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Linda Nur Fauzhiah
NIM F31180611




Linda Nur Fauzhiah
NIM F3118061

Presented as one of the requirements for the completion of Study in A Three-Year

Diploma Program at the English Study Program of Language, Communication
and Tourism Department Politeknik Negeri Jember





Examined on: 29 October 2021

The Board of Examination

The Chairperson,

Asep Samsudin, S.Pd., M.Li.

NIP. 197210052003121001

The Secretary,
The Member,

Yuslaili Ningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd. Alfi Hidayatu Miqawati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIP. 197404102003122001 NIP. 19854132015042007

The Supervisor,

Yuslaili Ningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIP 197404102003122001

Approved by,
The Chair of Language, Communication, and Tourism Department

Enik Rukiati, S.Pd., M.Pd

NIP 19740910 200212 2 0

The writer would like to dedicate this final project to the writer's two
beloved parents Mr. Yatmo and Mrs. Iswati who always support, pray and
motivate the writer in finishing her final project.

'' Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt.
Start with hand shaking. Start with voice trembling; but start. Start and don't
stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just start''


I who is undersigned :
Name : Linda Nur Fauzhiah
NIM : F31180611

I state that the report of the final project entitled “Making a Booklet As
Promotional Media Of LKP IYI Pasuruan” is my real work, except where the
source is cited, and never submitted to any institution, and it is not a work of
plagiarism. I am responsible for the correctness of the information published and
must uphold a scientific attitude.

Thus, this statement I made with real, without any pressure and
coercion from any party, and willing to receive academic sanctions if it turns
out later this statement is not true.

Jember, 29 Oktober 2021

Linda Nur Fauzhiah

NIM F31180611


Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, saya:

Nama : Linda Nur Fauzhiah
NIM : F31180611
Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris
Jurusan : Bahasa, Komunikasi dan Pariwisata

Demi pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan, saya menyetujui untuk

memberikan kepada UPT. Perpustakaan Politeknik Negeri Jember, Hak
Bebas Royalti Non- Eksklusif (Non-Exclusive Royalty Free Right) atas
Karya Ilmiah berupa Laporan Tugas Akhir saya yang berjudul:



Dengan Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusifini UPT. Perpustakaan

Politeknik Negeri Jember berhak menyimpan, mengalih media atau format,
mengelola dalambentuk pangkalan data (Database), mendistribusikan
karya dan menampilkan atau mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media
lain untuk kepentingan akademistanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya selama
tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagaipenulis atau penciptanya.
Saya bersedia untuk menanggung secara pribadi tanpa melibatkan
pihakPoliteknik Negeri Jember, Segala bentuk tuntutan hukum yang
timbul atas Pelanggaran Hak Cipta dalam Karya ilmiah ini.
Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di : Jember
Pada Tanggal : 29 Oktober 2021
Yang menyatakan,

Nama : Linda Nur Fauzhiah

NIM : F31180611


Making A Booklet As Promotional Media Of LKP IYI Pasuruan, Linda Nur

Fauzhiah, NIM F31180611, 2021, 26 pages, English Study Program, Politeknik
Negeri Jember, Yuslaili Ningsih S.Pd., M.Pd., (supervisor)
LKP IYI (Indonesian Youth Institute) is one of the non-formal English
language education located in Pasuruan. The purpose of conducting this product
was to make promotional media of LKP IYI in Pasuruan because LKP doesn't
adequate promotional media to promote the educational programs offered. The
benefits of this booklet is to deliver information about LKP IYI clearly. Morever
this booklet provides an interesting picture and good editing. Making this final
project the writer used four data collection methods, there were interview,
observation, documents, audiovisual material. The writer used four steps in
making booklet, those were identifying the problem, designing the concept,
making the sript and producing.

In addition, the writer determining concept. In this step, the writer will
make the concept of the booklet. The writer will make a booklet in bilingual
version (Indonesian language and English language). First, the writer will write a
script in Indonesia version. The writer will write the script about the history of
LKP IYI and the description of every kind of educational program. Then the
writer will translate it into the English version. After finished, the writer will give
the English script to supervisor to language use and grammar check, the writer
will revise it based on the supervisor’s feedback. After the script is completed, the
writer will make the design layout of the booklet. The size of the booklet is 14 x
21 cm, this booklet is made by using Corel Draw X7 for designing the layout.
Starting from the cover, the template of the page, add some pictures of LKP IYI,
add the script (including the history of LKP IYI, motto, vision and mission,
learning program, levels of class program, facility, cost, learning method,
achievement, and contact person. After rechecking the design and the script, then
the writer asked an editor to help her in making booklet based on the writer’s
concept, after finished the writer will bring the soft file of the booklet to the

printing press center for printing and binding the booklet using art paper. In
conclusion, the authors hope that this promotional media can make LKP IYI more
easily introduce its educational program for customers. and certainly more widely
known in the community.

The writer would like to praise to Allah SWT who has giving His grace
and guidance, so the writer can complete the final project entitled “Making A
Video as Promotional Media Of LKP IYI Pasuruan”. The completion of this final
project cannot be separated from the assistance of several parties. Therefore, the
writer would like to thank all parties including:

1. Saiful Anwar, S.T.P., M.P., as the Director of Politeknik Negeri Jember

2. Enik Rukiati, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Chair of Language, Communication and
Tourism Department, Politeknik Negeri Jember
3. Fitri Wijayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd, as the Final Project Coordinator of Language,
Communication and Tourism Department, Politeknik Negeri Jember.
4. Yuslaili Ningsih S.Pd., M.Pd., as the supervisor who has advised the
writer in conducting this final project
5. Asep Samsudin,S.Pd., M.Li as the second examiner who gave the writer
feedback for this final project.
6. Alfi Hidayatu Miqawati S.Pd., M.Pd, as the second examiner who gave the
writer feedback for this final project.
7. All lecturer and staffs of English Study Program who always gave the
writer support in finishing this final project
8. Drs. H. Fauzan Suryantara, M.M., as the owner of LKP IYI allow the
writer to do her final project in his institution.
9. The whole family who always support the writer to finish this project.]
10. All friends at English Study Program who always supported the writer to
finished this final project
Finally, the writer expects that this final project will provide
numerous benefits to readers.

