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The Occultist

"Why dark magic? Why do you risk your very soul for it?"
The professor took a long draw from his cigar as he mulled over the question. Professor Singrave had practiced
dark magic as an Occultist ever since he was a young man; his life was inextricably tied to unholy power. No
amount of pleading to a god or angel could ever cleanse his soul. After thinking on the question for a moment,
Singrave graced his Paladin friend with an answer.
"Because I see no reason to be bound to the whims of a god. I may consort with demons and angels, I may shape
the Weave and cast a few spells, but I'm not bound to any of those things. Unlike you, who must follow a strict
moral code, or a cleric who adheres to the whims of an indifferent god, or the sorcerer who was forcibly afflicted
with power, I am not bound by any defined law or divine edict. As far as I am concerned, the universe is
meaningless unless I may shape it to my will. We all live short, fleeting lives on an uncaring rock barreling through
the infinite darkness of space, so why waste our days on such trivial things like what others think of us?"
The Paladin cocked his brow at Singrave, giving him a quizzical look. "If you don't care what others think, then
why do you help us save innocent people? What do you get out of it?"
Singrave shook his head. "If you need someone else to tell you that helping people is a good thing, then you're
probably not a good person." He gave the Paladin a smirk. "Just saying."

Art by Ouyang Jinqing

Eldritch Professors
Occultists are specialists in eldritch knowledge, though they are
not a slave to the powers they call upon. Successful Occultists
take measures to separate themselves from the otherworldly
entities they interact with regularly. Blending eldritch and martial
disciplines, Occultists make for unique warriors when compared
to their peers, using anything from possessed weaponry to voodoo
dolls in their quest for arcane truth. Though Occultists are able to
use many martial talents to defend themselves, their identities are
inextricably tied to the occult magics they have come to rely on.

The Burden of Knowledge

Occultists carry with them knowledge of alien creatures that
rival the gods with their terrible power, of horrifying demons that
stalk the dark recesses of the world, and of nature spirits whose
enchanting magics are used to collect innocent travellers like
trinkets on a chain. This knowledge is a burden on the psyche of
the Occultist, and takes a great measure of Intelligence to truly
comprehend. Occultists actively study these entities as a
profession, allowing them to learn eldritch magic as if it were
arcane. They collect their magical knowledge in a Tome of Occult
Power, which stores eldritch knowledge for further use in the
same way a Wizard scribes a spell into his spellbook.
Creating an Occultist
When making an Occultist, think about what might have drawn this person to pursue dark magic. Were they
traumatized by it as a child, and sought to face their fears by taming the darkness that traumatized them? Or did they
stumble across an ancient tome containing knowledge that was not meant for mortal eyes, ingraining into them a lust
for power? You should also consider the Occultist's view of occult magic and otherworldly creatures. Is it another
tool in the Occultist's arsenal, just like any other weapon or spell? Does the character view otherworldly entities and
their forbidden magic with reverence or disgust? What does your character do to keep themselves safe from the
dangerous magics they use?
Why was your character drawn to the particular study that they ascribe to? Where did they learn how to use occult
magic? Some Occultists find dark knowledge through sheer luck, while others might be tutored by another Occultist
or even a Warlock about the nature of eldritch magic. What about your Occultist separates them from a traditional
Wizard or Sorcerer?

Quick Build
You can build an Occultist quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Intelligence your highest ability
score, followed by Constitution. Your next highest score should be Dexterity. Finally, when you choose Rituals for
your Ancient Tome feature, choose the Comprehend Languages and Unseen Servant spells.

Class Features

Hit Points
Hit Dice 1d10 per Occultist level
Hit Points 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per level

Armor Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools None

Saving Throws Intelligence, Constitution

Skills Choose three from Arcana, Deception, History, Investigation, Nature, Perception, and Religion

● A Martial weapon of your choice
● a) An Arcane Focus, or b) a Component Pouch
● A book or scroll which acts as your Tome of Occult Power, plus a Dagger
● a) Scale Mail, or b) Leather Armor
● a) A dungeoneer's pack, or b) a scholar's pack
Level Proficiency Class Occult Max Spells Maximum Essence
Bonus Features Teaching Active Learned Dark Regeneratio
s Teaching Essence n
Learned s

