The Dark Elements

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Ludger's Documentation of the Dark

The Deep, The Cavernous, The Ashen, and
The Void
Summon Dark Elemental
4th-level Conjuration
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (a silver-inlaid bottle with a hollow stone, a pile of ash, dark slime, and a meteor shard, worth
400 gp)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Hour
You call forth a dark elemental spirit. It manifests in an eldritch form in an unoccupied space that you can see
within range. This corporeal form uses the Dark Elemental Spirit stat block. When you cast the spell, choose Deep,
Cavernous, Ashen, or Void. Your choice determines the creature's abilities in its stat block. The creature disappears
when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. The creature is an ally to you and your companions.
In combat, the creature shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your
verbal commands (no action required by you). If you don't issue any, it takes the Dodge action and uses its move to
avoid danger.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, use the higher level wherever
the spell's level appears in the stat block.
Dark Elemental Spirit
Large Elemental
Armor Class 12 + this spell's level
Hit Points 40 + 10 for every level above 4th
Speed 40 feet, Burrow 40 feet (Cavernous only), Fly 40 feet (hover) (Void only), Swim 40 feet (Deep

Str 18 (+4) Dex 15 (+2) Con 17 (+3) Int 7 (-2) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)

Damage Resistances Acid (Deep only); Force (Void and Cavernous only); Fire (Ashen only)
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Exhausted, Grappled (Void, Deep, and Ashen only), Paralyzed, Petrified,
Poisoned, Restrained, Unconscious
Senses Darkvision 60 feet, Passive Perception 10
Languages Primordial, understands any languages you speak

Smoldering Body (Ashen only) Each time a creature touches the elemental or deals damage to the
elemental while within 5 feet of it, that creature takes 2d6 Fire damage.
Suction (Void only) The area within 10 feet of the Void elemental is considered difficult terrain to
hostile creatures.
Multiattack The dark elemental makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell's level (rounded
Slam Melee Weapon Attack reach 5 feet, your spell attack bonus to hit, one target Hit: 1d10 + 4 +
this spell's level Bludgeoning (Cavernous only), Force (Void only), Acid (Deep only), or Fire (Ashen
only) damage
Consume (Recharge 6) (Cavernous only) The elemental chooses one Medium or smaller creature
within 30 feet of it, forcing it to make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC or take xd6
Force damage and be sucked into the elemental. While inside, the creature is Blinded and Restrained.
At the start of each of the creature's turns, it may repeat its saving throw against this ability, being
shunted into the closest unoccupied space and no longer being Blinded or Restrained. The creature
also escapes once a minute has passed or the spell has ended. The recharge rolls only begin once the
creature escapes. X=this spell's level.
Crashing Wave (Recharge 6) (Deep only) The elemental forces every creature in a 15-foot cone to
make a Strength saving throw, taking xd8 Bludgeoning damage and being knocked Prone on a failure
or taking half as much and not being knocked Prone on a success. X=this spell's level.


Deep Archivist
Available to Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard
Below the waves, below the crushing depths, below even the surface of the ocean floor and deep into the lowest
pits of the sea, what do you find? Many have pondered this question for years, speculating and theorizing on the
nature of the darkest recesses of the oceans and what life could possibly survive there. But some have seen, and even
approached, the darkest depths of the sea, and what they experienced will haunt them for the rest of their lives.
Roiling black ooze, filled with the shapes of animals and people alike struggling to escape the infinite blackness
below. Bubbling pits of acid that launch toxic sludge outwards into the ocean. Great cities of bronze and rust shining
in the shadows of the great reefs. Leviathan beasts swimming through vast expanses of nothingness, working
towards inexplicable goals. These visions haunt the nightmares of many, but few will ever see these horrid
hallucinations in their true, physical forms.
Some have come to take the powers of the strange, oceanic depths as their own, feeding on their experiences in the
ocean to fuel their magic. Others worship the ocean itself, refuting its inhabitants in favor of the elemental power of
the deep sea. Certain cloistered scholars study the dark element of water to better understand the universe and how it
was formed. What all of these people have in common is that they draw their powers from the same black sludge,
the churning tar that forms titanic sea monsters, the primordial soup from which all life is said to have once derived
from, a hungering force that consumes all sea animals and godless sailors who die at sea. This force goes by one
name and one name alone: The Deep.

Extra Spells
1st+ level Subclass Feature

You learn additional spells from your study of the Deep These spells don't count against the number of spells you
may know, and count as class spells for you. All of these spells, save for Summon Dark Elemental, are detailed at the
end of this document.

1st-level Roiling Slough, Water Jet

2nd-level Drainage, Rumbling Surf

3rd-level Oozing Smite, Wyrm of the Depths

4th-level Summon Dark Elemental (Deep Only, WIP), Toxic Fissure

5th-level Rising Deep

Resident of the Depths

1st+ level Subclass Feature

Your experiences with the Deep have blessed you with some of its gifts. You gain a swimming speed of 30 feet. If
you already have a swimming speed of 30 feet, your swimming speed increases by 10 feet. Additionally, while in
water, you may treat dim light as bright light, and you may treat darkness as dim light.

Calling of the Deep

1st+ level Subclass Feature

When you cast a spell with the (Deep) tag, a spell that teleports you (excluding any that deal damage), or a spell
that conjures or controls water, you may conjure waves around you in a 10-foot radius. These waves shove every
creature of your choice within the radius, forcing them to make a Strength saving throw or be knocked Prone. You
may use this ability before or after the spell takes effect, but you must have begun casting the spell before you can
use this ability.
You may only use this ability once per short or long rest.
Sorcerer: You may use your bonus action and expend 2 Sorcery points to regain a use of this ability.

Crushing Depths
6th+ level Subclass Feature

You bring about the crushing pressure of the depths of the ocean into your spells. When you deal damage with a
spell that has the (Deep) tag, or that conjures or controls water, you may add your spellcasting modifier to the
damage dealt by the spell to one creature it dealt damage to.
Additionally, you are more well attuned to the frigid depths of the ocean, granting you resistance to Cold damage
and damage dealt by water-based spells.

Soul of the Deep

10th+ level Subclass Feature

Your soul belongs to the Deep, making you part of its great, roiling sea of black tar and ooze. You may devolve
into this black ooze and back into your normal form at will, allowing you to slip into cracks and holes only an inch
wide. Your equipment is reshaped as well, allowing it to move through the crack with you. Reshaping yourself like
this can be done as a free action.
Additionally, your new form allows you to slip away from foes easily. Enemies have disadvantage on attacks of
opportunity against you.

