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School of Pyromancy

The school of pyromancy specializes in controlling and abusing the

overwhelming strength of fire. This hyper specialization allows for
them to cause devastating effects with their spells that deal fire

2nd level
Pyromatic Study: Beginning when you select this school at 2nd
level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a spell that deals fire damage
into your spellbook is halved. Also, all spells that deal fire damage count as
wizard spells to you.

Ignition: When you deal fire damage with a spell, you may force the
target/s to make a constitution saving throw against your spell save dc or
become ignited. The fire lasts for one minute and deals damage equal to your
int modifier (Min of 1) each of the creatures turns. The target can spend its
bonus action or an ally of said target can use their action to make the ignition
end early.

6th level
Fires Might: When you deal damage with a spell or cantrip that
deals fire damage. You may ignore a target's resistance to fire damage, but not

10th Level
Spicy: As a bonus action at the beginning of your turn, you invoke an
aura of fire lasting until the start of your next turn. This aura has a radius of
10ft originating from yourself, and creatures of your choice in this aura that
begin their turn within it take 1d6+int modifier fire damage and is inflicted
with ignited. The duration of the ignition continuously refreshes as long as the
target is within the aura. You can only activate this feature by casting a leveled
spell that deals fire damage

14th Level
Detonation: When you deal damage with a leveled spell that deals
fire damage, either when the spell successfully hits or when the target/s fails
their saving throw, you may choose to force the target to make a constitution
saving throw. If they fail, you mark them for detonation. After one round, at the
beginning of the target's next turn, the mark detonates, dealing half the dice of
the spell cast as damage, rounded down. (for example, if you use this feature
with a 3rd level fireball, the detonation would deal 4d6 fire damage). A target
can only have one instance of Detonation at a time.

School of Hemomancy
Hemomancers specialize in Hemomancy, a school of magic
specializing in the manipulation of blood and one's life force.
Hemomancy is often looked down upon by society being considered
an evil form of magic similar to necromancy and may be outlawed in
certain places.

2nd level
Blood Pool: Many of your Hemomancy features rely on a pool of dice
(d6’s) called your Blood Pool. Your blood pool maximum is equal to the
number of hit dice that you possess. After a long rest, your current blood pool
dice resets to a number equal to half of your total hit dice rounded down. To
charge your blood pool, You can either deal damage with a leveled spell,
gaining a number of dice equal to the spells level, or you can burn a number of
hit dice equal to your proficiency bonus, taking damage from rolling those hit
dice, and gaining blood pool dice equal to the number of dice spent. Damage
taken this way cannot be mitigated in any way and the ability to do so
refreshes after a long rest.

Necrotic blood: Hemomancy draws its roots from necromancy, as

such, all spells that deal necrotic damage count as wizard spells for you. You
also spend half the gold and reduce the time it takes to copy a necromancy
spell into your spellbook by half.

Hemomatic Casting: By spending a number of dice in your blood

pool equal to twice the spells level, you may cast a spell using your blood pool
dice rather than using a spell slot. The Spells you cast in this manner must
either deal necrotic damage or be from the necromancy school of magic. You
cannot gain blood pool die in this manner.

6th Level
Blood Transference: At 6th level, you add the spell Life Transference
to your spellbook and does not count against your spells known/prepared.
Additionally, instead of damaging yourself, you may pull from your blood pool
instead, scaling as normally when upcasted (4d6 at base).

10th Level
Bloody Hell: At 10th level, you learn to use your blood dice to
empower your Necromancy spells. You can spend a number of blood dice
equal to your proficiency bonus to deal increased damage with a leveled spell
that deals necrotic damage. The bonus damage is equal to the number of dice
spent (spending 2 dice would equal 2d6 damage). You cannot gain blood pool
dice when using this feature.

14th Level
Drain: Your control over one's life force has grown to a point that you
may drain it forcefully from those who oppose you. Once per long rest, as an
action, you may select a point within 100 ft, you drain the life of all creatures
of your choice in a 20ft radius. By doing so, you deal 1d6 necrotic damage to
each creature in the area, except for undead and constructs. Afterwards you
may do one of two things.
1. Heal for the damage dealt from this ability
2. Gain a number of blood pool dice equal to the number of creatures

School of Cryomancy
Unlike Pyromancers, Cryomancers wield the power of ice. A cold,
unforgiving power punishing those who dare to entice their icy,
calculated wrath.

Cryomancers Contemplations: At 2nd level, you dedicate yourself to the

study of Cryomancy. Spells that deal cold damage now count as wizard spells
for you and they take half the time and gold cost to copy into your spell book.
Chaos Bolt is not included in this.

Freezing Up: Whenever you hit a target with a spell attack that deals cold
damage or a target fails a save against a spell that deals cold damage, you may
force the target to make a constitution save against your spell save dc or else
be affected by freeze. When affected with Freeze, a target's speed is reduced
by 5ft per stack of freeze. A creature affected by freeze may make another
constitution saving throw at the beginning of its turn to end the effect,
removing one stack at a time per save. Freeze may stack up to three times

Frost Step: At 6th level, your study of cryomancy has allowed you to become
more attuned with the cold. Difficult terrain caused by ice or snow no longer
counts as difficult terrain and cold weather no longer affects you.
Furthermore, when walking on water, the ground below your feet freezes,
creating a path 5ft wide that you can walk on. This area is counted as difficult
terrain for everyone but you. This area lasts for one minute before melting.
Frozen: When you reach 10th level, the power of your cold spells is enhanced
once again. When a target accrues 3 stacks of Freeze, they become frozen.
While frozen, the target becomes stunned and is vulnerable to bludgeoning
and slashing damage until they pass a con save against your save DC to
become unstunned.

Shatter!!: At 14th level, you harness the destructive power of ice. When a
frozen target takes either, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, thunder, force, or
lightning damage, the ice around them shatters, forcing every creature in the
area to make a dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take 4d8
cold damage, taking half on a failure. An individual who is frozen automatically
fails the saving throw. If a target is frozen within 10ft of the shattered target,
they shatter as well.

School of Flugomancy
Flugomancers take on the wild and unpredictable aspects of
lightning and the storms that cause it. Many flugomancers will spend
large amounts of time meditating underneath violent storms in
hopes to attain a true understanding of its chaos.

Flugomancers Protocol: At 2nd level, you have dedicated yourself to the

chaotic form known as Flugomancy, commanding the violent and dangerous
will of storms and the lightning it produces. Spells that deal lightning damage
now count as wizard spells to you and spells that deal lightning damage now
take half the time and gold to copy into your spell book

Chain Lightning: The chaotic essence of storms manifests itself in some of

the spells that you cast. When you hit a target with a spell attack roll or a
target fails a saving throw against a spell that deals lightning damage, you may
cause the damage to chain to nearby creatures within 5ft of the main target.
The chain lightning does one damage dice from the spell plus your intelligence

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