Jember, 29 Oktober 2021

The Writer


ENTITLE COVER................................................................................................ii
APPROVAL SHEET ...........................................................................................iii
PUBLICATION STATEMENT LETTER..........................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................xi
LIST OF APPENDICES....................................................................................xiii
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................1
1.1 Background....................................................................................................1
1.2 Objective........................................................................................................2
1.3 Significances..................................................................................................2
1.3.1 For the Writer..........................................................................................2
1.3.2 For Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan IYI..................................................3
1.3.3 For the Costumer.....................................................................................3
1.3.4 For the Students of English Study Program............................................3
1.3.5 For the Reader..........................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE......................................................4
2.1 The Definition of LKP...................................................................................4
2.2 Promotional Media.........................................................................................4
2.3 Kinds of Promotional Media..........................................................................5
2.4 Booklet...........................................................................................................6
2.5 The Procedure of Making A Booklet.............................................................7
2.5.1 The Procedure of Making Booklet by Ardhi...........................................7

2.5.2 The Procedure of Making Booklet by Ardhianto and Purnama..............8
2.6 Bilingualism...................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 3. METHODS...................................................................................10
3.1 Short Description of the Product..................................................................10
3.2 Location and Duration..................................................................................10
3.3 Tools and Materials......................................................................................11
3.3.1 Tools......................................................................................................11
3.3.2 Materials................................................................................................11
3.4 Data Collecting Method...............................................................................12
3.4.1 Interviews..............................................................................................12
3.4.2 Observation............................................................................................12
3.4.3 Documents.............................................................................................12
3.4.4 Visual Materials.....................................................................................13
3.5 The Procedures of Making a Booklet..........................................................13
3.5.1 Identifying the Problem.........................................................................13
3.5.2 Designing the Concept...........................................................................13
3.5.3 Making the Script..................................................................................13
3.5.4 Producing...............................................................................................14
CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION..................................................15
4.1 Result of Data Collecting Method................................................................15
4.1.1 The result of interview...........................................................................15
4.1.2 The Result of Observation.....................................................................16
4.1.3 The Result of Documentation................................................................17
4.1.4 The result of Visual Material.................................................................17
4.2 Result of Making Booklet as a Promotional Media for LKP IYI................17
4.2.1 Identifying the Problem.........................................................................17
4.2.2 Designing the Concept...........................................................................18
4.2.3 Making the script...................................................................................18
4.2.4 Producing...............................................................................................21
4.3 Discussions...................................................................................................22
4.3.1 The Strengths.........................................................................................22

4.3.2 The Weakness........................................................................................22
4.3.3 The Challengers.....................................................................................22
CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION............................................................................23
5.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................23
5.2 Suggestion....................................................................................................23
5.2.1 Suggestion for LKP IYI.........................................................................23
5.2.2 The English Study Program of Politeknik Negeri Jember.....................24


Appendix. 1 Question List of Interview...........................................................26

Appendix. 2 Observation Sheet........................................................................27

Appendix. 3 Validation Sheet...........................................................................28

Appendix. 4 Estimating Budget of Final Project ...........................................38

Appendix. 5 Timetable......................................................................................39

Appendix. 6 Draft Booklet................................................................................40


1.1 Background
Non-formal education is one of the pathways that plays an important role
in people's lives with the purpose of providing learning opportunities to the widest
possible community. Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan (LKP) which is included in
non-formal education also has a role and responsibility to implement quality
education. The explanation on Laws of the Republic Indonesia number 20 of
2003, explained that: courses and training are forms of continuing education to
develop student abilities with an emphasis on mastering skills, competency
standards, developing entrepreneurial attitudes and developing professional
personalities. Meanwhile, Harbison (Marzuki, 2010: 103) explained that the
function of non-formal education is to build skills and knowledge through
channels outside the formal school system. Based on the expert definition it can
be concluded that LKP is a non-formal learning process that is carried out with an
emphasis on certain knowledge and skills which is carried out outside of school

LKP IYI (Indonesian Youth Institute) is one of the non-formal English

language education located in Pasuruan. LKP IYI provides learning programs,
namely: English for Kids, Survival English, English for Communication,
Conversation Class, English for Specific Purpose, Class for Native Speakers,
Chinese language courses, Japanese language courses, computer courses and
accounting courses. LKP IYI also provides TOEFL/TOEIC/EILTS test
preparation classes to assist their users complying with the international standard
in English language competence.

Based on preliminary study, the writer got information that LKP IYI
requires a complete promotional media which can be read directly by customers.

The owner only has several promotional media such as a brochure, Instagram,
Facebook, and website. The Promotional media do not provide specific


information about LKP IYI such as prices, pictures and contact person. Therefore,
promotional media owned by LKP IYI need to be updated to add more complete
and up-to-date information. Based on these problems, LKP IYI needs other
promotional media. One of printed promotional media which provides complete
information about profiles, learning programs, and prices that can show directly to
the customer is a booklet.

The writer decide to make a booklet as promotional media to help

introduce and promote LKP IYI. The writer will make promotional media in the
form of a booklet because the booklet has a design with enough space to put all
the information needed by the customer and the booklet can make the reader get
the information about LKP IYI effectively. The booklet will be in a bilingual
version English and Bahasa Indonesia, because sometimes there are foreigners
who want to learn Indonesian or want to join the English test in LKP IYI.