Primordial Ooze
14th+ level Subclass Feature

Using your soul's connection to the Deep, you plunge yourself far into the primordial ooze, the dark pool of spirits,
corpses, and the squirming substance of life itself, and you draw forth from that ooze the secrets of the Ancient
Ones, the first of the sea-beasts to be born in the ocean. You may call upon the power of the Ancient Ones as an
action, beckoning one to aid you in your time of need. This dark creature appears at a point of your choosing within
120 feet of you that you can see, taking up a 15-foot cube centered on that point. The Ancient One appears as a
gigantic sea creature with black flesh that slowly churns and bubbles, reeking of rot and the sea. Any creature within
the Ancient One's space when you manifest it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space. The Ancient One cannot
be damaged or destroyed.
You may use your action or your bonus action to command the Ancient One to move up to 40 feet and attack,
making two attacks if commanded as an action or just one attack if commanded as a bonus action. These attacks
have a reach of 10 feet, use your spellcasting attack bonus for their attack rolls, and deal 3d8 Acid damage on a hit.
For the purposes of movement, the Ancient One is considered to have a walking speed and a swimming speed. You
cannot command the Ancient One more than once on your turn.
The Ancient One lasts for 1 minute while you concentrate on it, and you may dismiss it as an Action. Once the
Ancient One disappears, you cannot summon it again until you finish a long rest.

Deep Within
18+ level Sorcerer Feature
You truly become one with the Deep itself, becoming a perfect amalgamation of the primordial forces of the Deep.
You gain immunity to Cold damage, Acid damage, and damage from water spells.
Additionally, you ignore the effects of being deep within the ocean and you can breathe underwater.

Deep Ooze
Conjuration Cantrip (Deep)
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S, M (a severed hand from a lost traveler)
Duration: 1 Round
You reach deep into the oceanic depths and conjure forth an inky black ooze that seeks to swallow any who come
too close. This ooze takes up a 5-foot radius circle on the ground in a space of your choosing that you can see,
forcing each creature within the radius to make a Strength saving throw or be grappled by the black ooze and take
1d6 Acid damage. Treat the ooze as a Large creature for rules concerning grappling. The ooze remains for 1 round,
and any creature grappled by the ooze is no longer grappled once this spell ends. If a creature attempts to escape the
grapple, they make their Athletics or Acrobatics check against your spell save DC instead of making an opposed
This spell's damage increases by 1d6 at certain levels: 5th (2d6), 11th (3d6), and 17th (4d6)

Writhing Mass
Conjuration Cantrip (Deep)
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 Minute
You conjure a writhing mass of teeth, fins, and eyes, a monstrosity from the Deep that hungers for flesh. This mass
has AC equal to 10 + your spellcasting modifier, and HP equal to your level. As a bonus action, you may command
the mass to move up to 20 feet to a point you can see and make a melee spell attack roll using your spell attack
bonus, targeting a creature of your choice. On a hit, the mass deals 1d6 Slashing damage to the target. The writhing
mass disappears if it dies or this spell ends, returned to the great depths of the Deep.
This spell's damage increases at certain levels: 5th (1d8), 11th (1d10), and 17th (1d12).

Roiling Slough
1st-level Evocation (Deep)
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You reach into the deepest depths of your soul and erupt a dark ooze along one of your arms, forming it into an
eel-like beast that bites at a creature within range. Make a melee spell attack against the creature. On a hit, you deal
4d4 Acid damage to the target and coat the target with acid. Until the start of your next turn, the target's AC is
reduced by 2. The target's AC can only be reduced by one instance of this spell at a time, always assuming the
greater reduction if multiple instances of this spell have targeted a single creature.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 1st that this spell is cast, it deals an additional 2d4 Acid damage.
Additionally, the AC reduction increases to 3 when cast at 4th level and above and to 4 when cast at 7th level and

Water Jet
1st-level Conjuration (Deep)
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 10 feet
Components: S, M (a flake of a whale's skin)
Duration: Instantaneous
You build up a ball of water in your hand and spray it at high velocity. Make a melee spell attack roll against a
target within range. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 Bludgeoning damage and is pushed up to 20 feet away.
At Higher Levels: For every level this spell is cast at above 1st, it deals an additional 1d8 Bludgeoning damage.

2nd-level Conjuration (Deep)
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, M (a stone or cork covered in moss)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You conjure a portal to the Deep surrounded by a spectral whirlpool into a space of your choosing within range,
taking up a 10-foot radius circle on the ground (or a 10-foot radius sphere when fully submerged in a body of water)
and making that area difficult terrain. This whirlpool forces each creature that begins or ends their turn in its radius
to make a Strength saving throw, and on a failure, the creature is drawn up to 10 feet into whirlpool's center. Any
creature in the center of the whirlpool is Blinded until it leaves the center of the whirlpool.

Rumbling Surf
2nd-level Conjuration (Deep)
Classes: Druid, Ranger
Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, 1 Hour
You conjure a rumbling wave of water beneath your feet which carries you for the spell's duration. While riding
the wave, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, you may glide across the surface of water as if you were walking
on land, and your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
You may dismiss this wave as a bonus action, causing it to disappear without the spell ending. As a bonus action
while the spell is active, you may resummon the wave and begin riding it again. You may end the spell early as an

Oozing Weapon
3rd-level Evocation (Deep)
Classes: Paladin, Ranger
Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You speak a word of vile intent, conjuring the slime and muck at the bottom of the ocean to coat your weapon. The
next time you succeed on a weapon attack while the spell is active, you deal an additional 3d6 Acid damage and
cover the target in dripping ooze, causing the target to become Restrained until the spell ends.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 3rd that this spell is cast, it deals an additional 1d6 Acid damage.

Wyrm of the Depths

3rd-level Conjuration (Deep)
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a whistle)
Duration: Instantaneous
You cover the ground in water, a temporary portal to the Deep, from which emerges a beastly wyrm from the
depths that attacks your foes. This wyrm lunges forward, affecting all creatures in a 10-foot wide, 30-foot long line
that begins and ends at points you can see within range of this spell. Every creature in this line must make a
Dexterity saving throw or take 6d8 Bludgeoning damage, taking no damage on a success. The water and wyrm then
At Higher Levels: For every level above 3rd that this spell is cast at, this spell deals an additional 1d8
Bludgeoning damage.

Toxic Fissure
4th-level Conjuration (Deep)
Classes: Druid, Warlock
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You open a toxic fissure in the ground that releases bubbles of gas trapped beneath the Deep. You summon three
bubbles, and each bubble takes up a 5-foot cube of space, appearing in spaces of your choice within range. At the
start of each of your turns, and on the turn that you summon the bubbles, each bubble floats up to 20 feet to spaces
of your choice within range. Any creature whose space the bubble passes through, or who ends their turn inside of a
bubble, must make a Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 Poison damage and be Poisoned until the end of its next
turn, taking half as much damage and not being Poisoned on a success. A creature may only be affected by the
bubbles once per turn.
At Higher Levels: For every two levels above 4th that this spell is cast, the bubbles deal an additional 1d8 Poison

Rising Deep
5th-level Conjuration (Deep)
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self (50-foot radius sphere)
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You conjure an ethereal ocean around you in a 50-foot radius centered on your space. The effects of this spell do
not follow you when you move. Creatures of your choice in the spell's area of effect suffer the following effects.
● Visions of underwater cities and leviathans swimming in the Deep flit around the edges of the spell's area
of effect, visible only to affected creatures, granting them disadvantage on saving throws against spells and
effects that cause the Frightened condition.
● Affected creatures in the area of effect have disadvantage on attack rolls.
● The area is considered to be difficult terrain for affected creatures.
● Affected creatures have disadvantage on Perception checks in the area, as the darkness of the Deep
overtakes their senses. Creatures with Blindsight, Blindsense, and Tremorsense do not have those vision
types affected by this ability.
● The Deep crushes all who dare venture into it unprepared. All affected creatures must make a Constitution
saving throw at the start of each of their turns or take 2d6 Bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a failed

The area of the spell is considered to be water for effects or spells that require water, such as Control Water or
Conjure Elemental (Water), and for creatures with a swimming speed, who can effectively fly within the radius. All
creatures swimming in this spell's radius are harmlessly lowered to the ground when the spell ends.


