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16/10/21 14.

19 Soal UP 2020

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Soal UP 2020

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15 dari 15 poin

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Gorillas are the largest of all the primates. A male gorilla can be 180
centimetres tall  and  can  weigh  200  kilograms.  Gorillas  are  very 
strong  but  they  do not often fight. In fact they are peaceful animals.
Gorillas live in small family groups of about 15.  In a group there is one
strong, older male, some young males, and a few females with their
babies. They move slowly around a large area of jungle eating leaves
and bushes.   In some ways gorillas are very like humans. When they are
happy, they laugh and wave their arms. When they are angry, they beat
their chests. When they are sad, they cry. But they cry quietly, without
any tears.  Unfortunately, people hunt and kill gorillas. They also cut
down and burn their trees. There are now only about 10,000 gorillas
left in the world. What is the text about? *

Describe gorilla

Describe gorilla generally / in general Describe

gorilla specifically

Retell about gorilla GTom9… 1/53

What kinds of the text above? * 1/1

Narrative Text Report Text News Item

Descriptive text

wo. The world was1/1

year more . And I was four. Now I’m happy to say. I’m a year older today. And soon you’ll see Another birthday party for m

a birthday of boy when the boy child birthday party for me

when the boy one

Mention two sequences lines which have rhyme? * 1/1

line 1 and 2

line 2 and 3

line 3 and 4

line 4 and 5
Do you know How old I’ll be? * 1/1

will be three will be four will be five

will be six

How old is the boy now? * 1/1

three years old four years old five years old

six years old

What is the synonym of attempt? * 1/1

Endeavour Refuse Indeed

What is the antonym of origin? * 1/1

conclusioned ended


What is the synonym of ensure? * 1/1

Verify Imperit Forfeit


What is the synonym of charming? * 1/1

Pleasant Assertive Responsive

What is the synonym of evade? * 1/1

Comes Avoid Agree


What is the synonym of honour? * 1/1

respect/regard sequence complication


What is the synonym of common * 1/1

Unusual Rare Noble Recurrent

16/10/21 14.19 Soal UP 2020

Identify whether the underlined word below is anaphoric or cataphoric 1/1

reference On 21st December 1972, the Basic Treaty was signed by East and West Germany, and relations be

What is antonym of insurrection? * 1/1

Revolt Coup Obedience Mutiny


92 dari 105 poin

Michael went to the Bank. He was annoyed because it was closed. * 1/1

Anaphoric Cathaporic
Exophoric GTom9… 6/53

16/10/21 14.19 Soal UP 2020

I told her that she could find it on a map, but you know how she is. * 1/1

Anaphoric Cathaporic

The book was there on the table. I'd never read Moby Dick and I didn't1/1
intend to do so now *

Anaphoric Cathaporic

Although I phone her every week, my mother still complains that I don't 1/1
keep in touch often enough *

Anaphoric Cathaporic
Exophoric GTom9… 7/53

It's so cold today. * 1/1


it is/isn't it it was
it must be

it should be

Kamal is feeling very happy because he win the 100m race. What is the 1/1
best idiom to express the situation above? *

On cloud nine Spoke noisy Flower knight

Good mark

I want to go to AustraliaI need a pasport. * 1/1

from which at which for which

in which
Dear, Viana Remember,we've had an appoitment to go swimming, after 1/1 school. I'll be waiting for you a
go there by bicycle. .RereWhat should they do before going
swimming? *

Make an appointment and prepare everything Have lunch

Have a nap and ride a bicycle

Have lunch and a nap

, Dini’s mother is 1/1

r left arm and her left leg were broken. We will visit her at the hospital after school. Will you join us? Please inform us as s

Andi Dini Robi

16/10/21 14.19 Soal UP 2020

As the counterbalance to linguistic competence, formulaic1/1

competence refers to chunks of language that speakers use heavily in everyday interactions. It includes the fo