1.2 Objective
The objective of this final project is to make a booklet as promotional
media for LKP IYI Pasuruan.

1.3 Significances
Based on the objective of this final project, the significances of the report and the
product of this final project are expected to be useful for some parties:

1.3.1 For the Writer

In doing this final project, the writer can apply the abilities in writing (to
write the content of the booklet and the draft of final project report) and her
knowledge in translation (to make the script in Bahasa Indonesia and

1.3.2 For Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan IYI

The product of this final project hopefully can help LKP IYI to promote
their programs by giving complete and clear information to the customer

1.3.3 For the Costumer

The product of this final project can provide the customers to get clear
and complete information about LKP IYI.

1.3.4 For the Students of English Study Program

The report and product of this final project can be used as references for
English Study Program students related to develop a form of the booklet as a
promotional media

1.3.5 For the Reader

This booklet can give detailed information about LKP IYI to the readers.

In this chapter, the writer will explain about reviews of literature related
to this final project. They are the definition of LKP, the definition of promotional
media, kinds of promotional, the definition of booklet, the procedure of making a
booklet and the definition of bilingualism.

2.1 The Definition of LKP

According to Herlinda, et al. (2017) Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan
(LKP) is a non-formal education unit formed for people who need knowledge,
skills, life skills, and attitudes to develop themselves, develop a profession, work,
develop an entrepreneurship, or continue their education to a higher level. Course
and training institutions are non-formal education that is carried out deliberately,
organized, and systematically to provide and improve certain knowledge and
skills in a relatively short time. According to Marzuki (2010: 105), non-formal
education is an educational activity carried out in an organized, planned manner
outside the school system, which is focused on individuals or groups in society to
improve their quality of life. It can be concluded that LKP is a non-formal
education unit that is focused on people who need certain knowledge and skills,
which is implemented in a short time and outside the school system.

2.2 Promotional Media

Promotion is a short-term intensive to encourage the purchase or sale of
products/services (Kotler and Armstrong: 2008). In addition, Maimunah et al.
(2012) explained that media is a medium to convey commercial messages to
consumers through certain media. Based on the description above, it can be
concluded that promotional media is an effort for producers to introduce and
increase sales of products or services to consumers through certain media.


2.3 Kinds of Promotional Media

There are some kinds of promotional media. According to Kasali (1992:
97- 142) as cited in Atikasari (2015), promotional media are classified into four
types, they are as follows:

a. Printed Media
Printed media is a static medium that prioritizes messages with several
words, images in both of colour or black and white such as newspaper,
magazine, brochure, booklet, etc.
b. Electronic Media
Electronic media is a medium with electronic technology that only can
be used if there is a broadcast transmission service only such as, television
and radio.
c. Outdoor Media
Outdoor media is an advertising medium that is used in public places,
such as on the roadside. Examples of this kind of promotional media are
billboards, posters and banners.
d. Lower Line Media
Lower line media is minor media which is used for advertising product.
The types of lower line media are exhibition, direct mail, point of purchase,
and calendar.
In addition, Ardhi (2013) states, promotional media is categorized into
four types. They are Conventional printed media, Printed media advertising,
Outdoor media, and Online media.

a. Conventional printed media

Conventional printed media is the oldest media that has the

characteristics of being printed in a portable form or easy to carry everywhere
and it is valid for a long time. Printed media include flyers, pamphlets,
leaflets, brochures, booklets, company profiles, and business cards.

b. Printed media advertising


Printed media advertising is a kind of advertising media that can be

found in printed media such as newspapers, magazines, and tabloids, which
are placed in certain spots that are easily seen by readers.

c. Outdoor media

Outdoor media is a kind of advertising media used in public and outdoor

places. This media is designed to be more durable and cannot be moved.
Examples of outdoor media are posters, banners, billboards, and ballyhoo.

d. Online media

Online media is a kind of advertising media based on the internet that can
be accessed without having to meet face to face between producer and
consumer. Online media include websites, social media and web banners. In
conducting this final project, the writer will make a booklet. Based on the
explanation above the booklet categorized as a conventional printed media.

From the two statements above, it can be concluded that promotional

media can be divided based on several categories. In this final project, the
writer chooses to make a booklet as a promotional medium. It is included in
printed media advertising and conventional printed media.

2.4 Booklet
The booklet is a book that shows the combination of information in a text
form and visual message of a picture designed creatively and communicatively for
the reader to make the reader understand the content (Kurnia, 2018). In addition,
Ardhi (2013) states that the booklet is a promotional media in the form of a small
book that contains detailed information about the products of a company.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that a booklet is a

promotional media in the form of a small book containing information about a
company's products that are designed creatively and communicatively.

2.5 The Procedure of Making A Booklet

2.5.1 The Procedure of Making Booklet by Ardhi

In making the booklet as promotional media, the writer reviewed the
steps from Ardhi (2013). They are determining the purpose of promotion,
determining the target audience, determining the promotional media,
budgeting, making concept, and producing.

a. Determining the purpose of promotion

The first step of making promotional media is determining the

purpose of promotion. It also becomes the reason why the promotional
media should be made.

b. Determining the Target Audience

The second step is determining the target audience. The writer

has to know for whom the promotional media are provided. So, the
promotional media made will work effectively.

c. Determining the promotional media

The third step is determining the promotional media. The most

important thing is that media used should be effective and appropriate
with the audience or the reader.

d. Budgeting

The fourth step is budgeting. Budgeting is the cost that will be

spent on making promotional media. The cost spent should be as
efficient as possible and give a big effect on the audience.

e. Making a concept

The next step is making a concept. This step includes choosing

the text, layout, and color as well. The text shown in the promotional
medium should have content with clear information. The layout
design should be simple, interesting and completed with pictures.
Besides, color choosing (between pictures and texts) should also be
considered to make the readers get the information.

f. Producing

Producing is the last process of making promotional media.

This step includes printing the media to be readily distributed.

