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 black sheep of the family
 (distant) relatives
 godfather
 godmother
 great-aunt
 great-uncle
 half-brother
 half-sister
 husband-to-be
 in-laws
 nephew
 next of kin
 niece
 offspring
 an only child
 siblings
 spoilt child
 spouse
 stepbrother
 stepfather
 stepmother
 stepsister
 wife-to-be

Family arrangements
 adolescent
 adolescence
 adoptive parents
 biological parents
 broken home
 children's home
 cohabiting couple
 compel children (to do smth)
 nuclear family
 extended family
 family-friendly employers
 foster parents
 frenetic pace of life
 house(hold) chores
 juggle work and home life
 leave the children to their own
 police children's behaviour
 raise/bring up a child
 rebel
 same-sex couple
 single parent

 upbringing

Family and money

 a strain on the family budget
 alimony
 breadwinner
 child maintenance
 life insurance
 pocket money
 provide for one's family
 self-reliant
 support one's family
 will

Family celebrations
 wedding
 best man
 bouquet (of flowers)
 bride
 bridesmaid
 church wedding
 civil wedding
 fiancè
 to go on honeymoon
 groom
 honeymoon
 newlyweds
 to propose (to smb)
 registrar
 registry office
 veil
 wedding ceremony
 wedding reception
 wedding ring/band
 white wedding

Birth - Dzimšana
 baptism/ christening
 birth
 cot
 expectant mother
 labour
 maternity clothes
 maternity ward
 midwife
 nappy

 bury
 coffin
 cremation
 funeral
 grave
 headstone
 hearse
 mourn
 mourning
 urn
 wreath

Other celebrations
 to bless
 Christmas eve
 Christmas carols
 engagement party
 First Communion
 hen party/night
 housewarming party
 Midnight mass
 stag night/party/do

Friends and acquaintances

 a handful of true friends
 acquaintance
 circle of friend/ acquaintances
 class- / work- /room- /flat-mate
 close friend
 colleague
 ex-schoolmate
 a fair-weather friend
 friend of a friend
 friend of the family
 mate/buddy/pal
 mutual friend
 social networking sites
 traveling companion

 a friend in need is a friend indeed
 a love-hate relationship
 be at each other's throats
 be fond of smb

 be on the same wavelength

 be sick to death of smb/smth
 behave childishly
 childish
 confide in smb
 find it easy to make friend
 hate the sight of smb
 have a crush on smb
 have a lot in common
 have a soft spot for smb/smth
 have an affair
 keep in touch with smb
 relate to smb
 respect smb's privacy
 stormy relationship
 take advantage of smth
 take care of smb
 take part in
 take smb for granted
 take turns

Leisure time
 eat out
 leisure time
 put one’s feet up
 stay up late
 take up a hobby / sport
 throw a party

Phrasal verbs
 ask smb out
 bring up
 care for smb
 get on (with smb)
 get rid of smth
 grow up
 look back on smth
 look down on smb
 look up to smb
 make up with smb
 rely on smb
 sort out (a problem)
 split up (with smb)
 stand by smb
 take after smb
 tell smb off

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