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AP Biology terms

By: Candelaria Arango

C4 plant
Definition: A C4 plant is a type of vegetation Representation:This
that uses C4 photosynthesis so it can avoid is C4 plant because
photorespiration, what photorespiration the cob plant works
means is when the the plant instead of with c4
taking in carbon dioxide and releasing photosynthesis and
oxygen they take oxygen and release carbon
photorespiration so
dioxide. C4 plants are more efficient than
this plant can be
c3 plants, C4 plants produce a four carbon
classified as a c4 plant.
sugar in the Calvin cycle.
Definition: A carbohydrate is an organic Representation: This photo can
compound, they are made of carbon, represent a carbohydrate
hydrogen and oxygen some of the because as I said carbohydrates
can be found in sugars and these
carbohydrates are found in the form of
gummies contain sugar and also
sugar and most of them are found in starch
they contain 13 grams of
“long chains of linked glucose molecules carbohydrates.
that are a storage form of fuel”, they are an
energy source for organisms.
Primary consumer
Definition- A primary consumer is an
animal (organism) that feeds from
primary producers (plants). They are
herbivores and they feed the
secondary consumers.

Representation- This picture

represents a primary consumer
because cows and horses are
herbivores and fall under the
category of primary consumers
in the food chain.
Definition- A pollinator is an insect that
helps plants develop seeds or fruits by
moving the pollen from one part of a
plant to another plant this helps the Representation- This image
plants to fertilize. Without the represents a pollinator because
pollinators plants could not produce butterflies pollinate flowers and
anything. plants so they can be classified
as pollinators. (this picture was
taken in my trip to caño
Definition- Is a primary producer, an
autotroph is an organism that can produce its
own food using light, carbon dioxide, water
and other chemicals they usually use
photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.

Representation- This picture

represents an autotroph because
trees produce their own food with
water and sunlight so they can be
classified as autotrophs.
Definition- They are “ air breathing vertebrates”
that are covered in a unique skin that is is made
of scales, bony plates or there can be a
combination. Some types of reptiles are,
croocodies, lizards, snakes and etc. their health
and metabolism depends of the climate of their

Representation- This picture

represents a reptile because it is an
iguana that falls in the categories of
Gymnosperm cone
Definition- A gymnosperm Representation- This image
is a type of flowerless plants represents a gymnosperm
that make cones and seeds, because it is a gymnosperm
seeds are not produced in
the inside, they are exposed
on the surface of leafs they
can also be known as Acro
Gymnospermae .
Definition- An Ectotherm is a Representation- An example of an
animal that the body temperature Ectotherm can be a lizard ,that
regulation depends on an external why I put a lizard as the
source, for example reptiles, representation.
fishes, amphibians and etc. They
don't require a much food as
blooded animals.
Cam plant
Definition- A cam plant is a any type of plant
that takes up carbon dioxide only at night ,
this process is called Crassulacean Acid
Metabolism that is why is called CAM plant.
Some features of Cam plants are being thick,
reduced leaves and a thick cuticle
Representation- This picture
represent a Cam plant because cactus
have all the features of a cam plant
and also undergo thru photosynthesis
at night.

Definition- A scavenger is a person

animal or insect that takes what others
throw away or let behind, scavengers
also feed of dead organisms.
Representation- This picture
represents a scavenger because
beetles collect dead organisms
and take what other organisms
left behind.
Definition-An arthropod is a invertebrate
animal they have jointed appendages and
a segmented body, some examples are
arachnids and insects they have an outer
hard skin and no spine.

Representation- This picture represents

arthropod because a spider is invertebrate
has an outer hard skin also spiders are
insects that is why we can categorize them
as arthropods.
Definition- An Exoskeleton is an
skeleton outside it is a stiff covering
on the outside of some organisms,
and in the inside of those organisms
are all the organs and the soft things
so the exoskeleton is like a shell that Representation-This
protects the important parts. picture represents an
Exoskeleton because wasps
have a visible exoskeleton a
and they are also
Definition- An Anther is the part of
the stamen (flower) that contains
the pollen most of the times it is in
the the bronze on the stalk

Representation- This picture

represents an Anther because as you
can see in the on the inside of the
flower you there are like little strips
with a ball in the top that is the
Definition- When humans animals or insects
hide and use trees, branches, leaves or
nature generally and blend with the colors,
humans use paint but most animals have a
skin that can help them camouflage in some
scenarios, other animals like chameleons can
change color, this is called cryptic coloration Representation- This image can
represent camouflage because as
they blend with their surroundings this helps
you can see in the picture this type
them to avoid predators,this is a defense
of beetle has a different colored skin
tactic. that helps them camouflage you can
see this because they have various
color in their shell that are not vivid.
Definition- A cuticle is the outermost
covering in organisms in humans and on
animals the cuticle is the epidermis but in
plants it’s a wax layer on the top of some
plant organs, this hydrophobic layer
protects the plants from water loss.