Idioms Routines Turn-taking Collocations

Lexical frames

Among the areas where our behavior can directly influence our1/1
students' motivation to continue participation in EFL classes is determining short-term goals which include the following Ex

the successful writing of an essay the ability to partake in a discussion

the possibility of a better job in the future

the learning of a small amount of new language

the passing of the progress test at the end of the week GTom… 10/53

16/10/21 14.19 Soal UP 2020

Applying the humanistic approach, the teacher should encourage

supportive atmosphere in the classroom by means of the following acts

Listening to the students

Encouraging them to share their feelings Accepting their comments without judgement Fixing the aims for the cou
Obliging students to do what they plan to do that day

When putting syllabuses together, an EFL curriculum designer has to1/1

consider each item for inclusion in the syllabuses on the basis of the following criteria Except*

Learnability Usefulness Frequency Coverage

Grading GTom9… 1 /53

16/10/21 14.19 Soal UP 2020

The presentation/development step of a lesson plan should involve activities on the part of the students.
keeping in mind the following principles Except*

principle of selection principle of division principle of absorption principle of categorization

principle of successive sequence

When assigning the learners in the closure section of the lesson plan,1/1
remember that students need to be able to perform their skills on their own. So, keep the following things in mind Exce

een the lesson and the homework make sure to assign the homework directly after the lesson clearly explain the assignment to b
re their tasks to their classmates

ts understanding before sending them off GTom… 12/53

Free practice designed for an effective lesson plan integrates the1/1 focus structure/ vocabulary/ functional l
structures in the following Except*

games and puzzles small group discussions

quizzes and formative test
written work (paragraphs and essays) longer listening comprehens

completed with assignments to 1/1 guide the instructor's choice of assessment measures by providing information about s
consider Except*

evel of learning do the students need to attain?

oes the lesson plan fit particular instructional principles?

s the amount of time the instructor wants the students to use? How does the assignment fit with the rest of the lesson plan?
s the purpose of the assignment?
The presentation phase of a lesson plan can take a variety of forms. The 1/1
following are suggestions on how to present new materials to class Except*

Teacher centered explanantion Student presentation

Reading selection

Listening selection

Guided exercises

Rina is solitary type of a student. The most suitable learning source for 1/1
the teacher to facilitate Rina in reading comprehension would be*

ure workbooks E-learning modules reading passages audio recordings

A teacher who wants to have distance learning involving not only1/1
spoken but also pictographic images which enable them to have face to face idea exchanges can most approp


short message services multimedia language laboratory teleconference

google messenger

Mrs. Nastiti is about to activate students' formal schemata of lexical 1/1

items used in a report text. For the purpose, she can involve her students*

s in jumbled letters

with appropriate words to guess word meanings from the context to find the meaning of words in dictionary
nym or the antonym of words

In assessment . . . . learning teachers adjust their plans and engage in1/1

corrective teaching. *

Asessment for learning Assessment of learning

Assessment as learning
development of self-assessment and peer assessment skills fall into 1/1
which category? *

assessment of learning
assessment for learning assessment as learning

Assessment . . . . learning is used to make judgement about students'1/1

performance in relation to Provincial Standards *

assessment of learning assessment for learning

assessment as learning

Assessmentlearning involves both teacher and students in a 0/1

process of continual reflection and review about progress. *

essment as learning assessment of learning assessment for learning

aban yang benar

essment as learning
16/10/21 14.19 Soal UP 2020

Diagnostic assessment is* 1/1

assessment as learning assessment of learning

assessment for learning

Assessmentlearning provides the opportunity to respond to 1/1

assessment feedback for students to improve a project *

assessment of learning
assessment as learning assessment for learning

Assessment . . . . learning uses a task or an activity for the purpose of1/1

determining student progress during a unit or block of instruction. *

assessment of learning assessment for learning

assessment as learning

What is practicality? * 1/1

A test is effective
A test has a good methodology A test is easy to administer GTom… 17/53

16/10/21 14.19 Soal UP 2020

A test is consitsten and dependable. This concept is* 1/1

Washback Validity Realibility Authenticity


This concept talks about the extent to which inferences made from1/1
assessment results are appropriate, meaningful and useful in terms of the purpose of the assessment. *

