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AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi Vol 10 (2), April 2019, 119-134

p-ISSN: 2085-9643
e-ISSN: 2502-6380 Influence Of Thin Capitalization…
Prastiwi&Ratnasari, Thehttp://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/aj



Dewi Prastiwi
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Renni Ratnasari
Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Received: August, 2018
This study aims to analyze the effect of thin capitalization and executives’
characteristics based on tax avoidance. The sample consists of 38 manufacturing
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2011-2015 and they will be
Reviewed: April, 2019 determined by several criteria. The results of multiple regression analysis shows
that the thin capitalization and executives’ characteristics positively affect tax
avoidance. These results are consistent with the view that companies tend to
Accepted: April, 2019 increase interest of their debt (thin capitalization) to minimize the tax burden and
the executives’ characteristics has an important role in the action.

Keywords: Executives’ Characters, Tax Avoidance, Thin Capilatization.

How to cite: Prastiwi, D & Ratnasari, R. (2019). The Influence Of Thin Capitalization And The Executives’
Characteristics Toward Tax Avoidance By Manufactures Registered On ISE In 2011-2015. Akrual:
Jurnal Akuntansi. 10 (2): 119-134. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.26740/jaj.v10n2.p119-134

INTRODUCTION weakness of tax law to reduce the amount of tax

Tax is a fixed expense of a company, reducing due. Those that have been proven to commit tax
the amount of income and, thus, it is not avoidance are not always wrong since there are
surprising if various efforts are conducted both many provisions in taxation that encourage the
legally and illegally for tax saving. The effort to companies to reduce their tax due and
minimize tax in legal mean is oftenly called tax additionally there is a vague existence of tax
planning or tax sheltering (Suandy, restrictions (gray area), especially for all
2016:1)According to Zain (2008:67) tax transactions deemed as complex (Dyreng et al.,
avoidance is one of the tax planning actions that 2010).
can be executed through the profit processing to The tax avoidance phenomenon was
reduce the amount of tax imposition that the revealed in 2016, with the release of an
company does not want. In addition, research by investigative document called Panama Papers.
Butje dan Tjondro (2014) argues tax avoidance The document is processed by ICIJ
is an act of obtaining profit by utilizing the (International Consortium of Investigative

AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi, volume 10, issue 2, April 2019 (119-134)

