Applying The Developmental Systems Approach To.3

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Infants & Young Children

Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 173–183

Copyright C 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Applying the Developmental

Systems Approach to Inclusive
Community-Based Early
Intervention Programs
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Process and Practice

Michael J. Guralnick, PhD
A developmentally oriented framework is presented designed to establish or enhance the quality
of inclusive community-based early intervention systems. This conceptually and empirically inte-
grated developmental approach supports a comprehensive family-centered model. Outlined is a
process that coordinates children’s goals with family priorities, identifies developmental pathways
most likely to influence those goals, guides the selection of objectives and intervention activities,
and provides an approach for evaluation and problem solving. Principles of relationships, com-
prehensiveness, and continuity are central to this framework and address the general problem
of “what to implement” in inclusive community-based early childhood programs. Key words:
Developmental Systems Approach, early intervention process, integrated practice model


PROACH (DSA) is designed to serve as
a framework for the establishment and re-
mental delays or disabilities and their families
(Guralnick, 2019a). Early intervention princi-
ples of this family-centered approach empha-
finement of inclusive community-based early size the significance of forming relationships
intervention (EI) systems in support of chil- among all those involved, the importance of
dren at risk for or with established develop- designing interventions that are comprehen-
sive, and the development of procedures that
maintain continuity of intervention across the
Author Affiliations: Center on Human Development early childhood period. These DSA principles
and Disability and Departments of Psychology and are embedded within an overarching frame-
Pediatrics, University of Washington, Seattle.
work that integrates developmental science,
Portions of this article were based on a Closing Session
Plenary presentation at the International Society on
knowledge of risk and disability, and interven-
Early Intervention conference, Sydney, Australia, June tion science, all intended to work in harmony
2019. to create a practice model.
The writing of this article was supported by grants Translating broad principles and a guiding
from the Administration for Community Living (AC- framework such as the DSA into actual prac-
90DDUC0017) and the National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development (U54 HD083091). tice in inclusive community-based programs,
The content is solely the responsibility of the author however, constitutes an extraordinary chal-
and does not necessarily represent the official views of lenge. The purpose of this article is to pro-
the funding agencies.
vide a process for doing so, emphasizing how
The author declares no conflict of interest.
communities can select and implement con-
Correspondence: Michael J. Guralnick, PhD, Cen- ceptually sound and evidence-based interven-
ter on Human Development and Disability, Univer-
sity of Washington, Box 357920, Seattle, WA 98195 tions within this framework for the diverse
( groups of children and families that consti-
DOI: 10.1097/IYC.0000000000000167 tute all communities. As described later, the

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

complexity of the numerous experiential in- as children carry out their goals in various
fluences on children’s social and cognitive de- contexts and settings. This integration gener-
velopment is recognized by considering the ates the functional outcomes associated with
mutual and reciprocal patterns of influence children’s social and cognitive competence.
on children’s development of specific com- As discussed later, the specific influences of
ponents of the DSA for which substantial evi- FPI constitute the core of EI and encompass
dence exists at the level of the child, the level the three domains of parent–child transac-
of family patterns of interaction (FPI), and the tions, family-orchestrated child experiences,
level of family resources (FR). Each of the and child health and safety as organized and
components of the DSA (see later) serves as provided by the family.
a developmental pathway that interacts with Family patterns of interaction can certainly
and influences components within each of the be influenced by the developmental and be-
three levels as well as components across lev- havioral patterns of the children themselves
els. It is this highly interactive system of influ- (social and cognitive competence) displayed
ences that guides the process associated with in a variety of typical situations. Although ap-
the selection and implementation of effective propriate adjustments by families in the com-
EI practices. ponents of FPI frequently occur to these child-
In anticipation of subsequent discussions, specific patterns (see dashed line arrow in
the process of applying the DSA in inclu- Figure 1), child influences on FPI (see solid
sive community-based settings is designed to arrows from level of the child in Figure 1) of-
first assist EI teams and families to identify ten present significant challenges (stressors)
children’s goals consistent with family priori- to the provision of optimal FPIs for children
ties, select components (developmental path- who are vulnerable to developmental prob-
ways) at the DSA’s level of FPI that are most lems due to biological and other constraints.
likely to be of value in supporting child de- As such, attention within this systems frame-
velopment in relation to those child goals, work must be given to possible child patterns
identify and organize evidence-based prac- that can create stressors that adversely affect
tices that are consistent with high-priority FPI. The complexity of the adjustment pro-
DSA components in the form of objectives cess at the level of FPI and the EI efforts to
and intervention activities, select strategies support this process are considerable, espe-
for evaluating short- and long-term outcomes, cially given the moderating influences of child
and develop methods for problem solving characteristics (developmental resources, or-
when concerns about progress emerge. ganizational processes) that generate exten-
sive variability in child social and cognitive
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF DSA LEVELS competence (see dotted line arrow in Figure
1). As our understanding of child characteris-
Central to the DSA are those components tics that moderate EI improves, so will the EI
that constitute the level of FPI (see Figure field’s ability to problem solve and personalize
1). Family patterns of interaction, the most our intervention strategies.
proximal of influences affecting the level of In addition to influences by displays of chil-
the child, have a strong evidence base and dren’s social and cognitive competence in ev-
are described in detail elsewhere (Guralnick, eryday situations, FPIs are also affected by FR.
2001, 2005a, 2011). Pathways associated with Resources at this third level of the DSA in-
FPI influence the level of the child in many clude the personal characteristics of parents
ways including facilitating the integration of or other caregivers (e.g., their mental health,
the components of children’s developmental coping styles) as well as material resources
resources (e.g., cognition, language) and or- that are available (e.g., financial resources, so-
ganizational processes (e.g., executive func- cial supports). Many components of FR may
tion, emotion regulation, social cognition) be compromised at the time of a child’s birth

