Gantt Chart: A) Make A Gantt Chart of The Listed Activity

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Rivera, Therese Ann B.

ES-Management (WF 8:30 – 9:30 AM)

BS ChE-3 October 10, 2021

You have a project to build a brand-new computer system:

a) Make a Gantt Chart of the listed activity.
Table 1. Starting Date and Duration of each Activity
Time to complete Time to complete
Activity Start Date
(days) (weeks)
Design October 22, 2021 147 21
Build Prototype March 18, 2022 35 5
Evaluate Equipment April 22, 2022 49 7
Test Prototype June 10, 2022 14 2
Write equipment report June 24, 2022 35 5
Write Methods report July 29, 2022 56 8
Write final report September 23, 2022 14 2

22-Oct-21 11-Dec-21 30-Jan-22 21-Mar-22 10-May-22 29-Jun-22 18-Aug-22 07-Oct-22


Build Prototype

Evaluate equipment

Test prototype

Write equipment report

Write methods report

Write final report

Write Write
Write final Test Evaluate Build
methods equipment Design
report prototype equipment Prototype
report report
Start Date 23-Sep-22 29-Jul-22 24-Jun-22 10-Jun-22 22-Apr-22 18-Mar-22 22-Oct-21
Time to complete (days) 14 56 35 14 49 35 147

Figure 1. Gantt Chart of Project

b) Outline the CPM network diagram (you may assign imaginary nodes as “start” and “end”)
Table 2. Designation and Immediate Predecessors of Activities
Activity Immediate Predecessors
A -
E C, D
F C, D
G E, F

Table 3. Node Direction of Edges

Edge Node 1 → Node 2
A 1→2
B 2→3
C 2→4
D 3→4
E 4→5
F 4→6
G 1→2

Figure 2. Network Diagram with path durations in weeks

c) Determine the lengths of each path and the critical path.
Forward Pass Method

E2=E1+t1,2 [t1,2=A=21]=0+21=21

E3=E2+t2,3 [t2,3=B=5]=21+5=26






E5=E4+t4,5 [t4,5=E=5]=28+5=33






E7=E6+t6,7 [t6,7=G=2]=36+2=38

Backward Pass Method


L6=L7-t6,7 [t6,7=G=2]=38-2=36

L5=L6-t5,6 [t5,6=d=0]=36-0=36





L3=L4-t3,4 [t3,4=D=2]=28-2=26






L1=L2-t1,2 [t1,2=A=21]=21-21=0

The critical path is shown in Figure 3 which has been done by double lines by joining all the events where
E-values and L-values are equal. The critical paths of the project are:
(1) 1-2-3-4-6-7 and critical activities: A, B, D, F, G
(2) 1-2-4-6-7 and critical activities: A, C, F, G

The total project time is 38.

Figure 3. Network Diagram with Critical Path along with E-values and L-values

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