Journalist) containing 11.5 million investigation eroded due to the practice of profit shifting.
results of 214,000 multinational companies International tax systems and differences in tax
including shareholders and company directors. It rates have caused the tax transfer scheme to
reveals the involvement of world important increase. For example, attempt to exploit the
people by conducting offshore company business weaknesses of Double Taxation Agreement
agreements in order to hide their assets (DTA) to minimize tax burden, manipulate
(Sudiarta, 2016). transfer pricing, thin capitalization, etc. (Arifin,
In term of Panama Papers, ICIJ has 2014).
previously released similar documents such as One of the biggest losses in tax revenue is
Swiss Leaks (2015) concerning Swiss HSBC due to tax reduction on high debt level, driving
Bank case which allegedly helped its customers many developed countries to adopt thin
in 203 countries to avoid tax payment capilatization rules in their attempt to protect
obligations with an aggressive tax reduction their state's tax base. Thin capitalization is the
scheme in their country of origin, especially in practice of tax avoidance through altering the
Europe with total value of US$ 119 billion. debt structure to be larger than capital. This
According to Swiss Leaks data, Indonesia ranked practice arises as a result of a tax regulation
95th country involved in the tax evasion case stating the difference between the treatment to
with value of US $ 134.1 million (Deddy, 2015). interest as a return on debt and dividend as a
Table 1. 91-100 Ranked Countries in Swiss return on return on stock investment. It is a
Leaks Case (in USD millions)
condition that a multinational company
Rank Country Value
91 Palestine 148.9 especially having a special relationship will
92 Madagascar 146.3 practice thin capitalization by increasing the
93 Peru 141.2
amount of debt financing with high tax rates to
94 Mauritius 141.0
95 Indonesia 134.1 gain benefit from the interest reduction on the
96 Sudan 131.0 basis of corporate tax imposition.
97 Hungary 122.5
98 Latvia 121.8 Government efforts to prevent this
99 Chad 120.7 practice are issued on Article 18 paragraph (1) of
100 Tanzania 114.0
Income Tax Law, which gives authority to the
Data Source: Projects ICIJ, 2015 (processed by
authors) Minister of Finance in determining the amount
of ratio between debt and company capital for
Based on the number of customers about tax calculation purposes. However, it has a lack
100 customers recorded in the Swiss Leaks case of clarity in the determined comparative
(ICIJ, 2015), Indonesia ranked 74th. It can magnitude, causing the postponement of the
illustrate that state tax revenue continues to be regulation. In 2015, the government issued
120 Copyright @ 2019 AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi
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Regulation of Minister of Finance Number is to place trustworthy people with the expertise
169/PMK.010/2015 as a follow-up to the to observe and create the scheme according to
prevention of thin capitalization practice. the executives’ expectation (Dyreng et al.,
Taylor and Richardson (2012) analyze 2010). Budiman and Setiyono (2013) argue the
thin capitalization, multinationality and tax more the corporate executives possess any traits
havens as independent variables in the scheme of of risk takers, the higher the level of avoidance
international tax avoidance practices. The result of the tax. Therefore, researchers want to test on
proves that thin capitalization significantly the executives’ characteristics whether it has a
influences tax avoidance. Thin capitalization positive effect on tax avoidance.
uses countries with high tax rates to obtain tax Based on the phenomenon described
incentives from the interest, while low tax rates above, the research tends to combine previous
are often used as fund by multinational studes’ variables (Taylor and Richardson, 2012;
companies by utilizing tax haven. Thin Ismi and Linda, 2016; Butje et al., 2014;
capitalization is a major trigger in multinational Budiman et al., 2013; Dyreng et al., 2010). Tax
corporations' tax evasion attempts. However, a avoidance is proxied by the composite result of
study conducted by Ismi dan Linda (2016) states Book Tax Difference (BTD), abnormal BTD and
that although many companies do thin Tax Shelter (Taylor & Richardson, 2012; Hanlon
capitalization, the results do not show any & Heitzman, 2010; Desai et al., 2006).
influence on tax avoidance. Hence, by this This study employs all manufacturers
exposure the researchers want to retest the listed on the IDX for the period 2011-2015 as its
relationship between thin capitalization and tax population. The population selection refers to the
avoidance. 2014 Bank Indonesia report, informing that the
In addition, the researchers also add an manufacturing sector ranked second largest
independent variable of executives’ recipient of foreign debt after the financial sector
characteristics because the decision to implement and contributed 30% to the Gross Domestic
thin capitalization depends on them. The Product (GDP). Meanwhile, the study chooses
statement that company executives have an the period of 2011 until 2015 because in that
important role in determining the tax avoidance period tax revenue underwent a reduction. Based
scheme executed by the company is supported on the background and elaboration of the results
by a research conducted by Dyreng et al. (2010) of previous studies, the authors tends to examine
and Budiman & Setiyono (2013). A company the effect of thin capitalization and executives’
executive’s role has not only an abillity to add characteristics on tax avoidance behaviors.
value to the company but also a tendency to
support tax avoidance. One of the ways they do
AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi, volume 10, issue 2, April 2019 (119-134)