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Developmental Systems Process and Practice 175

Figure 1. The Developmental Systems Approach illustrating levels, components, and relationships. From
“Why Early Intervention Works: A Systems Perspective,” by M. J. Guralnick, 2011, Infants & Young
Children, 24, pp. 6–28. Adapted with permission.

(i.e., serve as risk factors), thereby creating factors can create stressors (e.g., generate sub-
child vulnerability that also operates primarily stantial financial pressures) acting on the vari-
through adverse influences on FPI (see Figure ous components of FR as well as FPI (Lugo-Gil
1; Evans, Li, & Whipple, 2013). However, & Tamis-LeMonda, 2008).
even in the absence of initial family risk fac- Accordingly, as represented in Figure 1,
tors, child social and cognitive competence the DSA constitutes a multilevel system of
patterns emerging over time caused by any risk and protective factors each interacting
combination of biological or environmental within and across the DSA’s three levels to

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

influence children’s development throughout gether, the intervention plan is intended to

the early childhood period. It is certainly the provide a family-oriented vision that employs
case that many other potential developmen- the DSA’s principles of relationships, compre-
tal mechanisms are likely to produce complex hensiveness, and continuity across the early
patterns of influence that remain to be deter- childhood period guided by a firm understand-
mined by future research. Nevertheless, suffi- ing of the developmental mechanisms that in-
cient evidence is available in support of the fluence children’s development.
importance of the developmental pathways
described earlier as part of a system influenc- EARLY MEETINGS
ing the development of all children (Gural-
nick, 2019a). Within this systems framework, Following assessments to qualify for eligi-
the effectiveness of EI is determined by its bility for EI including assessments by com-
ability to maximize the quality of FPI for chil- munity professionals that may have occurred
dren and their families, ideally carried out in as a consequence of early identified concerns
inclusive community-based programs. about a child’s development, initial meetings
between an EI service coordinator or other
THE PROCESS professionals and the family are primarily de-
signed to gather information and begin to
Given the diversity of child and family char- form a relationship with family members. The
acteristics as well as family environments, formation of a thoughtful professional–family
how can the EI team (which includes parents relationship is, of course, critical. Fortunately,
as full partners) develop strategies that will many of the relationship principles and strate-
most effectively optimize the 13 components gies derived from the field of infant mental
of FPI in the context of inclusive community- health can be especially useful for EI profes-
based EI systems? The process outlined later is sionals (see Foley & Hochman, 2006).
designed to enable the team to first establish Gaining information early on about a fam-
broad child goals as prioritized by parents and ily’s configuration, daily schedules, job status,
then develop short-term objectives and inter- and general interests will enable more produc-
vention activities for those FPI components tive and comfortable subsequent discussions
that are linked to each prioritized child goal. about their child’s development and related
Accordingly, selecting intervention activities behavioral patterns. These early meetings will
in the context of child goals consistent with also facilitate the gathering of more detailed
the DSA’s developmental mechanisms of in- information about FR and their potential in-
fluence and that have a substantial evidence fluence on the selection and implementation
base constitutes a process guiding “what to of specific objectives and intervention activi-
implement.” ties (see later discussion regarding the influ-
As a consequence of this process, team ence of FR). Subsequent but still preliminary
members are provided with a common con- meetings would include discussions of exist-
ceptual and evidence framework and a cor- ing child assessment information and how a
respondingly common language to facilitate family’s activities and routines are already or
effective communication. Moreover, this pro- might be affected by their child’s develop-
cess provides the overall structure for devel- mental and behavioral patterns in various con-
oping specific intervention plans required by texts. Further child-specific assessments may
most countries with well-developed systems be recommended and arranged, including par-
of EI. A prime example is the Individualized ent reports and more formal testing of the
Family Service Plan and the Individualized Ed- child’s current level of social and cognitive
ucation Program required by PL 99-457 in competence. This would include functional
the United States (Education of the Handi- assessments to identify behavioral patterns ev-
capped Act Amendments of 1986). Taken to- ident in settings and situations that frequently