Cavern Crawler
Available to Druid, Ranger, and Sorcerer

In the plane of earth, toiling in the endless depths, a great force of destruction lies. Ravaging its way through the
plane, carving massive tunnels through the dirt and stone, it consumes all in sight. Living, dead, inanimate, it doesn't
care. All that it cares for is eating and destroying, gorging itself on the woe of its victims. It feels no hatred, no
remorse, no fear, no sympathy. It has its goal, the last words of its creator, to guide it by: Kill Them All. This force,
inhabiting the bodies of countless corrupted earth elementals, goes by a name that sends chills through the spines of
dao, drives fear into hearts of xorn, and causes elementals to flee in terror. They are the Cavernous, and they will
stop at nothing until all that you know and love is completely and utterly destroyed.
You wield the power of the Cavernous, as many misguided souls do. You might gain this power from dedication to
the natural forces that the Cavernous are a part of, the natural creation of tunnels and cave systems. You might be
attuned to life underground, an explorer who braves the depths to protect civilization from the burrowing terrors
below. You might even have encountered a Cavernous elemental before, becoming nearly hollowed by its gaping
maw, leaving you forever scarred and spiritually altered by this horrifying event. However you came across these
powers, they are yours to command, giving you a special connection to the rogue elementals of the plane of Earth.
These elementals, these Cavernous, will sometimes encroach upon other planes in your reality. They can be seen
anywhere where solid ground can be found, eating away at the foundations of the world. New caves will form,
ravines will shape themselves along the surface, and eventually, entire cities and mountains may disappear
overnight, sunken to depths many miles below the surface, swallowed up by the very planet itself. You won't see
them coming, not at first, but those who know of the Cavernous can. If you go deep underground, turn off all of your
lamps, and listen, very carefully, you can hear them. Whistling wind, sounding almost like voices crying for relief,
will invade your senses. You might think you see them in your peripheral vision, toiling away at the stone around
you, slowly approaching you with each lumbering step…
And you'd best hope that you're wrong.

Extra Spells
1st+ level Subclass Feature
You learn additional spells from your study of the Cavernous. These spells don't count against the number of spells
you may know, and count as class spells for you.

1st-level Earthen Spike, Transposition Tunnel

2nd-level Hunger of the Cavernous, Striking Earth

3rd-level Carve, Earthen Bow

4th-level Earth Walk, Summon Dark Elemental (Cavernous Only)

5th-level Great Cavern

Cave Explorer
1st+ level Subclass Feature

You may add your proficiency bonus to Survival and Nature checks when making checks relating to natural
underground structures, burrowing animals, and cave systems. If you are already proficient in the skill used, you
instead add double your proficiency bonus to checks relating to burrowing animals, caves, and underground

Subjugated Stone
1st+ level Subclass Feature

The very earth fears the powers of the Cavernous, allowing you to subjugate it to your will. As a bonus action, you
may summon a small sheet of stone into a space within 30 feet of you, or you may have it orbit a creature you can
see within 30 feet of you. This sheet of stone floats in the air, and can be commanded to move up to 30 feet on your
turn. As part of commanding the stone to move, you may command the stone to orbit a creature within 5 feet of it,
causing the stone to share the creature's space and move with the creature when it moves. The stone is 5-feet wide,
2-feet tall, and half a foot thick, providing half-cover to creatures of your choice that are standing within 5 feet of it.
You or another Medium or smaller creature may stand on the stone and use it as a platform. When used in this
way, it does not give you cover from attacks, but allows you to float up to 30 feet horizontally or vertically,
expending twice as much of the stone's movement when moving vertically.
The stone can take damage and be destroyed, and it is automatically destroyed one minute after you summon it. If
you use this feature again while the stone is still active, the oldest stone is destroyed. You may summon the stone
once for free, and can use this ability again under the following parameters depending on what class you gained this
subclass through:
Druid: You may expend a use of Wild Shape to use this ability again. The stone's HP is 2 x your Druid level and its
AC is 12 + your Wisdom modifier.
Ranger: You may expend a spell slot to use this ability again. The stone's HP is 5 x the spell slot's level and its AC
is 12 + your Wisdom modifier.
Sorcerer: You may expend 1 or more Sorcery Points to use this ability again. The stone's HP is equal to 4 x the
Sorcery Points spent this way and its AC is 12 + your Charisma modifier.

When you summon the stone without using a spell slot, a use of Wild Shape, or Sorcery Points, its HP is 2 x your
level and its AC is 12 + your spellcasting modifier.

Destructive Blessings
6th+ level Subclass Feature

Your study of the Cavernous has granted you insight into how they destroy matter in their eternal quest for total
annihilation. You gain an additional feature based on the class you gained this subclass from:
Druid + Sorcerer: You may add your spellcasting modifier to the damage you deal with your cantrips.
Ranger: Once per turn, you may deal an additional 1d8 Force damage to one creature you've damaged this turn.

Cavernous Maw
10th+ level Subclass Feature

Your connection to the Cavernous grants you the power of the Cavernous Maw, a craving for destruction that
empowers your most feral abilities. When you cast a non-cantrip spell or take the Attack action, you may use your
bonus action to move up to 15 feet. As part of this movement, you may either make a weapon attack or cast a melee
cantrip you know.
Sorcerer: You learn the Primal Savagery cantrip. It counts as a Sorcerer spell for you.

Stone Predator
14th+ level Subclass Feature

You are a predator of stone, appearing from the earth to crush your foes before disappearing without a trace. While
the spell Earth Walk is active, you may Emerge as a free action. When you Emerge within 30 feet of a creature that
was previously unaware of your presence, you may force it to make a Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened until
the end of its next turn.
Additionally, when you roll damage for a Cavernous spell, you may reroll any 1s or 2s you roll and must keep the
new rolls, even if it's another 1 or 2.

Earth-Born Anatomy
18th+ level Sorcerer Feature

The Cavernous have granted you their final gift, in honor of the power you have achieved. You gain Tremorsense
out to 30 feet, and gain resistance to Bludgeoning and Force damage.