LITERATURE REVIEW committing their behavior. Then they will make

Theory of Planned Behavior a decision to do it or not. This can be attributed
In accordance with Azwar (2013:9), psychology to company policy in conducting tax planning.
takes a look at human behavior as complex and Taxpayers who perform their tax planning well
simple reaction, in which a set of certain can pay tax in a minimum amount of taxpayer
behaviors exists to be used by the individuals to awareness (behavioral beliefs).
survive. Thin Capitalization
Azwar (2013:12) also notes that the theory As one of tax avoidance schemes, thin
of behavior develops and is modified by Ajzen capitalization is the practice of financing a larger
to be Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). TPB number of company branches or subsidiaries by
explains that the behavior caused by an interest rather than using equity capital. The
individual arises as there is an intention to practice arises because of differences in tax
behave. Meanwhile according to Ajzen in Azwar treatment regarding loan interest and dividend.
(2013:13) the emergence of intention to behave Interest cost is one of the deduction elements in
is determined by three factors, namely: the calculation of taxable income. Contrarily,
1. Behavioral Beliefs dividend is not an element in term of reducing
They refer to notions individuals believe that taxable income (Kurniawan, 2015:241).
there would be a result of a behavior and Thin capitalization often happens caused
evaluation of certain activities. by the reason of financing a subsidiary, whereby
2. Normative Beliefs the parent company will contribute in the form
They consist of all normative expectations of debt (not capital). Thus the subsidiary will be
from others and motivation to fulfill those burdened with interest cost as a deduction from
expectations. taxable income, and at last the amount of the
3. Control Beliefs subsidiary tax due would also decrease (Rahayu,
Control Beliefs embody the existence of 2010).
things considered to support or to inhibit a Income Tax Law in Indonesia has
behavior that will be displayed, and also how regulated thin capitalization, in article 18
strong an individual's perception regarding paragraph (1). This article sets Minister of
things that support and inhibit that behavior. Finance has an authority to issue a decision
Regarding the study, the theory of planned regarding the magnitude of the ratio between the
behavior is relevant enough to explain taxpayers’ company debt and capital for the purposes of
behaviours in fulfilling tax obligation. Generally, calculating taxable income as a tax basis paid
before doing something, every individual will under the Income Tax Law. Regarding its
have confidence in the results obtained from execution, Decree of the Minister of Finance
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Number 1002/KMK.04/1984 was issued. It f. Taxpayer in infrastructure business.

stipulates the maximum ratio of debt and equity Executives’ Characteristics
which is three compared to one (3:1) Executives are individuals who have important
(Kurniawan, 2015:242). positions in leadership system in a company or
However, the implementation of the an organization. They have a goal to achieve the
Decree of Minister of Finance Number company vision by giving influence on all
1002/KMK.04/1984 subsequently underwent company aspects so that it plays a big role on
suspension for the release of the Decree of decision making, even the risky one.
Minister of Finance No. 254/KMK.1/1985. It Low (2006) states, during performing its
occured as there were concerns that could obligations, a company leader usually has two
obstruct the development of businesses in different characteristics in decision making,
Indonesia. namely risk taker and risk averse. Executives
In 2015, the government reissued with risk taker traits have more courage in taking
regulations relating to the ratio of debt and risky business decisions with big profits for the
capital due to the increasing number of tax company. Meanwhile, those with risk averse
avoidance practices in Indonesia by utilizing characteristics will tend to dislike risk so that
corporate financing through debt. Minister of they possess less courage in taking a big
Finance Regulation Number 169/PMK.010/2015 business decision. Risk is always related to the
states that: profits that will be obtained by the company, in
1. The highest debt to equity ratio as mentioned which the risk could be interpreted as a deviation
in article 1 paragraph 1 is set 4:1. from the income that will be received by the
2. Excluded from such provision is: company. The greater the income deviation is,
a. Banking taxpayer the greater the risk would arise. Investors must
b. Funding institution taxpayer face opportunities or possibilities emerging
c. Insurance and reinsurance taxpayer from differences in expected results with results
d. Oil and gas mining, general mining and that actually occur (Penman et al., 2007).
other mining taxpayer which are bound in Similarly, Paligorova (2010) defines
sharing contract, work contract or joint corporate risk as the volatility of corporate
mining working agreement, and such earnings proxied by the standard deviation
contract or agreement require a specific formula. Based on this statement, it can be
debt to equity ratio; and concluded the company risk is a standard
e. Taxpayer whose all income is subject to deviation or deviation from profit, and the
final income tax under tax law and deviation could be considered less or more than
regulation, and what has been planned by the company. The
AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi, volume 10, issue 2, April 2019 (119-134)