1 +2 Occult 3 2 - 4 2

2 +2 Spellcasting 3 2 4 4 2

3 +2 Occult Study 4 2 5 4 2

4 +2 Ability 4 2 6 4 2

5 +3 Extra 5 3 7 6 3

6 +3 Occult Study 5 8 6 3

7 +3 - 6 9 6 3

8 +3 Ability 6 10 6 3

9 +4 - 7 11 6 3

10 +4 Occult Study 7 12 6 3

11 +4 - 8 13 8 4

12 +4 Ability 8 14 16

13 +5 - 9 15 19

14 +5 Gluttonous 9 16 19
15 +5 Occult Study 10 17 22

16 +5 Ability 10 18 22

17 +6 - 11 19 28

18 +6 Occult Study 11 20 28

19 +6 Ability 12 21 32

20 +6 Occult 12 22 32

Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Level 5th Level

Level Level Level Level

1 - - - - -

2 2 - - - -

3 3 - - - -

4 3 - - - -

5 4 2 - - -

6 4 2 - - -

7 4 3 - - -

8 4 3 - - -

9 4 3 2 - -

10 4 3 2 - -

11 4 3 3 - -

12 4 3 3 - -

13 4 3 3 1 -

14 4 3 3 1 -
15 4 3 3 2 -

16 4 3 3 2 -

17 4 3 3 3 1

18 4 3 3 3 1

19 4 3 3 3 2

20 4 3 3 3 2

Occult Teachings
At 1st level, you learn 3 Occult Teachings from the list of Teachings available to you at 1st level (detailed after this
class' description).
These Occult Teachings start out as being inactive, meaning they do not grant any benefits. To activate your
Teachings, you must absorb Dark Essence into your Tome of Occult Power and then spend it. You may spend Dark
Essence on your turn to activate one Occult Teaching, taking an action, bonus action, or reaction to activate the
Teaching as detailed in the Teaching's Activation Time section.
You may hold an amount of Dark Essence in your tome at once equal to the Maximum Dark Essence for your
level. Each round at the start of your turn, you gain Dark Essence equal to your Essence Regeneration Bonus. Both
your Maximum Dark Essence and Essence Regeneration Bonus are detailed on the Occultist table.
When an Occult Teaching is active, you immediately gain the benefits listed in that Teaching. All Teachings
become inactive once you finish a long rest. Teachings with a duration lose their benefits after the duration ends. If a
Teaching's duration ends, you may spend Dark Essence to use it again. Any reductions to your Maximum Essence or
Essence Regeneration cease once the Teaching is dismissed.
The Occultist Table shows when you learn more Teachings at certain levels and when you gain a higher Dark
Essence Maximum. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you may replace one Teaching you have learned with
one that you can learn at your level. You may also spend Dark Essence to change which Teaching is currently active,
deactivating one of your Teachings to activate another whose cost is equivalent to the Dark Essence spent.
The number of non-Instantaneous Teachings you may have active at once is detailed in the Max Active Teachings
section of the Occultist table.
The Teachings are listed at the end of this class description.

Occult Teaching Ability

You use your Intelligence as your ability score for any Teachings you activate, as detailed below:

Teaching Attack Roll: Your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency Bonus

Teaching Save DC: 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency Bonus

Unarmored Defense
Also at 1st level, your defenses are enhanced by your worldly experiences, allowing you to see danger coming
from a mile away. While unarmored, you may calculate your armor class as 8 + your Intelligence + your Dexterity
modifier. While armored, you may choose to use Intelligence in place of Dexterity to calculate your AC.

At 2nd level, you have acquired a Tome of Occult Power, a dreadful tome full of maddening secrets. The Tome
allows you to cast spells from it, as long as it is on your person during the casting.
The Tome can take any form you like, as long as it is approved by your GM. For example, it can be a cursed skull
bearing a candle that acts as an arcane focus, holding the Rituals you have learned inside of the skull itself. Another
form it can take is a lantern that traps the souls of those you slay inside of it, with the Rituals being inscriptions
etched into the sides of the lantern. Be creative, and make sure it fits with the theme of your character. When
designing your Tome, keep in mind that it should be small enough to hold in one hand, have some obvious
indication that it is magical in nature, and should not be able to deal damage on its own like a weapon can (this last
suggestion can be waived by your DM).
If you ever lose your Tome, you may purchase another one

Spell Slots
The Occultist table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your ranger spells of 1st level and higher. To cast
one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when
you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the 1st-level spell animal friendship and have a 1st-level and a
2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast animal friendship using either slot.

Learning and Preparing Spells

You have four 1st-level spells of your choice from the Occultist spell list written into your Tome of Occult Power.
The Spells Learned column of the Occultist table shows when you learn more Occultist spells of your choice. Each
of these spells must be of a level for which you have slots. For instance, when you reach 5th level in this class, you
can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
You prepare spells when you finish a long rest, choosing from the spells written in your Tome. The number of
spells you may prepare is equal to half of your Occultist level + your Intelligence modifier. You cannot cast
Occultist spells you do not have prepared.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Occultist spells on your Tome and
replace it with another spell from the Occultist spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell
Your Tome of Occult Power can copy Occultist spells you find in the world, using the same rules as a Wizard's
spellbook (see page 114 of the Player's Handbook).

Spellcasting and Occult Ability

When casting spells from your Tome, Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. It is used to calculate
your Spell Save DC and your Spell Attack Rolls. Whenever another Occultist class feature forces an opponent to
make a saving throw or requires a spell attack roll, you use your Intelligence to calculate the DC and bonuses of
those abilities as well.

Spell Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Int Modifier

Spell Attack Roll = Proficiency Bonus + Int Modifier

Spellcasting Focus
You may use an Arcane Focus (PHB chapter 5) as a spellcasting focus for your Occultist spells. Your Tome of
Occult Power is considered to be an Arcane Focus for your Occultist Spells.

Occult Study
At 3rd level, you choose an Occult Study to specialize in, choosing from the list provided at the end of this class
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can choose to increase one ability score
by 2 or two ability scores by 1. This does not allow you to increase an ability score above 20.

Extra Attack
At 5th level, you may choose to attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action on your turn.

Planar Expert
At 5th level, you may add double your proficiency bonus to Wisdom (Survival) checks to track extraplanar
creatures and to checks made to recall information about Fiends, Fey, Celestials, and Aberrations.

Gluttonous Tome
At 14th level, when you roll Initiative, your Tome generates Dark Essence for you if you do not have any. The
amount generated is equal to your level.

Occult Master
At 20th level, you have become a master of dark magic, able to ignore the more mundane issues of lesser
creatures. You no longer age, and do not suffer any adverse effects from old age. Additionally, you have resistance to
Psychic damage and advantage on saving throws made against the attacks, spells, or abilities of Fey, Fiends,
Celestials, and Aberrations.