Hungering Strike
Transmutation Cantrip (Cavernous)
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 10 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You channel the hollowing powers of the hungering Cavernous into your hand and swipe at a nearby foe with it.
Make a melee spell attack roll against the target. On a hit, you deal 1d8 Force damage, and the target both reduces its
speed by 5 feet and cannot Disengage until the end of its next turn.
The spell's damage increases by 1d8 at certain levels: 5th (2d8), 11th (3d8), 17th and (4d8)

Transmutation Cantrip (Cavernous)
Classes: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a trowel)
Duration: Instantaneous
You use the power of the Cavernous to shape a hole into the ground large enough for a Large or smaller creature to
trip in. This pothole may be created beneath a target of your choice or at a point on the ground, and cannot be wider
or deeper than 2 feet in diameter. Any creature Large size or smaller that moves over a pothole must make a
Dexterity saving throw or be knocked Prone and take 1d6 Bludgeoning damage from the fall. The potholes you
make may be filled by natural debris through rainfall or wind filling the hole with dirt over time, but a creature may
also use their Action to cover the pothole with dirt or another material nearby. A creature may announce that they
are moving at half speed when they start their turn, meaning that as long as they do not move more than half their
speed this turn, they are not affected by the pothole.
This spell's damage increases at certain levels: 5th (2d6), 11th (3d6), and 17th (4d6)

Earthen Spike
1st-level Conjuration (Cavernous)
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 feet
Components: S, M (a stone marked with runic inscriptions worth 50 gp)
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure a stone from the Plane of Earth and launch it at a target within range. Make a ranged spell attack
against the target. On a hit, you deal 4d6 Piercing damage to the target and force it to make a Strength saving throw
or be knocked Prone.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 1st that this spell is cast, it deals an additional 2d6 Piercing damage.

Transposition Tunnel
1st-level Transmutation (Cavernous)
Classes: Bard, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a hollowed out stone)
Duration: Instantaneous
You carve a tunnel in reality, through which a creature of your choice is instantly transported. Choose a creature
within range and a point that is 15 feet away from the creature. A hole in space forms next to the creature, and
another forms at the chosen point, sucking the target into the hole and out of the other. If the target is unwilling, it
can make a Wisdom saving throw, preventing itself from being transported on a success.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 1st that this spell is cast, you may transport one additional creature of
your choice within range.

Hunger of the Cavernous

2nd-level Enchantment (Cavernous)
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Warlock
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, M (a set of jaws carved from a stone)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You imbue a willing creature with the starvation of the Cavernous elementals, sending them into a hunger-fueled
fury. This spell ends if the target has not attacked an enemy or cast a spell against an enemy for more than one
round. While this spell is active:
● The target adds 1d4 to its damage rolls.
● The target gains temporary hit points equal to 3 x the level the spell is cast at, which disappear once the
spell ends.
● The target gains a natural weapon in the form of a bite that it is proficient in. It may use either its Strength
score or your spellcasting score for its attack and damage rolls with this natural weapon, which has a reach
of 5 feet and deals 1d8 Force damage on a hit.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 2nd that this spell is cast, the extra damage die the target rolls once per
turn increases by one die size per level, maximum 2d8 (1d4>1d6>1d8>1d10>1d12>2d6>2d8), except at 3rd level, in
which case the d4 becomes a d8 instead. For every two levels above 2nd that this spell is cast, the Bite attack
granted by this spell gains a +1 to its attack and damage rolls.

Striking Earth
2nd-level Transmutation (Cavernous)
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You cause the ground to surge upwards in a pillar to strike a creature within range and no more than 20 feet off the
ground. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 3d10 Bludgeoning damage and must make a
Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet in a direction of your choice. If knocked upward, the target takes falling
damage as normal.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 2nd that this spell is cast, you deal an additional 1d10 damage to the
target and push them an additional 5 feet away.

3rd-level Transmutation (Cavernous)
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 Minute, Concentration
You channel the destructive powers of the Cavernous into a focused beam of elemental energy that slices clean
through solid material. As part of casting this spell, and as an action on each turn that you are concentrating on this
spell, you may choose to target either an object/structure within range or a creature within range, enacting one of the
following effects:
● Object/Structure: If the object is made from unworked or shoddily worked stone (such as gravel or
bunches of cobblestone used to build a house), wood, dirt, or similar materials, you carve out either a
10-foot cube or a 5-foot radius circle of material from the target, causing the materials within the
carved-out area to fall to the ground. If the materials land on top of a creature, that creature must make a
Dexterity saving throw or take 2d10 Bludgeoning damage. The area that the materials fall onto is
considered difficult terrain. Clearing the rubble out of a 5-foot area takes 1 minute of work and removes the
difficult terrain from the area. If an object or structure would collapse due to the damage suffered to it by
this spell, it will remain hovering in the air until the spell ends, held aloft by the power that the Cavernous
use to form everlasting tunnels in the elemental plane of earth.
● Creature/Strong Object: If the target is a strong object like metal or well-worked stone (such as bricks
used for castle walls), it cannot be automatically destroyed. Make a spell attack roll against the target. On a
hit, you deal 3d10 Force damage to the target.
Earthen Bow
3rd-level Conjuration (Cavernous)
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 feet
Components: S, M (a collection of stones tied together by string)
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure a bow made of stone, using a stalactite as an arrow strung on an ethereal string, launching it at a
creature within range. Make a spell attack roll against the target. On a hit, the target takes 6d8 Piercing damage and,
if it is Large or smaller, must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 20 feet and knocked prone.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 3rd that this spell is cast, it deals an additional 1d8 Piercing damage.

Earth Walk
4th-level Transmutation (Cavernous)
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Components: S, M (a hollowed out stone)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You call upon the magic of the plane of earth to burrow beneath the ground, traveling through the earth as an
elemental would. As part of casting this spell, and as an Action on each of your turns while you concentrate, you
may Submerge, so long as you are within 5 feet of a surface made of unworked stone or dirt. You disappear into the
earth, immediately burrowing 5 feet below the surface. While Submerged, you gain a burrowing speed of 30 feet,
can breathe while encased in dirt or stone, and you are aware of the layout of any nearby tunnels, caverns, or
underground structures in a 30-foot radius around you. This does not allow you to automatically notice any creatures
on the other side of any surfaces, but you are aware of any changes to the layout of the stone around you, allowing
you to spot any other creatures burrowing through the earth around you, even if they do not disturb the stone around
them. You cannot leave the earth without using the Emerge action (detailed below).
Spells or attacks you make can affect other burrowing creatures, but they cannot affect any creatures outside of the
earth. These spells and attacks will move through the earth to reach their target, as they benefit from this spell the
same way you do.
If you are within 5 feet of a surface leading to an opening in the earth, such as a cave, the aboveground, or an
underground structure, you may make a Perception check to spot any creatures outside of the earth within 30 feet of
you, either against their Stealth check if they are hiding or a DC of 10 if they are not. You cannot spot creatures that
do not make noise, such as a Humanoid wearing the Boots of Elvenkind, or any creature that is not touching a solid
surface, such as a flying or hovering monster. If a strong wind is blowing along the surface you are under, such as
that from an air elemental or the beating of an aarocokra's wings, you are made aware of the wind's presence and
approximate strength, but not its precise location.
Also while within 5 feet of an opening, you may Emerge from the earth as an action, appearing in an unoccupied
space within 5 feet of the surface you emerged from. This does not end the spell, but it does end the benefits you
gain from being Submerged.