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Developmental Systems Process and Practice 177

occur. A wealth of assessment tools are avail- r Playing independently and constructively
able capturing a wide range of childrens’ abili- r Developing self-help skills
ties to assist in intervention program planning r Playing jointly with others and in a pro-
(Guralnick, 2005b; McConnell & Rahn, 2016). ductive manner
Consistent with recommended outcomes r Communicating needs clearly
for families (Bailey et al., 2006; Bailey, r Engaging in efforts with others to solve
Hebbeler, Olmsted, Raspa, & Bruder, 2008), problems and acquire knowledge
also discussed in these early meetings, are ex- r Responding to requests to start, stop, or
pectations about EI services as articulated in modify activities
relevant laws, the importance of advocating These goals are certainly not exhaustive and
on behalf of their child, how the EI team op- overlap to some extent, but each is important
erates within the family context, the way com- in its own right. Discussions of broad child
munity services are organized, and the avail- goals and priorities as expressed by families
ability of services in the local community. It is help organize the process of identifying spe-
these services and supports as well as others cific objectives and intervention activities. It
that are to be integrated into the plan designed further provides an opportunity to discuss ex-
to enhance components of FPI. amples of children’s development and behav-
ior for each of these goals in the context of
CHILD DEVELOPMENT GOALS daily activities (McWilliam, 2010). As a con-
sequence, more concrete information about
Once the early information gathering, in- a child’s strengths and concerns is obtained
formation exchange, and initial relationship in an informal, relaxed manner. It also makes
building are complete, the process shifts to apparent that EI efforts are designed to foster
the identification of potential broad child child outcomes that are functional, as goals
goals in the context of family priorities. It is represent child social and cognitive compe-
this process that will ultimately lead to short- tence expressed in common and highly val-
term objectives and intervention activities fo- ued family activities.
cusing on those components of FPI that are
connected to selected child goals. Moreover, FPI: OBJECTIVES AND INTERVENTION
discussions of broad child goals and family pri- ACTIVITIES
orities at this stage of team interaction help
further build relationships between families Following identification and discussion of
and EI professionals and emphasize the family- three to four high-priority child goals, the in-
centered nature of EI (Dunst, 2017). tervention team introduces those FPI that are
The broadly conceptualized child goals closely associated with supporting identified
listed next are central to discussions of chil- child goals. This critical phase of the EI pro-
dren’s developmental patterns and reflect cess provides the conceptual framework that
themes found in developmental assessment is linked to influencing child goals (i.e., estab-
protocols. For each goal, parents are encour- lished FPI developmental pathways capable of
aged to elaborate upon and generate a nar- influencing child social and cognitive compe-
rative of their child’s developmental and be- tence compatible with selected child goals).
havioral patterns including current status and Based on this information, the team designs
expectations. Child goals presented for dis- an integrated array of short-term objectives
cussion are as follows: and intervention activities that constitute the
r Participating in family activities and rou- initial EI program. Although the intervention
tines itself is designed to enhance the quality of
r Exploring the environment indepen- selected components of FPI in the context
dently and gaining information of family priorities identified in discussions
r Communicating for social purposes of child goals, the specific intervention