Occult Studies
Below are a series of Occult Studies that Occultists can specialize in: the Spiritologist, the Imperiologist, the
Hemotologist, and the Thanatologist

The dark art of necromancy is shunned by most, but Occultists have no compunctions about using it to raise undead
spirits or to speak with the ancient dead. Their use of ethereal spirits allows them to strike from everywhere at once
from relative safety.

Dread Spirits
At 3rd level, when you choose this Study, you gain the ability to summon spirits to destroy your enemies. You can
use a bonus action to conjure a spirit in a space within 30 feet of you. The spirit immediately makes a melee spell
attack against a creature within 5 feet of it, using your spell attack bonus. On a hit, the spirit deals 1d8 Necrotic
damage. After the spirit makes this attack, it disappears.
You can summon these spirits a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses of this
ability after finishing a short rest.

Spiritual Teaching
At 6th level, you learn an additional Teaching for free. This Teaching doesn't count against the number of
Teachings you can learn.

Shadow of Death
Prerequisites: 6th level, Spiritologist subclass
Cost: 5 Essence
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
As a bonus action on your turn, you can invoke the soul of a creature whose soul is trapped on the Material Plane
for 1 minute, forcing it to follow all of your commands. It appears in a space within 15 feet of you and uses the
statistics of a creature you have slain (or have aided in slaying) within the past 10 minutes. The spirit does not take
actions until you command it as an action. Whenever you command the spirit, you make a Constitution saving throw
to maintain concentration. Breaking concentration causes the spirit to depart to the afterlife. The DC for this saving
throw is equal to 12 + the creature's CR.

Empowered Summons
At 10th level, the spirits summoned by your Dread Spirits feature deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom

Broken Veil
At 15th level, you can cast Animate Dead as a 3rd-level spell twice per long rest with this feature. Instead of
creating skeletons or zombies, you create Shadows, which do not create more Shadows after slaying a creature.

Bountiful Servants
At 18th level, you may use Dread Spirits a number of times equal to twice your Wisdom modifier, and may
expend two uses at once to conjure two spirits at a time.

Hemotologists are occult warriors who study the flow of life from one creature to another, wondering how the rivers
of blood that seep from a wound might benefit others. They practice the art of healing and blood transfusion,
allowing them to use the life force of blood as a means to restore a person to health. Health potions crafted by
Hemotologists are injected rather than drunk, allowing them to directly enter your bloodstream for maximum effect.

Expanded Spell List

Your studies have revealed new secrets to you, allowing you to add the following spells to the Occultist spell list.
You may learn these spells by leveling up or finding them in written form on your adventures.

Spell Level Spell Name

1st-level Cure Wounds, Divine Favor (your weapon is coated with

cursed blood, dealing Necrotic damage in place of Radiant)

2nd-level Enhance Ability (The material component is a syringe of

blessed blood), Lesser Restoration

3rd-level Haste (You enter a blood drunken rage that empowers you),
Vampiric Touch

4th-level Blight, Shadow of Moil (Xanathar's Guide to Everything pg


5th-level Greater Restoration, Enervation (Xanathar's Guide

Everything pg 155)

Hemotologist's Research
When you choose this Study at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Alchemist's Supplies and the Medicine skill. You
may use Intelligence for Medicine checks in place of Wisdom.

Stolen Vitality
At 3rd level, you may use the power of blood to regenerate your life force when you are injured. If you take
damage before the start of your next turn, you gain Blood Points equal to the damage you took that round. You can
only hold a number of Blood Points equal to your Constitution modifier + your level, and these Blood Points
disappear at the end of your next turn.
When you deal damage to a living creature (i.e., not a Construct or Undead), you may heal yourself by an amount
equal to the damage you deal, but only while you have a pool of Blood Points. The amount of healing you receive in
one round from this feature cannot exceed the number of Blood Points you currently have.

Medicinal Practice
At 6th level, your understanding of blood flow and wounding allows you to aid allies in swiftly recovering from
injuries. Creatures of your choice within 20 feet of you may add your Intelligence modifier to the HP they regain
when they roll hit dice during a short rest, adding the bonus HP given by this feature once per hit die spent.

Bloody Teaching
At 10th level, you learn the Bloodthirst Teaching for free. This Teaching does not count against the number of
Teachings you can learn.

Prerequisites: 10th level, Hemotologist subclass
Cost: 4 (Essence Regeneration is reduced by 1)
Activation Time: Bonus Action
Duration: Ends after your next long rest
Your bloodthirst empowers your lifestealing abilities. The maximum number of Blood Points you may have at
once is increased by your proficiency bonus.

Rot and Decay

At 15th level, your attacks deal additional Necrotic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. This extra damage
can only be dealt to a single creature at a time.

Spectre of Famine
At 18th level, your obsession with feeding on life has granted you the supernatural ability to sense all living
creatures within 20 feet of you. This ability does not tell you who or what the creature is, but it does tell you the size
of the creature.

Thanatologists are an unusual kind of Occultist who study death and its effects in order to combat necromancy and
the undead. Their study of the dark arts ensures that what becomes dead shall remain dead.
(Credit to SherbertC for this subclass)
Expanded Spell List
Your studies have revealed new secrets to you, allowing you to add the following spells to the Occultist spell list.
You may learn these spells by leveling up or finding them in written form on your adventures.