2.5.2 The Procedure of Making Booklet by Ardhianto and Purnama

The writer reviewed the steps of making a booklet from another
reference. According to Ardhianto and Purnama (2008) there are four steps
to make a promotional media, they are identifying the problem, designing
the concept, making the script, and producing.

a. Identifying the Problem

The first step to make a booklet as a promotional media is

identifying the problem. It becomes the most important step because
there should be reasons why the promotional media should be made.

b. Designing the Concept

The second step is to design the concept. Concept helps the

writer make booklet easier. In addition, text selection, layout design,
and colours are very influential. The text must be short and clear, the
design must be attractive and the choice of basic colors must also be

c. Making the Script


The third step is making the script. The script helps the readers
in understanding the pictures of the booklet. The script also gives
detailed explanation of the booklet’s pictures.

d. Producing

The last step is producing. In this process, all the concept that
have been made before is changed to a product in the form of booklet.
This step includes printing and distributing the promotional media.

Based on some theories discussed above, the writer decided to adapt the
theory of making a booklet by Ardhianto and Purnama (2008) because it is short
and easy to understand, and also appropriate with the writer's final project need,
so it helps the writer to arrange the final project.

2.6 Bilingualism
According to Bhatia & Ritchie (2008) bilinguals are often broadly defined
as individuals or groups of people who obtain the knowledge and use more than
one language. According to Aslinda and Leni (2010: 8) bilingualism means the
abilities/habits possessed by speakers in using language.

The writer will make a booklet in two languages using English and Bahasa
Indonesia. The use of bilingual booklet purposes to promote and attract both local
and foreign customers. By bilingual booklet, it is also adding the prestige of LKP
IYI promotional media.

In this chapter the writer explained about short description of the product,
duration and location of making the final project, tools and material, data
collecting method and procedures of making the booklet.

3.1 Short Description of the Product

The product of this final project is a booklet as promotional media of LKP
IYI Pasuruan. The booklet is made in bilingual, English and Bahasa Indonesia
version. It becomes a promotional media which provides information about LKP
IYI. There are three parts of the booklet. They are opening, content, and closing

The first part of this booklet is opening. In the opening there is mention
and explain the general information about LKP IYI, such as company profile,
history, vision and mission and motto. The second part is content, in this part
there will be information about kinds of course programs, levels, facilities, the
cost, learning method, and also the achievements which are obtained by LKP IYI.
The third part is closing, In this part, there are information about testimonies from
the customer, the location of LKP IYI, and contact person of LKP IYI. The
number of pages in the booklet approximately 15 pages. The design is made in a
colorful design and the booklet size is 14 x 21cm.

3.2 Location and Duration

This final project was conducted for ten months starting from February
2021 until November 2020. The data were taken in LKP IYI, Pasuruan and the
process of making booklet was done in Jember.


3.3 Tools and Materials

3.3.1 Tools
In making the product of this final project, there are some tools
needed. They are a camera, laptop, handphone, pen, notebook and Corel
Draw X7.

a. Camera

The use of a camera is for taking pictures in the final project activities.

b. Laptop

Laptop used for making thescript and concept of the booklet.

c. Handphone

Handphone are used for recording the information needed in interview.

d. Pen and Notebook

The pen used is for taking notes about the information needed in an
interview process and also in observation process.

e. Corel Draw X7

Software that was used to edit the booklet is corel draw X7

3.3.2 Materials
The materials in the booklet are based on the results of the data
collecting method. The materials mentioned include the general information
of LKP IYI, the cost of the course program, the facilities, certificate, contact
person, addressed and social media.

3.4 Data Collecting Method 

In making the booklet as promotional media of LKP IYI, the writer
applied the theory from Cresswell (2008). There were interview, observation,
documents, and audio-visual material. 

3.4.1 Interviews
Qualitative interview is when researchers ask one or more participants
general, open-ended questions and record their responses (Creswell, 2012). The
first step to collect data is interview. In this step the writer was interview the
owners of LKP IYI, the writer asked several questions related to LKP IYI such
as history, vision and mission, motto, course programs, the achievements that
have been obtained by LKP IYI and contact person of LKP IYI. The question
list can be seen on Appendix 1.

3.4.2 Observation
Observation is the method of collecting firsthand information at a study
site through observing people and locations (Creswell, 2012). The second step
to collect data was observation. The observation was conducted in LKP IYI
located in Pasuruan Regency. The writer observed the location, facility
provided and the learning method in LKP IYI Pasuruan. The writer observed
by using an observation sheet. The observation list can be seen in Appendix 2.

3.4.3 Documents
The third step is documents. The writer was searching the location of LKP
IYI using Google Maps. The writer collected information about LKP IYI
through existing promotional media there were brochure, Instagram, facebook
and website. The writer known about cost of the learning program at LKP IYI,
student testimonial and the motto, vision, mission of LKP IYI.

3.4.4 Visual Materials

The last step is visual material. In this step, the writer took the pictures
related to LKP IYI by hire photographer to take some pictures, they are
learning activities, the facilities provided, the staff, and also the certificate.

3.5 The Procedures of Making a Booklet

In making booklet, the writer adapted the steps from Ardhianto and
Purnama (2008). The procedures were identifying the problem, designing the
concept, making the script, and producing.

3.5.1 Identifying the Problem

The first thing to do is identify the problem. At this step the writer
analyzed what problems that discussed briefly. The writer visited one of
courses and learning institution in Pasuruan, that is LKP IYI. The owner of
LKP IYI stated that LKP IYI needed a more effective and updated promotional
media, this was because the promotional media previously owned were only
social media such as Facebook, Instagram and websites. This promotional
media has not included all information about LKP IYI. So, the writer decided
to make a booklet as promotional media to help introduce and promote LKP
IYI completely.