Representation- This picture represents

a plant cuticle because you can see how
water slides from the plants leaf and you
can see the shine from the wax in the leaf.
Definition- They are a type of fungus that
consist on 2 organisms functioning
together. Lichens are alga or
cyanobacterium or sometimes both,
combined with fungus about 17,000 types
of lichen exist around the world. They are a
dual organism because they are inadequate
Representation- This picture represents
for photosynthesis so they need another
a lichen because as you can see they
organisms to get their “food” that is why have a the aspects of a Lichen and it is
they are connected to other organisms growing on a tree so it shows how the
because that is their source of food. tree is the source of energy.
C3 Plant
Definition- A c3 plant is an organisms that use
c3 carbon fixation as a mechanism to convert
Co2 into an organic compound it is first
arranged into a compound that has 3 carbon
atoms before or enters to the calvin cycle, this
types of plants are involved in direct carbon
fixation. They are plants that the first product
of assimilation of carbon dioxide thru
photosynthesis is 3 phosphoglycerate

Representation- This picture represents a C4 plant

because rice uses this type of photosynthesis so it
falls under the category of C3 plant.
Pioneer species
Definition- A pioneer species is a the first species
to colonize a territory (ecosystem) that was
damaged, pioneer species are usually species that
are able to support the effects of disruption on
the habitat some examples of pioneer species are
lichens that grow on rocks or flowers that grow
on rough and diverse habitats.

Representation- This picture represents a pioneer

species because as I explain lichens are pioneers
spices. Because they can grow in rough habitats
after damage has been done.
Tree rings
Definition- Each year a trees form new cells
organized in circles that are called annual
rings this rings show how many wood was
produced in one growing season.

Representation- This picture represents tree

rings because it is the picture of a log of wood
and you can see the rings.
Definition- It is the
potentiality of a plant to grow
directionally responding to a
light source. Because plants are
sessile they need to look for
another way to find their food,
that’s when they resort to
Representation- This picture can
phototropism. represent phototropism because as you
can see the this cactus (cam plant) is
crooked to the side where it is most
exposed to the sun in my house.
Ethylene Producing Fruit
Definition-Fruits can be producers or
consumers of ethylene, Ethylene Producing
Fruits are the fruits that produce this gas.
Ethylene is a odorless gas that exists in
nature that provokes the ripening of a
fruit,ethylene also plays a big role in the
process of plant growth, development and Representation- This picture of
death. some bananas represents an
ethylene producing fruit. Because if
its chemical composition bananas
produce ethylene so they fall under
the category of ethylene producing
Definition- They are a division of non flowering
plants made up of mosses and liverworts they
have rhizoids instead of roots their vascular
tissues are absent and they reproduce via
spores lastly they are found in damp
Representation- This qualifies as a bryophyte
because this is a type of moss that grows by
flowers also it follow all the characteristics
bryophyte has.
Definition- An endotherm is a
Representation- This picture represents an
warm-blooded animal they
endothermic because a dog is a mammal and
maintain a constant body and they are warm blooded animals so they fit
temperature that does not in this category.
involve the environment. If there
is heat loss they increase their
metabolism to regulate their
body temperature, and when
their body temperature increases
they regulate their temperature
by panting or perspiring most of
the times they are mammals,
birds and even some fish.
Adaptation of an animal
Definition- They are any behavioral or
physical characteristics that helps an animal
survive an environment. There are three
main categories, body parts, body coverings
and behaviors these are essential for the
survival of animals . Representation- This picture
represents an adaptation of an animal
because before dog lived in very cold
environments and they needed to find
heat so they adapted to the
environment by growing more hair to
maintain their body heat.
Definition- An Annelid is any segmented
worm of the phylum of invertebrate animals
that have 3 common characteristics,
possession of a body cavity, removable
bristles and a body divided into segments by
transverse rings.

Representation- This picture represents an

annelid because an earthworm follows all of the
characteristics from an annelid.
Wind dispersed seed
Definition- Plants that have really light and
feathery bristle seeds that can travel long
distances by wind.

Representation-This picture
represents a wind dispersed seed
because as you can see it is a
dandelion and it has all the
Radial symmetry
Definition- Is the symmetry about a central axis
in organisms, meaning that all the sides are
mirroring each other almost identically.

Representation- As you can see this clover has

radial symmetry because all sides are equal and
have symmetry from the central axis.
Stigma and Style of Carpel
Definition- The female sex organ of the
flower is the carpel, but the carpel is
made from stigma and the style. The
stigma is the part in the carpel where
pollen is received and the style is the
stalk of the carpel.
Representation-In the picture you can see
the stigma and the style of the carpel in the
Bilateral symmetry
Definition-Is the symmetrical arrangement
of a plant, so it's when the left and the right
side have a mirroring image of each along
the midline.

Representation-This picture represents bilateral

symmetry because as you can see both sides of the leaf
are almost identical.

Definition- They are characterized because they can

be any flowering plant where ovules are enclosed in
an ovary that develops a fruit after they fertilize.

Representation-This picture represents an

angiosperm because this flowers fits in all of
the characteristics an angiosperm has.
c4 plants c4 plants ectotherm Exoskeleton Linchen Reptiles Bryophyta Endotherm Radial symmetry Angiosperm

Carbohydrates CAM Anther gymnosperm pioneer species Ethylene producing fruit wind dispersed seed

Primary consumers Primary consumers Camouflage Arthropods C3 plants Animal adaptations

Pollinator Scavengers cuticle Autotroph c3 plants Tree rings Phototropism Annelida Bilateral symmetry

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