greater amount of income deviation would be Tax avoidance does not mean that you are
directly proportional to the greater risk a completely free from costs. Taxpayers are still
company will face. How big or small the risk is taxed with several costs such as the cost of time
would indicate the executives’ traits are included and energy sacrificed to avoid the tax, and also,
either in the category of risk taker or risk averse there are a number of risks will be borne for the
(Budiman et al.,2013). disclosure of tax evasion. These would damage
Tax Avoidance the reputation—the company can loose it at
State revenue from the tax sector is the biggest severe, and long-term business continuity
source for State Budget (APBN), compared to (Ngadiman and Puspitasari, 2014).
other revenue sources such as non-tax revenues The Committee of Fiscal Affairs from
and grants. In Indonesia, taxation adheres to self EOCD in Suandy (2016:8) states there are three
assessment tax collection system, whereby each traits of tax avoidance, which are:
of taxpayers has an authority to calculate, pay 1) There is an artificial element, in which
and report their own taxes. Therefore, honesty various kinds of rules are made as if they
and taxpayer compliance in completing their exist yet they do not, and it happens because
obligations are highly needed. However, most there is no any tax rule stipulating.
taxpayers have desire to minimize tax obligation 2) The use of loopholes from the Law by
in various ways, either in a way that still fulfills stipulating legal provisions in order to
the provisions of taxation (lawful) and ways that achieving certain objectives, which is not the
clearly violate tax regulations (unlawful). actual purpose intended by the legislator.
Taxpayers' attempts of minimizing tax 3) Utilizing consultant service to perform tax
obligations but still following taxation provisions evasion by means or methods that meet the
are considered tax avoidance (Suandy, 2016:8). requirements of taxpayers.
Tax avoidance is an effort made to reduce There are some of means executed by
taxes, yet the doer still obeys tax regulations companies due to tax avoidance, as follows:
such as by utilizing exception and tax deduction 1. Transferring the subject and/or tax object to a
that are not prohibited, or by delaying taxes country that has tax or tax relief facility or by
through all transactions not regulated in the tax selecting a substantive tax planning.
regulations (Budiman and Setiyono 2013). Jacob 2. Strengthening the economic substance of a
(2014) also defines tax avoidance as an transaction through formal tax planning that
intentional act by reducing tax liability from the can provide the lowest tax expense.
amount that should be paid to the tax authority 3. Utilizing the provisions of anti-tax avoidance
through efficient planning by taking advantage over transfer pricing, thin capitalization,
of loopholes within tax provisions. treaty shopping and controlled foreign
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corporation (spresific anti avoidance rules), The Influence of Executives’ Characteristics

and other transaction which has no any to Tax Avoidance
business substance (general anti avoidance Corporate executives play a very important role
rules). in determining the tax avoidance scheme in a
Hypothesis Development company. It is strengthened by a research
The Influence of Thin Capitalization to Tax conducted by Dyreng et al. (2010) and Budiman
Avoidance & Setiyono (2013). The company executives’
Double tax agreement is used as a scheme to role is not only able to add value to the business
divert corporate profits by financing companies but also has a tendency to support tax avoidance.
through debt (thin capitalization). Rahayu (2010) One of attempts executives choose is to
defines thin capitalization as a loan in the form place trustworthy people with the expertise to
of money or capital from shareholders by observe and create tax avoidance schemes
financing its subsidiaries, a holding company according to the executives’ expectation (Dyreng
will contribute in the form of debt (not capital). et al., 2010). Budiman and Setiyono (2013)
Hence, the subsidiary will be burdened with the stated that the more corporate executives are
interest expense which is a deduction element in considered risk takers, the higher the level of tax
the calculation of Taxable Income, and avoidance would be. To test the executives’
eventually, subsidiary tax due is also reduced. characteristics against tax avoidance, it is
A study conducted by Taylor and formulated through the following hypothesis:
Richardson (2012) uses thin capitalization as one H2: Executives’ characteristics positively
of its independent variables in the international influence tax avoidance.
tax avoidance mechanism. It is called as thin
capitalization as companies will generally RESEARCH METHODS
increase interest-based debt and it causes the Research Approach
capital becoming small. The result of the The study employs quantitative research as the
research proves that a number of companies with approach method, as it aims to test a
large debt structure tend to commit tax predetermined hypothesis (Sugiyono, 2015:8).
avoidance. To test thin capitalization for tax The data sources are in the form of audited
avoidance, the following hypothesis is financial statements from all manufacturers
formulated: listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in
H1: Thin capitalization positively affect tax 2011-2015 accessed from its official website
avoidance. (www.idx.co.id).
Population and Sample
The population consists of all manufacturing
AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi, volume 10, issue 2, April 2019 (119-134)

companies listed on IDX Fact Book since 1. Book Tax Difference (BTD)
January 2016. The sampling method used was It is the difference between reported income
purposive sampling. Pusposive sampling is a before tax (commercial income) and taxable
method by taking samples from the population income (fiscal profit) of company i in year t
based on certain criteria (Hartono, 2013:61). The divided by total asset belonging to company t-1.
research sample has been selected in accordance BTD measurement refers Hanlon and Heitzman
with the following criteria: research (2010), formulated as follows:
1. The company is registered on IDX in 2011- 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑥 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑖𝑡 − 𝑇𝑎𝑥 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑖𝑡
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑖,𝑡−1
2. The company publishes complete audited 2. Abnormal Book-Tax Differences

financial statements during the study period. Abnormal book-tax differences refer to