3.5.2 Designing the Concept

After the writer identified the problem, the writer design the booklet
concept. The booklet is made in bilingual (English and Bahasa Indonesia), the
content of the booklet explains about LKP IYI profile, history, course program,
the cost of courses, facilities, contact person, social media owned,
achievements and addressed. The basic color of booklet are blue and white,
and the letters of booklet use Times New Roman, Goudy Old Style, Baskerville
Old Face, Arial, and Script Mt Bold.

3.5.3 Making the Script


The third step is making the script. the booklet is made in bilingual,
English and Bahasa Indonesia. First, the writer will write a script in Bahasa
Indonesia version, and then the writer gave the script to LKP IYI owner to get
feedbacks and suggestions for script content and to validate, after that the
writer translated the script into English. The writer gave the script to supervisor
to check the grammar and translation, after that the writer revised it based on
the supervisor's feedback.. The writer used narrative writing style (to tell about
the history of LKP IYI), descriptive writing style (to describe the kinds of
courses and facilities in LKP IYI), and persuasive writing style (to persuade the
readers to join LKP IYI) in making the script of booklet.

3.5.4 Producing
The last step was producing. In this step the writer asked an editor to help
in making booklet based on the writer’s concept and design. The writer also
checked the information in the booklet and made sure that all information
which is included in the booklet matched with the real condition in LKP IYI.
After that, the writer gave the booklet to supervisor and the owner of LKP IYI
to check all of the information and also the design of booklet in order to get
feedbacks and suggestions from them. Then, the writer revised design of
booklet based on suggestions from supervisor and the owner of LKP IYI.

The application that used to make the product is Corel Draw X7 (to make
a draft of booklet). After it had been checked and all of information stated in
the booklet are correct, the product was printed and bound using Art Paper and
Ivory Paper. The writer printed the booklet as much as 8 exemplars (1 for the
writer, 3 for the supervisor and the examiners, 2 for English Study Program
and library of Politeknik Negeri Jember, 2 for LKP IYI).
This chapter discussed the results of collecting data and also the
results of making booklet as a promotional media for LKP IYI. The
discussion is explained below

4.1 Result of Data Collecting Method

The writer used four data collecting methods for collecting the data used in
this final project. They were interview, observation, documents, and visual

4.1.1 The result of interview

The writer did an interview as the first way to collect the data, in this
activity, the writer interviewed the owner of LKP IYI to get data needed for
making the final project product.

First the writer asked Drs. Fauzan Suryantara, M.M. about the history of
LKP IYI. Drs. Fauzan Suryantara, M.M. said that, He established his business
in making LKP in 1988. Currently IYI has produced many graduates spread
across Indonesia, even in several countries in the world. Many of its graduates
are accepted in well-known companies and some of them get scholarships both
at home and abroad.

Secondly, the writer asked about the vision and mission of LKP IYI. The
owner said that vision LKP IYI is ''Realization of Quality, Competitive and
Caring People in the Realization of a Society that is Aware of Education Based
On Faith and Piety''. Missions of LKP IYI are:
1. Providing quality and fun educational services
2. Improving educational resources and graduates who are qualified and have
high competitiveness

3. Building partnerships with government/private institutions and
Business/Industrial World


4. Increasing faith and devotion to God Almighty.

Third, the writer asked about what programs of LKP IYI has. The owner
said that the programs owned by LKP IYI include: English, Japanese, Chinese,
Arabic and Computer.

Fourthly, Fourth, the writer asked about what class programs are in LKP
IYI. The owner said the students at LKP IYI range from Kindergarten students
to adults. They are: English For Kids, Survival English, English For
Communication, Advanced Communication, Conversation Class, English For
Specific Purpose, TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS Preparation Class, Bahasa Jepang,
Bahasa Mandarin, dan Arab, Computer.

Fifthly, the writer asked about the achievements that have been obtained
by LKP IYI. The owner said that LKP IYI has several achievements including:
National level achievement appreciation competition in the field of vocational
education, as the organizer of IT seminars and exhibitions In 2009, the national
non-formal education accreditation, participating the talk show held by
chemistry broadcasting program entitled "Speak Up and Gen Your

Sixthly, the writer asked about contact person. The owner said that to
register for the study program at LKP IYI customers can do it via email and

4.1.2 The Result of Observation

The second data collection method is observation. The writer came to
LKP IYI directly. The writer decided to make observations to find out the
conditions and situation of LKP IYI. The writer made observations during the
pandemic after obtaining permission from the IYI LKP owner. Students who
take part in learning process are not as many as before because of some
students in online learning. First, The writer observed the instructor’s teaching
activity in delivering the material. Then the student are given task related the

material, there are writing and speaking tasks and after that they are discuss
together, the instructor's also gives some games to the students.

Second, the writer did observation of the facilities. LKP IYI provided
several facilities for the students, staff, and the teacher such as learning rooms,
library, computer lab, mosque, parking area, toilets. All facilities are in good
condition and a comfortable learning room.

4.1.3 The Result of Documentation

Documentation is the third data collection method that the writer does to
complete the data. The writer collected information about road access and
location from the internet. The writer used Google maps to access the location
of LKP IYI. The writer collected information from the website, social media
and several documents of LKP IYI such as brochures. The writer gets
information about the student testimonial from collecting written reviews from
students, the cost of the study program through the website and brochures, and
also the motto, vision and mission through social media Instagram.

4.1.4 The result of Visual Material

The last step was visual material. In this step the writer took the pictures
during the pandemic by hiring a photographer. The writer took pictures of the
LKP IYI building, study room, waiting room, front office, teaching and
learning activities, certificates and other facilities of LKP IYI.

4.2 Result of Making Booklet as a Promotional Media for LKP IYI

The procedures of making booklet as a product of this final project were
adapted from Ardhianto and Purnama (2008). The procedures are identifying the
problem, designing the concept, making the script, and producing.