Great Cavern
5th-level Conjuration (Cavernous)
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self (50-foot radius sphere)
Components: V, S, M (a rare golden nugget, taken from a cavern in the deepest depths, worth 500 gp)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You bring to bear the wrath of the Cavernous, conjuring a massive cave around you that follows your every
command. This cave does not follow you when you move, and it encompasses the entire area of effect of this spell.
The cave has a 20-foot tall roof, forcing every creature within the spell's radius that is between 25 to 60 feet above
your position when you cast this spell to move to be below this roof. Additionally, the stalagmites and stalactites
make maneuvering difficult for those who would do you harm, causing every creature of your choice to treat the
spell's area as difficult terrain for as long as the spell lasts.
While the spell is active, you may use your Action to invoke one of the following effects:
● Collapse: Rocks fall from the ceiling in an area of your choosing. Every creature within a 20-foot high,
10-foot radius cylinder within the spell's radius must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10
Bludgeoning damage and getting knocked Prone on a failure, taking half as much damage and not being
knocked Prone on a success.
● Spikefall: Two stalactites on the ceiling fall down and strike creatures below them. Make two ranged spell
attack rolls against creatures in the spell's radius. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 Piercing damage.
● Tectonic Shift: Earth rises from the ground to help your allies or hinder your foes. You conjure a wall of
rock that is up to 5 feet wide, 20 feet long, and up to 10 feet tall within the spell's radius. When this wall
forms, any creatures that are in the wall's space can choose to either stand on top of the wall or be
harmlessly pushed to one side of the wall. You may control the width, length, height, and shape of the wall,
allowing you to use it to block the movement of enemies, provide your allies cover, or give a creature
additional height over the battlefield. As part of this action, you may dismiss one other wall you have
created by this spell, causing it to sink back into the ground. Any walls created by this spell disappear when
this spell ends, sinking back into the ground.


Ash Reaper
Available to Barbarian, Fighter, and Ranger

As flames die, as cities crumble, as corpses fade into ash, what is left? Is there anything? Any hint of a soul, of a
life lived, toiling in the waning cinders of a once mighty flame? The simplest answer is 'yes,' there is something,
something preserved in a constant state, a powerful form that mages and devotees can draw upon for strength. This
state that the dearly departed remain in… Is a state of agony. Eternal torment, reliving the burning of their corpse
over and over and over again, as all they see is a faceless demon overlooking their terror, not with glee, not with
sorrow, not even with contempt, just a blank stare that conveys nothing but vague interest in the melting of your
flesh off of your lifeless bones. Necromancy is often argued for as a valid form of magic, elemental Ash is nothing
but pure evil for the sake of evil.
The Ashen is the most esoteric of the Dark Elements, ho
Ash Reapers are those who ritualistically consume ash to fuel their martial abilities, channeling the agony of those
they feast upon as elemental fire.

Feast of Cinders
3rd+ level Subclass Feature

You empower yourself through the smoldering corpses of your foes. Whenever you deal damage to a creature with
a weapon attack, you may replace the weapon's damage type with Fire damage. When you damage a creature with
Fire damage and it is brought to 0 HP before the start of your next turn, you may incinerate the creature's body,
killing it instantly and leaving piles of ash the same width as the creature (a 5-foot pile for Small and Medium
creatures, a 10-foot pile for Large creatures, etc.).
As a reaction, you may absorb 5 feet of ash that is within 30 feet of you. Until the end of your next turn, your
speed increases by 10 feet and you gain a bonus to your attack rolls equal to half of your proficiency bonus (rounded
up), but only when those attack rolls deal Fire damage on a hit.

Smoking Phantasm
6th+ level Subclass Feature

You vanish into burning smoke, beguiling your foes before you reappear to bring them a swift and painful end. A
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you may use your bonus action to teleport to a point you can see
within 30 feet. You may regain a use of this ability by using your reaction to absorb 5 feet of ash within 30 feet of
you. You cannot activate Feast of Cinders as part of regaining a use of Smoking Phantasm.
You regain any spent uses upon finishing a long rest.

Rekindled Flame
10th+ level Subclass Feature

You relight the fires of scorn within you, causing your ashen flames to burn even brighter. When you absorb ash
with either your Smoking Phantasm or Feast of Cinders features, your first successful weapon attack made within
the next minute deals an additional 2d8 Fire damage.

Spreading Flames
14th+ level Subclass Feature

You may now share the joy of flaming agony with your allies, granting them the same boons you grant yourself
upon absorbing burning ashes. When you absorb ash with either Smoking Phantasm or Feast of Cinders, you may
choose one of the following effects to grant to one ally you can see within 60 feet of you:
● Until the end of its next turn, your ally gains a 10-foot movement speed increase and adds half of your
proficiency bonus to their attack rolls. Any damage they deal this round may be replaced by Fire damage,
and a creature they slay with Fire damage may be incinerated if you choose to allow it.
● Your ally may immediately teleport up to 30 feet away to a point they can see.

Phoenix of Death
18th+ level Fighter Feature

As you fall in battle, you rise again as a spirit of burning cinders. When you reach 0 HP and fall unconscious, you
conjure a spirit of burning ash that stands in your space. It uses all of your statistics (excluding any uses of your
abilities that you've already expended), except that it is an Undead/Elemental, does not take damage, is immune to
all conditions, only deals Fire damage, and cannot move more than 30 feet from your current space. For as long as
you are making death saving throws, you control this spirit on your turn. It disappears once you die or are stabilized.
After manifesting this spirit, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Cannibal Cinders
Necromancy Cantrip (Ashen)
Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You send forth burning cinders that eat away at a foe's flesh, giving you new life in the process. Make a spell
attack roll against a target within range. On a hit, you deal 1d6 Fire damage and, if the target dies before the start of
your next turn, you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage this cantrip dealt to the target.
If a creature is brought to 0 HP before the start of your next turn, you may incinerate their body, instantly killing
them and leaving their items in their space. A creature incinerated by this spell leaves a pile of ash that is the same
width as the creature, so a Medium creature leaves a 5-foot pile of ash in its space, a Large creature leaves a 10-foot
pile, etc.
At later levels, this spell's damage increases by 1d6: 5th (2d6), 11th (3d6), and 17th (4d6)

Ember Cloud
Evocation Cantrip (Ashen)
Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S, M (a handful of ashes)
Duration: 1 Round
You conjure embers that swirl around a target within range. That target must make a Constitution saving throw or
take 1d4 Fire damage and have the embers follow then until the start of your next turn. While the embers follow
them, creatures gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against the target and to Perception checks made to find the target.
The target takes half as much damage and does not have the embers follow them.
If the target is brought to 0 HP while this spell is active, you may incinerate them, killing them instantly and
leaving their items in their space. A creature incinerated by this spell leaves a pile of ash that is the same width as
the creature, so a Medium creature leaves a 5-foot pile of ash in its space, a Large creature leaves a 10-foot pile, etc.
At higher levels, the spell deals an additional 1d4 damage: 5th (2d4), 11th (3d4), and 17th (4d4). At 11th level, the
to-hit and Perception check bonus increases to +2.