3. The company has a pre-tax amount above 0 measurements in Desai and Dharmapala (2006),

(no loss) calculating by realizing total book tax

4. The company has no fiscal loss. It causes the differences on total accrual. The residual value

company not to be taxed since taxable profit obtained from the regression result would be

is used to reduce the amount of fiscal loss in used as a proxy to measure tax avoidance.

the previous year. Abnormal BTD is formulated as follows:

5. The company has positive effective tax rate. 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝐵𝑇𝐷⁄𝑇𝐴𝑖𝑡 = 𝛽𝑇𝐴𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽μ 𝑖 + 𝑒𝑖𝑡

6. The company has complete data which are In which:

needed in the study. BTD it = Book tax difference of company
i in t-year
Regarding to all criteria, the study obtains 38 TA it = Total accrual of company i in t-
companies as the sample for per year. year
= (profit before tax – operating
cash flow) / total asset t-1
Research Variables and Operational μi = The average value of company i
residual in years t of the
Definition equation abnormal book tax
The dependent variable used is tax avoidance. difference in the period of study
εit = The deviation value of the
Tax avoidance is defined as an effort to reduce average of company i residual
taxes legally, meaning that they still strive to 3. Tax Sheltering

comply with the provisions of taxation Tax sheltering is a tax planning designed to

regulations. Tax avoidance (TAVO) is measured avoid taxes without any economic risk or loss. It

by using a composite of Book Tax Difference could be obtained from the sum of μi and εi,t, the

(BTD), Abnormal BTD and Tax Shelter (Taylor results of the abnormal equation regression of

& Richardson, 2012; Hanlon dan Heitzman, BTD, refering to the measurements of Desai and

2010; Desai et al., 2006). Dharmapala (2006).and formulated as follows:

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𝑇𝑆𝑖𝑡 = 𝜇𝑖 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 safe harbor debt amounts (SHDA). This model is

In which:
also used by Taylor & Richardson (2012) in his
TSit = Tax Sheltering
μi = The average value of company i research when calculating thin capitalization.
residual in years t of the equation Below could describe the steps for each variable
abnormal book tax difference in
the period of study used to measure the SHDA, but the ratio of debt
εit = The deviation value of the average and capital following the Minister of Finance
of company i residual
Regulation Number 169/PMK.010/2015:
4. Composite Measure of Tax Avoidance SHDA = (the average of total asset − non– IBL)x 80%
In which:
Composite measure of tax avoidance is a • Non-IBL (Interest-Bearing Liabilities) are
composite value of three measurements of tax obligations of non-interest companies, a
avoidance above (Book Tax Difference (BTD), liability that has relation to interest. MAD
Abnormal BTD and Tax Shelter) to measure could be figured out as follows:
corporate tax avoidance.
𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑏𝑡
Each value of the tax avoidance measurement MAD ratio =
𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑆𝐻𝐷𝐴
for all companies is calculated by the percentile
rank from each sample that shows the position of • Average debt is the amount of debt with the

the level of corporate tax avoidance, and CMTA company interest in the t-period

value of each company would emerge from the The ratio of MAD (maximum amount debt) is

average of the total percentile rank. The higher calculated according to the equation of thin

the CMTA value is, the higher the indication of capitalization. A company whose MAD ratio