Spell Level Spell Name

1st-level Detect Evil and Good, False Life

2nd-level Gentle Repose, Lesser Restoration

3rd-level Remove Curse, Speak with Dead

4th-level Banishment, Death Ward

5th-level Dispel Evil and Good, Hallow

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this Occult Study at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Alchemist's Supplies and Woodcarver's
tools. Thanatologists use these tools to create holy water, fashion wooden stakes, and build coffins, all of which
would prove useful for a slayer of the undead.

Phantasm Blade
Also at 3rd level, you learn to conjure ghostly weapons of shadow. When you deal damage with an Occult
Teaching, you may replace any damage dealt with Necrotic damage. Your Teachings ignore any Necrotic resistance
that the target may have.
When you deal Necrotic damage with a Teaching or Occultist spell, you may reroll any 1s you roll on their
damage rolls. You must keep the new result, even if it is another 1.

Decay Sense
At 6th level, you gain the ability to sense the presence of undead, whose scent reeks of death and decay. As an
action,you can open your awareness to magically detect undead. Until the end of your next turn, you know the
location of any undead within 60 feet of you that isn't behind total cover and that isn't protected from divination
magic. This sense doesn't tell you anything about a creature's capabilities or identity.
As well, Decay Sense allows you to know approximately how much HP a creature of your choice within range
has. Your DM will tell you whether or not it is near full HP, near three-quarters HP, near half HP, near one-quarter
HP, or near death.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. When you finish a long rest, you
regain all expended uses.

Deathly Teaching
At 10th level, you learn the Spectre Shape Teaching for free. This Teaching does not count against the number of
Teachings you can learn.

Spectre Shape
Prerequisites: 10th level, Thanatologist subclass
Cost: 4 (Reduces your Maximum Essence by 4)
Duration: 1 Minute
You take on the ethereal shape of an undead spirit. Until a minute passes, you become ethereal and may move
through objects as if they were difficult terrain.

Cheater of Death
At 15th level, your vast knowledge of the workings of death has granted you greater protection from it than most
people. You gain immunity to Necrotic damage and when you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend half of the
Dark Essence in your Tome (no action required by you) to instead be reduced to 1 hit point. You need at least 22
Essence to use this ability.

Embodiment of the End

At 18th level, you become a veritable avatar of death. You gain the following benefits:
● You gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
● When you kill a creature, you may absorb Dark Essence from it without using your reaction.

Occult Teachings

Aspect of the Beast

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2 (Maximum Essence is reduced by 2)
Activation Time: Bonus Action
Duration: Ends after your next long rest
You grow natural weapons in the form of vicious claws and rending teeth. Your physical form becomes visibly
more bestial, as you partially take on the features of an animal of your choice. While this Teaching is active, you
may replace any number of attacks you make on your turn with the following attacks:
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack Your Spell Attack Bonus to hit, reach 5 feet, one target. Hit: 1d6 + your Intelligence
modifier slashing damage. Properties: You can use two-weapon fighting with your Claws.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack Your Spell Attack Bonus to hit, reach 5 feet, one target. Hit: 1d10 + your Intelligence
modifier piercing damage. Properties: If you move 20 feet and attack a creature with your Bite, they must make a
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Blood of the Sea

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2 (Reduces your Maximum Essence by 1)
Duration: Ends after next long rest
You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and may breathe underwater.

Breath of Darkness
Prerequisites: 5th level
Cost: 3
Activation Time: Action
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure a breath of darkness that overtakes a creature of your choice within 30 feet of you. The chosen
creature makes a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, if takes 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier Necrotic damage
and its next attack is made at disadvantage.
When you use this Teaching, you may spend one additional Essence to target an additional creature with this

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2
Activation Time: Replaces One Attack
Duration: Instantaneous
You channel raw Dark Essence into an orb of shadow, hurling it at a creature you can see within 60 feet. Make a
ranged spell attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 Necrotic damage.

Dark Coven
Prerequisites: 5th level
Cost: 4 (Reduces your Maximum Essence by 4)
Activation Time: Action
Duration: Ends after next long rest
When you activate this Teaching, you form a magical bond with up to two creatures of your choice within 30 feet.
You and those two creatures are all part of a Coven, with you being designated as the Coven Master. Members of the
Coven gain the following benefits while this Teaching is active:
Spell Sharing: Members of the Coven may use their Action to expend one of the Coven Master's spell slots and
cast a spell that the Coven Master has prepared. The Coven Master may prevent this from occurring as a free action
if they do not want their spell slots being spent. The Coven Master must be conscious for members of the Coven to
use this feature.
Empowerment: Each member of the Coven, including the Coven Master gains a new Action: Empower. Upon
using Empower, the next spell cast by a Coven member before the beginning of the empowerer's next turn increases
its spell level by 1. This ability can only raise a spell's level by a maximum of 2 if two members of the Coven both
use Empower.

Eldritch Claw
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2
Activation Time: Action
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure an eldritch claw over your hand, immediately swiping a creature within reach before it disappears.
Make a melee spell attack roll against a creature of your choice within 5 feet. On a hit, you deal 2d8 + your
Intelligence modifier Force damage.
If you are 5th level or higher, you may spend one additional Essence to make a second attack with the Eldritch
Claw. You can only make one additional attack in this way.

Falling Stars
Prerequisites: 5th level
Cost: 6
Activation Time: Action
Duration: Instantaneous
You call out to the endless void above, dragging down motes of light from the night sky itself and raining them
down upon your foes. You conjure three motes of light and cause them to fall into spaces of your choice within 120
feet of you. Each creature within 5 feet of one of the impact points must make a Constitution saving throw or take
2d10 Radiant damage and be blinded until the end of their next turn. On a success, the creature takes half as much
damage and is not blinded.
A creature does not take damage from multiple stars at once, if two impact points should overlap.