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

activities and settings in which intervention tervention activities to be carried out within
activities are to take place must be orga- typical family activities and settings. Families
nized by considering the child’s developmen- would determine the contexts (e.g., meals,
tal level, behavioral patterns, and special in- playtime) and identify as many key settings
terests, as well as any other factors that or circumstances as possible that are most
would enhance FPI. As indicated in Figure likely to prompt children to communicate
1, each FPI component is embedded within needs and to encourage communication for
the three domains of parent–child transac- social purposes in order to maximize engage-
tions, family-orchestrated child experiences, ment. Objectives and intervention activities
and child health and safety as provided by the designed to promote a discourse framework
family. Ideally, objectives and corresponding also would be guided by children’s develop-
intervention activities selected by the team mental level and related child characteristics,
consistent with these pathways will have a including their special interests, strengths,
strong evidence base as supported by inter- and constraints.
vention science. More specifically, extensive evidence is
Accordingly, within the DSA framework, available for a wide range of vulnerable groups
the team’s initial focus is not directly on indicating that a discourse framework can
child developmental milestones or skills but be promoted by ensuring parent responsiv-
rather on the details of the components of FPI ity to child cues and rapid responding contin-
that are relevant to broad child goals and to gent upon the child’s behavior, maintaining
the more specific circumstances and contexts the child’s interest in activities by following
identified by families. This initial focus on the the child’s lead, verbally elaborating on the
quality of FPI is designed to emphasize the de- topic at hand, and maximizing balanced ex-
velopmental influences at work that will form changes, among other strategies that can be
the core of the intervention team’s activities integrated within a specific context (Landry,
and to further orient all involved to a problem- Smith, Swank, & Guttentag, 2008; Shire, Gul-
solving process that is consistent with the srud, & Kasari, 2016; Trivette, 2003). Objec-
DSA principles of relationships, comprehen- tives would be developed for this cluster of
siveness, and continuity. By carefully select- discourse-related patterns in identified con-
ing FPI components relevant to high-priority texts focusing on encouraging and support-
child goals, a common language and common ing children’s communication of needs and
set of concepts become central to EI team for social purposes. Ideally, contexts would
discussions and continue to further the devel- be carefully mapped and records maintained
opment of a meaningful partnership between to ensure opportunities for frequent engage-
families and professionals. ment in intervention activities.
Adult learning models utilizing sequences
A PROCESS EXAMPLE of teach—model–coach–review and varia-
tions of coaching techniques constitute valu-
As an example, family priorities for child able EI discourse-relevant strategies (Kemp
goals of “communicating needs clearly” & Turnbull, 2014; Wright & Kaiser, 2017).
and “communicating for social purposes” Early intervention professionals provide im-
would suggest that one intervention approach mediate feedback based on observations of
should be designed to promote a discourse parent–child interactions as well as through
framework. This is a developmental pathway ongoing consultations often using video to
that is part of the parent–child transaction do- capture interactions in the selected contexts
main of FPI. Following assessments discussed and specific family activities (Poslawsky et al.,
later, it is at this point that specific objectives 2015; Siller, Hutman, & Sigman, 2013). Strate-
intended to promote a discourse framework gies, including those designed to foster a dis-
would be developed, with corresponding in- course framework, are often implemented in

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Developmental Systems Process and Practice 179

a curriculum format with manualized proto- information and interaction patterns gener-
cols and corresponding outcome measures ated through enhanced FPI quality. It could
with time-specific expectations. Particularly also be due to the influence of child-level or-
at early stages, many of these intervention ganizational processes such as motivation or
activities promote easily measured relation- emotion regulation that constrain the display
ship resources, that is, parent sensitive re- of competencies in both formal testing and
sponsiveness, positive affect, and engagement less familiar naturalistic situations. This high-
(see Guralnick, 2019a). The long-term conse- lights once again that EI constitutes a problem-
quence of intervention activities is intended solving process ideally conducted with recog-
to build on these relationship resources to nition of the systems nature of the complex
strengthen deeper relationships in the form interactions that exist among the components
of a discourse framework that promotes iden- at all the levels illustrated in Figure 1.
tified child goals. As noted, initial assessments of FPI com-
ponents as part of this process are likely to
EVALUATION reveal that many families do already provide
a high-quality discourse framework. In these
Screening and assessment tools (including instances, the EI professional’s role is to
those for a discourse framework) are avail- continue to emphasize the importance of
able or can be modified to evaluate the three these and other parent–child transactions
relationship processes directly (e.g., Biringen, and the opportunities that exist in numerous
Fidler, Barrett, & Kubicek, 2005). Evaluations well-defined contexts. Nevertheless, periodic
specific to a discourse framework, in particu- assessments of the quality of a discourse
lar, can benefit from analyses of recordings of framework and formally assessed child
parent–child activities commonly used in re- communicative development over time may
search studies to capture dyadic interactions. reveal subsequent concerns (stressors), as it is
In the absence of normative values for these quite common for problems to arise as devel-
dyadic measures, however, it is the responsi- opment proceeds and parents and children
bility of the entire team to specify expecta- encounter challenging circumstances and
tions for discourse framework measures and tasks. Clearly, continuity of EI is essential even
have them reflected in the objectives. Periodic if minimal involvement of the team is required
assessments will determine the frequency and during certain developmental periods. Vari-
intensity of corresponding intervention activ- ous risk factors at the level of the child and
ities needed. It is also important to supple- the level of FR may be useful in alerting the
ment the measurement of objectives associ- EI team as to which subgroups of children or
ated with supporting a discourse framework families are likely to require more intensive in-
through intervention activities with direct volvement or modification of intervention ac-
measures of child outcomes. These could be tivities over time to enhance the quality of FPI.
derived from the dyadic interactions observed
or based on measures taken in other naturalis- COMPREHENSIVENESS
tic settings. Standardized measures related to
communication in this case could also be uti- Following the DSA principle of compre-
lized to provide a different perspective of the hensiveness, child goals related to “commu-
child’s communicative development. nicating needs clearly” and “communicating
Of importance, in some instances, a lack for social purposes” can and should be fur-
of correspondence will exist between en- ther supported by and coordinated with other
hancements in FPI quality that occur and as- FPI components. Enlisting FPI components
sessed child outcomes. Such a lack of corre- related to family-orchestrated child experi-
spondence is not uncommon and may reflect ences is most common (see Figure 1). These
the need for more time for children to prac- DSA components might include a focus on a
tice, integrate, and consolidate the specific child’s special needs, resulting in objectives