Ashen Grasp
1st-level Necromancy (Ashen)
Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a charred hand)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You control nearby ash to attack your foes, holding them down. Choose a 5-foot pile of ash within range. You
animate the residual life within that ash and command it to move up to 30 feet and attack a creature within 5 feet of
it. Make a melee spell attack roll against that creature. On a hit, the creature takes 2d4 Fire damage and becomes
grappled by the ash spawn. The creature may use their Action to make an Athletics or Acrobatics check against your
spell save DC, and on a success, they escape the grapple. If an ash spawn misses its attack roll or a creature escapes
its grapple, it is destroyed. The spell ends when all ash spawn summoned by it are destroyed. When an ash spawn is
destroyed, it leaves behind a 5-foot pile of ash in its space.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 1st that this spell is cast at, you may target an additional 5-foot pile of
ash and create an additional ash spawn. Each ash spawn may target the same or different creatures within 30 feet of

Seeking Ash
1st-level Necromancy (Ashen)
Classes: Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: Reaction
Range: 60 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You may use flame to draw the waning life forces of a creature into burning spears of ash. As a reaction to a
non-mythic creature reaching 0 HP, you may incinerate the creature's body, killing them instantly and dropping their
items in their space. When you do, you may make two ranged spell attack rolls against creatures you can see within
30 feet of the body, dealing 1d12 Fire damage on a hit.
A creature incinerated by this spell leaves a pile of ash that is the same width as the creature, so a Medium creature
leaves a 5-foot pile of ash in its space, a Large creature leaves a 10-foot pile, etc.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 1st that this spell is cast, this spell forms an additional ash spear that
deals 1d12 Fire damage on a hit.

Charred Arrow
2nd-level Evocation (Ashen)
Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 Feet
Components: S, M (a sharpened piece of charcoal)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You hurl a flaming chunk of charcoal at a creature within range, causing them to experience a deep, searing pain.
Make a ranged spell attack roll against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 Piercing damage and 2d6 Fire
damage and the creature must make a Constitution saving throw or have its speed reduced by 10 feet for the duration
of the spell. The target may repeat the Con save against this spell at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect
on a success.
Unless a creature takes an Action to remove it from their flesh, the piece of charcoal will continually burn them,
meaning that if the target is concentrating, the spell forces them to make a DC (10 + this spell's level) concentration
check at the end of each of their turns until it is removed.
If a creature is brought to 0 HP by this spell, you may incinerate its body, killing it instantly and dropping its items
in its space. A creature incinerated by this spell leaves a pile of ash that is the same width as the creature, so a
Medium creature leaves a 5-foot pile of ash in its space, a Large creature leaves a 10-foot pile, etc.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 2nd that this spell is cast, it deals an additional 1d6 Fire damage.

Juggernaut Skull
2nd-level Necromancy (Ashen)
Classes: Artificer, Cleric, Warlock
Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S, M (an empty skull)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You magically condense a 5-foot pile of ash within range into the material component, causing the inside of the
skull to catch on fire. As part of casting this spell, or as a bonus action afterwards, the creature holding the skull can
throw it to a willing creature within 30 feet of them. As part of receiving the skull, a creature can stow one item they
are holding or take one hand off of a weapon so that they can catch it
The skull, while under the spell's effects, is a Simple melee weapon with the Light and Finesse properties that
deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage on a hit, but the wielder may choose to use your spellcasting attack bonus and
spellcasting ability modifier for its attack and damage rolls if they wish. Once per round, the wielder may deal 1d8
Fire damage to one creature they hit with the skull in addition to the skull's normal damage. The skull's damage is
considered to be magical in nature.
While holding the skull, the wielder has a 10-foot movement speed increase and adds +1 to their AC.
At Higher Levels: When cast at 4th level, the extra Fire damage this spell deals increases to 2d8 and the skull has
a +1 to its attack and damage rolls. When cast at 6th level, the extra Fire damage this spell deals increases to 3d8,
the AC bonus increases to +2, and the skull has a +2 to its attack and damage rolls. When cast at 8th level, the extra
Fire damage this spell deals increases to 4d8, the AC bonus increases to +3, and the skull has a +3 to its attack and
damage rolls.

Ember Bullet
3rd-level Necromancy (Cavernous)
Classes: Warlock
Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 Minute
You transform one 5-foot pile of ash within range into a burning bullet, throwing it at a creature within range as
part of the Action used to form it or as an Action on any turn after. Make a ranged spell attack roll. On a hit, you
deal 3d10 Piercing damage and 4d10 Fire damage to the target.
The bullet disappears if the spell ends before you throw it.
If a creature is brought to 0 HP by this spell, you may incinerate its body, killing it instantly and dropping its items
in its space. A creature incinerated by this spell leaves a pile of ash that is the same width as the creature, so a
Medium creature leaves a 5-foot pile of ash in its space, a Large creature leaves a 10-foot pile, etc.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 3rd that this spell is cast, the bullet deals an additional 1d10 Fire

Smoke Drift
3rd-level Transmutation (Ashen)
Classes: Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Components: S, M (a pinch of crumbling ash)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Hour
You imbue the target with the aspect of smoke, granting them the ability to shift into a smoke form for just a
moment. While this spell is active, the target may use their bonus action to become smoke and instantaneously move
in a straight line, able to pass through other creatures and objects with holes that air can pass through, before
returning to its normal form. As part of this bonus action, the target must expend any amount of their movement as
they wish. The distance they travel while in smoke form is equal to twice the movement they expend, to a maximum
of 60 feet.
While in smoke form, the target is immune to damage and any effects, aside from wind, that would hinder its
At Higher Levels: For every level above 3rd that this spell is cast at, you may target one additional creature with
this spell.

Swarming Ashes
4th-level Necromancy (Ashen)
Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of ash)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You conjure ash from the elemental plane of fire to swarm around foes, blinding them and burning their flesh with
scorching cinders. Choose a point within range. Every creature of your choice within 20 feet of that point must make
a Constitution saving throw or take 6d6 Fire damage and become Blinded until the spell ends, taking half as much
damage and not being blinded on a success. A creature that fails its saving throw against this spell may repeat their
saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
If a creature is brought to 0 HP while blinded by the ashes, or is brought to 0 HP by this spell's damage, you may
incinerate its body, dropping its items in its space. A creature incinerated by this spell leaves a pile of ash that is the
same width as the creature, so a Medium creature leaves a 5-foot pile of ash in its space, a Large creature leaves a
10-foot pile, etc.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 4th that this spell is cast, it deals an additional 1d6 Fire damage.