4.2.1 Identifying the Problem

The writer found the problem at one of the courses and training institute
in Pasuruan, especially LKP IYI. LKP IYI which is needed another
promotional media to promote their program and attract more students. So, the

writer decided to make booklet as a promotional media for LKP IYI in order to
fulfill their need.

4.2.2 Designing the Concept

The writer made the booklet in bilingual, Bahasa Indonesia and English.
The booklet gives information about LKP IYI in detail. The writer arranged the
structure of the booklet started from opening, content, and closing. In the
opening part, the booklet gives information about overview and history of LKP
IYI as well as vision, mission, and also motto of LKP IYI. The content of the
booklet is the information about kinds of learning programs, levels of class
programs, facilities, cost, and learning method. Then, in the closing part there
were achievement, testimony, contact person, and the location of LKP IYI.
The writer decided to use blue and white dominant color for her booklet.
The writer thought that those colors are very luxurious. The font in the booklet
used Times New Roman, Goudy Old Style, Baskerville Old Face, Arial and
Script Mt Bold. The size of the booklet is A5 (14 cm x 21 cm) with landscape
orientation. The writer also made a draft of the booklet by arranging the
position of pictures and texts for her product in every page using handwriting
style. Then, the draft was given to the editor and the editor designed the
booklet by the writer’s concept

4.2.3 Making the script

The next step was making the script. The writer divided the script into
three parts. The first part is an opening which describes the overview and
history of LKP IYI as well as the vision, mission, and the motto of LKP IYI.
The second part is the content of the booklet. It consist of learning programs,
levels of class, facilities, cost, and learning method. Then, in the third part there
are information about achievement, testimony, contact person, and the location
In writing the script the writer used descriptive, narrative and persuasive
writing. The first step that the writer took was making a script in Indonesian
before being translated into English. From the script, the writer got feedback

from the supervisor regarding the use of too many sentence, after that the
writer provides the revised script to the owner to consult the accuracy of the
information contained in the booklet.
The booklet is made in bilingual, English and Bahasa Indonesia version.
First, the writer made the script in Indonesian before being translated into
English and submitted it to the supervisor to be corrected. In bahasa indonesia
script, the writer got feedback from the owner, after that the writer gave the
script to the supervisor to consult the accuracy, grammar, standard word of the
information contained in the booklet to get feedback.

Table 4.1 The Sample of Results Language Use Review by The Supervisor
(Bahasa Indonesia Script)
Before Being Reviewed Final Revised Script

Sejarah: Sejarah:

IYI (Indonesian Youth Institute) adalah IYI (Indonesian Youth Institute) adalah
sebuah lembaga kursus dan pelatihan sebuah lembaga kursus dan pelatihan
yang berdiri sejak tahun 1988. IYI yang berdiri sejak tahun 1988. IYI
didirikan oleh Bapak Drs. Fauzan didirikan oleh Bapak Drs. Fauzan
Suryantara, MM, seorang pakar, dunia Suryantara, MM, seorang pakar, dunia
pendidikan. Saat ini IYI telah pendidikan. Saat ini IYI telah
melahirkan banyak lulusan yang melahirkan banyak lulusan yang
tersebar di Indonesia, bahkan di tersebar di Indonesia, bahkan di
beberapa negara di dunia. Lulusannya beberapa negara di dunia. Lulusannya
banyak diterima di perusahaan banyak diterima di perusahaan
ternama dan beberapa diantaranya ternama dan beberapa diantaranya
mendapatkan beasiswa baik di dalam mendapatkan beasiswa baik di dalam
maupun luar negeri. LKP IYI berlokasi maupun luar negeri. LKP IYI
di Jl. Untung Suropati No. 23 Kota berlokasi di Jl. Untung Suropati No.
Pasuruan. 23 Kota Pasuruan.

Table 4.2 The Sample of Results Content Review by The Owner LKP IYI.
(Bahasa Indonesia Script)

Before Being Reviewed Being reviewed


Regular class:

1. English For Kids 1. English For Kids

2. Survival English 2. Survival English

3. English For Communication 3. English For Communication

4. Advanced Communication 4. Advanced Communication

5. Conversation Class Private class:

6. English For Specific Purpose 1. Conversation Class

7. TOEFL/TOEIC/IELS 2. English For Specific Purpose

Preparation Class
8. Bahasa Jepang, Bahasa Preparation Class
Mandarin, dan Arab, Komputer
4. Bahasa Jepang, Bahasa
Mandarin, dan Arab, Komputer

Pengetahuan adalah kunci untuk Ilmu pengetahuan adalah kunci untuk

membuka dunia membuka dunia

After revising the script in Indonesian, the writer started translating it into
English. The writer applied the translating process of communicative
translation and the writer has translated every word of the sentence from
Indonesian into English, by using literal translation. First after the script is
translated into English, the writer consulted it with the supervisor to get
feedback. The writer got feedback about the use of grammar errors, so the

writer needed to revise it and needed to study more to choose the best diction
and the use of grammar for the script.

Table 4.3 The Sample of Results Language Use Review by The Supervisor

Before Being Revised After Being Revised

Build partnerships with

Building partnerships with
government/private institutions and
government/private institutions and
Business/Industrial World
Business/Industrial World

Increase faith and devotion to God Increasing faith and devotion to God
Almighty Almighty

After the writer revised the script, she gave it to the editor as the
writer’s concept in making the booklet. Besides that, the writer also gave the
pictures that were already taken by photographer to the editor to be produced
as a booklet.