Washback Validity Realibility Authenticity

Practically GTom… 18/53

. . . . . generally refers to effects the tests have on instruction in terms1/1
of how students prepare for the test. *

Washback Validity Realibility Practically



Key word : the effects (dampak)

as instruction to assessors and 1/1 assessment specifications are given to various assessors to ensure consistency over time
e above scenario? *

Validity Practically Authenticity Realibility

Students are given multiple essay sets. Assessors grade the
on each student's paper before grading the second essay. Thi

Washback Validity Realibility



Key word : This allows the evaluator to apply the same set of criteria at a time (bagaimana seorang guru menerap

The measure or assessment of consistency of scores across time or1/1

different contexts is called*

Washback Validity Realibility

The measure or assessment of consistency of scores across time or1/1
different contexts is called*

Validity Realibility

Practicality Opsi 5


Key word : Consistency sudah pasti realibility

Pupils are asked to perform real world task that demonstrate1/1

meaningful application of essential knowledge and skill. Which principle applies to the statement above? *

Realibility Authenticity Practicality

During the demonstration, students are assigned to describe a picture 1/1
of the scene they have seen. This is a dimension ofknowledge *

Factual Conceptual Procedural


Students are assigned to answer questions about understanding of the 1/1

descriptive text, and its use in daily life. This is included in . . .
knowledge. *

Factual Conceptual Procedural



Key word : kata understanding (pemahaman)

Pengetahuan konseptual : siswa memahami teori/konsep, definisi
The teacher explains the steps of cultivating oyster mushrooms is a 1/1
dimension ofknowledge. *

Factual Conceptual Procedural



Key words : steps (langkah-langkah) beratti pengetahuan prosedural

vides image of the human digestive system. Then, teacher ask students to mention the organs system digestion
1/1 according to

Factual Conceptual Procedural



Key word : image, mention, according to the picture

Jadi masuk ke pengetahuan faktual karena siswa melihat gambar
Mr Joko explained about the formula to form sentences by using 1/1
"simple present tense". This includes the dimension of*

Factual Conceptual Procedural



Key word : Explain jadi masuk ke konseptual

antina), Mrs. Riska gave assignments to document daily activities and reported once every three days. What
1/1 has been don

Factual Conceptual Procedural



Key word : Reported once every three days

ini membutuhkan kesadaran siswa jadi termaksud pengetahuan metakognitive
A language teacher teaches the basic competence as follows: Writing1/1
and performing school drama dialogues. The most appropriate material according to the b

Factual Conceptual Procedural



Key word : Writing and performing

Siswa diminta menulis dan menampilkan dialog drama mereka akan membuat langkah- langkah bagaimana cara m

Learning objectives that describe the process and learning outcomes1/1

expected to be achieved by learners in accordance (sesuai) with their competences are contained in: *


Lesson Plan (RPP) Syllabus and lesson plan

Graduate competency standards

y word : The process and learning outcomes (hasil belajar) Proses pembelajaran tercantum dalam RPP
Syllabus and Lesson Plan are both as a learning process plan, the 1/1
difference are as follows: *

Syllabus contains basic competencies while Lesson Plan directs learning activities to achieve basic competencies

Syllabus is sourced from content standards and graduated standards, while RPP is sourced from graduated comp

RPP is made by each teacher, while the syllabus is made by a team of teachers

RPP and Syllabus are both arranged by each unit of educational


Syllabus berisi tentang kompetensi dasar sedangkan RPP mengarahkan langsung pada kegiatan pembelaj

One of the principles in the preparation of the Lesson Plan is* 1/1

Competency-based teaching materials Learning is designed with a student-centered RPP sourced from Syllabus
Time allocation according to the schedule on each unit of education
The implementation of learning (RPP) is prepared for each basic
competencies that can be implemented in one or more meetings
spelled out from. *

Syllabus for the creation of indicators and learning objectives in an effort to achieve
basic competences

Syllabus for the creation of learning and material purposes in an effort to achieve
basic competences.