Full Moon
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2 (Reduces your Maximum Essence by 2)
Activation Time: Bonus Action
Duration: Ends after next long rest
You conjure the power of the full moon, blessing your allies with its guiding light. At the start of each of your turns
you can select a point within 60 feet of you, from which extends a 10-foot wide, 30-foot tall cylinder. Creatures that
start their turn within this cylinder increase their movement speed by 10 feet and are immune to fear and charm
effects until the end of your next turn.
The light of the full moon favors hunters and predators, shining down a ray of bright light to guide their way. With
enough luck, it may favor you some day…
-Professor Singrave

Hunter's Armaments
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2 (Maximum Essence is reduced by 2)
Activation Time: Action or Bonus Action
Duration: Ends after your next long rest.
You focus your mind, preparing yourself for martial combat as you draw a Hunter's Armament. For the duration of
the Teaching, you gain proficiency with Hunter's Armaments and you may use your Intelligence for attack and
damage rolls made with Hunter's Armaments. Upon activating this Teaching and as a bonus action while it is active,
you may choose one of the Hunter's Armaments listed below, summoning that weapon to your hand and replacing
any existing Armaments you may have summoned with this Teaching.
Each Armament allows you to take the Stance Change bonus action, which changes which mode the weapon is in
and applies a bonus to your Armament that lasts until the end of your turn, called your Versatility Bonus. The
Versatility Bonus granted is based on the form the Armament transforms into, detailed next to that form's description
Below are some examples of Hunter's Armaments to choose from:

SawBlade: A folding weapon with a blade that is a saw on one side and a sword on the other
Saw (one-handed): In Saw mode, this weapon deals 1d8 + Int bonus Slashing damage. Versatility Bonus: When
switching from the Blade to the Saw, this weapon deals +2 damage with each swing.
Blade (one-handed): In Blade mode, this weapon deals 1d6 + Int bonus Slashing damage. Versatility Bonus: When
switching from Saw mode to Blade mode, this weapon has a +2 to attack rolls.

CaneWhip: A sharpened walking cane that transforms into a serrated whip.

Cane (one-handed): In Cane mode, this weapon deals 1d8 + Int bonus Piercing damage. Versatility Bonus: When
switching from Whip mode to Cane mode, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC.
Whip (one-handed): In Whip mode, this weapon deals 1d6 + Int bonus Slashing damage and has a reach of 10 feet.
Versatility Bonus: When switching from Cane mode to Whip Mode, you may move 5 feet without provoking attacks
of opportunity or expending movement.
Sniper's Scythe: A deadly scythe with a sniper rifle (or crossbow, if you wish) built into its handle.
Scythe (two-handed, Heavy): In Scythe mode, this weapon deals 1d8 + Int bonus Slashing damage and has a
reach of 10 feet. Versatility Bonus: When switching from Sniper mode to Scythe mode, the Scythe slows the
movement of enemies by 5 feet per strike (maximum reduction of 20 feet) until the end of their next turn.
Sniper (two-handed, Heavy): In Sniper mode, this weapon deals 1d8 + Int bonus Piercing damage. This weapon
uses rifle bullets (or crossbow bolts) as ammunition. It has a range (100/300) Versatility Bonus: When switching
from Scythe mode to Sniper mode, this weapon has a +2 to attack rolls, and you may move 5 feet without provoking
attacks of opportunity.

Flame Hammer: A massive hammer full of blasting powder that builds up Heat with each strike. The Versatility
Bonus is always active when the weapon is in its relevant mode.
Hammer (one-handed): In Hammer mode, this weapon deals 1d8 + Int bonus Bludgeoning damage. Versatility
Bonus: Each successful strike in Hammer mode builds up a Heat point, up to a maximum of 3 Heat Points.
Blast (two-handed): In Blast mode, this weapon deals 1d10 + Int bonus Bludgeoning damage. Versatility Bonus:
When switching from Hammer mode to Blast mode, the next successful strike deals +3 Fire damage for every Heat
point this weapon has and the target must make a Strength saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be pushed 5
feet for each Heat point the weapon has. Once this occurs, all of the weapon's Heat points are expended.

Blade Staff: A staff made from two swords that were attached at the hilt, which can be detached to use in
Staff (two-handed): In Staff mode, this weapon deals 2d6 + Int bonus Slashing damage. Versatility Bonus: You
may reroll any 1s or 2s on this weapon's damage dice. If your second roll is still 1 or 2, you may replace that roll
with a roll of 3.
Dual Swords (one-handed, Light): In Dual Swords mode, this weapon deals 1d6 + Int bonus Slashing damage.
Versatility Bonus: When switching from Staff mode to Swords mode, you may make another attack with the Swords
as part of the bonus action made to change stances.

BowBlade: A bow made from two swords that were attached at the hilt, which can be detached to use in
dual-wielding. The Versatility Bonus is always active when the weapon is in its relevant mode.
Bow (two-handed): In Bow mode, this weapon deals 1d8 + Int bonus Piercing damage. It uses arrows as
ammunition and has a range of (80/240) Versatility Bonus: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with this weapon.
Dual Swords (one-handed, Light): In Dual Swords mode, this weapon deals 1d6 + Int bonus Slashing damage.
Versatility Bonus: When switching from Bow mode to Swords mode, you may make another attack with the Swords
as part of the Stance Change bonus action.