4.2.4 Producing

Producing was the last step in making the booklet. In this step, the writer
asked an editor to design the booklet. The editor arranged the script and
pictures using Corel Draw X7 (to make a draft of the booklet) based on the
writer’s concept. After that, the writer checked all of the information that was
stated on booklet. Besides that, the writer also made sure that the result of the
booklet matched with her concept. Then, the writer gave it to her supervisor to
have a total evaluation for the design and also the final script of the booklet.
The writer got feedback and suggestions from her supervisor to make the
design better. Then, the writer revised the design of the booklet based on her
supervisor’s suggestion by asking an editor. After that, the writer did a final
check to make sure that all of the information and design had been matched
with her concept. The booklet was printed out and bound using Art Paper

(content of booklet) and Ivory Paper (front and back cover of booklet). Besides
that, the front and back cover of the booklet was printed out using hard cover.
After all had been printed, the writer distributed the booklet to LKP IYI.

4.3 Discussions

4.3.1 The Strengths

The result of this booklet looks very interesting by displaying many

pictures about teaching and learning activities and selecting the appropriate
font so that it is easy to read. The booklet gave clear and complete information
related to LKP IYI.

In making this booklet, the writer was able to apply her skills in writing
the script and carefully pay attention to every word in Indonesian and English
with detailed explanations and information.

4.3.2 The Weakness

The writer also found many difficulties. The writer found a problem when
making script of the booklet and designing the layout of the booklet. The writer
needed to learn about how to write a good script for the booklet. The problems
were difficulties of choosing a correct diction and grammar that would be used
in the sentences. The writer confused in using grammar. So, the writer should
think hard and need to study more to choose the best diction and the using of
grammar for the script. The writer hired editor to design the booklet by the
writer concept. The weakness of the booklet is that there is no location map
listed because the location of LKP IYI is very strategic and easy to reach.

4.3.3 The Challengers

The challenge that the writer went through in making the product is when
doing the documentation. Some of the photos taken by the photographer hired
by the writer were missing, so the writer had to take other ones at LKP IYI.

5.1 Conclusion

LKP IYI is a course and training institution located in Pasuruan City. LKP
IYI needed additional promotional media to attract more customers. So, the writer
decided to make a booklet as a promotional medium for LKP IYI which aims to
introduce profiles and services to customers who want to take courses and find out
information about LKP IYI in detail. The booklet is not only for domestic readers
but also for foreign readers. Accordingly, this booklet is written in bilingual,
Indonesian and English versions.

The writer took so much time, hard work patience, and effort in finishing
this booklet. The writer also found many difficulties and challenges. The writer
found a problem when making the script of the booklet and designing the layout
of the booklet. The writer needed to learn about how to write a good script for the
booklet. The problems are difficulties of choosing a correct diction and grammar
that is used in the sentences. The writer consulted the supervisor to get feedback
and learn more about grammar. Besides that, the writer did not have a good skill
in editing. She needed to ask an editor to help in finishing her product. This
project gave some benefits for the writer. The writer improved her skill in writing
the script of the booklet, improved her skill in translating and knew detailed
information of LKP IYI.

5.2 Suggestion

After completing this final project, the writer has suggestions for LKP IYI
and the English Study Program of Politeknik Negeri Jember.

5.2.1 Suggestion for LKP IYI

The writer suggests LKP IYI can use this booklet as a media for promoting
their company maximally by distributing this booklet to the customers.


5.2.2 The English Study Program of Politeknik Negeri Jember

The English Study Program of Politeknik Negeri Jember should give

more detail materials in Computer Course about picture editing and designing
using application CorelDraw, PhotoShop, and other related applications
because the students who conduct final project on making a printed media like
booklet need a good skill on editing and designing.


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Appendix 1. Question List of Interview

Interview: The owner of Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan IYI

Place: Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan IYI Pasuruan

1. Bagaimana sejarah LKP IYI?

2. Apa motto, visi dan misi LKP IYI?
3. Program apa saja yang dimiliki LKP IYI?
4. Kelas apa saja yang dimiliki LKP IYI?
5. Penghargaan apa saja yang pernah didapatkan LKP IYI?
6. Adakah Nara hubung yang dapat dihubungi jika ingin bergabung LKP IYI?

Appendix 2. Observation Sheet

No Observation Description

1. Location LKP IYI located in Jl. Untung Suropati No 23,

Kebonagung, Pasuruan.

2. Facilities Facilities provided at LKP IYI include: Learning

room, Library, Computer LabWaiting room,
Mosque, Parking Area, and Bathroom.

3. Learning activities The instructor explains the material based on the

student workbook that is provided by LKP IYI.
the instructor was explaining details and was
making interaction with the students after that
students are asked to answer questions and then
discussion carried out in class by appointing
students one by one. The learning process also
uses game method.

Appendix 3. Validation sheet

Validation sheet is used to make sure that the information that stated in the
booklet is correct.

Validation Sheet of English Script.

No Naskah Bahasa Inggris Saran

1. Foreword 

LKP IYI is one of the English language training

and courses in Pasuruan. The purpose of this booklet
is to provide information about LKP IYI. This
booklet provides information about the history of
LKP IYI, vision and mision, motto, learning
programs, levels of class, teaching and learning
facilities, cost, learning methods, achievements,
contact person and locations, make it easier for you
to determine information about LKP IYI.

2. History 

IYI (Indonesian Youth Institute) is a course

and training institution that was established in 1988.
IYI was founded by Drs. Fauzan Suryantara, MM, an
expert in education. Currently IYI has produced
many graduates spread across Indonesia, even in
several countries in the world. Many of its graduates
are accepted in well-known companies and some of
them get scholarships both at home and abroad.

3. Motto Vision and Mission 

Motto: Science is a key to open the world

Vision: The realization of quality, competitive

and caring people in the realization of a society that
is aware of education based on faith and piety.