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

and intervention activities carried out in a can be anticipated on the basis of etiologic-
clinical setting to improve articulation or to specific information (Iarocci & Petrill, 2012).
reinforce parent–child discourse objectives. Additional information gathered at the level
In many instances, a combination of parent– of the child can also be utilized to adjust inter-
child discourse objectives and intervention ac- ventions for various components of FPI. Im-
tivities along with clinician objectives and in- portantly, adjustments in FPI at any time may
terventions can be most effective (e.g., Kaiser also be required on the basis of information
& Roberts, 2013). Similarly, coordinating the obtained from components at the level of FR.
DSA parent–child discourse framework objec- Accordingly, before establishing FPI-specific
tives with child care objectives or preschool objectives and intervention activities, it is ad-
program objectives to encourage teacher– visable to determine risk and protective fac-
child or caregiver–child transactions that cor- tors associated with FR.
respond with parent–child transactions, par- The quality of components of the personal
ticularly in connection with a discourse frame- characteristics of the parents and their mate-
work, provides a level of consistency and rial resources noted in Figure 1 can substan-
comprehensiveness that further contributes tially influence the ability of families to opti-
to children’s social and cognitive competence mize many of the components of FPI. Preex-
(Dickinson & Porche, 2011; Spilt, Koomen, & isting risk factors at the level of the family or
Harrison, 2015). stressors to FR created by their child’s charac-
The EI team can also help identify quality teristics will help determine which objectives
inclusive programs, as benefits to language and intervention activities are feasible at the
and communication and to social interaction outset. Conversations about FR can be diffi-
in these settings have been well documented cult and require a high level of sensitivity on
(Guralnick & Bruder, 2016; Justice, Logan, the part of other team members, especially of
Lin, & Kaderavek, 2014; Phillips & Meloy, the service coordinator who will often take
2012). Advocacy on the part of families on this responsibility. Focusing on child goals
supported by the EI team may be required initially as noted previously, along with ear-
to find the most appropriate local child care lier conversations about the family configu-
or preschool setting. A key point here is ration and aspirations, can provide a sense
that each of the 13 FPI components may for both a family’s strengths and constraints
be relevant to varying degrees to the child and also help further strengthen the parent–
goals selected and should be considered in professional relationship.
the context of short- and long-term plans Utilizing formal assessments for many of the
to ensure both comprehensiveness and components of FR provides a more structured
continuity over time. Admittedly, these team basis to determine risk and protective fac-
efforts to build a conceptually coherent and tors at this level (see Kelly, Booth-LaForce, &
evidence-based comprehensive plan will Spieker, 2005). Many such measures are avail-
require considerable coordination, with re- able including those that rely on parent self-
sources dependent on many service sectors. report. Interventions directly addressing fam-
As child development is a consequence of ily risk factors, often carried out through refer-
a system of linked influences, successful rals to and consultations with community ser-
interventions associated with each of the FPI vices, can strengthen families and help mini-
generate a cumulative benefit. mize any adverse influences on FPI. Informa-
tional materials and discussions of factors gov-
FAMILY RESOURCES erning child development and consideration
of other strategies specific to areas of concern
Early intervention requires a constant series identified, such as increased parental stress
of minor and major adaptations as the pro- (Orsmond, 2005), can parallel the broader in-
cess moves forward. On occasion, difficulties tervention program focusing on components