Possessed Weapon
Prerequisites: A one-handed melee weapon
Cost: 2 (Maximum Essence is reduced by 2)
Activation Time: Bonus Action
Duration: Ends after your next long rest
You bind the spirit of an eldritch entity into a weapon within reach, animating the weapon under your command.
The weapon floats in a space of your choice within 10 feet of you, moving with you when you move, and you can
command it to move to any point you can see within 10 feet of you. You may trade attacks you would make on your
turn to allow the Possessed Weapon to make attacks for you, using your Intelligence for its attack and damage rolls.
While possessed, the weapon has the following traits:
Otherworldly Power: Choose a creature type from the list below. Depending on the chosen creature type, the
Possessed Weapon deals a damage type associated with the creature type instead of bludgeoning, piercing, or
slashing damage, as detailed below:
Aberration (Psychic), Elemental (Your choice of Acid, Cold, Fire, or Lightning), Fey (Force), Fiend (Fire),
Undead (Necrotic)
Protector: When a creature succeeds on a ranged weapon attack against you while you have a Possessed Weapon
active, you may use your reaction to place the weapon in a space between you and the attacker to try and deflect the
projectile. Roll the Possessed Weapon's damage and add your Intelligence modifier. The damage you take from the
ranged weapon attack is reduced by the amount rolled (minimum of 0 damage dealt).

Seeping Blood
Prerequisites: 5th level
Cost: 3
Activation Time: Action
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure a jagged blade, either swiping at a creature within 5 feet of you or throwing it up to 20 feet away.
Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, you deal 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier Piercing or Slashing damage
(your choice). If the target is not an Undead, Construct, or object, you may draw the life force of the target into the
blade, giving the life force to one creature of your choice within 30 feet of you, granting the chosen creature
temporary hit points equal to half of the damage dealt.

Shadowy Tendrils
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2 (Essence Regeneration is reduced by 1)
Activation Time: Action or Bonus Action
Duration: Ends after your next long rest.
You conjure tentacles from the void to protect you. As a bonus action on your turn while the Teaching is active,
you can command the tentacles to grapple a target within 5 feet of you. When you do, you may apply your
Intelligence to the check rather than Strength. You do not need a hand free to grapple a target with the tentacles and
you can have only one creature grappled in this way.

Staff Specialist
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2 (Maximum Essence is reduced by 2)
Activation Time: Bonus Action
Duration: Ends after your next long rest
Your studies have shown that all throughout history, monks and warrior mages have put staff-related techniques to
good use, wielding then in battle against even heavily armored foes. You prepare your mind to initiate these ancient
techniques, allowing you to use Intelligence for your attack and damage rolls with staves, granting a +2 to damage
rolls with staves, and giving you the following benefits while wielding a staff:
Defensive Stance: You gain a +2 to your Armor Class while wielding staves.
Precision Blows: Your skills with a staff make you very precise, allowing you to trade Athletics checks for attack
rolls with your staff when taking the Shove action.

Spider's Blood
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2 (Reduces your Maximum Essence by 1)
Activation Time: Bonus Action
Duration: Ends after next long rest
You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed and you do not need to make a skill check to climb upside
down or on slippery surfaces

Titan Strike
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 4
Activation Time: Replaces one Attack you make
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure the mighty limb of a gargantuan entity to strike an area of your choosing within 60 feet of you. Select
a 10-foot cube within range and choose a direction. Each creature in the cube must make a Strength or Dexterity
(target's choice) saving throw or take 3d8 Force damage and be pushed up to 15 feet away in the direction you
choose when activating this Teaching, taking half as much damage and not being pushed on a success.

Voodoo Doll
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2 (Maximum Essence reduced by 2)
Activation Time: Bonus Action
Duration: Ends after next long rest
You conjure a voodoo doll into existence and call upon wayward spirits to imbue it with dark powers. Anything
that happens to the doll happens to a creature of your choosing. You can stab the doll, punch it, toss it around, and
even burn it, and the target will suffer one of the effects listed below. While this Teaching is active, you may replace
any number of attacks you make on your turn with the following attacks:
Harm: You strike at and harm the doll, also harming a helpless foe within range. Choose a creature you can see
within 60 feet. That creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier
Psychic damage and have their AC reduced by -1 as they jolt in pain (this reduction does not stack) until the start of
your next turn. You may use an item in your off hand, such as a dagger or lit match, to damage the doll with,
changing this Teaching's damage to a type associated with the item (Piercing for a dagger, Fire for a match, Cold for
a spike of ice, etc.)
Throw: You swing the doll in a wide arc, forcing one creature you can see within 60 feet to make a Strength saving
throw or be flung 10 feet in a direction of your choosing. If the target moves at least 5 feet and collides with a solid
object, they take 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier Bludgeoning damage.

Well of Power
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 4
Activation Time: Action
Duration: Ends after next long rest
You gather the Dark Essence flowing through the environment around you, channeling it to further empower your
Teachings. Choose one of the following:
Depth of Mana Your Maximum Essence increases by 2
Flow of Mana Your Essence Regeneration increases by +1

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 3
Activation Time: Action
Duration: Instantaneous
You call forth a burning wickerman into an unoccupied space of your choosing within 60 feet. Each creature of
your choice within 30 feet of the wickerman and that can see it when it appears must make a Wisdom saving throw
or be compelled to approach the wickerman by the fastest route possible, moving up to their movement speed to do
so. Affected creatures avoid physical obstructions on their way to the Wickerman. Each creature that approaches the
wickerman while under its spell is compelled to touch it, taking 3d4 Fire damage when they do. The wickerman
disappears at the start of your next turn.
Creatures that are immune to being Charmed are immune to the wickerman's effects. A creature that fails their
saving throw against this Teaching is immune to its effects for the next 24 hours.