Syllabus for the creation of indicators and assessment in an effort to achieve basic

Syllabus to direct learners' learning activities in an effort to achieve basic


Jawaban yang benar

Syllabus to direct learners' learning activities in an effort to achieve basic



RPP merupakan penjabaran dari Syllabus untuk mengarahkan kegiatan proses pembelajaran
untuk mencapai kompetensi dasar

As the counterbalance to linguistic competence, formulaic1/1

competence refers to chunks of a language that speakers use heavily in everyday interaction. It includes the following Ex

Idioms Routines Turn-taking Collocations

Lexical Frames
Among the areas where our behavior can directly influence our1/1 students' motivation to continue par

the successful writing of an essay the ability to partake in a discussion

the possibility of a better job in the future
the learning of a small amount of new language the passing of progress

ng the humanistic approach, the teacher should encourage supportive atmosphere in the classroom by means
1/1 of the follow


m to share their feelings accepting their comments without judgement fixing the aims for the course or for one lesson
s to do what they plan to do that day
When putting syllabus together, an EFL curriculum designer has to1/1
consider each item for inclusion in the Syllabuses on the basic of the following criteria Except*

Learnability Usefulness Frequency Coverage


sentation/development step of a lesson plan should involve activities on the part of the students. It should
1/1 be carried ou
in mind the following principles Except*

ple of selection principle of division principle of absorption principle of categorization

ple of successive sequence


Yang bukan merupakan Prinsip dalam penyusunan RPP yang melibatkan peserta didik adalah
When assigning the learners in the closure section of the lesson plan,1/1
remember that students need to be able to perform their skills on their own

make a clear connection between the lesson and the home work make sure to assign the homework directly after
ask the model students to share their tasks to their classmates

make sure to check for students understanding before sending them off

esson plan integrates the1/1 focus structure/vocabulary/functional language into students' overall language use. It often en

games and puzzles small group discussions

quizzes and formative test
written work (Paragraph and essays) longer listening comprehension practice
A well-develop lesson plan should be completed with assignments to1/1 guide the instructor's choice of asse
The following are among the questions to consider Except*

what level of learning do the students need to at

how does the lesson plan fit particular instruc

what is the amount of time the instructor wants

how does the assignment fit with the rest of the

what is the purpose of the assignment?

The closure step of a lesson plan is a chance to determine whether the

students need additional practice or to go over the lesson again. The
following are examples of closure in an effective lesson plan, Except . . .

summarizing the characteristic of the lesson

discussing new things that the students learned about the lesson

giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class

asking what information from the lesson the students will find important asking

the students to summarize the lesson for students missing the class

Jawaban yang benar

giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class
The presentation phase of a lesson plan can take a variety of forms. The 1/1
following are suggestions on how to present new materials to class, Except*

teacher centered explanation students presentation reading selection

listening selection

guided exercises

Rina is solitary type of a student. The most suitable learning source for 1/1
the teacher to facilitate Rina in reading comprehension would be*

ured workbooks E-learning modules reading passages audio recordings

To cater for the learning style of his students who are field independent, when teaching reading, Mr. H
students to*

follow in dept ideas in each paragraph identify the main points of passages imply the meaning in passages
retell details of all paragraphs

seek for specific information

Learning a new topic can be challenging for students. To motivate them1/1

to learn with enthusiasm, a teacher may use empathetic communication strategy by*

informing the class to always be motivated reminding the importance of learning English explaining the disadvantage of not le
y will like it
A students was texting Ms. Cruella as follows : "Excuse me, mam. When 1/1 can you meet me to discuss m
back not to make her embarrassed? *

What about tomorrow? but, should I see you or you see me? Who do you think you are? I am your tea
Sandra, be polite please, Can't you? Should I meet you?

You are really not polite, sandra. Keep your manner.