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Developmental Systems Process and Practice 181

at the level of FPI. Of note, the need for different groups and contexts and to settings
community-based services for children at risk with more limited resources (see Sandbank
for developmental problems due to family re- et al., 2020).
source risk factors (environmental risk), par- How then, can communities construct and
ticularly characterized by poverty and insta- arrange a conceptually sound and empirically
bility in its many forms, continues to con- supported EI program? The suggestion in this
stitute an extraordinary challenge (Reynolds, article is that there appears to be a sufficient
Ou, Mondi, & Giovanelli, 2019). Community- conceptual basis for and corresponding em-
based EI approaches consistent with the DSA pirical evidence to support interventions that
to address this complex problem have been are consistent with the developmental pro-
proposed (Guralnick, 2013, 2019a). cesses associated with each of the 13 FPI of
the DSA and that can be adapted to the influ-
WHAT TO IMPLEMENT IN INCLUSIVE ences of child-specific stressors and FR (Gu-
COMMUNITY-BASED PROGRAMS ralnick, 2019a). In this way, the conceptual
and evidence framework organized within the
Given the vast array of comprehensive or fo- DSA serves as a filter to apply to the vast
cused EI programs and curricula as well as the array of interventions that are available de-
numerous specific strategies and correspond- spite widely different child patterns of inter-
ing intervention activities that are available, a acting and developmental concerns as well
key question is what should be implemented as FR (see Figure 2). The principles of rela-
in the ever-increasing number of inclusive tionships, comprehensiveness, and continuity
community-based programs to generate indi- provide guidance as well for program design,
vidualized programs for children and fami- and available evidence indicates that the de-
lies. Indeed, EI research has been extraordi- velopmental pathways identified within the
narily productive, generating numerous inter- DSA are relevant to all children, irrespective of
ventions with differing theories of change, de- vulnerability (Guralnick, 2019a). Accordingly,
grees of specificity, instructional paradigms, this overarching framework provides a devel-
and expected range of application to diverse opmental rationale in support of principles
populations. Many have been designed for related to children’s rights and, more specif-
specific groups of children whether defined ically, to philosophical, legal, and legislative
categorically or etiologically (e.g., biological considerations for constructing truly inclusive
risk, autism spectrum disorder, Down syn- community-based early childhood programs
drome). Despite these differences, evidence- (Brown & Guralnick, 2012; Bruder, 2010).
based interventions that have been developed Finally, as indicated at the bottom of
have generally followed what might be best Figure 2, the entire EI process can benefit
described as an EI translational research cy-
cle (see Guralnick, 2019b for details). Col-
lectively, EI studies that have followed this
translational process have generated strong
support for overall effectiveness as well as
momentum to establish, expand, and refine
EI programs throughout the world (Gural-
nick, 2019a,b). At the same time, as might be
expected, the diversity of interventions that
were prompted in part by the heterogeneity
and complexity of children and families has re-
sulted in varying degrees of confidence in EI Figure 2. A framework for implementing a com-
outcome effectiveness. This is the case, espe- prehensive and inclusive community-based early
cially when seeking to generalize findings to intervention system.

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

from the emerging work of colleagues in into community practices is certainly as com-
the field of implementation science (Cur- plex as generating the practice evidence itself
ran, Bauer, Mittman, Pyne, & Stetler, 2012; (Kemp, 2020). This long-term and demand-
Fixsen, Blase, Metz, & Van Dyke, 2013; Halle, ing process involving developmental and in-
Metz, & Martinez-Beck, 2013). As illustrated in tervention science, including knowledge of
Figures 1 and 2, a well-defined set of develop- risk and disability, will also require admin-
mental mechanisms organized within a con- istrative structures and supportive resources
ceptual framework and based on intervention consistent with the developmentally oriented
science supports a process for establishing ef- principles and practices outlined previously.
fective inclusive community-based programs The collective result is designed to generate
across the entire EI period. The task of apply- optimal inclusive community-based practices
ing current and newly emerging evidence de- capable of substantially enhancing children’s
rived from the EI translational research cycle development and family well-being.


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