Giants in the Mist

Prerequisites: 9th level
Cost: 6 (Reduces Essence Regeneration by 1 while active)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You create a 30-foot radius sphere of fog, heavily obscuring the area within the radius. While in the area of the
fog, you are under the Enlarge effect of the Enlarge/Reduce spell, your unarmed attacks deal 1d8 + your Intelligence
modifier bludgeoning damage and use Intelligence for their attack rolls, and you can see through the fog as if it
weren't there.

Blood of the Raging Demon

Prerequisites: 9th level
Cost: 6
Duration: Ends after next long rest
While the Teaching is active, you are possessed with the soul of a foul demon of the Abyss. It grants you power
through hatred and pure unholy energy. You add +3 to all of your damage rolls, have resistance to fire damage, and
double the weight you can lift, pull, and carry.

Unhallowed Ground
Prerequisites: 9th level
Cost: 5
Duration: 1 Minute
As an action while the Teaching is active, you can create a 20-foot radius circle that emanates dark magic which
lasts for 1 minute. Celestials, Fey, and servants of Good-aligned gods cannot step inside of this circle, though this
does not stop them from attacking creatures inside of the radius.
Once this radius of unhallowed ground has been created, the Teaching becomes inactive. You cannot activate this
Teaching again until you finish a short rest.

Grim Souls
Prerequisites: 9th level
Cost: 7
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
As an action, you can conjure either 2 Spectres or 1 Poltergeist. The creatures summoned this way appear in
spaces within 60 feet of you and will follow your verbal commands for 1 hour, or until your concentration is broken.
If your concentration is broken, the creatures summoned by this spell become hostile to you and your companions,
disappearing after 1d10 rounds.
You cannot activate this Teaching again until you finish a long rest.
Haunted Mount
Prerequisites: 5th level
Cost: 4
Duration: Ends after next long rest or until the steed is brought to 0 hp
You can cast Find Steed after activating this Teaching. When you cast it, you add the Warhorse Skeleton to the list
of steeds you can summon. The creature remains until it reaches 0 hp or until the Teaching ends after you finish a
long rest.

Blood Moon
Prerequisites: 17th level
Cost: 10
Duration: Ends after next long rest
At the start of each of your turns you can select a point within 60 feet of you, from which extends a 10-foot radius
sphere. Creatures that start their turn within the sphere subtract a d4 from each of their attack rolls and saving
The blood moon is a moon of curses and dark magic, a solstice that witches and occultists treat as its own holiday,
of sorts.
-Professor Singrave

Eldritch Moon
Prerequisites: 17th level
Cost: 10
Duration: Ends after next long rest
At the start of each of your turns you can select a point within 60 feet of you, from which extends a 10-foot radius
sphere. Creatures that start their turn within the sphere must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 2d10 Psychic
damage and move half of their speed away from the point chosen for this effect.
According to certain accounts, the moon is a living, breathing creature, with its own intent and purpose in life. Let
us all hope it is content with its place in the universe…
-Professor Singrave

Astral Flight
Prerequisites: 9th level
Cost: 6
Duration: Instantaneous
You can cast Fly once, targeting yourself and sprouting a pair of wings to fly with. The Teaching ends when the
spell ends.

Carnal Hunger
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2
Duration: Ends after next long rest
You are unaffected by the act of eating fresh corpses. When you take a minute to feast on a small or larger corpse
of a humanoid or beast that was slain in the last hour, you can spend a hit die to heal with. You can do this once per

Vile Intent
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 3
Duration: Ends after next long rest
At any point while this Teaching is active, you can force a humanoid target you are conversing with to make a
Wisdom (Insight) check against your Intelligence (Arcana) check. If you succeed, you can change the target's
disposition for a creature you know of. You can only make the target feel more hostile towards the creature in
question, never more positive.
You can only target a creature with this ability once per day. The target of this effect is unaware that you have used
this ability on them.
As well, you may use an Intelligence (Arcana) check in place of a Charisma (Deception) or Charisma (Persuasion)

Dark Tide
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 3
Duration: Ends after your next long rest or a minute after you use the ability
As an action while the Teaching is active, you can create a 40-foot radius circle where the area is treated as water
for the purposes of movement. This circle is centered on a point of your choosing within 60 feet of you. Land
creatures can still breathe within the radius, but sea creatures may also breathe while they remain in the Teaching's
radius. The circle of water remains for 1 minute after you place it down.
Illusory images of a sunken city, and of leviathan beasts swimming through the endless depths, cause hostile
creatures within the radius to have disadvantage on saving throws made to avoid being Frightened.