What follows are not among the principles of assessment: * 1/1

accountable, meaningful, systematic, fair and criterion-based objective, accountable, systematic, fair and meaningful ongoing, in


Key word :
Principle of assessment (prinsip penilaian)

Yang bukan Judgemental (menghakimi)

Based on the indicator that follows: - Given three brief paragraphs of1/1 different themes on which every se
the assessment procedure is*

scoring with a penalty dichotomous scorin

weighted scoring
The problem in Mr. Andi's class is the students tend to compete
excessively in reading class. They don't have much experience in
working together in task groups. She believes that they need to have
more opportunities to work together to change as their attitudes in
competing leads to an unhealthy class atmosphere. To solve the
problem, she designs an innovative instructional strategy through
classroom action research. The steps of which will need to have the
elements of......*




Mind and mapping

Click and Clunk


Key word : Reading class and much working in task groups

Dalam pembelajaran Reading, dengan menggunakan strategi work together and task group
maka diperlukan metode dengan teknik diskusi yaitu Jigsaw
Observation by a collaborator during the conduct of classro
research (PTK) are mainly focused on*

both the teacher's teaching and more importantly students' learning behaviour detailed descriptions of class progr
class atmosphere during the implementation of the strategy student-student and teacher-students class interactio
Jawaban yang benar

both the teacher's teaching and more importantly students' learning behaviour

In doing action research, the researcher should understand the stages 0/1
as suggested in which of the following? *

observing, and reflecting Preliminary study, planning, acting, and implementing, seeing, and reflecting Preliminary study, planning
To design a good l
things these eleme

indicators of competence achievement, materials and media instructional materials, teaching steps, and test item
grading the materials, learning strategies and scoring

The following are what a teacher should do when one of his students0/1
does not understand the question Except*

ask another student to help him/her find the answer

simplify (memudahkan) the word and structure of the question write the question on the whiteboard
repeat the question to help him understand it explain the topic again and again
Jawaban yang benar

explain the topic again and again

Dramatizing an event, performing transactional monologs and describing a situations

Narrating past events, describing things, and responding to implied meanings Performing interpersonal and transa
Jawaban yang benar

Dramatizing an event, performing transactional monologs and describing a situations

ound as a cold breeze rippled across the blue-gray waters around the blind. He felt confident that no duck would be able to

Opsi 1
Where could Bob possibly be? * 0/1

On a side road In his room

In the wood In the farm
Jawaban yang benar

In the wood

Bob was sitting patiently because he was* 1/1

Waiting for the ducks to pass Setting up his weapons

Enjoying his solitary time without the ducks

Waiting for the sun to rise

Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish or people, they have n
Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous systems for sensing the world aroun
warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and South poles.

Which one creates Jellyfish’s light? * 0/1

Stomachs and mouths Chemical reaction Ocean

Salt water

Jawaban yang benar

Stomachs and mouths

What is the text about? * 1/1

Kinds of all really not fish Some kinds of sea animals Jellyfish
Salt water animals

Based on the text, we know that* 1/1

They live in the lake

They glow when they sleep

They don’t have brain, only stomach and mouths They are part of fish

Because they made us wait for so long for our table, drinks were on the 1/1
house. “Drinks were on the house” means*

The drinks were free

The house serve the drinks

The drinks were served at the house The houses were for drinking
16/10/21 14.19 Soal UP 2020

A teacher tries to associate the knowledge gotten from previous0/1

meeting to make and prepare a good atmosphere to start a teaching learning process. This activity is called*

Join construction of the text Apperception


Building knowledge of the field

Jawaban yang benar


What follows are important for teachers to consider in making students 1/1
learn English effectively, Except*

The rich sources for their learning and acquiring English Their effective state during learning processes
Their use of knowledge of their mother tongue Their existing language input
Their level of curiosity in learning English

Which of the following is the most appropriate sentence containing a1/1

passive construction? *

The rat was supposed to be placed into a T-shaped mate Mistakes were made said by most politicians
The president was to be sworn in on a cold January morning GTom… 43/53

16/10/21 14.19 Soal UP 2020

Which of the following is the most appropriate sentence containing a1/1

noun phrase construction? *

Lots of rubbish lies on the river bed it is dangerous to wildlife

Some people continue to work after retirement so the retiring number is increasing