tax avoidance would be. is more than the equation is considered to be

𝐶𝑇𝑀𝐴𝑖𝑡 = [𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝐵𝑇𝐷𝑖𝑡 + 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝐴𝐵𝑇𝐷𝑖𝑡 potentially non-compliant with the provision
+ 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑇𝑆𝐻𝐸𝐿𝑖𝑡 ]: 3
of thin capitalization because the average
Independent variables used to influence the debt level exceeds its SHDA level.
dependent variable, and those are thin
2) Executives’ Characteristics
capitalization and executives’ characteristics.
Low (2006) states that a company leader in
1) Thin capitalization performing his duties has two different
Thin capitalization is a company practice whose characters in decision-making, namely risk taker
assets are funded by higher debt levels and lower and risk averse. In accordance with Butje and
levels of esquity in its capital structure Elisa Tjondro (2014), to look at the traits of the
(Kurniawan, 2015:241). The position of thin leader and to assess how brave the company
capitalization is figured out by utilizing a safe executives in taking risks can be seen by looking
harbor test, which involves the calculation of at corporate risk.
AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi, volume 10, issue 2, April 2019 (119-134)

Paligorova (2010) measures corporate ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION

Description of Research Variables
risk by standard deviation equation from
EBITDA (earning before income tax, Table 2. Descriptive Statistics
Variabel Std.
depreciation and amortization) divided by total N Min Max Mean Deviation
THIN 190 .1263 2.7698 .626942 .3374377
assets of the company. The high level of
CRISK 190 .0046 .4880 .080089 .0677998
corporate risk will show the bias of executives, TAVO 190 .0230 1.0000 .523830 .2760263
risk taking or risk averse. Corporate risk is 190
formulated as follows: Source: data processed by SPSS (Descriptive

CRISK = √∑(𝐸 − 1/𝑇 ∑ 𝐸) 2 /(𝑇 − 1)

𝑇−1 𝑇−1
In accordance with table 4.1, the first
independent variable, thin capitalization,
The double regression equation could be
measured by the ratio of MAD (maximum
formulated below:
amount debt) and symbolized by THIN, has a
Regression model:
mean value of 0.6269 or 63%. It shows that the
𝑇𝐴𝑉𝑂𝑖𝑡 = 𝛼0 + 𝛽1 𝑇𝐻𝐼𝑁𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2 𝐶𝑅𝐼𝑆𝐾𝑖𝑡 average level of the company thin capitalization
yields 63% of the total sample. The minimum
TAVOit = Corporate tax avoidance i in t year value of THIN in the research sample is 0.1263
with proxy TAVO (composite
result of three tax avoidance or 13% belonging to Mandom Indonesia Tbk., in
measurements). 2011, meanwhile the maximum value arises

α0 = Constants. from Jembo Cable Company Tbk., in 2011 for

β1-2 = Regression coefficient of each 2.7698 or 277%.
THINit = MAD Ratio, by comparing the The executives’ characteristics as the
average debt of the company i with second independent variable, measured by
the results of the company i's
SHDA in t year. corporate risk and symbolized with CRISK, has
CRISKit = Executives’ traits are proxied by
corporate risk by using standard a mean value of 0.0800 or 8%. It means that the
deviation from EBITDA. average level of executives’ characteristics is 8%
I = Company analyzed in the study
T = Year of Research of the total sample. Concerning the sample, the
The data analysis method for answering the minimum value of CRISK is 0.0046 or 0.5% by
problem formulation is a descriptive statistical Ricky Putra Globalindo Tbk., in 2013. On the
analysis and regression analysis by using SPSS other hand, the maximum value of CRISK is
version 22. 0.4880 or 49% by Mayora Indah Tbk., in 2015 .
Table 4.1 denotes the research dependent
variable, tax avoidance, which is measured using
the composite value of Book Tax Difference
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(BTD), Abnormal BTD, and Tax Sherltering, meaning the these two independent variables
and symbolized by TAVO, has a mean value of influence tax avoidance (TAVO).
0.5238 or 52%. It means that the average level of The Discussion of the Result
tax avoidance is 52% of the total sample. The The Influence of Thin Capitalization to Tax
minimum value of TAVO is 0.0230 or 2% by Avoidance
Jembo Cable Company Tbk., in 2012, and the Regarding to the results of hypothesis testing on
maximum value of TAVO is 1,000 or 100% by Table 4.2, the testing of thin capitalization by
Unilever Indonesia Tbk., in 2015. using the MAD (maximum amount debt) ratio to
Significance Test of Parameter of Individual tax avoidance has a regression coefficient of
Data (Statistical Test t) 0.107 and a significance probability value of
Statistical test t is conducted to find out how 0,047 or less than the specified level of 0.05 or
much significance level or influence of each 5%. The coefficient indicates the existence of
independent variable are in explaining the positive relationship between thin capitalization
variation of the dependent variables (Ghozali, and tax avoidance which means that the higher
2013:97). The level of significance employed in the MAD ratio is, the higher tax avoidance
this t-test is 5% (0.05), meaning the risk of would be, or vice versa. The result also depicts
mistakes in decision making is 5%. The the practice of thin capitalization by companies
significance test of individual data parameter influences tax evasion. To sum up, the first
results as follows: hypothesis that states thin capitalization has a
Table 3. The Result of Significance Test of positive effect on tax avoidance can be accepted.
Parameter of Individual Data In addition, the result points that tax
Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig
Coefficients Coefficients . avoidance practice through making debt
B Std.
Error structure much larger than capital (thin
(Constant) .474 .044 10.695 .000
THIN .107 .056 .130 1.917 .047 capitalization) is one of the attempts to minimize
CRISK 1.453 .277 .357 5.251 .000 the corporate tax burden. The emergence of thin
a. Dependent Variable: TAVO
capitalization is due to the existence of rules in
Source: data processed by SPSS (Coefficients)
taxation provisions that gives different treatment
On table 4.2, it indicates thin to interest and dividend as a form of return on
capitalization (THIN) has a significance share investment in the company. Payment of
probability value of 0.047 and the executives’ interest on loans is a deductible expense to
characteristics (CRISK) exhibits the value of calculate the amount of taxable income, while
0.000. Both of them have a significance dividend payments are costs that cannot be
probability value which is less than the diminished.
significance level determined of 0.05 or 5%,

AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi, volume 10, issue 2, April 2019 (119-134)

The theory supporting the first hypothesis d. Financial expenses in finance leases.
is the theory of planned behavior, describes that e. The cost of compensation for the guarantee in
the company has certain intentions to maximize returning the debt.
its profits by minimizing tax burden. Due to the f. The difference of an exchange rate obtained
effort, the company commits thin capitalization from loans in foreign currencies.
by increasing the interest loans obtained from The ratio value of debt with capital owned
shareholders. Companies that receive all interest- by the company is not permitted to exceed the
bearing loans will be burdened with deductible stipulated limit. If the magnitude of the ratio
interest costs in calculating the taxable income. exceeds the specified limit, the costs on the loan
The smaller the taxable income is, the smaller may only be charged according to safe harbor
the tax burden would be. limit. The table below would exhibit the limit of
Thin capitalization generally requires ratio between debt and equity or debt equity ratio
partners or affiliation as its debt financing effort (DER) in several countries:
in countries with higher tax rates in order to Table 4. The Provisions of Thin Capitalization
obtain greater reduction in the basis of Rules in Some Countries
Requirement of
Country Limit of Ratio
imposition. The steps the government takes in Ownership
Japan DER 3:1 Ownership < 50%
handling the practice of thin capitalization is the Australia DER 3:1 Ownership < 15%
issuance of the Decree of Minister of Finance Canada DER 2:1 Ownership > 25%
United States
Number 1002/KMK.04/1984 concerning the of America DER 1:1 Ownership 50%
magnitude of ratio of debt to capital, which has Source: Ning Rahayu (2010)

been previously deferred by the Decree of

Thin capitalization rules applied in
Minister of Finance Number 254/KMK.01/1985.
Indonesia are still larger with the limit of ratio of
Subsequently, considering a greater number of
debt to capital of 80%, compared to the other
companies utilizing corporate financing through
countries which generally sets 75%. This has
interest debt, the government issued Regulation
prompted companies to continue to practice thin
of the Minister of Finance Number
capitalization because of provisions that are
169/PMK.010/2015 with the amount of debt to
deemed not to burden the company to tax
equity ratio (DER) set at the highest of 4:1.
These following points are loan fees,
The results are consistent with research by
included in the costs borne by the company
dilakukan Taylor and Richardson (2012) which
related to the loan it receives:
shows that companies that have a greater debt to
a. Loan interest.
capital ratio will tend to be made to optimize
b. Discount or premium related to loans.
profits from minimizing corporate income tax.
c. Additional costs for obtaining a loan.
130 Copyright @ 2019 AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi
Prastiwi&Ratnasari, The Influence Of Thin Capitalization…

