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Name : Chika Putri Apriyani Naibaho

NIM : 2201121026
Class : English Education 2020 B
Cause and effect Essay of Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity is a multifaceted fitness matter. It takes place when a teenager is well
above the ordinary or strong weight for their age and their height. The cause of excess weight
gain in young people are comparable to those in adults, together with factors such as a person’s
actions and inheritance. Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that
presents a risk to health. Food and physical environment and also our genes are factors
influencing people to have obesity problem. There are a great deal of causes and negative effects
of obesity in children, but likely there are ways to hinder or even discontinue the spread of this
turning point. When we think about the problem, we began to point fingers at fast food
restaurants. Nowadays the number of junk food restaurant especially in Indonesia grow rapidly
because government don’t have any regulation about food nutrition that must be sold and the
demand of junk food is very high. For example, people can various choices of junk food
restaurant in one mall like Mc Donald’s, KFC, Burger King, Chicken Story, and many others.
Parents of this current generations are living busy life and perhaps lack of time, they
provide junk foods to children instead preparing healthy food. Parents and the teachers should
spread awareness about balanced and unbalanced diet. Because health is wealth, they should
have adequate time to educate their children about suitable nutrition. Because of the abundance
and availability unhealthy foods, children are very prone of becoming over weight. Childhood
obesity is also related to a emotional troubles such as worry and hopelessness, low self-esteem,
and lower self-reported quality of life. Some children overeat as a way of dealing with problems
in their lives or living under emotional stress and boredom and the lack of financial resources can
play another part of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is thought to not only result in
emotional matters, poor nutrition, or lack of financial resources, but yet also genetics. Genetics
are a cause of obesity in children, because metabolic rate disorder can be inherited. If one of a
child’s parents are obese, the child has about a 50 percent chance of becoming obese however,
it’s more likely to become lifestyle a child inherits.
The technique used to prevent childhood obesity is by keeping the weight from coming
back. Such technique requires great effort as overweight is not just a hit and run problem, where
the child can simply drop the weight and be free from obesity the rest of their life. It’s always
easy to get overweight than to lose weight. A child who lived a sedentary lifestyle with bad
eating habits is at higher risk of getting back to such habits because such habits are just east to
follow. This why parent and nutrition should sit together and set a plan for the child. The plan
should include the restriction of fast food and soft drinks, limitation of time allocated for
watching television or computer, and promotion of physical activity. This plan must be
monitored and supervised by parents and a physician to ensure the elimination of any side effects
that might occur from the prevention plan.
The conclusion, childhood obesity is now considered a global pandemic. There are
multiple causes that lead certain children to become obese. Genetic factors and environmental
conditions play a great role in the early development of childhood obesity. Therefore, parents
should be aware of their children life style and the food they consume to avoid such health
problems in their later adulthood. As for prevention of childhood obesity, it is also recommended
that parents, physicians and nutritionists set together to set the proper plan.

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