What Lies Below

Prerequisites: 9th level
Cost: 6
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
When you activate this Teaching, you summon your choice of one of the following to a point within 60 feet of
● Four Reef Sharks
● Two Giant Octopi
● One Hunter Shark
If you lose concentration, the creatures summoned by this spell disappear.
(If your DM allows you to use the Dark Arts Player's Guide, they might also allow the following choices:)
● Eight Seafallen Crew
● Two Seafallen Hosts

Avatar of Catastrophe
Prerequisites: 5th level
Cost: 4
Duration: Ends after next long rest
While this Teaching is active, you deal double damage to structures and buildings. Additionally, a storm kicks up
around you, and creatures that start their turn within 10 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4
Lightning damage. You can suppress the storm as a bonus action on your turn, and can cause it to activate once
again as an action.
New Spells
5th-level Conjuration
Classes: Occultist
Casting Time: Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 Minute, Concentration
Your mind reaches into the depths of the multiverse, disturbs a powerful entity of immense power, and focuses all
of that entity's attention onto a creature of your choice within range. For the duration of the spell, the target must
make a Charisma saving throw at the start of each of their turns to try and deter the wrath of the angry entity. On a
failed save, the target takes 3d8 Psychic damage and 3d8 damage of a type associated with the entity (Fire for a
demon lord, Necrotic for an ancient lich, so on) and the target is unable to move on that turn. A successful saving
throw negates any damage it would take that round but does not end the spell.

1st-level Conjuration
Classes: Druid, Occultist
Casting Time: Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (The corpse of a flea infested with a deadly disease)
Duration: 1 Minute, Concentration
You control the most vile of bottom feeders to feast upon your foes. From the ground, originating at a point of
your choosing within range, springs forth a tide of rats, insects, or other vermin that take up a 15-foot cube, climbing
on any creatures and surfaces within range before dispersing. Each creature of your choice in the radius must make a
Dexterity saving throw or be covered by these vermin, causing them to take 2d4 Piercing damage and become
Frightened of you and the vermin for the duration. At the end of each of an affected creature's turn for the duration,
the creature must make another Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 2d4 Piercing damage, and on
a success the effect ends on that creature.
At Higher Levels: The initial damage of this spell increases by 1d4 for every level above 1st that this spell is cast.

Spell List

Armor of Agathys
Arms of Hadar
Cause Fear
Chromatic Orb
Comprehend Languages
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Magic Missile
Protection from Evil and Good
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Vermin (See above)
Zephyr Strike

Alter Self
Arcane Lock
Crown of Madness
Magic Weapon
Melf's Acid Arrow
Misty Step
Ray of Enfeeblement
Shadow Blade

● Gave Occultist normal half-casting. It learns and prepares spells like a Wizard.
● Dark Essence has changed roles: it now replaces Fighting Style as the main source of damage. Its role
depends on how the player spends it.
● Altered all long-lasting Teachings to reduce Dark Essence Regeneration/Maximum deductions to limit how
many Teachings can be active at once.
● Removed several outdated Teachings, including any that cast a spell.
● Added Voodoo Doll, Wickerman, Hunter's Armaments, and Titan Strike Teachings.
● Changed the Full Moon and Aspect of the Beast Teachings to have no requirements.
● Changed Occultist's starting equipment to remove references to Fighting-Style specific gear.
● Added an Expanded Spell List to each Occultist subclass.
● Changed Hemotologist to be more sensible and to fit the changes made to Occultist.

Version 0.4.0
● Changed Dark Essence to be more like a half-casting resource, changing the Occultist's progression to
reflect that of a half-caster that uses spell points. Occult Teaching's description was altered to match this
new mindset.
● Added new Costs to each Occult Teaching to show how much Dark essence an Occultist must spend to use
that ability. Any Occult Teaching that casts a spell has a cost equal to its spell point cost +1 (for example,
1st-level spells cost 2 spell points, so now they cost 3 Dark Essence). The only exception is WitchBlade,
which I deemed to be ultimately harmless.
● Changed the description of Aspect of the Beast to be more in line with what I want future Teachings of its
type to be.
● Removed Imperiologist
● Changed Unholy Smite to function with any melee weapon attack, no longer require Possessed Weapon,
and removed the need to use a reaction to activate the smite.

Version 0.3.2.
● Changed Souls to 'motes of Dark Essence' and added more ways to gain them, allowing the Occultist to be
more malleable and activate Teachings more often.
● Removed the 'unusable until the next long rest' restriction. In place of this, I added a new feature in which
Teachings remain active even after their effect ends, and continued uses of the Teaching count as additional
active Teachings, unless stated otherwise.
● Removed all Fighting Styles that are not arcane or eldritch in nature.
● Made Unholy Smite require the Possessed Weapon Fighting Style.
● Altered Giants in the Mist to grant an unarmed attack that utilizes Intelligence.
● Added some wise sayings from the acclaimed Occultist, Professor Singrave.

Version 0.3.1.
● Rewrote the Occult Teachings feature to be more brief.
● Added a section to Ancient Tome addressing the reflavoring of the Tome as other objects.
● Changed Fighting Style from a level 1 feature to a level 2 feature.
● Added a Changelog.
● Added the Blood of the Sea, Dark Tide, and What Lies Below Teachings, because the ocean is scary.
● Added the Shadowy Tendrils and Lashing Tendril Teachings, because I know how much you like tentacles~
● Removed the Spiritual Guidance, Searing Hatred, and Gaze of Fate Teachings
● Changed the Duration of Ether Walk from Instantaneous to "Ends after next long rest or when the spell is
cast twice" for clarity.
● Added the Blood of the Raging Demon Teaching.
● To prevent the Occultist from being able to cast more spells than a spellcaster, all spell Teachings recharge
on a long rest rather than a short rest.
● Altered the Hunger for Souls teaching to heal more, at the expense of only one use between short rests.
● Adjusted the language of some of the Teachings.

Possible Future Changes

Magic Items: I would like to make magic items for the class to provide DMs with rewards to players using the

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