Ember Fall
5th-level Necromancy (Ashen)
Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self (50-foot radius)
Components: V, S, M (a jar of volcanic ash)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You conjure ashes from the elemental plane of fire to rain down around you, coating the ground in piles upon piles
of ash. For the spell's duration, the spell's radius becomes both difficult terrain and lightly obscured, but only to
creatures of your choice. The area of the spell is covered in ash, allowing you to use the spell's area to fulfill any ash
requirements for your Ashen spells and abilities. Additionally, you may use your Action to invoke one of the
following effects:
● Dancing Embers: Burning embers float about in a 10-foot radius sphere within this spell's area. Each
creature of your choice in that area must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or
take 4d6 Fire damage, taking half as much on a success.
● Ashen Dead: You invoke the incinerated remains of the dead, creating four ash spawn in spaces within this
spell's radius. These ash spawn each make an attack roll against a creature within 5 feet of them, targeting
different creatures or the same creature. On a hit, the ash spawn deals 2d4 Fire damage and grapples the
target. To escape the grapple, a creature must use their Action to roll their choice of an Athletics check or
an Acrobatics check against your spell save DC, escaping on a success. The ash spawn are destroyed if
their attack misses, if they are no longer grappling a target, or if you use this ability again, but do not take
damage from attacks or spells.
● Cinder Guardian: You draw forth smoldering cinders to protect your allies, surrounding them in the
cinders. Any number of allies of your choice within range gain 10 temporary hit points. If a creature in the
spell's area deals damage to a creature with temp HP granted by this spell, that creature takes 2d6 Fire


Void Acolyte
Available to Cleric, Sorcerer, and Warlock
You may have gazed up into the night sky and wondered what it might be like to travel the stars, to seek
adventures and treasure on alien worlds. Perhaps you've found comfort in the idea that you're not alone in the
universe, that there is someone on a faraway planet looking back at you with that same question on their mind.
Dreams of meeting such fantastical beings, of traveling to their homes and seeing new wonders, flit into your mind,
bringing you on a journey through the astral sea. Perhaps sometime, hundreds of years from now, your race may
brave these galactic oceans on vessels of starlight, making new alliances with races from even other planes of
existence. Spelljammers, starships, galactic warships, all soaring their way around the many universes of reality.
But what if I told you that your race would never have that opportunity?
It begins in your reality's plane of air. The endless sky will suddenly, violently, end, leading into a layer of pure
darkness. The foolish might think it is empty, and few ever make that assumption more than once, as the plane of air
becomes host to all manner of parasitic entities that feed upon the life force of any creature unlucky enough to get
too close. The darkness acts as a 'ceiling' to the plane, one that slowly descends to envelope the entire plane,
corrupting the elementals within into horrid approximations of itself. After a time, this dark presence will appear at
the farthest edges of the material plane, blocking all travel out of the crystal sphere of this reality, closing inwards
towards the most populated planets, until eventually, the entire world is erased.
This dark presence is the Void, and you, poor soul, have encountered it firsthand. However you've come across it,
it has affected you, leaving a piece of itself within you. Those who worship the Void, or who have been touched by
it, become part of its grand design, a tool in its galactic game of existence and non-existence. You are an arbitrator of
destruction, channeling the might of the Void for a purpose that you don't fully understand. Some Acolytes hold out
hope that the Void will spare them, in the end, while others believe that the destruction of realities is a natural, and
necessary, evil. The Void is not devoid of will or want, that much can be ascertained, but what it wants with you
specifically is up to interpretation.

Extra Spells
1st+ level Subclass Feature

You learn additional spells from your study of the Void. These spells don't count against the number of spells you
may know, and count as class spells for you.

1st-level Dark Seed, Reaching Void

2nd-level Implosion Bomb, Void's Blessing

3rd-level Null Ray, Void Shade

4th-level Black Starstorm, Summon Dark Elemental (Void Only)

5th-level Void Aspect

Extra Proficiency
1st+ level Cleric Feature

You gain proficiency in martial weapons.

Witness to Nothingness
1st+ level Subclass Feature
You have gazed upon the Void, and it has forever changed you. You become immune to the Frightened condition.
Additionally, your attunement to the Void gives you a fearsome presence. When you cast a spell with the (Void) tag,
you may choose one creature affected by the spell to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target is
Frightened until the beginning of your next turn.
You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain any spent uses upon
finishing a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Dark Vortex

2nd+ level Cleric Feature

You expose your foes to the vacuum of the Void. As an action, you may present your holy symbol and conjure a
portal to the Void. Each creature within 30 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw or take damage equal to
twice your Cleric level and either be pulled up to 20 feet towards you or be knocked prone by the suction of the

Dark Tidings
6th+ level Subclass Feature

Those who fear the Void are the ones most vulnerable to its dark influence. While a creature is Frightened by your
Witness to Nothingness feature, the next attack roll against it is made at advantage and the next saving throw it
makes is at disadvantage.

Divine Strike
8th+ level Cleric Feature

The Void blesses your weapon strikes. When you succeed on a weapon attack, you deal an extra 1d8 Force damage
to the target.
At 17th level, this increases to 2d8 Force damage.

Astral Banishment
10th+ level Warlock and Wizard Feature

The Void calls to you, beckoning you to return to its cold embrace, a yearning that you've learned to use to your
advantage. As a reaction to being attacked with a weapon, you may open a portal to the Void and banish the target's
weapon before they get a chance to strike. The target must make a Charisma saving throw or have its weapon
disappear into the Void, causing its attack to automatically miss. On a success, the attack roll is made as normal and
the weapon does not vanish.
If the banished weapon is a magical weapon to which the attacker is attuned, the weapon will seek to return to its
master. The weapon reappears in its owner's hand after a minute passes, but the weapon's owner may also make a
Charisma saving throw at the end of each of their turns, returning the weapon to their hands on a success.
You may use this ability twice, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Call of the Void

14th+ level Subclass Feature

The Void grows impatient, seeking to bring you into its dark embrace, and it refuses to wait any longer; the Void
has come to you. It has hidden deep within you, acting as a parasitic entity formed from pure darkness. You may
invoke the Void to protect you as a bonus action, and for the next minute, creatures of your choice within 30 feet of
you must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC at the start of each of their turns or suffer the
following effects until the start of their next turn:
● Affected creatures treat the area around you as difficult terrain,
● Affected creatures suffer a -2 reduction to their Armor Class and any Dexterity saving throws they make.
● Affected creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls.

This ability lasts for a minute, until you are brought to 0 HP, or until you dismiss it as a bonus action.

Avatar of Annihilation
18th+ level Sorcerer Feature

The Void has given you almighty power over reality itself, making you a god among men. You may concentrate on
two spells at once, just as long as one of those spells is a Void spell of 5th level or lower. A creature cannot suffer the
effects of both spells at once. If it is in the area of effect for both spells, choose which one will affect the creature
and which one will not.

Dark Shard
Conjuration Cantrip (Void)
Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 feet
Components: S, M (an object exposed to the Void)
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure a shard of space debris from the Void and hurl it at a nearby creature, using the material component as
a connection point to the Void. Make a ranged spell attack roll against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d8
Piercing damage, and all light sources of your choice that are either non-magical or created by a cantrip within 20
feet of the target are extinguished. You may target a light source with this spell and choose to not deal damage to the
object casting that light, discreetly extinguishing the source of light.
This spell's damage increases at certain levels: 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8)

Void Pulse
Evocation Cantrip (Void)
Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You evoke the crushing pressure of the Void upon a creature of your choice within range, forcing the target to
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target takes 1d8 Force damage and makes their next
concentration check at disadvantage.
This spell's damage increases at certain levels: 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8)

Dark Seed
1st-level Evocation (Void)
Classes: Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 40 feet
Components: V, S, M (an empty eggshell or seed)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You fill an empty vessel with the hungering power of the Void, bringing it under your control. The material
component becomes a Void Vessel, which appears in your hand. You may throw the Void Vessel at a creature within
range as part of casting this spell or as an action while holding the Void Vessel, making an attack roll using your
spell attack bonus as your bonus. On a hit, the Void Vessel becomes attached to the target as if it has succeeded on a
Latch On attack.
Attacks made against the Void Vessel while it is attached to a creature are made at disadvantage. If the higher of
the two rolls would hit the creature the Vessel is attached to, but the lower roll misses the Vessel, the creature the
Vessel is attached to takes the attack's damage instead. The Void Vessel disappears when it dies.
At Higher Levels: For every two levels above 1st that this spell is cast, the vessel deals an additional 1d6 damage
when it feeds on its host.