However, Ismi andLinda (2016) in their study Ricky Putra Globalindo Tbk., has CRISK
argues that the interest-based debt restrictions value of 0.0046 with TAVO of 0.3146 which
imposed by the company do not affect the means risk averse traits dominantly exist, to take
company actions due to the lack of tax less tax avoidance actions. Whereas Mayora
processing practices with optimized company Indah Tbk., possesses the largest CRISK value
debt ownership. of 0.4880 with a TAVO of 0.9890 indicating that
The Influence of Executives’ Characteristics the executives’ characteristics is considered risk
to Tax Avoidance takers by highly doing tax avoidance actions.
On Table 4.2, the testing of the executives’ Moreover, corporate executives have
characteristics by using corporate risk to tax influence in making risky decisions to obtain
avoidance has a regression coefficient of 1.453 profits for the company. One of the ways used to
and a significance probability value of 0.000 or maximize company profits is to minimize the tax
smaller than the determined significance level burden or to divert income through tax
which is 0.05 or 5 %. The regression coefficient avoidance. Company executives place trustees
shows the existence of a positive relationship whose expertises are to observe and create tax
with tax avoidance which means that the greater avoidance schemes according to what executives
the risk of the company is, the greater tax expect. Shortly, the executives do not directly
avoidance would be, or vice versa. The results of take part in these actions.
testing indicates that the characteristics of the Based on the description above, it can be
executives influence tax avoidance. It can be concluded that the results of the research
concluded if the second hypothesis is accepted. denoting that the executives’ characteristics
Additionally, the increase or decrease in influence tax avoidance. It supports the research
corporate risk describes the executives’ of Dyreng et al. (2010) which argues that the
characteristics. The high value of corporate risk executives’ characteristics has a role in
(CRISK) exhibits the risk taker as traits which supporting tax avoidance actions, and Budiman
has a large tendency to avoid tax compared to et al. (2012) notes that if the company executives
the value of corporate risk (CRISK), as are risk takers, the higher rate of avoidance
evidenced in the following data: would be taken.
Table 5. The Minimum and Maksimum values
of Corporate Risk (CRISK) & the Value of CONCLUSIONS
TAVO 1. Thin capitalization has a positive effect on tax
CompanyName CRISK TAVO
Ricky Putra Globalindo Tbk. 0,0046 0.31467 avoidance, in which the higher the practice
Mayora Indah Tbk. 0,4880 0.98900 thin capitalization is conducted, the higher tax
Source: data processed by authors.
avoidance actions would be executed. It

AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi, volume 10, issue 2, April 2019 (119-134)

means that manufacturers that commit thin Minister of Finance Number

capitalization can reduce interest payments at 169/PMK.010/2015. The occurrence happens
a higher level against reported taxable because the limit of the ratio between debt
income. This causes the tax burden to be and capital set in Indonesia is relatively larger
smaller and more efficient, followed by a than the limits set by other countries. Hence,
higher level of tax avoidance most companies tend to avoid taxation by
2. Executives characteristics positively increasing their interest-bearing debt.
influence tax avoidance, meaning that the 2) The result of the study shows the executives’
greater corporate risk indicates, the more risk characteristics influence tax avoidance.
taker traits belong to the executives, the Therefore, the executives are expected to pay
higher level of tax avoidance would be. attention to the magnitude of the corporate
Manufacturers with high corporate risk value risk before setting a policy. It purposes to
represent the condition whereby the risk-taker facilitate the company in deciding the level of
executives’ characteristics have a tendency to risk, and thus, it can yield a policy concerning
prefer high risk with high expected profit optimal tax avoidance.
levels, therewith higher tax avoidance to 3) For further research, the study recommends to
minimize the tax burden. use other international tax avoidance
Limitation practices, so that it is possible to find
Limitation in research consists of as follows: different influences besides the practice of
1) The period of the study only uses 5 (five) thin capitalization such as transfer pricing,
years, emerging to limited research data. treaty shopping, and controlled foreign
2) The research population only uses corporation (CFC).
manufacturers and, thus, the research
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