1. Providing quality and fun educational


2. Improving educational resources and

graduates who are qualified and have high

3. Building partnerships with

government/private institutions and
Business/Industrial World

4. Increasing faith and devotion to God


4. Kinds of Learning Program 

Foreign Language: English, Japanese, Chinese,

Arabic, and Computer

5. Levels of Class Progams 

Regular class:

1. English For Kids

2. Survival English

3. English For Communication

4. Advanced Communication

Private class:

1. Conversation Class

2. English For Specific Purpose

3. TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS Preparation Class

4. Bahasa Jepang, Bahasa Mandarin, dan


5. Komputer

6. Facilities 

1. Learning Rooms

2. Library

3. Computer Lab

4. Waiting Room

5. Mosque

6. Parking Area

7. Toilets

7. Cost 

Range (510.000 - 4.000.000)

8. Learning Method 

Games, Questions and answer, discussions and

assignments integrated with Information and
Communication Technology (ICT).

9. Achievement 

10. Testimony 

1. Durta

Good Evening my name is Durta. I'am 7 years

old. I love studying english in LKP IYI. I have many
friends there. The teacher is so kind. I can understand
the lesson well. It so fun study here.

2. Diva

I'am 9 years old. I'am so happy to study english

here. That's so fun, we are study and playing game.
Thank you.

3. Chilla

Good Evening my name is Chilla. I'am 8 years

old. I love studying english in LKP IYI. I have many

frieds. The teacher is so kind. I can understand well.

Thank you.

11. Contact Person and Address


Telp: 0343 - 421 033/561 0809



Jl.Untung Suropati No.23

Pasuruan, 21 Oktober 2021

( Drs. H Fauzan Suryantara, MM )


Validation Sheet of Bahasa Indonesia Script.

No Naskah Bahasa Indonesia Saran

1. Prakata 

LKP IYI merupakan salah satu

lembaga kursus dan pelatihan Bahasa
Inggris di Pasuruan. Pembuatan booklet
ini bertujuan untuk memberi informasi
tentang LKP IYI. Booklet ini
menyediakan informasi mengenai
sejarah LKP IYI, visi dan misi, program
pembelajaran, levels, fasilitas belajar
mengajar, biaya, metode pembelajaran,
pencapaian, kontak yang dapat
dihubungi dan lokasi sehingga
memudahkan anda untuk menentukan
informasi mengenai LKP IYI.
2. History 

IYI ( Indonesian Youth

Institute) adalah sebuah lembaga kursus
dan pelatihan yang berdiri sejak tahun
1988. IYI didirikan oleh Bapak Drs.
Fauzan Suryantara, MM, seorang pakar,
dunia pendidikan. Saat ini IYI telah
melahirkan banyak lulusan yang
tersebar di Indonesia, bahkan di
beberapa negara di dunia. Lulusannya
banyak diterima di perusahaan ternama
dan beberapa diantaranya mendapatkan
beasiswa baik di dalam maupun luar

3. Motto Vision and Mission 

Visi: Terwujudnya insan yang

berkualitas, kompetitif dan peduli
dalam perwujudan masyarakat
sadar pendidikan berlandaskan
iman dan taqwa.
1. Memberikan pelayanan
pendidikan yang berkualitas dan
2. Meningkatkan sumber daya
pendidikan dan lulussan yang
berkualitas serta mempunyai
daya saing tinggi
3. Membangun kemitraan dengan
instansi pemerintah/swasta dan
Dunia Usaha/Dunia Industri
4. Meningkatkan keimanan dan
ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan Yang
Maha Esa
Motto: Ilmu adalah kunci pembuka
4. Program pembelajaran 

Bahasa asing: Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa

Jepang, Bahasa Mandarin dan Arab.
5. Program Level Kelas 

Regular class:

1. English For Kids

2. Survival English

3. English For Communication

4. Advanced Communication

Private class:

1. Conversation Class

2. English For Specific Purpose

Preparation Class

4. Bahasa Jepang, Bahasa

Mandarin, dan Arab

5. Komputer
6. 

1. Learining Room

2. Library

3. Computer Lab

4. Waiting Room

5. Mosque

6. Parking Area

7. Bathroom

7. 

Range (510.000 - 4.000.000)

8. Metode Pembelajaran 
Permainan, tanya jawab, diskusi
dan tugas yang terintregasi dengan
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT).
9. Achievement 
Testimoni 
1. Durta

Selamat sore nama saya Durta.

Saya berusia 7 tahun. Saya suka belajar
bahasa inggris di LKP IYI. Saya
memiliki banyak teman disana. Gurunya
sangat baik. Saya dapat mengerti
pelajaan dengansangat baik. Sangant
menyenangkan belajar disini.

2. Diva

Saya berusian 9 tahun. Saya

sangat senang belajar bahasa inggri
disini. Sangat menyenangakan kita
belajar sambil bermain game.

3. Chilla

Selamat sore nama saya Chilla.

Saya berusia 8 tahun. Saya sangat suka
belajar bahasa inggris di LKP IYI. Saya
memiliki banyak teman. Gurunya sangat
baik. Saya dapat memahami pelajaran
dengan mudah. Terimakasih.

Nara Hubung dan Alamat 


Telp: 0343 - 421 033/561 0809


Jl.Untung Suropati No.23


Pasuruan, 21 Oktober 2021

( Drs. H Fauzan Suryantara, MM )


Appendix 4. Estimating Budget of Final Project

No Items Amount

1. Making Product 1.000.000

2. Binding 300.000

3. Transportation 200.000

Total Amount 1.500.000


Appendix 5. Timetable

February March April May June July August September October November
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Writing and
Revising the
Revising a
Making the
Revising the
Writing the
Revising the
report and
the product                                                                        

Appendix 6. Booklet Draft

Picture 6.1 cover

Picture 6.2 Page 1 and 2

Picture 6.3 Page 3 and 4


Picture 6.4 Page 4 and 5

Picture 6.5 Page 5 and 6

Picture 6.6 Page 6 and 7


Picture 6.7 Page 7 and 8

Picture 6.8 Page 9 and 10

Picture 6.9 Page 10 and 11


Picture 6.10 Page 12 and 13

Picture 6.11 Page 14 and 15

Picture 6.12 Page 16 and 17

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