Void Vessel
Tiny Aberration
Armor Class 12 + the spell's level
Hit Points (4 x the spell's level) + your spellcasting modifier
Speed 20 feet

Str 14 (+2) Dex 10 (+0) Con 8 (-1) Int 4 (-3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 4 (-3)

Servant The Void Vessel's summoner may use their bonus action to command the Void Vessel to move up to 20
feet and use its Latch On action against a creature of the summoner's choice. If the Void Vessel is not commanded to
do anything on that turn while it is not attached to a creature, it takes the Dodge action.
Life Drain When the Void Vessel is attached to a creature, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw
against your spell save DC or take 2d6 Necrotic damage, taking half as much on a success. The Void Vessel can be
removed by the target or a nearby creature as an action, being placed in the nearest unoccupied space.

Latch On Melee Spell Attack Your spellcasting attack bonus to hit, reach 10 feet, one target Hit: The Void Vessel
becomes attached to the target.

Reaching Darkness
1st-level Evocation (Void)
Classes: Cleric, Ranger, Paladin, Warlock
Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure a wormhole into your hand, creating a directed suction that pulls a creature or object towards you.
Choose a Medium or smaller creature or a Medium or smaller object that isn't being worn or carried within range. If
the target is a creature, it must make a Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 30 feet towards you. If the target is
an object, it is automatically drawn towards you with no save or check required.

Implosion Bomb
2nd-level Evocation (Void)
Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: S, M (a magnetic hunk of metal)
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
You hurl a magnet infused with the Void, causing it to implode violently. Choose a point within range of you,
which need not be on the ground, throwing the material component at the chosen point. The area around the bomb
undergoes intense suction, forcing each creature that starts their turn within 10 feet of the chosen point while this
spell is active to make a Constitution saving throw or take 3d8 Force damage, taking half as much on a success.
At Higher Levels: For every two levels above 2nd that this spell is cast at, it deals an additional 1d8 Force

Void's Blessing
2nd-level Abjuration (Void)
Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute
The target of this spell is blessed by a magical shield that acts as a portal to the Void. Once per turn, when the
target is hit by an attack, the attacker must roll 2d4+2 and reduce the damage of their attack by the result. This
reduction occurs before the damage is dealt.
At Higher Levels: For every two levels above 2nd that this spell is cast, the amount of damage negated is
increased by 1d4+1.

Null Ray
3rd-level Evocation (Void)
Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self (60-foot line)
Components: V, S, M (a withered fingerbone)
Duration: Instantaneous
You coalesce Void energies into an orb in your hand, then launch it outwards as a ray of darkness that pierces
through creatures and any objects it destroys in its path. Every creature in a 5-foot wide, 60-foot long line
originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 Force damage and have its life essence
sapped by the encroaching Void, or half as much damage on a successful save. For the next minute, each creature
that failed their saving throw against this spell must roll a 1d6 each time they make a Strength or Dexterity attack
roll, ability check, or saving throw and reduce the result from the roll they make. The creature may make a
Constitution saving throw against this spell at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 3rd that this spell is cast at, creatures take an additional 1d8 Force
damage from this spell.

Void Shade
3rd-level Necromancy (Void)
Classes: Cleric, Warlock
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a gem-laden bone worth 300 GP)
Duration: 1 Hour
You conjure a Void Shade to guide you, using its ethereal sight to your advantage. While summoned, the Void
Shade follows you closely, almost acting as your shadow. The Shade can hide within your shadow if it wishes,
forcing creatures to make a Perception check against your spell save DC in order to notice it. The Void Shade is
immune to damage, but can be banished by a spell that ends curses.
For the spell's duration, you gain the following benefits:
● The reach of your limbs increases by 10 feet, as the Shade lashes out with dark tendrils to extend your
● Your Shade is aware of any creatures on the ethereal plane that are within 60 feet of you, and it grants its
summoner advantage on Perception checks made to find invisible creatures that are not hidden behind
● Your Shade grants you a Fly (Hover) speed of 5 + (5 x this spell's level) feet.
● Your Shade can grant roll a d8 and add it to one skill check, ability check, or damage roll you make on your
turn. It can use this ability a number of times equal to 1 + this spell's level before you cast this spell again.

Black Starstorm
4th-level Evocation (Void)
Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a chunk of a fallen star)
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure three chunks of Void debris above your head, each one taking up a 5-foot cube, and launch them at
points you can see within range. Every creature within 10 feet of one of these points when the debris lands must
make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 Bludgeoning damage. If a creature is standing directly on a point where a
chunk of debris is falling, they are pushed into the nearest unoccupied space and knocked prone. After landing, the
Void energy of the debris lashes out with dark tendrils at anyone nearby, forcing every creature that starts their turn
within 10 feet of a piece of debris to make a Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 Necrotic damage and have their
speed halved until the start of their next turn.
At the start of your next turn, the Void energy fades, no longer attacking nearby creatures. The debris, however,
remains, with each piece of debris taking up a 5-foot cube of space. The debris has HP equal to the level this spell
was cast at x 5, and AC equal to 12 + this spell's level. If you wish, you may dismiss the debris as a free action on
your turn, causing it to disappear entirely.
At Higher Levels: For every level above 3rd that this spell is cast at, it deals an additional 1d8 Necrotic damage
with its Void tendrils.

Void Aspect
5th-level Transmutation (Void)
Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock
Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (the skull of a humanoid who witnessed the Void firsthand)
Duration: Concentration, 10 Minutes
You enter a trance-like state in which you channel the Void through your body, becoming one with it. Your body
becomes pitch black, with no light reflecting off of your body at all. While this spell lasts, you gain the following
● Your AC increases by 2
● You are immune to effects that cause the Frightened, Charmed, Grappled, Restrained, Poisoned, and Prone
● You may use your action to make two attacks with the following attack options:
○ Void Beam: Make a spell attack roll against a target within 120 feet of you. On a hit, you deal 3d10
Necrotic damage to the target
○ Nebula Bomb: You launch a miniature nebula at a point within 60 feet. Each creature within 10
feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 Radiant damage, taking half as
much on a succese.
○ Crush: Choose a creature within 10 feet of you. That creature must make a Constitution saving
throw or take 3d6 Force damage and be lifted 10 feet into the air, becoming Grappled and unable
to make attacks of opportunity until the beginning of your next turn. The target floats within 10
feet of you until the grapple ends, and you may use your spellcasting attack bonus for any opposed
checks made to maintain the grapple. The target takes no damage and is not Grappled on a

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