A teacher should know how extrovert students learn in the classroom.1/1

The following activities can make them more comfortable in learning Except*

on work sheet independently presenting materials in front of class answering question verbally
problems with other

ng a topic in groups

The old words you see on the board most . . . .were becoming1/1
obsolete, are now trending again. The option that best fills in the blank space in the sentence is*

in which of which at which

on which GTom… 44/53

Mr. Albert is teaching historical recount texts. He has asked his1/1
students to search for relevant text the right have the following tittles, Except*

The battle of surabaya

The declaration of indonesia Pearl harbour

The rain cycle

In order to fulfill the democratic validity of her classroom action 0/1

research study Mrs. siti is going the following, Except*

finding theories on the topic for a better possible solution interviewing students
discussing the topic with another English teacher as the collaborator interviewing an English teacher
giving questionnaires to students on the topic of the research

Jawaban yang benar

interviewing an English teacher

A basic competence mention that students are able to write0/1 descriptive text of historical building and pe
online learning media that has been developed as a state and school
work. To make the possible, Dr. Budi uses*

Zoom Edmodo Googleform WAG

Jawaban yang benar


ent learning achievement, the teacher can assess1/1

st that are developed based on some principles. The degree to which the test actually measure what it is intended to meas

auntencity validity reliability

The teacher picks up the stick and gives it to the students, after which 1/1 the teacher asks the question and
from the teacher. The learning model above is the model*


make a match

Learning together

Talking stick

Learning method that emphasize the existence of expert groups and1/1

initial groups is*

Jigsaw Problem solving

Picture and picture

Number head together

Directing, teaching material information, creating heterogeneous
groups providing teaching materials consisting of several parts
according to many students in the group. Each group member is
tasked with discussing certain parts, each group of learning materials
section so that cooperation and discussion occur, return to the original
group, the implementation of tutorials on the original group by
members of the expert group, inference and evaluation, reflection is a
model of learning.....*

Mind mapping


Make a match

Talking stick

indicators and learning0/1 objectives that have been determined in lesson plan. The evaluation is intended to determine t
en by the teacher*

e evaluation Selective Evaluation Place Evaluation Sumative Evaluation

yang benar

Assessment that aims to find out the weaknesses of students and their 1/1
causative factors. The implementation of this kind of assessment usually aims for the purpose of tutoring, re

Sumative Evaluation Diagnostic evaluation Formative Evaluation

Selective Evaluation

is very useful as feedback about the learning process that has been1/1
one, so that through information from the implementation of this evaluation teachers will always improve the learning pr

Selective Evaluation Formative Evaluation Placement Evaluation

Diagnostic Evaluation

His househe paid $10.000 is now worth $ 50.000 * 1/1

for which in which at which

of which
He won the speech competitionhe participated last week. * 1/1

for which in which at which

of which

The death of his son was an experience . . . . he never fully recovered *1/1

for which in which from which

at which

The datewe've promised to meet was july the 13th * 1/1

in which on which at which

to which
PeterI play tennis every weekend, is taller than me * 1/1

to whom with whom for whom

at whom

If I have enough time, Ito my parents tonight * 1/1

am going to write writing

would write

would have written

If my father . . . me a new car, i wouldhappy * 1/1

bought - be bought - been buy - been

buys - being
Umar would be happy if he got the bike he want

Umar will be happy because he will get the bike he wants Umar gets the bike he wants. Therefore, he is extremely
Umar is not happy even though he gets the bike he wants

Had I told her earlier about the problem, sheangry * 1/1

would have wouldn't be wouldn't have

wouldn't have been

If Lindahome last night, i would have visited her * 1/1

were had
had been

would have been

Waiters and waitresses serve customers. Change to passive

Customers served by waiters and waitresses Customers is served by waiters and waitresses Customers are serve
Customers were served by waiters and waitresses

Aliya didn't make the pie ( active ). The Pieby aliya * 1/1

wasn't made weren't made isn't made

wasn't being made

Regarding that in analyzing the social function, structure and language 1/1
features element of recount text. Based on the basic competence what is representing TPACK ? *

asking students to explore certaint text on the provide online course the students manage their times to study
the students watching the video for studying

asking the students to answer the questions correctly

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