual who’re working towards one
common goal.

System Model: This model is the most successful one, operating through 21 st century’s
advanced workplaces. It’s concerned more with an individual’s emotional relationship
with the managing team, rather just obtaining required work. It works on building a long
term engagement of employees with their employers, through trust building, empathy, etc
[ CITATION org21 \l 1033 ].
3. Conclusion:
Hence, with a shift of overall development in every sector, Organizational
behaviors are considered as a prerequisite for a more aesthetically oriented
workspace environment. Cultural values, anthropology, emotional support,
motivational approach, economical strength and social security are the key target
areas. Use of power or get the job done, has been the story of past. Through a
century of deep studies and research, the current state of the art organizational
models have refined goals in terms of individual wellbeing.


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